Prophetic Word

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"All after service words are prophetic to my whole body. The other words, Sunday morning and Sunday night, are a combination of prophetic words and prophecies, some to the whole body and some to my local churches"


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10-20-2024 am service

For I say unto you, my children, you need my joy in your heart, without me you can do nothing, says the Lord, no matter what your etc, let me be in your work, says the Lord, I will make it prosper.

10-20-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, this is the hour that I was telling you about in my word, for now it is important that you press into me, says the Lord, to retain your power, your strength and your hope in My Spirit, says the Lord. Cast all the thing upon me, says the Lord, for you cannot carry them.  Therefore, I say unto you, lift up yourselves in the Holy Ghost, says the Lord, lift up yourselves in my word and don’t try to keep the work on yourself, but cast it all upon me, follow me, says the Lord, stay refreshed in My Spirit. 

10-6-24 am service

For I say unto you, my children, every day is a new day for you, says the Lord, rise and shine, says the Lord, for it’s a new day, says the Lord, the things of yesterday are gone.  Rise up I say, rise up, says the Lord, and put on your dancing shoes, says the Lord, it’s a new day, a new day from today. 

10-6-24 pm service

etc when you look out your window what do you see, says the Lord, by my window, I mean my word, what do you see when you look through my word, says the Lord, what is your world showing you, says the Lord, in my word?  For is it not the time to seek my word on what is to come, says the Lord? It’s time to run with me, says the Lord, it is time to get into my word, it’s time to stand upon my word and not go and do the things that you desire but what I desire to do, says the Lord.  For you have my things that you want to do but you have to place me first, says the Lord.

9-15-24 am service

etc says the Lord, and it decapitates those things that don’t belong to you and it decapitates those things that aren’t my will to you.  Therefore slay with my sword, know my word, speak my word, don’t do what the enemy wants you to do, don’t say what the enemy wants you to say but use my word, says the Lord.   

9-8-2024 am service

For I say unto you, my children, you need my joy in your heart, you cannot go through this life victorious without my joy in your heart, says the Lord.  When you fail to seek me you don’t have joy, you need my joy, for when you do not seek me it’s like the wind blowing, you collect all the garbage and the filth all around you, says the Lord, it weighs you down, it make you ineffective to do the things I have called you to do.  Therefore, I say unto you, set your eyes upon me, focus on me, get that joy, says the Lord and be set free.  

8-25-2024 am service

For I say unto you, my children, I have called you here, I have placed you here, says the Lord, I’ve not called you to roll over and die, says the Lord, for I’ve called you to rise up for what I have called you for, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, what Spirit do you have within you, says the Lord, is it a fleeing Spirit or is it a Spirit that says I will overcome, I will rebuild, says the Lord?  Therefore, I say unto you, call upon my name, seek me, says the Lord, I am the mighty counselor, I am the mighty God, if you have doubts come to me, says the Lord.  You should not have doubts, for you should know, you should know by now where you have been set in place, says the Lord.  For how long, how long have you sat here, says the Lord, how long have you known the words that I have spoken to you in private times, says the Lord, you should know, says the Lord.  Know, seek me, says the Lord, seek me, for I have those that I have placed here and can do this work, says the Lord.  For I’ve called them, I’ve called you, says the Lord, they have their own work to do, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, get with me, find out, hear, says the Lord.  

8-25-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, I want to shower you with my love, says the Lord, I want my love known by all men through you, for the love I’ve poured out on you, says the Lord, shall shine through you, says the Lord.  Therefore, continue to press into me that my love can flow out of you, says the Lord, for this world needs my love.

8-11-2024 pm service

I just want to say as you call upon me I answer you, says the Lord, those who seek me they will find me, for everyone who seeks me they will find me, for even as you seek me you will get divine direction as to how you shall do things that you will see change in people because you’re following me and not man.  So look not, not to man, but look to me for word says (inaudible) my wisdom and guidance and as you step out in faith, the faith that I have given unto you and you shall not only see that change come in you, you shall see that change come to those around you.  With just the following of the Spirit, as you hear my voice, you shall hear it in a mighty and powerful way. Therefore, I say unto you, be sensitive to My Spirit like never before, let this prayer be yours that (inaudible) up from me, that just in the moment of time, pray to me to receive, for the more of me you have rising up is within you my (inaudible) the more of My Spirit that moves in a mighty and powerful way.  Therefore, come again and to seek me with your whole heart, put everything into it that you’ve got, to lay down all the hindrances, words and everything that your prepared to run the race with me, for this race is a light race, for my burdens are not heavy, they are not burdensome, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, learn my ways, learn my peace, for in me is all the fullness of joy, in me is the peace that passes all understanding, in me is everything that you need.

8-4-2024 am service

The word of the Lord says, etc you will find me; you will always be on my heart.  When we call upon the Lord he will answer us, it doesn’t matter what our need is, it doesn’t matter what it is, as you call upon me, the name above all names, the name that has the power to break everything the enemy holds over us, to call upon the name of Jesus salvation comes into our lives like you’ve never seen before.  So I am encouraging you today to call upon the name of Jesus, for he is there, he is the same God, he will answer, he will give you what you have need of.  But the Lord is also showing me that sometimes we as people try to do things in our own way, in our own strength and many times we fail, because we are not moving in his strength in our lives with all the Father has given to us, because he has given us in his word promises that we can do all things through him that strengthens us.  So I want you to be reminded of the word of the Lord today, which is, call upon me, the Lord, and you shall be saved as you call upon him, that name that is above every other name that everything must bow to the name of Jesus.  As you call upon the name of Jesus we will receive salvation and that word salvation does not just mean that when we ever go to heaven, because we received him as our Lord and Savior that salvation means he has saved us, he has rescued us from the hands of the enemy.

7-28-24  am service

For I say unto you, my children, as you continue to press into me, as you continue to worship me, says the Lord, new growth is coming upon you, says the Lord, increasing my kingdom upon this earth as you press in closer and closer to me, says the Lord.  Until the day I call you out, says the Lord, as you continue to grow as I have said, never shrink back, don’t wither or fade away but continue to press into me, says the Lord, that the harvest can come. 

7-21-2024 am service

etc. hearts open, there is nothing I would hold from you, my children, for as you call upon my name I am there, I hear you, I give unto you everything that you have need of.  For it is an hour to not think that you can to do it on your own, for it is I that you have need of, I will be your strength, I will be your song, I will give you joy when there is sorrows, I will give you peace when there is a mess, I will give you everything that you need. It is an hour to draw close to me like never before to know who I am, to know me, not just as your God, but as your Father, you Abba Father, the one who will take care of you, the one who delivers, the one who saves, the one who gives everlasting life.  So come to me all you who are weary and I will give you rest, I will give you strength, I will give you what you have need of, but you must come to me, says the Lord, you must come to me for I am here for you.   

7-21-2924 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, remember who you are, you are royalty, keep your eyes on me and my word, says the Lord, for in the days you are living in you need to be focused on me and not the things going on around about you, says the Lord.  For things round about you will distract you to get your eyes off me that you fall into the devil’s traps, says the Lord.  Keep your eyes on me and you’ll stay in the safety of the fold, says the Lord and I will reveal to you the things coming upon the face of the earth.  As my angels minister unto you and My Spirit ministers unto you as you pay attention to my word and meditate upon my word, says the Lord, that you are wholly engulfed in My Spirit at all times, says the Lord, none of the things that you see shall affect you, says the Lord.   

7-12-2024 am service

For I say unto you, my children, be open to My Spirit, be sensitive to My Spirit, says the Lord, be open to me at all times, says the Lord, that I can speak to you, that I can show you the things that I am doing, says the Lord, that can uplift you, says the Lord that you don’t get down and discouraged.  If you’re down and discouraged you’re not listening to me, you’re not hearing the things that I am showing you, you’re listening to the enemy’s words.  Therefore, I say unto you, keep yourself open for me on my frequency, says the Lord. 

Know what my word has said, for therein lies the truth that you can build upon, the truth that you can stand upon, the truth that will never be shaken or never be moved.  For I have given you my word as your guide that you could find the things that you needed, for my word is truth, it always has been truth and you can always stand upon it.  Therefore, know what my word has said and know what my word has not said that you can go forth in victory.   

7-12-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, remember who you are, says the Lord, you’re royalty, you’re my children, says the Lord, even though you might not feel like it you are.  You need to get that reality down in your heart, says the Lord, you need to know who you are in me, says the Lord and let no doubts arise, says the Lord, for where there is doubt there is unbelief.  Get that unbelief out, get into my word and know who you are, says the Lord.  

7-7-2024 am service

For I say unto you, my children, stay filled with My Spirit, says the Lord, stay hungry for now is the time to be hungry, now is not the time to slack off and go on a diet, says the Lord.  But be filled with My Spirit, says the Lord, be filled with My Spirit.

7-7-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, for as I overcame you can overcome, says the Lord, and therefore, I say unto you, put your past behind you, says the Lord.  For I have already set you free, I’ve delivered you, allow me to take those chains and break them, says the Lord. No longer be held captive, I’ve come, I’ve given you that life, says the Lord, drop it, drop it, drop it and move on with me, says the Lord, I’m here to take you through, says the Lord.    

For who do you see me as, am I your way maker, am I your miracle worker, who do you see me as, says the Lord?  For I am more than enough to carry you through these days ahead if you just walk with me, you must trust me, you must know my word, you must dwell in my word, you must speak my word, you must think my word, you must act upon my word.  For I have given unto you the keys to walk in victory, therefore do not allow the enemy to bring discouragement, allow him not to bring roadblocks in your life but, I say unto you, knock him over with the word, my word, for it is an hour for you to be victorious like never before.  Walk, walk with me for I have great things in store for you, do you not know, have you not heard that I am the God, the everlasting God, the creator of earth, I do not fall short neither does my word.  Therefore, I say unto you, stand upon my word like never before, who do you see me as, says the Lord, who do you see me as? 

6-30-23 am service

For I say unto you, my children, the days that are before you are dark days, says the Lord, as I have said before my word illuminates them, says the Lord, my word will shine the light upon your path, says the Lord.   Therefore, don’t stray from my word, says the Lord, but look into my perfect law of liberty, says the Lord, for surely it shall show you everything that is before you, says the Lord, and it shall set you free, says the Lord, from entanglement, from bondage, from deception, says the Lord.  Therefore, know my word, says the Lord.  

6-23-2024 am service

For I say unto you, my children, allowing my word to dwell in you is the true meat from heaven, says the Lord and my Son is the true meat, says the Lord and you partake of it every time you open my book, says the Lord and speak forth those words you’re speaking life, you’re speaking life, says the Lord.  Therefore, consume those things that there be no death in you, says the Lord, you only spring more and more life every day, says the Lord.   

6-16-2024 am service

For I say unto you, my children, my name brings deliverance, my name brings down walls, my name brings up, says the Lord, it lifts you up, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, know what my name is to you; know what my name does for you, says the Lord.

I came that you would have that life and that life more abundantly, I came that you could be overcomers, I came that you could be more than the conqueror, is that not who you are today, my children?  Or if it isn’t, you need to get into my word and see yourself as I see you, yes, as I see you.  Do you not know my love, do you not know that I have given it unto you; do you not know what I did when I died on the cross for you?  I gave you all of those things.  Therefore, walk in the freedom of my word, walk in the freedom of what I have given to you my children.  Do not miss out but, I say unto you, walk as I have told you to walk as my sons and my daughters.  

For there is a way that seems right unto man, but remember that end is destruction, for there is only one way, there is only one truth, for my word gives you both of those things and yet my word is the only truth that you have need of.  Do not rest upon what man says, for even when one prophesizes and says, thus saith the Lord, does it always line up with my word, does it always come to pass, but yet my word always comes to pass.  My word is the truth that you can stand upon, build yourselves upon the truth, build yourselves upon my word and my word only.  If you do that then, then you will be where you need to be.  

6-16-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, I am always with you, I am always within you, says the Lord, but yet you forget about me at times, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, don’t forget the things I have given unto you to do, says the Lord, for when you press into me I press into you, says the Lord.  Therefore praise me, worship me, says the Lord, know that I am with you, says the Lord and I am molding you, says the Lord and the things that I have said unto you shall surely come to pass, says the Lord.

6-9-2024 am service

For I say unto you, my children, I have come to give you life and that more abundantly, that is true, says the Lord, for I have promised you life, says the Lord, I’ve promised you, says the Lord.  Yet my people have hidden skeletons in their closets, says the Lord, that they try to hide that they don’t have that life, says the Lord, how can I give you life if you are hiding death within yourself, says the Lord? Release it unto me, says the Lord, repent, repent now that you can have that life, says the Lord, for I surely have come, come to give you that life, says the Lord.  Yet you need to release the things that you have within you that I can bless you, says the Lord, with that life. 

For does not my word say, if you ask you shall receive, but your heart must be clean before me, does not my word also say that?  Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, walk in the fullness of my word, for do you not know that I have given unto you all things, all thing that pertain unto life and Godlessness, does not my word declare that?  Yet a lot of times my people do not walk in that, they don’t receive it, but I say unto you, walk in my word and receive my word that you can receive your joy that it might be full in you even as my word declares.  For I have given unto you that you might, that you might live, that you might live in peace and happiness and joy with love, that is my desire, that is my desire, do you not know that my children?  Know my word, for I have given unto you promises, I have given unto you promises that you can walk in my word and live in my word and walk in the fullness of what I have for you.  For I do not, I do not desire that any man should perish, but I desire that they find me, that they find my life, that life, the life that I give unto them, the life of peace, the life of joy, the life of love, the life of happiness.  Come unto me all you who are weary and I shall give you rest, says the Lord, does not my word declare that?  Where is your hope today, is it in me or is it in man, for it needs to be in me, for I am the one that can bring you through these days ahead, it’s me and me alone, says the Lord.     

6-9-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, you are my chosen treasure chest, says the Lord, for I’ve placed my treasure within you, says the Lord, that my word, my word comes forth out of your heart, says the Lord and they destroy the works of the enemy, says the Lord.  They set you free, says the Lord and they set those around you free, for whom I set free is free indeed, says the Lord, in this reality right now, right now, not later, if your not free speak that freedom today, says the Lord.

6-2-2024 am service

For I say unto you, my children, know that the things that may have been done, as long as you do them unto me, says the Lord, believing them for me, says the Lord, you truly have rewards, says the Lord.  For woe to that person that dare, dare harm one of my children, says the Lord, for it would be greater for him to be tied up with a millstone around his neck and cast into the sea than cause my little ones to stumble, says the Lord.  But know that my rewards, my blessings are upon you, says the Lord.

For I am with you even unto the very end and even though the end is close it is not yet, therefore my word says, I am with you, I am with you, I am with you.  Regardless of the storms of life I, your Father God, am with you always even unto the end.  Don’t forget that, hang onto that promise for it stands till the end. 

5-26-2024 am service

For I say unto you, my children, know that the least thing you do unto me is a greatest thing, says the Lord, for I look at the heart, says the Lord, I look at those things that you do unto me, says the Lord, and they are huge in my eyes, says the Lord.  Don’t think that they are small, says the Lord, but they’re huge, do those things, says the Lord, unto me and obey my word, says the Lord, for that is the very beginning, says the Lord, obey my word and you will do those things, says the Lord.

5-26-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, it’s time to focus, says the Lord, to focus on me, says the Lord, not to be distracted, says the Lord, by all the doctrine that’s out there, says the Lord.  For most of it is not of me, says the Lord, you must know my word and you must know the truth, says the Lord, for the truth will set you free, says the Lord, do not fall victim to the lies, the deception that is out there, says the Lord.  But get into my word, allow My Spirit to show you the truth, says the Lord. 

For you say, what is the truth Lord, well my word is truth and you can always bank upon that and judge everything according to my word.  Yes, they use my word and make it what they want it to say, but when you get in and study it for yourself the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you into all truth.  So do not be deceived, but remember I have given you the keys already to be successful for this time and for this hour.  Draw closer to me, stay in my word and know that I am doing everything that I said I would do. 

5-19-2024 am service

For I’ve called you, do you not know that, I have a place for you, do you not know I have given unto you the keys that you can truly be the overcomer that I have called you to be for this hour and this time?  Do you not know my love, says the Lord, do you not know the love I have given unto you that as you call upon my name I will answer, I will hear and I will give unto you the things that you have need of.  Do not hold back; do not hold back from pressing in unto all that I have in store for you.  But, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon the promises, keep your eyes upon my goodness, for my goodness has sustained you, says the Lord, my goodness has brought you thus far.  Therefore, I say unto you, look unto me am I not the author and the finisher of your faith, will I not keep my word, will I not do all that I have promised that I will do?  For even when man fails I never fail, says the Lord, for I am always there, I am always with you, my word declares I will be with you to the very end.  And as you believe that, as you stand upon me you’ll see as I work mightily on your behalf, mightily on your behalf as you walk with me, as you surrender unto me and as you lay yourself down before me you shall see me move in a mighty and powerful way.  Oh, I say, draw nigh, draw nigh, draw close unto me even though the hour is late and it is dark.  But, I say unto you, I have given unto you my light, I have given unto you my light, I have given unto you my word and, I say unto you, that word, that word, my children, that word, my word will sustain you. 

For I say unto you, my children, my word is not to bind up your lives, says the Lord, it is to set you free, says the Lord.  Whoever brings a word against you in my name is not of my lot, says the Lord, go with what my word says, it frees you, says the Lord, it frees you.

5-19-2024 pm service

For many might be asking questions about gifts, how can a vessel be used by God, you say my gifts are without repentance, says the Lord, and man is a free triune being, says the Lord, there is a soul, there is a body and there is a spirit and those that are committed in the spirit are the gifts.  But those in the flesh are from man, the spirits that are not of me, says the Lord, therefore know the truth, for the truth will set you free.  It’s your decision of whether to flow in My Spirit or to flow in the other spirit, says the Lord.  

5-15-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, there are signs, signs, signs, everywhere there are signs, says the Lord, pointing to my soon return, says the Lord, in these end times.  Therefore, I say unto you, don’t think that these things shall pass, for they will not pass, says the Lord, for it’s the time, it’s the time, it’s the time, says the Lord.  

Just as you have seen in my word when the time and the hour came my word was fulfilled, so now you are seeing my word fulfilled.  For you are seeing the full fulfillment now of the things that I have spoken, the things that I have recorded in my word, for you have seen bits and pieces before, but now you are seeing the full and you will see the full fulfillment of those things.  Even as you are seeing them in your own area, things that people said would never take place or come to pass, and yet they sit back and say wow, Lord, I guess I was the one that missed it.  Be not one of those, but realize it’s all about timing and now is that time, so watch as my word is fulfilled.  

5-12-2024 am service

For I say unto you, my children, darkness is about to descend upon the earth, says the Lord, but my people will have light, says the lord, and that light shall lead those that are in the darkness out, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, no matter what you see, know that I am with you, says the Lord, and you have the key for them to come, says the Lord.

For my word is a guiding light, it is a lamp upon your feet, you have it hidden within your heart as my word declares you hide it within your heart that in the days ahead that you can draw from that.  For my word shall give you peace, my word shall give you strength and my word shall bring life unto you.  Therefore, I say unto you, have my word within your heart, for it is the light that shall guide you in this hour and this time.  Draw close to me like never before, come near me, come draw closer, draw closer and know who I am, know that I am here for you, know that I am your Father, know that I am you God and know that I will guide you through the days ahead, follow me, follow me.

For I have all of the answers that you have need of and I can give you all wisdom and knowledge if you ask of me for those things.  For I have not left you here without the ability to succeed, therefore I have given you everything that you have need of.  Use those things that I have given unto you, for it is my desire that you are successful, it is my desire that you are the overcomer, it is my desire that you are the victor in every area of your life, not just here and there, but in every area, it is my desire you are an overcomer and a victor.  So realize I have a great plan and a great purpose for you and I will do what I have said that I will do.  Therefore, stand upon my word and upon my promises and know that I will fulfill my word. 

5-12-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, what have you been putting into your heart, says the Lord, for your heart is your bank account, says the Lord, and what you withdraw from your heart is what you receive in the natural, says the Lord.  For spiritual things come and the natural follows, says the Lord, if you don’t have the good things in your heart how can you have the good things in your life, says the Lord.  Worship me, draw closer to me, let my word arise from your heart, says the Lord.  

Draw closer to me, for now is the time and the hour to be walking very closely by my side.  For you do not know what tomorrow holds, but I do, and when you are walking with me then I can keep you safe, make sure you stay in my word and stay under my hedge of protection.  For truly there are many things that are coming in the days that are head, for remember I said, darkness, darkness, darkness would come and grow even wider and more so than it is now and you say, Lord, how can it get worse, well my word tells you that it can and it shall get worse.  So do not fear those things, but walk closely by my side, for I will carry you through the days ahead victoriously, saith the Lord.

5-8-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, the world is not a stable place the Father God says, therefore I say unto you, be alert and awake, says the Lord.  For you must get into my word, for my word is the only solid ground you have to stand on, says the Lord.  Therefore, I let you know the things that come before they come as you have in the past been told, says the Lord.  Look through my word, says the Lord, and you’ll see the things that are coming, says the Lord.  For I have already foretold them all, go through the notes I’ve given, says the Lord, the prophecies of old, says the Lord, for they’re not old, they’re new, they’re for today, says the Lord. 

5-5-2024 am service

For I say unto you, my children, I’m here for you, says the Lord, I’ve heard the cries of your heart, says the Lord, and I am here to meet with you, says the Lord.  Have you come to receive the things that I have for you today, says the Lord, for every day is a new day for my blessings, says the Lord, therefore be ready to receive everyday.  

For I have called for a great and glorious hour for my church, not so for the world, but for my church, for those who are following after me, for those who are standing upon my word, for those who are expecting me to move upon their behalf.  For truly I have not left you without the things you have need of to do all that I have said you could do.  For I will do everything that I have said, I will move the very mountains if that’s what it takes, for I can do anything that you need me to do.  Trust in me, stand upon my word and know that I can do it, saith the Lord. 

5-5-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, as long as you are here, I am not taking my church out, I’ve got plans for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you, says the Lord, plans for your future, says the Lord.  Don’t give up, but keep pressing in, says the Lord; for I’ve not forgotten you, says the Lord, you need to press in, says the Lord.  

Remember you are the victors, you are the overcomers and regardless of what the circumstances may seem like I am working on your behalf in a mighty and powerful way.  I am working to do all of the things that I have said that I would do and they shall come to pass all in there perfect timing.  For remember everything happens in perfect timing according to my word.  Therefore, do not worry about those things, but realize that I am doing everything that I have said that I would do.  Stand upon my word and watch what I will do for you, saith the Lord.  

4-28-2024 AM Service

For I say unto you, my children, do not be fooled by the calm, says the Lord, for my word declares to you, says the Lord, what will come to pass and I’ve spoken unto you concerning the time, says the Lord.  Things will not relax even though they seem to be, says the Lord, but I know what’s going on and you should know what’s going on when you get into prayer, says the Lord and know what’s going on.  Therefore, I say unto you, be in prayer, says the Lord, for your time, your time has come, says the Lord.  

For, yes, my promise is sure and I will be with you even until the very end, but many things are coming now very quickly and they will shake those who are not grounded on me.  They will shake those that are not awake; for their very foundations will be shaken because they are not steadfast, they’re not built upon the rock.  But if you have built upon the rock then do not fear what is coming, but you need to know where your foundation is, and if it is not where it needs to be, get into my word and see what it has to say that you are not moved by what is ahead.  For great disaster, that’s what my word says is coming to the world, it has to come at that time and that time is now.  So do not fear the things that are ahead, but realize that my word is being fulfilled and there are many great promises that are yet to come to pass for your benefit.  So do not fear, but remember great things are in store for you. 

For I am the alpha and the omega, I’m the beginning and I am the end and I know all things and as you’re walking with me you will not walk in darkness but you will walk in the light that I have already given to you my children.  Walk closer to me, for now is the hour to draw close unto me, now is the hour not to run away, but it is the hour to draw closer to me.  For I know the beginning and I know the end, I know what is ahead and I know how to carry you through.  Therefore, I say unto you, walk closer to me. 

4-28-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, now is the time to know me more, says the Lord, for you need to have faith in me, says the Lord, faith for all things, says the Lord, for is that not what my word says to you, faith, faith is what you have need of, says the Lord.  You don’t need wealth you need faith, you don’t need health you need faith, faith, says the Lord.  Therefore, get into my word, know me, says the Lord, know me that they around you shall know me. 

With faith you can accomplish anything, with faith you can receive the fullness of my promises, with faith you can carry out my word and see I have given you a key.  For many will look to many other things, Lord, if I was prosperous, if you have faith you will prosper, if you have faith you will walk in health, if you have faith you will not doubt, so really the key is faith, for it’s the evidence of things hoped for but not yet seen.  Are not all those things that you are believing for, are those not the things that you are calling out for?  Stand upon my word and watch what I will do for you.  For when you walk according to my word, when you do what I have said I will move the very mountains, for that is what my word says.  For my word says if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, a small measure of faith that you can do anything.  So get into my word, hear my word allow your faith to grow to new levels that its never been to before, for it is a key for this day and for this hour, saith the Lord. 

4-24-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, keep your eyes on my word, says the Lord, for the things that are going on are quickly funneling down into the end of my prophecy, says the Lord, to the very end, says the Lord.  For everything is narrowing down when there is no way to escape it, says the Lord, and everything your seeing will be fulfilled, says the Lord, according to what my word has said.

4-21-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, I am God and I make no mistakes, says the Lord, what I’ve said, I’ve promised, it is written, says the Lord.  Take my word and put it before you and see it is done, says the Lord, don’t ask for it to be done for it is done by faith when you believe it is done unto you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, put my word before you and look into the perfect law of liberty, says the Lord.

For it was always my desire for you to prosper, it was always my desire for you to be the overcomer; therefore I gave you the promise that if you followed after my word you would be able to do those things.  For I didn’t set you up for failure, but I set you up for success, these very things that you need to know are recorded in my word that you could be successful.  So realize that I made a way even when it doesn’t seem like there is one and I have a perfect plan, and when you follow after me, when you lean on me, when you wait on me, it works out perfectly.  For when you move when I move that is what I desire, not that you run ahead or behind, that you move when I move.  Therefore, get close to me, get close to me, get into my word like never before, for the answers that you need are there, everything that you have need of is there. 

4-17-2024 pm service

For now is the time to rest in me, yes, it may not seem like that in the natural with everything that is going on all over the world, but yet my word has recorded that those things would take place, but I have a much greater plan for you.  Therefore, rest in me, do not worry about the things that are taking place here or there, for remember I have given unto you my word and my promise that I would take you safely through the days ahead.  Yes, walk close with me, yes, there will be times when I will keep you here or there for your safety, but remember you are the victors, you are the overcomers and nothing, nothing the enemy tries to bring against you will prosper.  For there is nothing that he can do to overcome for he is the loser, he has no power, he has no authority, therefore do not allow him to bring in those lies, but remember that you have a covenant with me.  You have my promise, my word and if you’re walking with me then you are walking with my promise, you’re walking with the things that I said you would have, therefore rest in me.

4-14-2024 am service

For I say unto you, my children, these are the days of worship, says the Lord, for these days were created for worship, says the Lord, you were created to worship, says the Lord.  Therefore, learn to worship by worshipping me, says the Lord, and I am in the worship, says the Lord.  I’m not it the sand, I’m not it the dirt, I’m in the worship, says the Lord.  I’m not in the world, I’m in the worship, says the Lord.  I’m not in the war, I’m in the worship, says the Lord.  So if you want to win, worship, says the Lord, worship me, says the Lord. 

For, yes, it’s your hour to proclaim my name, for when you do that it breaks the chains of the enemy over your life, over your loved ones, over your families, for my name is greater than every other name, my name sets the very captives free.  For you only need to speak my word and circumstances have to change, you only have to speak and life comes, for I have given you that power and authority to use my name, for that is a key for you in this time and in this hour.  For when there is no one else to turn to, you can speak forth my name, when there is no one else to call upon you can speak forth my name.  And even though that should be your first result, usually it is your last, but it will save you, saith the Lord, it will bring you deliverance, it will bring you peace, it will bring you out of bondage.  Speak forth my name, saith the Lord. 

4-14-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, there is power in the worship that you give, says the Lord, for where there is worship I am there, says the Lord, I’m there, I’m there to move, I’m there to listen, I’m there to intercede for you, says the Lord. For you’ve humbled yourself unto me in worship, says the Lord, you’re not exalting yourself you’re exalting me, says the Lord and my word declares that when you are weak I am made strong.  Therefore, I say unto you, know the power in worship.   

Worship is very important, for if you looked in my word you’ll see they sent the worshipers first in the battle to prepare the way, so understand that worship is very important.  For I love your worship and your praise, but it also tears down the enemy and his strongholds when you enter into my presence, for that is where I desire you to be is in my presence.  Do you desire to be in my presence, for the days are getting darker, things are fastly approaching now, continue to walk by my side, get into my word and know what it has to say, for it is very clear what will take place yet, it will give you great knowledge and understanding.  Even if you say, Lord, I’ve read it before, but remember the Holy Spirit is your teacher and your guide and he can open your understanding to things you didn’t see before.  So allow him to show you what my word has said.  For truly this is a great hour, a great hour for my church, a great hour for the world, but the world will see destruction and disaster on every side, but my church will flourish.  Stay close to me, for truly I have great things in store.  

4-10-2024 pm service

Get in my word and know my word, says Lord, do not be deceived by many things that are going around, says the Lord, that are not of me, says the Lord, for I've given you everything you need to know, says the Lord, that's all contained in my book. Therefore, I said unto you, know what my word says, and don't be deceived, says the Lord.

When you know my ways and how I operate, it makes things easier for you when you follow after the pattern, an example that I've already set for you to follow.  For when you rely on me and do things my way it works, even when man says it doesn't work, but my way always works when you follow after what I have said, then I can move upon your behalf. So understand the importance of following after my word, understand the importance of knowing my word, for you need to know my word like never before.

4-7-2024 am service

What is your hope, says the Lord, is your hope in me; do you trust me with your whole heart?  For there shall be things that are taking place in the days ahead of you in the world, and if you do not know who your trust is in, will you be able to walk with me or will you fall to the right or will you fall to the left?  For you need to know me in a personal way, do you know me in a personal way, says the Lord, do you know who I am, do you know I am your Father, do you know me as your God, do you know me as your all in all?  For I have given unto you my word and the key to walk in that you can walk in the fullness of the promises that I have given unto you, do you know my promises?  For you need to know my promises in the days that are ahead that you can truly walk in the victory and be the overcomers that I have called you to be for this time and this hour.  Therefore, I called, I’ve called you to come closer to me, to know me for who I am and to know me not just as your Lord and Savior, but to know me as your everything.  To know me as Jesus, to know me as the name above all names, the name, the name that never ever fades or fails, but the name that will last forever.  Do you know who I am, do you know who I am, do you know where your hope lies, says the Lord.   

For my word is meant to be a light unto your way that you would not be caught in darkness, but that you would see very clearly and have clear understanding.  Do you understand the time you are in; do you understand the things that are going on?  For you can get this understanding from my word, for nothing has been hidden from you, for all books have now been opened.  So realize that the answers are there if you get in and study and find them, for I have not left you here without the things that you have need of and everything can be found in my word.  So get into my word like never before, for it is great truth that you have need of for this time and for this hour, more now than ever before, for with all of the things that are being said how do you know what is true and what is not?  How do you know what my word has said about those things if you don’t know what my word has to say?  So you see it is very important and it will be a great help for you in the coming days ahead, saith the Lord.

4-7-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, I have wisdom for you Adonijah was not my king that I sent, says the Lord, therefore unto him he was misplaced, he left the position which he declared himself in, says the Lord, and I set the man that I had, says the Lord, the one that I had for the throne.  Therefore, I say unto you, get into the scriptures and get wisdom, says the Lord, get understanding and see how I resolved that issue, says the Lord. 

For my word gives you the keys to success, when you know what my word has said then you know what I have said, for I can give you all wisdom and knowledge through my word.  Not that I can’t do it in other ways, but it is in my word, if you search and find it, you will see.  For I did not leave you here without the tools you needed to be successful, you have all the tools you need to be successful; you have all the wisdom and the knowledge to be successful.  Realize that the enemy has his own desires, he has always been against you from the very beginning, but he will never reign over you, for you reign over him.  You have all power and authority and dominion over him, realize it’s him that you are fighting with, but know that I have already given you the victory, saith the Lord.   

4-3-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, don’t be dismayed, says the Lord, for these times are victorious times, says the Lord, these times are the times I have spoken about that all have been waiting for, says the Lord.  Therefore, don’t go down but go up with me, says the Lord, get your eyes on me, don’t get your eyes on the world, get your eyes on me and stay steadfast, says the Lord, for you are coming home soon, says the Lord.  

For it’s important to keep your eyes on Israel and the things that are going on there, do you know there are many other things going on that your attention is drawn to.  Remember I have given you the key and that is there, and if you watch you will see the things that are about to take place very soon now, they’re important dates for you to know.  Therefore, I let you know ahead of time that you are vigilant to keep your eyes on it.  For very soon, very soon you will be with me, but until then there is a harvest to bring in, until then there will be many things that take place, but remember I told you they would happen very quickly.  So do not be afraid, but remember great things are in store for my people, great things are in store for those who have put their trust and their confidence in me.  Do not be fooled by the enemy thinking that you’re going to go through a hard time; the world will go through a hard time but not my church.  For my church will be the head, my church will be the main attraction, remember I told you that.  So keep your eyes focused on me and my word and watch what I will do, saith the Lord. 

3-31-2024 am service

Didn’t I come to give you life and that more abundantly, did not I come to deliver you out of Satan’s grasp and give you hope where there was none, for I did it for you, you were on my mind, everything that I did was for you.  For I loved you with an everlasting love and every one of my children I did it for you, don’t ever forget, don’t ever forget that it was for you.  For I thought of each and every single one of you when I gave up my life so that you could have yours free of the bond of sin and death with hope of a brighter future.

For I say unto you, my children, it’s not a bright time for the world, for my curtain is about ready to close, says the Lord, and there will be no more light, says the Lord.  For my light will go with me, says the Lord, for you are my light, I’m in you, you’re in me, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, shine until I come, says the Lord. 

3-31-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, always look to me, says the Lord, don’t look at your circumstances, says the Lord, for you don’t have circumstances, my word is what you look to, my word has all the answers, my word is all the vision you have need of, says the Lord.  Get your eyes on my word and see yourself healed, see yourself in victory, says the Lord, and speak those things, says the Lord.  For I have given you a path, a path to walk in, says the Lord that my Son Jesus paved for you, therefore don’t depart from that path but stay steadfast, says the Lord.  

For I say unto you, does it matter what’s in the bramble bushes on the side of the road, says the Lord, does it matter if there is a Lion on the side of the road, says the Lord?  For you’re on my road, don’t look to the sides and the hedges, says the Lord, for my word takes you through victoriously.  Don’t be distracted; don’t give up hope, says the Lord, for I have a clear path for you. 

And in my path is victory, not defeat, in my path is glory, in my path is peace, in my path is overcoming.  For even though things will take place on the right and on the left, even though things will take place throughout the world, remember you are an overcomer, remember you are a victor.  Realize that it’s time now for things to come to pass, realize it’s that hour and if things don’t come to pass then what would happen?  So do not fear the days ahead, but remember victory is ahead for my people.

3-27-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, allow My Spirit to lead you, to guide you, says the Lord, you can’t even believe, says the Lord, what you see on TV because the TV is bought out, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, be sold out to me, says the Lord, and I will lead you to all truth. 

For sad to say man follows after his own agenda’s, therefore when you are following after man you are caught up in his ways.  When you are following after me walking according to my plan and my purpose that is where I desire for you to be where My Holy Spirit can lead you and guide you into all truth.  For there is much deception out there today, much more than ever before, beware that you’re not caught up in those things.  For if it sounds crazy and it’s something you’ve never heard before, unless you can find it in my word and not some other book but my word, for you can use my word to measure against it, for that can show you many things even if you just follow that, but My Spirit can show you those things also.  For I’ve not wished for you to be deceived, but I wish for you to walk in the light for you are children of the light, therefore you should not be in darkness.  Therefore, know what my word says and know what my word does not say and that will be of a great help to you in the days ahead. 

3-24-2024 am service

For I say unto you, my children, you keep abiding and I keep providing, says the Lord, don’t look to the world to get better, says the Lord, for have I not told you Armageddon has already started, it will not stop, says the Lord.  For the soon coming of my Son is upon you, says the Lord. Therefore, you look, you look to me, you look to my word, says the Lord, for you source and your supply and your abiding, says the Lord.  Get out from among them, says the Lord, and be separate as I have declared unto you, says the Lord, for now is not the time to lollygag and play church, says the Lord, now is the time to look to me serious, says the Lord.  For now, now is the time, says the Lord, that I am coming for my church, be ready, says the Lord. 

For did I not give you all the things that you have need of to be successful in this time and in this hour, whether you realize it or not I have given you everything that you have need of.  You can find it in my word, you can find it when you abide in me, for I did not leave you to fail, but I left you to be the overcomer and the victor.  I left you to be a light in the darkness that you would fulfill the calling that I have given unto you.  For do not worry about what is taking place in the world, do not allow it to bring fear to your heart, but remember the day and the hour you are living in and that my soon coming is at hand. 

3-24-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, the word that I’ve placed before you today and what you call the King James Bible is the word that I desire for you to have, says the Lord.  For it is my word that I brought together, says the Lord, I put it where it would be found, says the Lord, and therefore do not obey or listen to those things that try to add to or take away from it, says the Lord.  For my word was given that you could be assured, says the Lord, that you would have an understanding, that you wouldn’t have to second guess my word, says the Lord.  For I brought my word to pass, I’ve given it to you and I will fulfill every jot and tittle.  Therefore, I say unto you, stand on that word and don’t obey another’s word, says the Lord.

So you see when you add something even very minor it can create a major change in what was actually said, therefore I made sure you got what you needed.  Do not worry about needing to find this or that for everything is right there for you and when you get into my word My Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth.  When you’re open My Spirit can speak unto you and show you the things that you need to know, but it’s important to be in my word, it’s important to be in prayer, it’s important to be about my business.  For many have lost that in this day and hour, for they are about their own business and I am second or third or maybe not even on the list and yet you should be about the Father’s business.  Jesus even from a young age said he was about the Father’s business, he set the example for you to follow, and even though it is hard at times, when you set a good precedent in your life it is easy to follow.  Therefore, if you do those things now it’ll be easier later, for the times will not get easier for you, see what Canada and other areas around the world are trying to do at the moment, how long before that comes here like it is there, not long.  Therefore, be in my word and have it hid in your heart. 

3-20-2024 pm service

For even as seasons come and go, they begin and they end, so also it is spiritually, realize now that you’re in a different spiritually season and the things that you’re seeing all line up with what my word has said.  For there is a time and an hour for everything to be fulfilled, for it’s all fulfilled in its season.  Therefore, realize the importance of understanding that, that you are not caught off guard, that you’re not caught unaware, but know that you have entered a new season and many things will now begin to come to pass that were meant for this time and for this hour.  For my word has told you, I have showed you again and again and reminded you of the things that would come and now you are in that season where you would see those things come to pass.  So do not fear the days that are ahead, but realize I have a great plan in store for you. 

Therefore, I say unto you, my children, keep your eyes on my word which is your map, says the Lord, I have already made the way for you, says the Lord.  Therefore, don’t detour or distract from the map, says the Lord, for the devil would try to get you to go another way, but I’m telling you now keep your eyes on my word, for my way is truth, says the Lord, if something sounds new then it is not in my word, says the Lord.

3-17-2024 am service

For I am the way, I am the truth and I am the light, when you walk in my word you walk in my way, do you not know that my children and when my word is within your heart my light shines greatly from you to those around you.  Walk with me like never before, know my word, know the lateness of the hour and know the importance of how much you need to spend time with me, that you need to know me in a personal level that you just don’t know my name, but you know me.  For I am your Father, I am your God and no matter what comes your way I will see you through, but do you know that, do you know that without a shadow of a doubt that I will always be with you to the very end.  For as you know my word and you focus upon my word and my word is in your heart you will walk in the fullness of all that I have for you for this hour and this time.  But I say unto you, do not listen unto the lies of the enemy, for yet he comes at you with lies even on a daily basis and you need to cast them down with my word knowing that I am the way, that I am the truth and I am the light.  There is no one but me, there is no one greater than me, there is no name greater than my name, and as you realize that, as you walk in that you will truly experience the overcoming life.  For I have great and mighty things for you, walk with me like never before and know who I am, know who I am.

For I am a way maker, I am a water parter, I am the great almighty conqueror, for you have seen again and again and again what I can do and the power that I have.  For those who are walking with me display the fullness of my power and even so you, if you are walking with me, that same spirit is within you and you can do all things, for that is what my word has said.  Therefore, don’t be moved by what man says, don’t be moved by what is taking place in the world, don’t be moved with what you hear in the news, for realize that it is the time and the hour you are living in when great calamity shall come upon all of the earth, but only for those who are not walking by my side.  For remember I have placed my seal upon you that these things would not come nigh your dwelling, and as long as you’re walking with me, as long as your eyes are upon me, I will take you through.  You will be victorious, you will be the overcomers, you will be the head and not the tail, for you are my children, you are mine and what are mine I watch over, I watch over not only to protect you but to fulfill my word unto you that all of the promises that I have given come to pass, that everything that I have spoken is fulfilled, for I always see to it that my word is fulfilled.  Therefore, do not be moved by what you see or what you hear or what you feel at times, but only be moved by My Spirit, saith the Lord, for it’s by My Spirit, it’s by My Spirit, there is not another way that this all takes place, there is not another way that revival shall come upon you, but it is through My Spirit only, and when My Spirit is poured out upon all flesh, that’s what my word says, then you will see that, saith the Lord.    

For I say unto you, my children, I bring living color to the dark world, says the Lord, for I am the light, says the Lord and I shine in the darkness, says the Lord, I shine the true colors of light, says the Lord.  Therefore, don’t be fooled by the dim dark colored world, says the Lord, for it’s truly mine, says the Lord, it’s yours, says the Lord and my word is filled with light.  Therefore, I say unto you, shine that light on those dark objects, says the Lord and let my light shine, says the Lord and bring life, life I say, life.   

3-17-2024 pm service 

For I say unto you, my children, as the world stands before me, not as Jesus Christ but as judge, says the Lord, no words shall reconcile them, says the Lord.  But unto you, says the Lord, you have my Son and the world needs my Son.  Therefore, I say unto you, you must shine your light, says the Lord; to show them the love I have for them, to call them home, says the Lord.  But those who refuse my Son they shall burn in utter destruction for all eternity, says the Lord.  But know that I love you, says the Lord; I love you, says the Lord, and as I stand to judge the nations know what is coming very soon after, says the Lord. 

3-13-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, says the Lord, the end days are like a sandwich, says the Lord, both ends are me, says the Lord, I cover the beginning and the end, says the Lord, everything in the middle is between me, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, eat the meat that I’ve given unto you that you know what I am, says the Lord.   

Know that I am the one that will take you through the days ahead victoriously, stay focused upon me, remember what my word has said, walk according to it do not get off to the right or to the left.  For man will say you can do this or you can do that, but my word says walk with me, my word says don’t go there.  Therefore, don’t follow after man’s wisdom, but follow after me and my word and I will take you through the days ahead victoriously, saith the Lord.

3-10-2024 am service

For I say unto you, my children, forever is my word settled in heaven, says the Lord, let it settle in your heart, says the Lord, that it brings the things that my word declares you have, says the Lord, they belong to you.  You are my garden, says the Lord, therefore my word I’ve planted in you, says the Lord, let it go forth abundantly, says the Lord, and reap those things that my word has within it, says the Lord.

For I am the way, I am the truth and I am the light, I am everything that you have need of.  As you come unto me, as you receive from me, you receive what you need or whatever you need at that moment I give it unto you, says the Lord.  Do you not know how much I care for you, do you not know that it is my desire that you walk in the fullness of what I have done for you, what I did for you on the cross.  Allow not the enemy to discourage you, but I say unto you, remain steadfast in my word, for does not my word to you say, when you have done all, yet stand.  Therefore, I say unto you, stand, for I am faithful and I will see you through.  And yet, I say unto you, daily put on that full armor of God that you can quench all the firry darts that the enemy may throw at you.  Remember that they are all lies, they are his firry darts and I have destroyed every single one of them when I died on the cross, I took everything that you have need of.  Therefore, I say unto you, walk, walk in my word and rise up as I have called you to rise up in this hour and this time.  Stand upon my promises, know that they are sure, they are steadfast and my word is truth and I am going to be with you even until the very end and the end has not yet come.  Therefore, I am still with you, I am here with you, therefore call upon me and I will answer and I will meet you where you are at, says the Lord.  

For even in the midst of the storm, I am there, even when the circumstances are raging out control all around you I am there with you.  I am there to comfort you and to keep you and to take you through victoriously, realize that regardless of what is going on around you, it does not have to affect you.  For it is my desire that you are not affected by the wind and the waves that you see around you at times and yet many times your focus is upon those instead of me.  For I am always with you, I have always been with you and when you stay focused upon me then the things going on round about you suddenly disappear and yet they are still there in the natural.  But when you take your focus and attention off of them and put it upon me, you see me, you see what I have said, you see my promises, you don’t see the circumstances, you don’t see the enemy raging all you see is victory.  Therefore, I say, keep your eyes upon me, for you are in a troubling time and hour and if you focus on the things going on round about you, you will not be able to be at peace, you will not be able to walk in victory, but realize that I am right there beside you, I am right there I have always been there, therefore stay focused upon me. 

3-10-24 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, without me in these days it is impossible that you go through victoriously, says the Lord, I am the only way, says the Lord.  Do things my way, says the Lord, or you’re going to go the devil’s way, there is no other way, says the Lord, don’t try to bypass church, don’t bypass church, says the Lord, for I am where the followers are.  Therefore, I say unto you, follow my way and congregate together, says the Lord, in these last days.   

Do not be deceived, for remember there is much deception today, far more than ever before, but stay focused upon me, stay focused upon my word, if you’re walking with me you will not be deceived, if your eyes and your focus is upon me.  Do not believe the lies of the enemy, remember I have given you the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you into all truth.  Therefore, if something doesn’t seem right follow the leading of My Spirit, for I will take you safely through the days ahead.  But continue to stay focused upon me, do not get off to the right or to the left, but continue the course.

3-6-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, as long as truth remains in the world, which is my word, says the Lord, the devil cannot do everything he would like to do, says the Lord.  For I have put my word there, says the Lord, to keep him from having control, says the Lord, for I’ve given it unto my church, says the Lord.  It’s up to you to speak forth my word that I have given unto you, it’s up to you to see the things through, says the Lord, that I’ve given to you, says the Lord, through my name.

It’s important to remember that I am with you to the very end, therefore do not fear the days ahead, do not fear what man says, do not fear the elections, for I’ve told you about the elections long ago.  But realize the time and the hour, know there are great promises that lie ahead for you.  Stay focused upon those; keep your attention upon me and what I desire to do for you.  For even though it doesn’t make sense you will prosper, you will overcome, you will be the head and not the tail, you will be above and not beneath, that’s what my word has told you, that’s what I have promised you.  Therefore, stay focused on me, stay focused on what I have for you and do not fear the days ahead, saith the Lord. 

3-3-2024 am service

For I say unto you, my children, I have never stopped working, I continue to work, says the Lord, if you are not seeing things happen in you it’s because you are not believing, says the Lord.  Believe in me and watch as I do the work, says the Lord, go forth and do those things that I say to do, says the Lord.  

Don’t forget what my word has said, don’t forget the promises that I have given unto you.  For you are entering the greatest time ever for the church, a time I said there would be great revival.  But remember great disaster also comes during that time, also that is not for my church but it is for the world, you are on the brink of those things.  For you have seen My Spirit move in bits and pieces before, you’ve even seen it here and there throughout the world, but my fullness of my revival has not come yet, but it is about to break forth.  Don’t forget what my word has said, don’t forget what my promises are to you. 

Are you standing on the promises that I have given unto you, for all my promises are yes and amen.  Be reminded of my word today and walk in the fullness of the provisions that I have already made for you, says the Lord.  For at times my people they try to do things on their own, in their own strength, but it is not your strength but it is my strength that gives you the power to do all things.  Therefore. I say unto you, lean, lean not on your own understanding but, I say unto you, in all of your way acknowledge me and I shall give unto you all things that you have need of, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, for it is when you get your eyes off of me that you see the circumstances and that is when doubt comes in.  But when your eyes are upon me you walk in my royalty and you rise up in the faith that I have given unto you, says the Lord.  

3-3-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, I must be in every area of your life, says the Lord, if you desire reward I must be in it, says the Lord.  I must be in your finances, in your health, says the Lord, I must be in your marriage, says the Lord, for without me it is desolate, says the Lord, it is void of all knowledge, says the Lord, for I am knowledge, without me it is desolate.  Therefore, I say unto you, get me into your life, says the Lord. 

2-28-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, great destruction lieth at the door and it’s important for my people to draw close to me, says the Lord.  Don’t go off on your own and find time alone, says the Lord, unless it’s for my purpose, says the Lord, for then you shall be attacked, says the Lord, on all sides, mentally, physically, spiritually, says the Lord.  You will not, you will not be able to come back the same way you left, says the Lord.  I warn you now, stay firm in my word, says the Lord.   

For time spent with me is uplifting, for when you spend time in my presence I can speak to you, I can minister unto you, I can give you the things that you have need of.  When you come unto me I can fill you, when you seek you will find me, when you knock I will open unto you.  Therefore, I say unto you, learn to spend time with me, learn to spend time in my presence that you can have the things that you have need of.  For the days ahead will be of much trouble, far darker than you’ve seen yet, but remember there is a way, even though at times there doesn’t seem to be one, there is one and it works.  So when you follow after me and when you’re walking by my side, I can take you through the days ahead victoriously, even in a time when man says it’s not possible. For I am the God of the impossible, I am the God that makes all things possible.  Therefore put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me and watch what I do for you. 

2-21-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, continue to press on and to press into me, says the Lord, for those days are dark, I am light and so are you, says the Lord.  Therefore keep your eyes on me and shine that light, says the Lord and continue leading those around you, says the Lord.

For whether you know it or not, whether you see it or not things are happening very, very quickly and many changes will come.  The changes that are ahead for the world are that of disaster and destruction and far more darkness than is there now.  The changes ahead for my church are those of great rejoicing, of great revival, of a great outpouring of My Spirit of all of the promises that I have said for this time and this hour to be fulfilled.  So realize there are two sides, there is the side of the world and there is the side of the church, the true church, those churches who are following after me.  For the ones who are not following after me, the ones who are going their own way they will face disaster, but only those who are standing upon my word, only those who have done what I have said they will be the ones.  For I have told you this before, but now is the time and now is the hour, therefore, I say unto you, do not fear the things that are ahead, do not fear but remember you have great promises coming in the days ahead, saith the Lord. 

2-18-2024 am service

You are my vessels, says the Lord, and therefore each and every one of you are highly important, says the Lord, for I pour my oil into you continually non stop, says the Lord, and it’s for my channel, the channel that I have given unto you to flow into those lives around you, says the Lord.  For I have dedicated each and every one of you in a channel, says the Lord, and you touch those that need to be touched when I anoint you to do so, says the Lord.   

For I do not give unto you to store up and hold on to, but I give unto you to share with others, I have given you my love that you could share that love with others, I have given you my peace and my joy that you could share that with others, I have give unto you my Son that you could share him with others.  For that is my desire, that you would show others what I have done for you and the love that I have and the things that I have for them that I may desire.  So as I fill you allow me to flow through you to touch others as well.

For I have commanded you that you love one another that your joy may be full, that my joy may remain in you, says the Lord, for if you have not my love you do not have anything, says the Lord.  If you know not my love you have not anything, for I am love and anything that is born of God has love.  If you are born of me then you should share my love to those around you, those who are hurting, those who need to know me, those who need to know who I am.  For I love you with an everlasting love and I am here for you, I am here to make a way where there is no way; I am here to cause you to be the overcomers in everything that you do.  I am here to make you more than conquerors even as my word has said.  Yet at times my children try to do it on their own, they try to do it without me; they forget about the love that I have shed abroad for them, the love that covers a multitude of sins.  Oh, I say unto you, my children, it is an hour to draw closer to me like never before and know me and who I am, says the Lord.

2-18-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, I have you covered, says the Lord, there is not a part of you that is left naked, says the Lord, when you put me on, says the Lord.  When I mentioned my armor in Ephesians six I said to put it on, never to take it off, in a sense you’re putting me on, says the Lord.  Do you not correlate the armor with Christ, me, says the Lord, I am your armor.  Put me on, says the Lord, no longer carry those things that the world would try to place upon you, no longer allow the sun to light upon you, says the Lord.  For just as Goliath went out without the armor of the world, David went out in my armor, says the Lord.  I’ve defeated the enemy, says the Lord, you’re covered, says the Lord.   

For when I have placed my covering upon you then there is nothing that can touch you, there is nothing that can come against you when you are walking closely by my side.  For my covering is over you, you’re walking according to my will and according to my promises my covering is over you.  When you are going about doing my work my covering is over you and with that covering nothing can come against you, nothing can harm you.  For it’s important that you have my covering, for I told you about my blood covenant how you honor that every service as your covering.  Remember these things that I’ve told you many years ago, for they are for this time now more than ever before, for remember the enemy knows he has a short time left and he fights now harder than ever before.  But you are the victors and I watch over my word, I watch over you, I watch over those who are sealed with my seal and I’ve covered them with my blood.

2-14-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, look into my word don’t be confused about what you see, says the Lord, for I’ve given unto you all understanding, My Holy Spirit shows you all things, says the Lord.  Therefore, if you’re confused you’re not spending time with me, says the Lord, spend time with me that My Spirit can open up your eyes to see the things that are coming upon the face of the earth, don’t be confused, says the Lord. 

For there are many troubling things taking place in the world, even as you saw the events that took place today, you’re seeing events in other days as you turn on and look at the news.  Realize that those have no effect on my word other than they are fulfillment of what I said would come in this time and during this hour.  It does not stop you from receiving the things that I have, it does not stop you from walking in the blessings, it does not stop you from fulfilling my word.  For when you don’t do what I have said then that stops you from receiving, that stops you from fulfilling.  Therefore, it’s important that you follow after my word and do what I have said, and remember not to worry or fear, for many things will take place even far darker than what you’re seeing right now, far worse than what you can imagine at times.  But realize that I have a covenant with you, realize I have said you are going through these days victoriously, realize that if you keep your eyes and your trust on me you have nothing to worry about and that’s where your focus needs to remain.  For man does not have the answer, but I have the answer and I will take you through victoriously, don’t forget, victoriously, saith the Lord. 

2-11-2024 am service

For nothing is too hard for me, says the Lord, etc totally different, they don’t stand upon my word they try to do it in their own strength and their own ability and yet it is not your strength your ability that gets you anywhere, it’s my strength, it’s my ability.  Oh, I say unto you, as you put your faith in me I am faithful, I do not fail nor does my word fail.  So when you stand upon me and my word only victory is your pathway, do you understand that my children, you are the overcomer you walk with me, you are more than a conqueror if you walk with me, you are the victorious one when you walk with me.  For the enemy cannot stand in the presence of Almighty God, do you understand that and that when my word is in your mouth the enemy leaves he cannot stand in my presence.  For there is nothing too hard for me, says the Lord.  So, I say unto you, where is your faith, where are you standing, are you standing in your own strength and ability today, says the Lord or are you standing upon my word that never fails?  I am the way, I am the truth and I am the light, says the Lord. 

For I say unto you, my children, I’ve given you hope, says the Lord, I’ve given you a future, it’s found in me, says the Lord, it’s in my word, says the Lord, your future is in my word.  It’s more than what you see, for it’s by faith that you receive the things that are in my word, says the Lord.  Therefore go out and do those things I’ve sent you out to do, says the Lord, don’t allow the enemy to make your plans, but you, through My Spirit, do my word and your future is laid out, says the Lord.   

For there is nothing too hard for me, there is nothing that can stop me, there is nothing that can hinder me, for I am not bound by those laws, for I am above all of those things.  Therefore who are you looking to, who are you standing upon, where is your faith planted, for if you’re stand on the rock you will not be moved, you will not be shaken.  But if you’re not standing on the rock beware of the winds and the waves.  For you are seeing them more now than ever before and yet you’re seeing my word fulfilled, so continue to stand upon that solid foundation.  Be not swayed to the right or to the left, remember to stay on course, remember what the course is, for the end is victory, in the end it’s overcoming, in the end it’s standing with me in heaven.  For truly I will do everything that I said that I will do, my word shall be fulfilled.  Do you stand upon that word or do you stand upon another?  Stand upon my word, be not moved and you can receive the fullness of the things that I have for you, saith the Lord. 

For I say unto you, this is the beginning of greater things, for greater things are yet to come, greater things are yet to be done.  Remember Jesus said those words before he went into heaven, he said greater things will you do, that hour of greater is upon you, for greater things are yet to come, the greatest things have not been accomplished yet.  For I’ve called them for this time and for this hour, this very last hour, that they would be for that time and you are living in that time now and you will see those things, you will begin to see the miracles like you’ve never seen before.  You will begin to see those who are delivered like never before, for the enemy has a stronghold even on those here in this place, he has a stronghold and those are going to be loosed and many will come for deliverance, many will come for the healing and the miracles.  Many will come, for remember greater things are yet to be done, regardless of the circumstances, regardless of the world, regardless of what anyone else says, great things are still yet to come.  Don’t forget those greater things, be open to My Spirit when he moves upon you, be open, be open, be open, for truly greater things are yet to come. 

2-11-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, the key to these days is love, says the Lord, love for me, says the Lord, for when you love me, says the Lord, you don’t see the things around about you, all you see me.  You see my word before you, says the Lord, my word, my plan for you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, the key is love, what is it that is going to fail in these last days, says the Lord, love, love shall grow cold on those that don’t love me, says the Lord, they’ve given up on me, they’ve lost there hope, says the Lord, they’ve looked on the things round about them and they’ve forgotten about me, says the Lord.  Therefore keep your eyes on me and stay in the love, says the Lord. 

Remember it was because of my love that I sent my Son, it was because of his love that he healed the sick, that he went to those who were in need and helped as many as he could.  He trained up the disciples and saw to the little children because of love, love conquerors all and love is the key.  For where love is there am I and where my love is, oh how I can move upon their behalf.  So remember, remember that you need my love in this time and in this hour.

2-7-2024 pm service

For, I say, it is a time and hour when you should be filled to overflowing with my joy, with my peace, and for the world that won’t make any sense, for if you look around the world is in turmoil, the world is in distress.  The world is saddened by the things that are going on, but remember I have called for a great and glorious hour for my church; I have called for a time when you shall be the head and not the tail above and not beneath.  What does it mean to be above, for when you soar above the storms the storms are still there but they have no effect on you.  That’s what it means to be walking with me in this time and this hour, the things that are going on they really have no effect on you.  So keep your eyes upon me, allow me to fill you with my joy, allow me to fill you with my peace, allow me to fill you with more of My Spirit that you can go through the days ahead victoriously not having to worry, not having to fear knowing that you’re going safely through. 

Be not fearful, says the Lord, for the days that are ahead are just the beginning of sorrows, says the Lord, for I’ll take you through these things victoriously and you will be triumph, says the Lord.  Therefore, look up, says the Lord, for your redemption draws nigh.  

2-4-2024 am service

For there is none other that takes you through the days and the hours that you’re living in other than me, for man does not have an answer to the problems that the world is facing.  He cannot stop the wars, for when he intervenes they only get worse, he cannot stop what is going on in the environment with the weather and other things, the earthquakes, the flooding, man cannot stop what is happening.  For when he intervenes he only makes worse but I, your Father God, when I intervene the very wind and the waves stand at my attention.  All the angels in heaven stand at attention to the commands that I give, for all of the power under heaven is mine, therefore realize that man may not have the answer but I, your Father God, do.  Regardless of what man says, regardless of what man does I, your Father God, am still God, I am still able, I am still capable, the things that I have done before I will do again and again and again and again.  Even as I spared the children of Israel I can spare you, even as I took them into the promise land so can I also take you into the promise land even in the midst of all of the circumstances that make it seem impossible, those do not matter to me.  For when I give the command things happen, the world was created at my command, everything that exists today was created at my command.  So realize the things that are taking place in the world, they don’t matter if your following me, if you have your eyes upon me, if you’re listening to the leading of my voice, for I will take you through the days ahead, I will take you through the darkest days and put you in victory, that is what I am capable of doing.  Therefore, get your eyes off of man and get your eyes upon me, for you will need my guidance and my direction in the days ahead, for therein lies your victory, therein lies your success, so follow after my voice, saith the Lord.  

If my word is your foundation, then you are upon a rock that does not move and you will be able to withstand the storms that will come in the world, you shall not be moved.  But if your foundation is not built upon my word, it’s like being upon the sand when the storms come you will not be able to stand.  You will feel the struggles, you will even feel the pains of the world, but you need not to.  Get into my word like never before, draw close to me like never before, for now is the hour and now it the time.  Do not walk in worry, do not walk in fear, for that is not of me, says the Lord, for I have said that you have a sound mind.  Therefore, I say unto you, cast down the negativity that the enemy desires to bring upon you and walk in the fullness of the power and authority that I have given unto you.  Did you hear that, walk in the fullness, for many times my children do not walk in the fullness of the power, of the authority that I gave unto them when I died on the cross and I took the keys away from the devil.  He has no authority, you need to realize that, I have the authority that I have given unto you which means you have all authority over the enemy and over him.  Evil powers and spirits, as you speak forth my word he quickly flees, do you not understand that?  Know that you need have my word and have my word within your heart, for it is my word that brings victory, it is my word that brings freedom and it is my word that brings life, says the Lord.     

2-4-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, don’t sweat, says the Lord, for I’ve already done all the sweating for you, says the Lord.  I’ve done everything for you, says the Lord, all I need you to do is to stand through this time, through this hour, says the Lord.  Stand and do the things I’ve called you to do, says the Lord, and watch, watch as you come home with me, says the Lord.  

Do not fear the things that are ahead, for even though you do not know what tomorrow holds, I will take you through victoriously, I will keep you safe, I will watch over you.  Therefore, do not worry what will take place in the days ahead, but realize these things must come to pass now but you go safely through, don’t forget that.  Don’t let the enemy trick you thinking that it will be worse than what it is, for those who are mine it will not be a time like that, but for those who are of the world it’ll be a time of great disaster and destruction, but as long you’re walking with me you have nothing to worry about.

1-31-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, draw closer to me, says the Lord, for in the days come closer, says the Lord, a lot of things are about to change and not for the good for the world, says the Lord, but for my people you know I’ve told you what’s coming, says the Lord.  Therefore, be ready, get your supplies that I’ve spoken to you about, says the Lord, for many of you don’t have what I have told you to have and therefore you’ll have lack, says the Lord, but go get those things, says the Lord, and I’m not talking about food.

For, yes, many things shall take place between now and the time I take the church out.  Remember you’re coming down to the very end when things happen much faster than ever before, so many things have to take place yet.  But do not fear the days ahead, for I will take you through victoriously if your following what I have said, if you’re walking according to my word, if you’re following after my leading and my guidance the days ahead will not be for you like they are for the world.  So do not fear those things, but remember keep your eyes on me, saith the Lord.   

1-28-2024 am service

Come into my presence should be a daily thing, says the Lord, it’s something that you need to do everyday to come into my presence, for in my presence the enemy cannot stand, do you understand that, thee enemy cannot stand in my presence, for he must flee in my presence.  It is an hour when you need to be living and walking in my presence on a daily basis, not just on Sundays or Wednesdays, but every single day you need to come into my presence.  You need to need to spend time with me, you need to allow me to be able to speak to you in this hour and this day, but how do I do that if you don’t take time for me, says the Lord?  It is an hour to draw closer to me like never before, it is an hour to draw nigh, it is an hour to press in, press in, press into what I have in store for you.  Do not give up on the promises that I have given unto you, but I say unto you, look forward, keep your eyes upon the goal and the finish line and keep your eyes upon my promises, because my word does not fail, I send my word out and it does not return void.  Therefore, I say unto you, draw close unto me, come unto me all you who are burden and laden and I shall give you rest.  For what do you have need of today, says the Lord, for I am here?   

For I say unto you, my children, seek counsel from me, says the Lord, look into my word, says the Lord, for in that you’ll find all the answers, you’ll receive all the wisdom, says the Lord.  Be not like the world that’s looking into a dark hole hoping for something good to come out.  I’m going to tell you there is nothing good that comes from the world, says the Lord, but all good comes from me your Father God, says the Lord, the anti-christ comes from the black hole, says the Lord.  Therefore get your eyes on me, says the Lord, get your eyes on me; says the Lord, don’t be like the lost, the blind, the lame, those that don’t know me, says the Lord.  For I came to give you life, says the Lord, I came to set you free, says the Lord, get your eyes on me, receive my wisdom, receive my words, says the Lord.   

For I desire to do all that I have said and yet more, there are many more things that I desire to do for you.  Are you looking to me, are you keeping your eyes focused upon me, are you allowing me to do what needs to be done?  For truly it’s not just a weekly thing, but it’s a daily, it’s a daily thing coming before me that I can fill you for that day.  For you do not know what the day holds, but I do and the days ahead will be much darker than they are now, but yet I will take you through victoriously.  Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes focused upon me, keep your eyes set upon me, follow after my voice, follow after the things I have told you to do, don’t go looking here and there for your answer but come to me.  For I have all of your answers, I have everything that you have need of and there is nothing you need that I cannot supply for you, saith the Lord.  Therefore look to me.   

1-28-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, this is the season for bearing fruit, says the Lord, for the time that I sowed my Son, Jesus, began the time of fruit, says the Lord, and the harvest is drawing nigh, says the Lord.  Bear that fruit that others may come and partake of that fruit, says the Lord, that others may also bear fruit, says the Lord.  For, I say unto you, the time is short, but there is plenty of time for you to bear fruit, says the Lord.  

For it wasn’t my plan for you to sit idly by and watch as time went by, but it was my plan that you would have a function and do what I have called for you to do.  For there is a function for everybody to do in my church, in my house, in my body, there is a function for every member.  But realize that I have called you and needed you for this time and this hour.  Don’t sit idly by and watch as time goes by, but do what I have called for you to do.

1-24-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, the world has drawn the curtain closed on me, says the Lord, but if it’s darkness they want it’s darkness they’ll get, says the Lord, for I will not shine my light unto them, says the Lord, but unto my people, my church will have my light, says the Lord.  Therefore, do not stumble and fall and follow the ways of the world but follow me, says the Lord. 

For even though there is a way that seemeth right unto man in the end is destruction, for my way is the only way, there is not another way, there hasn’t been another way, there never will be another way.  But for those who walk according to my word you will have the fullness of my promises, you will have the fullness of my power and authority, you will be the overcomer, but not so for those who go their own way.  So beware, beware, it’s very important to follow after me in the days ahead, for darkness, darkness, darkness like you have never seen before, yes even darker than it is now.  You say, Lord, how can it get any darker, but yet if you look at my word you see as it was in the days of Noah and in the days of Noah I only found him righteous.  So realize it’s important to stay focused on me and walk according to my word, for truly that is the only way. 

1-21-2024 am service

For I say unto you, my children, it is my will for you to be blessed and be prosperous, says the Lord, but no one being blessed and prospering does not mean that you will not have persecution, for it is not possible for you to have persecution when you are here if your living for me.  But know that I have overcome the persecution, says the Lord, therefore you already have the victory, says the Lord.  Therefore, get your eyes on me, says the Lord and know that what I have for you later on is not accompanied with persecution but you will have peace as you have peace now, says the Lord.    

Do you not say I am the Lord of everything, the Lord God is saying, then why do you not come to me for everything, do you not know that I love you with everlasting love and it is my desire that I meet your every single need?  Yet sometimes why do you try to do it on your own and do not come to me, says the Lord?  Oh, I say unto you, am I the Lord of everything; am I the Lord of everything in your life?  For you need to draw close to me in this hour and this time, for it is only getting darker in the world and you need to know my word and you need to have my word within your heart.  You need to know me as the Lord of everything and come to me for your each and every need, for I will supply, I will make a way where there is no way.  Stop trying to do things on your own, but I say unto you, surrender to me, give it all to me, give it all the me, says the Lord and walk in my peace, walk in my comfort, walk in my joy, for that is where I desire for you to be.   

Therefore, I say unto you, do not fear the things that are ahead, for I have warned you that they would come for those who were not following after me.  They’re not coming for my church who is watching and waiting, they’re coming for those who are asleep, for those who do not know me that they might realize the lateness of the hour, that they might see that time is short and they need to make their hearts right with me.  For my church is following me and my leading and is right on track of where I have called for her to be.  Therefore, keep your eyes upon me that you are not ahead or behind, but you’re right with me.  For even though it doesn’t seem like it at the moment everything is going to be just as I said it would.  Therefore, do not concern yourself with the things that are happening all around you, but realize that I have great things in store for my church, saith the Lord.   

1-21-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, I am more than enough, says the Lord, but you in you are not enough, but it still equals you, says the Lord.  I need to be in you, says the Lord, allow me to energize you to do the things that I have commanded you to do, says the Lord, otherwise they will not get done.

1-17-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, fear not those things that are coming upon the face of the earth, the plagues, the pestilences, the diseases, says the Lord, war says the Lord. For I am your God, says the Lord, do you not think I know these things, I’ve delivered you already, says the Lord, if you have faith to believe, if you have faith to speak my word, says the Lord.  Stand upon my word and don’t allow the things that you hear to shake you, says the Lord, don’t allow them to rattle you, says the Lord, for they are meant for the world, not for my people, but for the world to wake them up.  Are you awake, then don’t fear, says the Lord, for I’ve already set you free.

For I say unto you, my children, at the same time don’t be neglectful, says the Lord.  

1-14-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, stay filled with My Spirit, says the Lord, be filled with my joy, says the Lord, for my joy will carry you through, says the Lord.  But if you allow sorrow to fill your heart, oh how hard it will be, says the Lord, but you need to have my joy, says the Lord.

For remember many things must take place and come to pass because it has been recorded in my word.  You do not need to fear those things if you’re walking with me, but don’t let them trouble your heart to the point that it brings you down.  But realize there is a work to be done, realize the time is short and you need to be about the Father’s business, for there is much to do.  For my word says the harvest is ripe but the laborers are few and I need my laborers ready to reap the harvest, saith the Lord.  

1-14-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, I am the potter and you are the clay, says the Lord, you are my masterpiece, says the Lord, you’re my sculpture.  Therefore, I speak unto you, speak the words I give unto you, do the things that I give unto you to do, says the Lord, that I can perfect everything that I have for you, says the Lord.  I want you to be the perfect victor, says the Lord, never falling, never slipping, says the Lord, always standing, says the Lord, so get into my word, says the Lord and hear what I say.   

For I have given unto you my word and my word is truth, my word has stood the test of time and still stands.  My word is always right and when you’re in my word and you find out what it has to say you realize that everything you need to know is in my word, everything you need to be successful is in my word, everything you need to make it through the days ahead is in my word.  So realize that my word is important, and even though the enemy is trying to remove my word from your hands, realize that you need to have my word in your heart, that you can mediate on it day and night, that’s what I told Joshua would make him successful, let it not depart from him and that’s how you can be successful also by not letting my word depart from you.  But get into it, get into it, get into it like never before. 

1-10-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, now is the hour to bring all those that are sick, need a healing to me, says the Lord, that I can open up their eyes, that I can open up the eyes of the world that they can see me and know who I am, says the Lord.  For now is the time, says the Lord, that I shall be known around the world as the miracle worker, says the Lord.  I’m here, I’m here, says the Lord, bring them unto me, says the Lord, bring them, says the Lord. 

For remember I said this would be a great hour for the church, an hour where My Spirit was poured out without measure, an hour where my power would be on display for all to see.  For I desire to work, is there any, is there any that will come to me to receive the things that I have?  For truly I will do it, you have seen me do it again and again and again you have seen me work, but it will be even greater now, saith the Lord. 

1-7-2024 am service

For I say unto you, my children, you speak forth my word it doesn’t just go one way but it goes all ways, says the Lord.  Always speak my word, says the Lord, for it’s all that you should speak, says the Lord, for in that you find the truth and the truth will set you free in all ways, says the Lord.

For I have much more in store for you than what you realize, for great things I desire to do upon your behalf.  Are you walking with me like I have said so I can bless you and move upon your behalf and do the things that I desire to do?  Are you following my word, are you speaking my word, are you calling those things that be not as if they were so they shall come to pass?  For truly it is my desire that you are walking with me, speaking my word, doing the things that I have called you to do.  For truly I have great things for my people in the days ahead, for those who would walk according to my word and according to my promises and do the things that I have called for them to do, more is in store for you, says the Lord.  

1-7-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, am I worth coming to see, says the Lord, am I worth spending time with, says the Lord, are my words worth something to you, says the Lord, because they bring the life that you have need of, says the Lord.  They bring heaven down to the earth for you, says the Lord, therefore know me and my word and speak that word, says the Lord. 

For it is my desire that you have the fullness of everything that I have for you, the fullness of my promises, the fullness of my blessings, the fullness of my power and authority.  For I desire to fill you with the fullness of me, and if you do the things that I have said, if you’re following after the things that I am telling you to do you will be at that point that you can have the fullness of everything that I have for you.  For truly I desire to pour out My Spirit upon you and it is my desire that you are flowing in the fullness of everything that I have.  For I do not want you to be the tail, I want you to be the head, I want you to be above, I want you to be the overcomers, the conquerors, the victors.  But if you walk according to my word you can be all those things, saith the Lord. 

1-3-2024 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, get your eyes off the time and get your eyes on me, says the Lord, for when you look at the time unbelief arises, you start saying, do I have time, do I have time, do I have time.  I say unto you, it’s not about you, it’s about me, says the Lord, that I have all the time that I have need of.  Therefore, get your eyes off what you can do and get your eyes on what I can do, says the Lord.  Because it is not about you it’s about me, know that I can do all things and I know the time that I have, says the Lord. 

Think about time like a circumstance, do you look at the circumstances and focus on the circumstances when you’re standing believing my word?  No, for if you do that are you really believing, because the circumstances seem more than what my word is.  Therefore, don’t stand and believe on the time only, believe my word.  Abraham didn’t look at the time, he believed my word and it was counted to him as righteousness, he was an example for you to follow, others were examples for you to follow.  For they never looked at the time, but they looked at what my word was and they stood upon my word.  Stand upon my word, focus upon my word, focus upon my promise and everything will line up perfectly, saith the Lord. 

12-31-2023 AM Service 

For I say unto you, my children, I am always here for you, says the Lord, I’m here for you right now, says the Lord, to meet your every need, to supply for you what you need that you don’t know you need, says the Lord, but I know everything, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, don’t be bashful, but come forth, says the Lord, to me.

For I love you very much, my children, therefore I desire that you have everything that you have need of whatever it might be.  So what are the things that you have need of today, for I am willing to give them out to those who will receive what I have for them, saith the Lord.  

For now is the hour, now is the time to press forward, to press into all that I have in store for you.  Yes the enemy rages hard but, I say unto you, I have already caused you to be the victor.  So do not look at the circumstances around you but, I say unto you, look to me, look to my word, look to my promises, for I do not fail and I will not fail you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, put your trust in me like never before, come unto me, for does not my word say come unto me all you who are laden and heavy burdened and I shall give you rest?  But many times my children try to do it on their own and they don’t come to me.  Oh, I say unto you, come to me, says the Lord, I am here for you and I will give unto you peace, I will give unto you joy, I will unto you hope, I will give unto you everything that you have need of.  But you must trust me, you must come to me as I have said, for I know everything that you have need of and I will give it unto you freely, freely my children.  Therefore, I say unto you, come to me, come to me, come to me, make the decision to walk with me, to not go to the right or to the left, but to walk with me and you shall see my faithfulness as I am faithful even all the way to the end.  Even though at times you are not faithful unto me, I remain faithful unto you.  Now is the time, now is the hour to come back to me like you were before, for I have great and mighty things in store for you.  Walk with me, walk with me, walk with me.  For this year ahead shall be a great blessing, it shall be a year of greatness for my children.  You must be walking and living in my word and speaking my word that you can walk in the abundance of it.  Know the promises that I have given unto you, for I do not fail, neither does my word fail.

12-31-2023 - 01/01/2024 New Year’s Eve Service

For I say unto you, my children, Babylon is about to be offered, says the Lord, it is about to be put on the offering plate for the devil, the beast, says the Lord, for the sin, the wickedness that I put on their hearts to do so, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, get in my solid foundation, says the Lord, abandon the ship, says the Lord, and rest in me knowing that what is about to be revealed is not of me, says the Lord, but it is a trick and to deceive those that don’t know me into eternal damnation, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, repent and get right, says the Lord, and follow me, says the Lord.  

For realize it’s time for my church to get excited for what is ahead, for many great things are about to take place, for the world it will not be so, for it will be another year filled terrorism, disasters on every side, weather that has never been seen before, flooding and famines even worse than what you have seen before.  But remember the clock is ticking down and the farther the clock ticks down the worse things get for the world.  But not for my church, for my church shall rise, my church will be the head and not the tail, my church will be above and not beneath.  But woe unto those who are not of me but say they are, for destruction is coming to you if you do not turn and repent.  For those who are following after me great are the days that are ahead, great are the days ahead, great are the days ahead, saith the Lord. 

Therefore, I say unto you, be my hands and my feet give my word to those around you, for even it will be words of warning, warning that they need to come back to me because the hour is late, the time is at hand.  It is now time to press in unto me like never before, yet it is also the time to gather the harvest that is so ripe and ready.  Therefore, be my hands and be my feet, share my love, share my word with those around you, let them see and know my forgiveness and experience my joy, my peace.  For there will not be peace in the world and they need to know my peace that passes all understanding that it can guard and rule their hearts in this hour and this time.  Therefore, I say unto you, be my hands, be my feet and share my love with those around you.

And remember I’ve called my church to be a church without spot or wrinkle, if you have allowed me to iron out the wrinkles and clean the spots then you are where you need to be.  If you’re not walking with me a hundred percent it’s time to make a change, it’s time for a course correction, for the things that will now take place will be far worse than ever before.  You’ve seen now how evil is good and how good is evil even as Isaiah and Jeremiah prophesied those things and now they have come to pass in this very day and in this very hour.  You will see it even more so as they attack the church, but my true church will stand, they will not be able to come against her, for she will possess all the power and all the authority that I have given unto her.  Do not fear those days ahead, but realize you need to walk very closely by my side.  For it is that time and I’m calling you, I am calling my church to come closer, I’m calling my children to walk closer, I’m calling my children to keep their eyes on me and their eyes on the finish line.  For truly the finish line is in sight, saith the Lord, and if you come with me you will be victorious, saith the Lord.  

12-24-23 am service

For I say unto you, my children, I am the bright morning star, says the Lord, I am the day stars, says the Lord, I’ve put it in your heart that you’re my child, says the Lord and it draws all men to me, says the Lord.  Therefore, open up your heart and let that light shine this season, says the Lord, that all the world may see me in you, says the Lord. 

For I did not hide the light, for I made a display openly that all who were searching would see it and yet only those who were looking for it saw it.  Others saw the light, but they didn’t see it in the same way, because they weren’t looking for it.  But for those who are looking for the light, is there a light for them to fine, for it’s my light that’s shining through you and if your light is not shining then they cannot see it.  For truly you are in the very last hour and it is not time to hide, but it is time to shine brightly, for the time has come, saith the Lord.

12-17-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, if you’re mine, you are a Christ gift for those around you, says the Lord.  For I have given you my gift, says the Lord, each and every one of you have my gifts that I have given unto you, says the Lord, that you can open up them for those around you, says the Lord, that they prosper, says the Lord, that they get healed, says the Lord, that they get delivered, says the Lord, that you glorify in me, says the Lord.  

For my gift to you is not one, is not one that you hoard, but it’s one that you continue to give, for that is what I have done, I have continued to give and give and give and you also should continue to give of me to others.  Don’t hold back what I have continued to give, but freely give it to others, for what good is it for you if you hoard it up?  For it’s my will, it’s my way to share that gift with others, and when you share with others, oh how I can move upon your behalf, how I can bless you, how I can do more for you because you continue to give of what I am giving you.   

For I have given unto you all that you have need of, my children, my word contains everything that you need to live and walk victorious in this hour and this day.  My word is a light upon your path, it guides you, it brings deliverance unto you, it brings you peace, it brings you joy, it brings you contentment.  Get into my word like never before, just don’t know my word, but have it in your heart and you keep it in you that it comes out of you.  For does not my word say, that out of you comes the issues of life, the river of life flows from you?  If you have not my word in your heart how can that life, that river of life flow from you?  Therefore, I say unto you, be diligent to get into my word, to know my word, to have my word within your heart that you can truly become all that I have called you to be for this hour and this time, says the Lord.  

12-17-2023 pm service Children’s Christmas Play  

12-13-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, My Spirit will be poured out without measure, says the Lord, for the birth pains, the birth pains, says the Lord, will bring forth my revival that I’ve been telling you about, says the Lord.  Very soon now you shall see the revival break out from all over the world, says the Lord, and it’ll climax with the rapture of my people, my church, says the Lord, and therefore those that are still on this earth will wait for the return of me, says the Lord, with my church, says the Lord.

For yes timing is very important and everything happens right on time, don’t forget that.  So don’t think you’ve missed it, don’t think that you’re late, realize that everything will happen right on time, be ready, be prepared for those things.  For you have seen the things unfolding all around you in the world, you see the signs of my return imminent, therefore you know also that I have things yet that have to be fulfilled and they all shall be fulfilled, my word says everything will be fulfilled.  Therefore, look forward to what is ahead, for truly great things are in store for you, saith the Lord. 

12-10-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, because my name stands, says the Lord, you can stand on it, says the Lord, for in my name contains everything that you have need of, says the Lord. For it is your salvation, says the Lord, it is everything, says the Lord and I’ve put my word in my name, says the Lord, that those two together cannot be separated, says the Lord.  And you too shall be gathered in my name, says the Lord, for you become untied in me, says the Lord, and do those things that I say to you to do, says the Lord, and you will have all the victories, says the Lord. 

For there is nothing that you need to fear or worry about if you’re walking with me, if you’re not walking with me and there is a door open, then you need to worry.  But otherwise there is no need for worry, for I have already made a way where there wasn’t a way before.  I have called you for a greater purpose for this time and for this hour.  Therefore, I said I would take you through these days victoriously, that you would be the head and not the tail, that you would be above and not beneath, that you would be the overcomer, you would be the victor.  Walk according to my word, walk according to my promises, for truly I have much more for you than just getting by.  For I have more than enough, more than enough and that more abundantly, saith the Lord.  Stand on those things, for that is my desire for my church to be living more abundantly.

12-10-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, live after My Spirit, says the Lord, that you do not fulfill the lust of the flesh, says the Lord.  For if Esau and Jacob struggled in the womb, says the Lord, so did My Spirit strive with man, says the Lord, but choose life, say the Lord, for one chose flesh, one chose Spirit.  Therefore, I say unto you, chose Spirit, says the Lord, and you hear and know the things that I have for you.

For I have called you to walk according to the Spirit and not according to the flesh, thus fulfilling your own wants and desires.  But when you are following after the Spirit then you are doing the things that I desire for you to do.  You’re allowing me to lead and guide and direct you.  For, truly, that is my desire and I am looking for those who will follow after me and not go according to their own plans and purposes, but go according to mine.  For, truly, I desire to have a hundred percent, not thirty, not sixty, not ninety, but a hundred and when you give me control and allow me to do the things that I desire to do, oh how great that is, how much more you can do when you’re doing it my way and not your own.  For you have seen what has happened when man has followed his own desires, for the end is never good.  But for those who followed after my desires the end was always great and that is my desire that you can reach your greatest potential, so, therefore give me a hundred percent.

12-6-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, now is the hour you need to let your light shine more than any other time before, says the Lord.  For the world doesn’t need to see darkness, but they need to see my glory and my glory only comes through an unveiled face, says the Lord, and I have unveiled you, don’t put a veil over you, says the Lord.  For my glory is to go out, says the Lord, and touch those round about you, to bring in the sheep, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, bring them in, take the lampshade off, says the Lord, and go forth as I have commanded you, says the Lord. 

For when Jesus walked the earth everybody knew who he was and yet he didn’t have to tell them.  Do people know who you are without you telling them, do they know who you serve, do they know the power that you have?  For my children should be shining brightly, everyone should see and know who they are, they should stand out.  For truly that is what my desire is that you are not one of the crowd, that you stand out from the crowd, you stand out for me, you shine for me, you witness for me, you go about doing my work, saith the Lord.  For, truly, the hour is late and it is time now to stay focused on me and my plan and my will, it is not an hour to get your focus on other things, but it is an hour to keep your focus on me.  For, truly, I desire to use you in a great way, therefore let your light shine.  

12-3-2023 am service

Do not become so busy, says the Lord, that you don’t have the time to come one hundred percent into my presence, for in my presence you receive everything that you have need of to go about your day, to do the things that I have called you to do.  For when you sit in my presence I fill you to overflowing even with the things that you don’t even know that you have need of.  Therefore, I say unto you, take time to sit before me in my presence on a daily basis, not just on a Sundays or Wednesdays but, I say, on a daily basis.  Get into my presence that you can truly become affective in the ways that I desire you to become affective.  For it is that hour and that time that I have called you, says the Lord, and it is time for you to rise up like never before and for you to be mouth piece, to be my hands, to be my feet, to share my love with those around you.  Oh therefore, I say, charge yourself up to be in my presence.

Therefore, I say unto you, says the Lord, not to bring anything before me, says the Lord, that I don’t already know about, cause I know it all, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, command me according to my word, says the Lord, and I will perform all those things that need to be done, says the Lord.  For there is no greater joy, says the Lord, that I have that when my children come full of faith and power in my name, in my word, says the Lord, and oh my angels, my angels, they hear that word, says the Lord, and they’re all over, says the Lord, working on your behalf, says the Lord.  Therefore, know you’re not out there alone, says the Lord, for I’m with you wherever you go and my angels are with you, says the Lord.

And there is nothing that you need to fear, no you do not need to fear the day or the hour, no you do not need to fear the enemy, no you do not need to fear man.  For the enemy has already been defeated, I have already given you the victory; all you have to do is walk in the fullness of that victory that I have given unto you.  Many times my people are defeated because they allow the wrong thinking and the wrong things to come out of their mouth.  Begin to line yourself up with what my word has said, that’s what I have told you to do.  Speak forth only my word and watch as the things around you begin to change, for I have created you to be overcomers, and if you are not overcoming, then find the problem and realize that you are the overcomer.  But most of the time the problem is very easy and I have given you many keys unto these things.  Therefore, if you just go according to my word and according to the things that I have said then you would be the overcomer.  For truly I have called you to be that, I have created you to be that, I have given you the tools necessary to be all that I’ve called you to be.  Now it’s up to you to use those things, saith the Lord. 

12-3-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, my blood never stops working, says the Lord, it’s always full of cleansing power, says the Lord, for whatever you have need of, says the Lord, it’ll cleanse you, it will purify, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, know my word for what my word says, for my word works with the blood, says the Lord, you cannot separate the two for they flow together, says the Lord, remember that.  When you get into my word you get into my blood covering, says the Lord, for what did I say unto you, that if you abide in me and I in you, says the Lord, what happens, life comes.  Therefore, stay in my word and let my blood flow through you, says the Lord.  

11-29-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, it’s time to set your clock according to my word, says the Lord, your spiritual clock, says the Lord, not what the flesh sees, but what My Spirit shows you, says the Lord.  For you cannot walk according to the flesh, for those in flesh are hoping for prosperous times ahead, says the Lord, but they will run right into the arms of the antichrist I say.  Therefore, I say unto you, know what spiritual time it is according to my word; line everything up with my word, says the Lord.  For things are going to begin to roll much faster now, says the Lord.  For I told you I would shorten the days, says the Lord, but how am I going to shorten them, says the Lord?  Listen, listen, take heed to my word, says the Lord, for, yea, I will make these days go by quickly, says the Lord.

For it’s time to get on my track, it’s time to get on track with me and what I am doing, it’s time to focus on the goal ahead.  For it is that time now and it is that hour and things will happen much faster now than ever before, and yet if you realize you’ve already seen it increase in speed, in a sense, you’ve seen how time has just flown by and you will continue to see those things.  But if you’re on track with me and you’re right where I have called you to be you’re not distracted by the right hand or the left hand, you’re not focused on what the enemy is doing, but you’re focused on me.  For do not allow yourselves to be deceived, for this is an hour of great deception, but if you’re on track with me you will not be deceived, if you’re eyes are on me, if you’re running with me, if you’re following after my plan you’re doing the things that I have said, that’s right where you need to be.  So stay focused on me, are you truly surrendered to me, are you truly giving all that you have to me that I can do what I desire to do?  Are you laying aside you wants and your desires that I can do what I know needs to be done, what my word says will take place, for it’s time, it’s time to get on track with me.  

11-26-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, it’s my will that you be blessed beyond measure over and above, says the Lord, that you overflow with my blessings, says the Lord.  For what comes out of your mouth is a big part of what you get blessed with, say the Lord, and what comes out of your pocket into your hand, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, do you know what you’re sowing, says the Lord, for you will reap what you sow, says the Lord.

11-26-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, know the authority that you have in my name, says the Lord, for I am not bound by distance, I am not bound by where you’re in, but I am bound by what you believe, says the Lord.  Therefore, if you believe what I say unto you is true it shall be done, says the Lord, there is no need for you to have to travel, if you believe you can speak forth my word and that it is done.  Therefore, I say unto you, don’t believe it just because you are stuck at where you are at that I can’t move, says the Lord, for I am not bound by your unbelief, says the Lord. 

For it’s truly a time and hour to stay locked in upon me, stay locked in upon the final prize, for the hour is very late and many things are taking place very quickly now, far quicker than most have even realized.  So do not get caught up in the lies of the enemy, but stay focused upon me and what my word has said.  For remember I have already warned you about all the deception that would come now and you will see that even more than you are seeing it now.  But realize that I have called you for a greater purpose and it is time to fulfill that purpose, saith the Lord, it’s time to be all that I have called and created for you to be, it is time and when it is my time then things happen.  For things don’t happen in your time, but they happen in mine, so move with me, move with me, for everything happens in my perfect time, saith the Lord. 

11-19-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, I’ll never leave you nor forsake, says the Lord, when you’re not feeling my presence, says the Lord, it’s because you’re sleeping, says the Lord.  You just need to wake your spirit up and begin to praise me, says the Lord and awaken that spirit within you, says the Lord, that I can come, that I can come and speak life into you, says the Lord.  That I can come and fill your atmosphere, says the Lord, that my praises, my words come out of you, says the Lord.  Seeds of joy shall spring forth out of you, says the Lord, and oh how sweet it is, how sweet it is, says the Lord.  

For it’s very important to know how to praise me, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh, so what are the things that are in your heart, for if my praise is not in you it cannot come out of you and many other times you are filled with other things.  But be filled with my praise, be filled with my joy, be filled with my peace.  For those are the things that you need to have, for those are my attributes and they should be in you if I am in you, if they are not flowing in you find out why.  Get into my word; spend more time with me, for I will show you the things that you have need of, I will show you the things that you need to know.  For I have promised to take you through this time victoriously, so learn, learn to speak my praises, saith the Lord. 

Praise is an attitude, it is an attitude of worship, for it sets the whole and entire mood of the day and as you praise me you will notice the difference for the whole entire day.  For when you praise the enemy quickly flees, does not my word say the joy of the Lord is your strength?  For when you are praising me joy wells up within your soul and strength comes into your being and gives you the things that you have need of.  Yes, it is my joy that gives you the strength as you praise me, as you praise me, truly, joy comes into your soul and it gives you strength.  So, I say unto you, praise me, praise me, praise me, does not my word say, praise me in the morning, praise me in the noon time, praise me when the sun goes down?  For there is a reason for that my children, your heart will be filled with my joy that you can walk in the strength that I have given to you.  For I have given you everything that you have need of for this hour and this time.  Do not walk in lack or want but walk in the fullness of my word, says the Lord. 

11-19-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, be filled with my wine, says the Lord, with my Spirit, says the Lord, not with the spirit of the world, says the Lord, for the spirit of the world would cause you to rot, says the Lord.  When you’re thankful, says the Lord, you overflow, you pave the way for more, says the Lord, more of me, more of my blessing in your life.  Therefore, I say unto you, continue to press into me and be thankful, says the Lord, that I can be thankful back, says the Lord, with my blessings.   

For it brings great joy to my heart when you honor me, when you esteem me as your number one, for then I move upon your behalf with compassion.  For it is my desire to bless you, it is my desire to do many wonderful things on your behalf.  Be open to the things that I have for you, for truly I desire to bless you in a mighty way.  For it is that time and it is that hour for my blessings to be poured out on to my people, but only those, only those who are walking with me will receive the fullness of those blessings.  So, I say unto you, walk closely by my side, for truly I desire to bless you. 

11-15-2023 pm service 

For I say unto you, my children, I’ve carved your path, says the Lord, with the very words out of my mouth, says the Lord and nothing else in your life that you have that is not within that plan can fit, says the Lord.  Therefore, it will be removed, says the Lord, when you follow me one hundred percent, says the Lord.  For just as my servant Abraham, says the Lord, started at seventy five years it took till he was a hundred, says the Lord, for the promises to be fulfilled, but yet I cut the things out that I told him not to bring with him, says the Lord.  For they could not fit in the plan that I had, says the Lord, and neither can the things that you may have fit into the plans, say the Lord.  But fear not, they shall not hinder you, says the Lord, for I have my perfect plan set for you, says the Lord.  

Set your eyes upon me, look not to the left or to the right or lose your focus or attention, but continue to stay focused upon me.  For I am fulfilling my word, I am fulfilling my promises, I am doing everything that I said that I would do and you are only beginning to see it.  For you have not seen it yet, you’re only beginning to see it, for those who are looking in the spirit realm you can see it coming on the horizon.  Get your spiritual ears and eyes open, get them tuned into me, for truly, truly, truly great are the days ahead for my church, great are the days ahead for those who have their attention focused upon me, for those who are following after me, for those who are doing what I have said, for I will direct your path, saith the Lord, I will direct your path.   

11-12-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, my promises are yours, says the Lord, and the fullness of time, says the Lord, they will be established unto you, says the Lord, but grab ahold of them and don’t let them slip, says the Lord, because they are yours, says the Lord.

Be reminded of my faithfulness and walk in the promises that I have given unto you, know the importance of praising and how it goes along with walking in victory.  For as you praise me the enemy quickly flees, he goes in the opposite direction.  Therefore, I say unto you, allow my praises to come out of your mouth, allow not the negative things to come out but rather change it and allow praises to come out of your mouth.  Even in your darkest hour and your darkest time allow my praise to come out of your mouth and watch how the situation turns around, watch how I move mightily on your behalf.  For when you praise me thee enemy leaves, do you understand that my children, do you understand that the enemy takes off running when you praise me, for he cannot stand in the presence of Almighty God.  Oh, I say unto you, run, run, run with me, know the importance of praise, know the importance of living in my word, not just living in my word but speaking my word and doing my word, for it is my word that brings life and that more abundantly.  Therefore, walk with me like never before, walk with me and be reminded, be reminded this day of my promises.  

For, yes, truly there is power in praise, there is power in worship, there is power in the words that you speak, for I have given unto you great power and great authority, are you using it for good or are you using it to put curses upon you?  For out of the mouth comes blessing and cursing and it should not be, for sweet water and bitter water cannot come out of the same cistern, but it should be sweet water that is coming out of your spirits, it should be sweet, for if I am in you then it should be sweet water coming out.  Therefore, I say unto you, set a guard upon your mouth and let only those things that are good, those things that are edifying, those things that are uplifting, those things that line up with my word, only let those things proceed out of your mouth, saith the Lord.  

For I say unto you, my children, all of my promises the largest harvest this world has ever seen has to come before I take you out, says the Lord.  Do not let one seed be left behind, says the Lord.  Therefore expect great things, says the Lord.

11-12-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, I am the milk and the honey, says the Lord, and I’ve promised unto you, says the Lord, for my people in the desert did not realize that it wasn’t just a physical land, says the Lord, but I was what made the land flow with milk and honey, says the Lord.  For I am that spiritual rock, says the Lord, I am the one that causes the sweetness of the soul, I am the one that causes the abundance in life, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, know, know that I am dwelling within you and you shall flow as I flow with milk and honey, says the Lord. 

For it shall be the greatest hour man has ever seen, for miracles, signs and wonders shall be seen where the true churches are and where my people are, saith the Lord and it shall sweep all across the land as I have said.  For it’s my river, it’s my river, it’s my river that shall flow, it will not be man, even though at times they will try to do their own things as they have tried before, but what happens it never goes anywhere, it doesn’t do anything because it is not the real.  But when my river begins to flow there is no stopping it, for it is like a mighty rushing river and who can stop a mighty rushing river?  Can man stop a mighty rushing river, saith the Father; no he can’t, for he tries but fails.  So know that no man can stop my river as it flows, no man can stop it, just get in and learn to flow with it, get in and learn to go with it, don’t try and go against it, don’t try and go the other way, try and go with it, go with my river, for where my river is there am I, saith your Father.

11-8-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, when you look before you what do you see, do you see confusion, do you see fear, says the Lord.  For just as a pilot, says the Lord, looks at his instrumentation and doesn’t be moved by what he sees out his windshield, says the Lord, don’t be moved by what you see out your windshield, says the Lord.  But apply your vision upon my word, says the Lord, for my word will get you through victoriously, says the Lord. 

For, yes, it’s important to know what my word says and what my word does not say, for many people try to add to it or take away from it and when you know what it says then you are sure.  For you need to know what my word says more than ever before, for much of my word is coming to pass and if you know what my word says then you are not easily deceived.  Therefore, get in my word that you can know it like you’ve never known it before, saith the Lord.   

11-5-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, as you praise me your praise is alive, says the Lord, for it’s spirit, says the Lord, it’s truth and it changes the atmosphere in which you’re dwelling, says the Lord, and it fires up my gifts, says the Lord, it throws gasoline on the fire of your spirit, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, keep praising, says the Lord. 

For does not my word say when the enemy comes in like a flood I shall raise a standard against him, no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper.  For even though the enemy fights and he comes against you, you already know that you are the overcomer, that you are the conquerors, and I have given unto you all things that you can walk in them freely.  Know my word and know the promises that I have given unto you my children.  For it is my word that brings life, it is my word that sets the captive free, for it is my word that brings deliverance and it is my word that brings wholeness.  Therefore, I say unto you, even though the enemy may come against you with everything on every side know that I am Almighty God and I have already raised up a standard against him and he is a defeated foe.  Therefore, I say unto you, rejoice and allow my word and allow my praises to fill your heart, for when praises come out of your mouth do you not know that the enemy flees, he flees, he runs.  Therefore, I say unto you, know my word and have my praise upon your lips.     

For, yes, it is important to know how to praise me, especially now more now than ever, for my praise drives the enemy off, my praise drives him off and even in the worst of times my praise will lift you up, It’ll bring you out of the dump back on top where I desire for you to be.  For if you allow the enemy to come against you he can tear you down, but if you stand upon my word, if you praise me it drives him off.  Do not allow yourself to be defeated, do not allow yourselves to be down, for things will get much darker than they are now, for you are only beginning to see it, says the Lord.  Therefore, do not fear the things that shall come, but remember the keys that I have given unto you.  For again this morning I gave you another key of how important praise is.  For praise goes before the greatest battles and the greatest victories and yet my people always came out on top regardless of how big the enemy seemed.  For they went according to my word and according to my promise, and when you go according to my word and when you go according to my promise, great is your victory, great is your victory, saith the Lord.  

11-5-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, if you deposit yourself in me, says the Lord, oh how great the return on your behalf, says the Lord.  For there is no bank, says the Lord, there is nothing in this world that can compare to what you receive, says the Lord, of what you invest in me.  Make your deposits in me, says the Lord, and watch the things that you will have superabundantly, says the Lord.

For, yes, my word works and when you follow what my word has said and do what my word has said it works.  For I decreed those things long ago, I showed you about sowing and reaping, about laying up your treasures in heaven, about investing in my kingdom.  For I give you a far better return than man does, for man cannot even guarantee his, but I can with mine, saith the f

Father.  Therefore, realize that my word is true and when you do what my word has said then you get the fullness of what I have for you.  It is my desire that you have the fullness, the fullness, the fullness of what I have for you, saith the Lord. 

11-1-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, don’t be like the fly that is easily baited into a trap, says the Lord, for the enemy knows the flesh, says the Lord, but doesn’t know my word, says the Lord, in the spirit.  Therefore, I say unto you, get to know my word, says the Lord, and stay out of the devils snares, says the Lord.

For my word pertains to it as a yoke of bondage and once you’re in that yoke it’s hard to get free on your own, but it take help to get free from that, but I have made you free.  Therefore, walk in my freedom and do not allow the enemy to entangle you in his yoke of bondage.  For I have created you to be free, therefore be free like I have created you to and you do that by staying in my word, by knowing what it has to say, that way you’re not deceived.   For the enemy is a deceiver, he has been from the very beginning, and yet that should be one of the easiest things to realize, but at times my people don’t see this as clearly as they should.  But if you’re walking closely by my side, if you’re spending time in my word then you are where you need to be, saith the Lord.   

10-29-2323 am service

For I say unto you, my children, victory comes when you know the ending at the beginning, says the Lord, for I made clear what the outcome was from the very beginning, says the Lord, and my Son would crush the serpents head, says the Lord.  Therefore, when you know my word you know the ending, says the Lord, you know what you’re going through is not what you are to go through for what you’ve already won, says the Lord, for I conquered it for you, says the Lord.  For I’ve put it before you, says the Lord, my word is before you night and day, says the Lord, for you to meditate in, you have the vision of your victory, says the Lord.  For you must run, run, run with that vision, says the Lord, to have that victory, says the Lord.  

For when you see yourself as I see you, you see what I have done, you don’t see the circumstances, you don’t see the problem, you don’t see the mountains, all you see is the victory, all you see is the end result.  For I have made you the winner, I have made you the overcomer and it’s time, my church, that you begin to see yourself as that, begin to see yourself as the way that I see you.  For I have made you who you are and you are mine, therefore, you have everything that I have said that you have, everything that I have called you and spoken for you is yours, even if it doesn’t look like it in the natural, spiritually it is.  My word always comes to pass; my word always brings forth the results that it said it would.  Therefore, do not worry about the circumstances, but begin to see yourself as I see you, for truly you are the victors, you are the overcomers and there is nothing that can stop you, there is nothing that can hold you back, for I have already made you the winner, saith the Lord. 

For my word says you only need faith the size of a grain of mustard seed, a faith that can move the mountain.  Therefore, I say unto you, rise up in the faith that I have given unto you.  For, yes, I have given unto you a measure of faith, walk in it, know my word, know that I have given you the power, know that I have given you the authority, you must speak it out, you must declare it out, you must use my word as your guide, you must use my word as your victory tool.  For my word brings life, my word brings joy, my word brings peace, my word brings everything that you have need of.  Therefore, I say unto you, rise up in the faith that I have given unto you, that faith that moves the mountains, says the Lord and watch as I work and move on your behalf.

10-29-2923 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, know the power that I’ve  placed within you, says the Lord, in the words that you speak, says the Lord.  For when you lineup my word with your words, says the Lord, there is power, says the Lord, power.  So speak those things, says the Lord, that you desire and watch as my word comes to pass before you, says the Lord, and even if those around you don’t see it, it doesn’t matter, says the Lord, for as long as you see it and believe it know that it is. 

For I do not want you to be just a hearer of the word only, but it is my desire that you are a doer of the word, for the doers are the ones who get things done, the doers are the ones who reap the benefits of all that I have to offer, the doers are the ones who the enemy fears.  For when you use the power that I have given you there is nothing the enemy can do to stop you, there is nothing the enemy can do to hold you up.  For my word is very powerful, but if you’re just a hearer and not a doer, then what, for the enemy is not afraid of those.  So be a doer of the word and not just a hearer only as Paul said, that’s a very important key that most miss and yet it is one of the keys to unlocking, unlocking one of the greatest promises there is, for doers are the ones that are dangerous to the enemy.  Keep that in mind, keep that in mind, for it is my desire that you defeat the enemy, for I have already defeated him that you can walk as the overcomer, but it is my desire that he is beneath your feet at all times, so be a doer of the word, saith the Lord.  

10-25-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, allow my word to have first place in your life, says the Lord, let it drill itself into your heart, says the Lord, that you know, that you know that my word says this and that and that it doesn’t say this and that, says the Lord.  For in this hour you need to know what my word says, for there are going to be many things that say it says this, but it does not say that, says the Lord.

For you will see far more deception than what you have ever seen before.  Remember many will follow the antichrist and his system because they will not be able to tell the difference between the truth and the false, but that is only because they don’t know what my word has said.  They’ve never really gotten hold and gotten it into their heart, they allow themselves to be given over to man and his system.  But realize the lateness of the hour and how important it is to draw closer to me than ever before.  For there is nothing you need to fear, all you need to do is walk in accordance with my word, take hold of the fullness of the things I have for you in this time and this hour.  For I desire for you to be victorious, I desire you to be the overcomer, I desire you to be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, I desire for you to make it with me.  Stand upon my word, stand upon my promises, know what my word has said that you can be successful, saith the Lord.  

10-18-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, it’s time for my red carpet to roll from your mouth, says the Lord, but only the blood washed saints can walk on that carpet which I have rolled out for you, says the Lord.  For it’s my word, says the Lord, bought with the price of my Son, Jesus Christ, says the Lord, that you speak from your mouth, says the Lord, that emanates from the very belly of your being, says the Lord.  Let it roll, let roll, let it roll, says the Lord, through the pot holes and all, says the Lord, for your path will be smooth when you walk in my word, says the Lord.  From here on out use that red carpet, says the Lord, let that carpet be your path that you walk upon all the days that you have left, says the Lord, which aren’t many, says the Lord. 

10-15-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, it’s time to wake up, says the Lord, you’ve slept and slumbered long enough, says the Lord, trim your lamps and get your lamps filled, says the Lord.  Do you not see, do not see, says the Lord, that my soon return is at hand for you my church my children?  For I say unto you, everywhere that you look, what do you see, says the Lord, do you not see biblical prophecy the word coming to pass before your eyes, says the Lord?  It’s time to get ready, don’t be complacent, says the Lord, don’t think you’ve got the time to do what you want to do, says the Lord, for I’m coming, says the Lord.  

For even the world sees the signs that are going on now, right now, and sadly most of the church is fast asleep because they think that they have more time than they do.  But what does my word say to you, it says to be ready at any moment and my church should be wide-awake, my church should not be sleeping.  For you should know the day and the hour that you are living in, for the signs are very clear and they’re even more clear now than ever before.  Therefore, do not believe the lies of the enemy, do not believe that things are going to stop or change or get better, for they are not.  For things have started that cannot be stopped, things have started that cannot slow down, therefore realize where you are and that it is time, it is time to get serious with me, says the Lord. 

10-15-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, it is a dark hour, says the Lord, but not for you for you’re my light, says the Lord, so let that light shine that the world can see who I am, says the Lord.  Don’t let your light go out, says the Lord; for oh, it shall be dark, it shall be dark when I take my church out, says the Lord.  But until that time it’s time to shine, says the Lord, it’s time for revival to take place, it’s time for me to bring my people home, says the Lord.

For there is nothing that you need to fear if you are walking with me, for the enemy cannot get you if you’re under my covering, for I have placed my seal upon you, therefore he cannot touch you.  But it is very important that you don’t have open doors so that you walk very closely by my side.  For I desire to watch over you and protect and keep you safe just as I have promised.  For there are many things that are coming and you will see them, disaster here and there, but my word has already foretold of these things coming, you’re beginning to see them come to pass as I have told you already.  Do not fear what will come now, but realize that it is time for those things to take place and be ready, be ready, be ready, for behold I am coming quickly, saith the Lord.  

10-11-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, draw closer to me, says the Lord, draw closer to me, for the northern army is about ready to move, says the Lord, for she shall come down, says the Lord, is my church ready, says the Lord, are my people ready, says the Lord?  For the hour I’ve spoken to you about is quickly coming, says the Lord, and it is time for my people to get ready, says the Lord.  Rise up I say, rise up.

Yes, truly it’s time to be more concerned about me than about other things, it’s time to be concerned about what my work is than what you want to do, for the hour is very late and you see the things that are now happening.  For I told you now they have begun, they will not cease, you will see as they continue to grow and grow and grow and grow as my word is fulfilled.  But there is nothing that you need to fear, for I desire that my church is victorious, I desire that from even the smallest to the greatest that you are victorious.  For I desire to use you if you’re open to me, I desire for you to be one that I can use, saith the Lord.  For truly it is that time and it is that hour and it is time, it is time for my church to get reedy, for they are not ready, they are not ready, they are not ready and yet I am coming very quickly and they will not even know it and they will have missed it.  Do not be one of those, do not be one of those, but know the lateness of the hour, be ready, don’t just play church, but be ready, saith the Lord, be ready, for truly I am coming quickly.   

10-8-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, forget not all of my benefits, says the Lord, for I desire for you to walk in them between now and the time I take you our, says the Lord.  For if you don’t remember these things, says the Lord, oh the trouble you will find yourself in, says the Lord.  For my prophetic picture is almost finished, says the Lord, my prophetic picture is almost finished, the picture that I’ve painted before you, says the Lord, for you to know the time and the hour you are in, says the Lord.  For there are just a few little bits remaining, says the Lord, and then you will be with me.  But forget not those things which I’ve spoken unto you, says the Lord, the promises that I’ve given unto you, says the Lord.  Know that between now and then great things shall take place, but you have the victory, says the Lord. 

Every promise in the book is mine every scripture every verse every line should be your confession, for I have given you those things that you could claim and take possession of for this time and for this hour.  For I am freely giving it out, but are you freely receiving it, are you taking the things that I am handing to you, for if you do not grab ahold of those things then you’ll never be able to take possession of them, but to take possession means to make them your own.  So I encourage you to rise up in the faith that I have given unto you and take possession of those things.  For even though I have given my children a land flowing with all the goods that you could ever imagine they couldn’t have it until they possessed it and they couldn’t possess it until they got out of their comfort zone and moved in my word and went in and took it by force.  For you must take possession of the things that I have said that are yours, you do that by following my word, you do that by proclaiming my word, you do it by calling it in.  And for those who do that you will be blessed, for that is my promise unto you for this time and for this hour.  For I have great things in store for you, not so for the world but for my church, for those who will take possession of the land, saith the Lord.   

Even though the enemy may roar load, for remember I have always defeated him and greater is he that is in you, for I am within you, you must know I am greater than anything that would come your way.  Do you trust me, do you see me as your Savior, can you see me as your all in all, do you see me as the one who conquered all, for I have conquered all that you can walk and be more than a conqueror.  Know my promises, know them, have them in your heart, walk in them, for now is the time for those promises to be fulfilled.  Do not listen to the lies of the enemy, for they are but a roar says the Lord.  But, I say unto you, know my word, know what I’ve given unto you, know what I’ve spoken unto you, have them in your heart do not let them go. But, I say unto you, stand, for does not my word say to stand and when you’ve done all to stand, to stand again therefore?  For I’ve come to make sure that you do, says the Lord.  So be reminded of my word this day the promises that I have given unto you, do not let them go but, I say unto you, stand firm in the faith that I have given unto you that you will truly see the things that I have promised unto you, do not let them go but, I say unto you, stand fast like never before hold on to those promises, as you will surely see them as they come to pass.  For I am not a man, I do not lie, but I hold to my word, says the Lord.        

For did not Gideon even conqueror with circumstances that didn’t make sense to the natural man?  I mean really, you can look at all the conquering that people did and it didn’t really make sense, and yet they prevailed because of my word, they prevailed because of my promises.  So even in the midst of the darkest circumstances my people prevailed because of my promises, because they got ahold of the word and they took possession of it.  They knew what was rightfully theirs and they took it, they received it to its fullest and that’s what I am saying I have in store for you.  Receive the things I have for you, take possession of them even at a time when man says it can’t happen, even in a time when man says it doesn’t make sense, for my word always prevails, saith the Lord.      

10-8-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, there are two doors, says the Lord, to enter through, says the Lord, either into my church or into my wrath, says the Lord, choose which one, says the Lord, for the events that are taking place will bring all to the doors.  Which one will you go through, says the Lord, come unto me, says the Lord, come unto me, for I am an open door for you, says the Lord. 

For even the novice can see the events that have started are not going to stop, but these events have been recorded in my word that they would take place and they will continue to take place.  For only if you were fast asleep could you miss what is going on right now, for I have called for my church to be watchman, I’ve called for you to be awake and know and see the hour that you are living in.  For it is very, very clear now.  For I gave you the sign and my word even tells you about the fig tree, for that is the most important thing and as you see what is taking place right now it will not stop, but it will continue right on through the events that I said would take place for this time and this hour.  Watch out for the things that are ahead, do not, do not get away from me, but come closer to me now that ever before, for those who are not walking with me could easily get caught up in destruction and that is not my desire.  For it is my desire, it is my desire for you to go through victoriously, saith the Lord. 

10-4-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, when you see my word what do you see, for I see my glory, I see my riches, says the Lord, for I am word and I am truth and I am light and I am contained in my word, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, sow my word, sow my word, sow my word.

Know what my word has said, and what my word has not said, for there are many claiming this and claiming that but my word tells you nothing of that.  Yes, there are many things that are coming, but remember you are going through victoriously if your trust is in me.  Do not worry and do not fear the things that shall take place, but keep your eyes upon me.  Get into my word and find out what it has to say and you will get clarity about what is ahead, says the Lord. 

10-1-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, there are only two pressures in the world, says the Lord, those that are for you and those that are against you, says the Lord, and you know the answer that I am looking for, says the Lord, for I am for you, says the Lord.  Therefore, abide in me, says the Lord, that you bear much fruit, says the Lord, for my pressure of my word, my power, all of my ability dwells within you, says the Lord, and it will cause those things that be not as though they are, says the Lord.  Therefore, the powers, the pressure that’ll try to come against you cannot prevail, says the Lord, for greater am I that is in you than he that is in the world, the pressures, the cares, the devil cannot come against you and succeed and prevail, says the Lord, when I dwell in you, says the Lord.  But all my children how much of my word abides in you, says the Lord, for my word goes out, says the Lord, and it fights for you, says the Lord, it pushes him back, it keep him from coming forward, says the Lord.  For my pressure, my pressure is grater than any pressure that the enemy, the world can place upon you, says the Lord, therefore abide in me, says the Lord, abide in me, says the Lord.  Get your eyes off the doctors and get your eyes on me, says the Lord, get your eyes off the lawyers and get your eyes on me, says the Lord, get your eyes off the banks and get your eyes on me, says the Lord.  Get your eyes off your wallet and get your eyes on me, says the Lord, for I am your victory, I’m your answer and I’m the one that brings all the things that you have need of, says the Lord.  

For greater is he that is in you then he that is in the world, greater, greater, do you know what greater is, do you look to greater, do you call out to greater, do you come to greater, for who does your help come from, saith the Lord?  For I am your source, I am supply and I am all that you have need of and you are entering a time that you need to know how to look to me for your help.  You need to know how to look to me to meet your needs, for the world cannot do it, man cannot do it, for man’s system is going to fall in a twenty four hour period, then what will you do?  For if you have all of your confidence in that system you won’t have anything, but if your confidence is in me you have nothing to fear, you have nothing to worry about.  For I have said I will take you through these days ahead victoriously, I’ve said I would make you the head and not the tail, I’ve said I would make you the overcomers.  Therefore, look to me, look to me, look to me.

10-1-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, I am a well of life, I am a well of love, says the Lord, and the more that you draw into me, the more you pull, says the Lord, from me, but you’ll never find the bottom, says the Lord, for I am limitless.  Therefore, you can go as deep as you want and keep on digging deeper, says the Lord, and you will not find the bottom, for I am that I am, says the Lord.

And there is nothing that I can’t do; there is nothing that can stop me from doing what I desire to do.  But I desire to use you to accomplish my word, and when you walk with me, I can use you, but when you’re not walking with me I can’t use you the way I desire.  And yet it is a time and an hour when my people should be closer to me than ever before, but at times we find that others are straying away from me.  But it is a time to come close, to come close, to come close.  For many things are about ready to take place and I desire to watch over you and to protect you and keep you safe and take you through these days victoriously.  It is not my desire that you are caught up in the things that take place, but if you’re not walking with me, if your focus and attention is not upon me, than I cannot keep you safe.  So, I say unto you, walk with me, walk with me, walk with me.

For it is an hour to draw so close to me that when I speak to you, you know it’s my voice, you don’t have to question, God is this you speaking to me, but you already know it’s me speaking to you.  That’s how close I desire that you are to me, says the Lord, that when I speak to you that you say, yes God, what is it that you want me to do?  Even at a very whisper you hear and know my voice, that is the closeness that I desire from you.  It is the hour where you need to know my voice, because my voice says my children hear my voice and they do not follow after another.  When you are walking with me and you are close to me you will be able to hear me without reservation.  It is my desire that you know me, that you know me so close that when I whisper you know it’s me and you quickly listen and beckon unto my voice, that is the kind of relationship that I desire to have with you.  So, I say unto you, draw close to me like never before, for I am your God, I am your all in all, I am your provider, I am your Jehovah Jireh, your everything, everything that you need, that’s who I am. Do you see me as that, my children, do you see me as you Abba Father the one who takes care of you with all.  Draw close like never before that you truly know who I am, says the Lord.   

9-27-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, the more that your words line up with my word and agree together with me, says the Lord, the more of my peace you’ll experience in your lives, says the Lord.  For the devil will not dare come into your house, says the Lord, if your words are mine, says the Lord, for my word will run him out, says the Lord, my word will destroy the things that he tries to bring into your life, says the Lord.  Therefore, don’t receive the things that he would bring, but speak my word and cut him up, says the Lord.

For I say unto you, if your words don’t give place to the devil he cannot operate, says the Lord, my word will seal him shut, says the Lord. 

For he is always seeking whom he may devour and if you do not give him that opportunity then he cannot do that to you.  So be wise in these things, saith the Lord, speak forth my word and don’t let the negative things come forth, don’t give place to the enemy, doesn’t my word tell you that?   These are all keys that are important for you to be aware of that you can live the victorious overcoming life. 

9-24-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, I see your struggles, I see the weights, says the Lord, I see the pains, I see all those things that are weighing upon you, says the Lord, and I can’t do anything for you, says the Lord, until you release them to me, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, cast them on to me, says the Lord, for I have a great move right ahead, says the Lord, and I need my people free, says the Lord, that they’re free to minister, that they’re to do the things I’ve set them free to do, says the Lord.  Therefore, when I punch a hole in that wall, says the Lord, and the people flooding in, says the Lord, you’ll be ready, you’ll ready, you’ll be able to minister, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, my people, my people, give yourselves to me, says the Lord. 

Don’t forget what I have said, how suddenly things will change even in a time when it didn’t make sense, even in a time when you think it wasn’t going to be so, suddenly things will change.  Do not be concerned with what you see in the natural, but realize you need to have your spiritual eyes and ears open, that you can see, that you can know, that you can comprehend and understand what is taking place and what is happening.  For I have been giving unto you the things that you have need of, are you openly receiving them, are you able to receive the things that I have for you or are you so caught up on the circumstances that you can’t see past those?  Get your eyes off the circumstances and begin to look through your spiritual eyes and see what is taking place.  Know what I have told you is ahead and be ready for that time, saith the Lord.   

Do I not care for the smallest sparrow, are you not even more important than those, says the Lord, do you not know that I care for you, do you not know that it is my desire that you give unto me everything, that you lay everything at my feet, that you can truly walk in the joy and in the peace and the love that I have provided for you?  Know my love for you my children, there isn’t anything that I will withhold from you, for I give unto you all the things that you can enjoy them, that you can prosper.  Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, walk in my word, do not carry, do not carry your burdens by yourself, but, I say unto you, give them unto me, do not I care for you, do not I want to know your every deep desire even though I already know, says the Lord, I want to hear it from you.  What are the things that you desire, what are the things that you want to see, what are the things that you see that you need to change in your life?  Give them unto me and you shall see great change, you shall see great increase, for when you give them unto me I am able to work in you like I have never worked before.  Therefore, I say unto you, now is the time to draw close unto me, now is the time to surrender all and to truly become all that I have called you to be.  Listen not to the lies of the enemy, but I say unto you, listen to me and my word and fill yourself up in my word that you become, yes, that you become the sons and the daughters that I have said that you are.  For I bought you, yes, I bought you with a price, I died on the cross that you can have that life and that more abundantly.  But so many times my children do not live in that abundant life, because they listen to the enemy, they’re underneath his trap, they’re underneath his shadow, but, I say unto you, come out of the shadow and walk in the light of my word that you can truly walk in the freedom that I have already given unto you.  I overcame, did you hear that my children, I already overcame that you can be the overcomer that I have called you to be.  Therefore, I’m calling you to rise up, I’m calling you to rise up, I’m calling you to press forward like you’ve never pressed forward before, for the hour is late, it’s time is now near for you to put your whole effort into the race that is before you. For when you do that my children you will not be disappointed, for I am always there with you, I’m there encouraging you, I’m there pushing you, I’m there giving unto you the strength that you have need of, and all those things when you don’t have the strength, I am carrying you even as I have carried you in the past.  Therefore, I say unto you, know the promise that I have given unto you, know that my word does not fail, know that my word goes out and it does not return void.  Do you understand that my children, that’s why I said you need to be living and walking in my word speaking my word on a daily basis, for my word is the word that brings you everything that you have need of.  Therefore, I say unto you, press in like never before, press in like never before, for I say unto you my children, you will not be disappointed, you will not be disappointed, for my promises are sure, they are everlasting and they stand forever, says the Lord.   

9-24-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, the difference between those that believe my word and don’t believe my word, says the Lord, see these days a totally different way, says the Lord.  For those that believe my word they see victory they see exciting times, says the Lord, they see the things that they’ve been waiting to see, says the Lord, right at the door.  Those that don’t believe my word they see fear, they see fear, says the Lord, they see darkness, they don’t see the joy that I’ve placed before them, says the Lord.  But, I say unto you, believe my word and receive that joy, says the Lord.  

For is not a time to fear nor is it a time to walk in unbelief, but it is a time to stand upon my word, it is a time to be thee overcomer, it is a time to be the victor, it is a time for life and that more abundantly, for my church, for my people, for those who are walking according to my word.  You see there are many great things in store for you, not so for the world.  For the world will face much disaster and much destruction much turmoil and you have seen bits and pieces of these and you’ll continue to see more and they will increase and increase and increase.  But you don’t have to fear those things, for remember you go through victoriously just as the Hebrew children walked through the fire and there was no smell of smoke on them you will go through this time and there will be no signs, there will be nothing to say that you were even here, but yes, you were and went through victoriously.  For truly that is what I desire to do for you my children and all you need to do is trust in me, trust in me and trust in me.   

9-20-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, continue to press in, says the Lord, for no matter how much time there is left, says the Lord, you’ll always have plenty of time to do the things that I have called you forth to do, says the Lord.  Therefore, don’t put off the things that I have given unto you to do, says the Lord, if I’ve given you a desire, if I’ve given you a dream, says the Lord, continue to press in and pursue that dream, says the Lord, for I can do all things, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say, don’t be worried about the time, says the Lord, because things continue on after this time, says the Lord.  The things you do down here only add up to the things you have to do up with me, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, don’t worry about time, keep pressing in and do those things that I have given you to do, says the Lord. 

For in a sense time is but a circumstance, for I see all things finished, completed and yet there is a perfect time for everything to take place.  But in your understanding you do not understand time like I understand time, you get glimpse and peaces here and there but you do not have the fullness of that understanding.  Therefore, don’t try to comprehend in that way, realize what I have said in my word, realize the promises that I have given, stand upon that and watch and believe those things come to pass.  But not in your time, but in my perfect time, allow me to have my perfect time and don’t concern yourself with time in that sense.  But my word will be fulfilled, the promises will come to pass, everything that has been recorded in my word will come to pass and you can rest assured on that.

9-17-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, like a mighty cobra raises it’s head, says the Lord, the enemy is about to strike, says the Lord, but fear not, for my obedient people will not be harmed, says the Lord, but the world shall wake up, says the Lord, the world shall wake up, fire, fire, says the Lord, brimstone, pillars of smoke, says the Lord.  For that shall surely usher in my wrath shortly after, therefore says the Lord, but know this day, says the Lord, that quickly, quickly it shall come, says the Lord.

For there is nothing ahead that you need to fear, all you need to make sure is that you’re walking with me, make sure that your confidence is in me.  Make sure that I am number one and other things are not before me, for that is very important for you to walk in the fullness of my protection.  For how can I speak unto you if you’re not walking with me, if there are other things that are more important than me, that’s why I said come closer than ever before, for I know what is coming, I know what is ahead and yet I promised that you go throw these days victoriously.  But you must walk closely by my side, you must have your trust and your confidence in me, you must have your eyes on me and not on the circumstances.  For the circumstances really are nothing, but at times they look like giants and even the children of Israel didn’t want to take what was theirs because of what they saw in the natural.  But when you look at what’s in the spiritual and realize you’re far greater than the giants, for really they’re minor, they’re nothing but they catch your eye if you’re looking at the natural, but in the spiritual they’re just a speck.  And really they’re nothing that’s way your eyes need to be upon me, your focus needs to be upon me, your attention needs to be upon me.

Remember my promises, says the Lord, etc for you’ve been etc light, says the Lord, for the promises that I have given unto you they do not fail, my word does not fail, but I say unto you, be walking in my promises, as you walk in the things that I have already provided for you, you will not walk in fear, you will not walk in dread but you will walk in my perfect peace.  For, yes, there are great things that are ahead that are taking place in the world, but I have come to bring you peace and that more abundantly.  So, therefore, I say unto you, in the days that are ahead   remember my promises, remember my words that I have given unto you, for they fail not and I will be faithful unto you just as I always have been.  Therefore walk with me and trust me like never before, for I will see you through the days that are ahead.   

9-17-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, my word is absolute truth, says the Lord, there is nothing that’s in there that is not truth, says the Lord.  Understand this, says the Lord, that nothing in my word will fail, says the Lord, but it is sent forth to do those things which I have spoken it to do, says the Lord, that you can bank on that, says the Lord. 

For my word goes out and it does not return void but it goes forth to do all that it was set out to do.  Even so now you’re watching as my word that I spoke even thousands of years ago is being fulfilled because it is the hour of fulfillment.  Remember there is a time and an hour for my word to be fulfilled, sometimes it’s for now, sometimes it is for later, sometimes it’s for both.  And when you have the fullness of that understanding you can see things clearer and you get that understanding from the Holy Spirit.  Therefore, allow My Spirit to give you the understanding that you have need of that you’re not caught off guard that you’re wide awake and you see and know and understand the day and the hour you are living in, saith the Lord.

9-13-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, now is the time, says the Lord, you need to be in tune to My Spirit like never before, says the Lord.  When I put something in your mind you do it, you meditate on it, says the Lord, you pray about it, says the Lord, for it’s important that you do the things that I send to you, says the Lord, that I speak to you, says the Lord.  For it will prosper you in these days ahead, says the Lord, I don’t show you anything for myself, but for you, says the Lord.

Even if I have revealed many things to you already, you see what is happening this week; did not I tell you to watch them long, long, long ago?  And even many said, well Lord, we’re not seeing anything, but I said to watch that you would see, that you would know, that you would see my word coming to pass.  But do not be moved by those things, for I am still God, it is my word that matters, for my word goes out and does not return void it goes forth to do what I’ve called it to do and my word has said you go through these days victoriously.  So don’t worry about those things, don’t let them trouble you, but I warn you so you’re aware of what is coming.  Do you remember what else I told you was coming, there are many things that have to take place, they come to pass in this time now.  Be watchful, be ready, realize that the hour is late, but I have great things in store for my people.  Keep your attention focused on me, for I will take you through the days ahead victoriously, saith the Lord.

9-10-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, the moment my word is spoken through your mouth, says the Lord, it’s time to fight the good fight of faith, says the Lord.  For when my word goes out the host of the evil one tries to take that faith that you launched out, says the Lord, but don’t doubt, says the Lord, don’t doubt, for it shall surely come back to you, says the Lord, in full power, in full manifestation, says the Lord.  Therefore, stand your ground, says the Lord, for what you speak shall be as my word declared it to be, says the Lord. 

Think about your word as seeds sown, for every seed produces after its own kind, therefore the words that you speak produce either a good harvest or a bad harvest.  What are the things that you are speaking, are you speaking my word or are you speaking the problems, are you speaking man’s way?  For, truly, I’ve given unto you my promise, I’ve given unto you my power, I’ve given unto you my authority, I’ve said set a guard at your mouth and realize how important it is to only speak my word, to only speak those things that are good, those things that are of a good report.  For every seed reproduces after its own kind, therefore make sure you’re sowing the right kind of seed.  

For I say unto you, my children, the devil can do nothing with a child in faith, says the Lord, but when the faith wavers, when the doubt and unbelief comes in, says the Lord, that gives the devil the time, the opportunity, says the Lord, to steal.  But, I say unto you, stand your ground, says the Lord and my angels will fight on your behalf, says the Lord and you will be the victors.  

Yes, for I’ve overcame so you could overcome, I conquered so you could be a conqueror, therefore realize who you are, realize that you are a King’s kid, realize that you have all of my power and all of my authority and all of my ability, realize that you are a victor, realize that the enemy can’t do anything you don’t allow him to.  Therefore, don’t allow him to do anything, but realize that he is already defeated and you are the victor.  

9-10-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, know that I care for you, I love you, says the Lord, therefore whatever happens, says the Lord, know that I already knew about it and I showed you these things, says the Lord, and I’m going to care for you, I’m there for you, says the Lord.  Do not be troubled, for you should be at peace and knowing that I have already revealed these things, I’ve already told you, says the Lord, that you have the victory.

For I’ve warned you about things very long ago and I have reminded you about them throughout the years, that way when the time came, you would be well prepared.  So don’t be caught off guard, because in some sense not much has happened in the natural but spiritually many things have been taking place.  Many things have been taking place behind the scenes, for I have been at work even though it doesn’t appear that way to you, but I have been working.  For I have been working mightily on your behalf, I’ve been doing many things and very soon you will see the fullness of what I have been doing.  But realize thee hour that you are living in, realize what has to come to pass and don’t be caught off guard when you see disaster taking place.  For many things, many things must take place before I return, saith the Lord.  

9-6-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, you’re in the midst of a great falling away, says the Lord, of my people, for the devil is pushing you, he is pushing my people, says the Lord, out of my church.  He is pushing you out of my light, says the Lord, for getting your thoughts on other things, says the Lord, filling you up with things you don’t need, says the Lord, filling your plate up with things you don’t need, says the Lord.  Get your eyes back on me, stay with me, says the Lord, for soon you’ll be in darkness 

Remember, I’ve warned you about all of those things, but I warned you because the enemy is sly and many are caught in his traps and don’t even know it.  But when you search out my word and find out what it has to say it gets you back on track.  For, remember, all you have to do is walk according to my word, walk according to the promises, realize who you are, realize that the end is already decided and as long as you’re on my side you win.  For I have many great things in store for you in this time and this hour, even though it doesn’t make sense, even though it doesn’t seem possible this time, during this time I will bless, I will pour out My Spirit, there will be great excitement throughout the church, throughout the true believers those who are walking with me.  Not for those who have fallen away, but for those who are pressing in.  So, I say, press in, press in, press in, for there is much waiting for you, says the Lord.

9-3-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, sitting around the fire has brought great contentment to my church, says the Lord, but I desire you to get in the fire, says the Lord, to get stoking red hot with me, says the Lord, white hot, says the Lord, for it’s the finest hour for those that get in the fire with me, says the Lord.  Get out, get out and come with me, says the Lord, where I am hot and you’ll be hot, says the Lord, and my miracles shall flow through you, says the Lord, that everything that I’ve spoken to you shall come to pass, says the Lord.  But don’t sit around the fire for too long, says the Lord, for you’ll grow cold and fall asleep, says the Lord, therefore, I say unto you, get in.

For great are the things that are contained within and if you never enter into the fullness of what I have for you, you never experience those things.  Yes, you might see them here or there, you might see a little bit of a touch here and there, but you never experience what I meant for you to have to its fullest, if you don’t enter in one hundred percent, if you don’t come in with me.  For I never created you to sit on the sidelines and watch, I never created you to be spectators, but I created you to be with me in the midst of the fire, in the midst of my fullness, in the midst of all that I have for you, that is where I desire for you to be.  

9-3-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, each and every one of you are one of my channels, saith the Lord, channels that others look to, says the Lord, those around you are watching you, says the Lord, what are they seeing on you, says the Lord, what are they tuning into when they look upon you, says the Lord?  Do they see me, do they see your life glorifying me, says the Father?  Therefore, I say unto you, be sure what your program is, says the Lord, for your program should be my word to do my word at all times, says the Lord, for I am watching all the time.

For really where does your help come from, because man has nothing to offer you, he has no real answers, he has no real help, for he cannot offer you the things that I can.  So why not look to me, why not let me be your complete source and supply, for truly in these days and hours you’re going to need it.  Allow me to do the things that I desire to do, allow me to be number one, allow your focus and attention to be upon me, for I said I would carry you through these days ahead victoriously.  For you do not know what will be of tomorrow, but I do and I also know what the next day holds and next and the next, and if you’re walking with me I can keep you safe, I can take you through victoriously.  Make sure that your focus and attention is on me, make sure that I am number one, for truly that is what needs to be in this time and this hour.  For I’ve given unto you my word and I’ve given unto you my promise and I will see it through, it shall be fulfilled, but you need to stand upon those things, you need to walk according to my word, for therein is your safety, saith the Lord.  

I am all that you have need of etc etc for I am your light in the darkness, but as you trust me with everything you will not be disappointed, for I lead you, I shall guide you in the hour and the day that you are living in.  If you are walking with me, if you’re hearing my voice then I shall deliver you, I shall give unto you everything that you have need of, but you must be walking with me, you must have your trust in me and you must have you’re ears open that I can speak to you and that you can hear me and that you can do the things that I tell you to do.  Therein shall you walk in safety, therein shall you walk in peace, therein shall you walk in joy and therein shall you walk in the provision that I have for you, says the Lord. 

8-30-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, remember the victory has already been won, says the Lord, no matter what fear tries to come to you, says the Lord, remember the victory is already won and you don’t have that fear, for that fear shall not come nigh your dwelling, says the Lord.  Therefore, trust in me and stand, stand, says the Lord, stand and watch the victory.

For it’s the enemy that tries to make you feel defeated, it’s the enemy that make you feel like you’re not going to win.  But remember I have already given you the victory and he has no power and authority over you only what you allow him.  Therefore, don’t allow him to come and bring those thoughts of discouragement, but cast them down and realize who you are in me.  For truly you are the winners, you are the victors, you are the overcomers, regardless of anything the enemy throws at you I over came so you can overcome.  Therefore, realize who you are in me and be the overcomer, saith the Lord.  

8-27-2023 am service

For it is an hour to draw close like never before, but do you not know that the enemy he wants to steal kill and destroy?  Are you putting up a barrier against him that he cannot come into your life or the lives of your family, the lives of those around you?  Do you not know he comes to seek whom he can devour, do you not know that you need to arm yourself with my word daily, you need to arm your children with my word daily that the enemy, that he does not prevail, that he does not get a stronghold, for you know the spirits that have been released for this hour this time.  Do not be ignorant, does not my word say do not be ignorant, but press in even more so the day that you see my coming close, is not my coming close, says the Lord?  Where are you, have you submitted yourself unto me, are you walking with me, are you living the way you should be living?  It is an hour to walk with me, it is an hour to be right with me, for you do not know what tomorrow holds, but I say unto you, I know what tomorrow holds, I know what tomorrow brings, I know the very next step that you shall take, I know the numbers of the hairs that you have on your head, I know everything about you, do you not know that?  For I say unto you, press in, press in, press into the fullness of the things that I have for you, draw close like you’ve never drawn close before, allow not the enemy to get your attention unto this or that and to keep you away from me.  But, I say unto you, have your eyes fixed upon me, have your eyes fixed upon me that you know, that you know, that you know, that you know the things that are going on around you that you are not caught unaware, but you’re armed ready for battle. For, yes, you are there, says the Lord, and if you aren’t arming yourself daily how can you expect yourself to win the war that you are now fighting.  For I say, draw close to me like never before, draw close, draw close, draw close, make a decision to every day, says the Lord, to draw close to me. 

For I say unto you, my children, my spiritual light is far more greater than natural light, says the Lord.  Therefore, you need my spiritual light to illuminate your life, says the Lord, in every aspect of your life, says the Lord.  For if your life seems to be without form and void, says the Lord, you need to imitate me, says the Father God, be as dear children, says the Lord, and go back to what my word declares, what I spoke over the earth, says the Lord, and over the heavens, says the Lord.  I spoke light, says the Lord and light came, that spiritual light arose, says the Lord and everything came together.  Therefore, if you desire to have that light, speak that light forth, ask me for that light, says the Lord, I’ll illuminate you that you have understanding, that you have knowledge, that you have power, that you understand the things that are going on, that you understand what you have to do, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, get that light today, says the Lord. 

For it is my desire that you are fully equipped for the day and the hour that you are in and I have given unto you all of those things which you have need of, but have you taken hold of those things?  For my light should be shining in you brighter than ever before, piercing through even the very darkest place, for truly I am the light and where the light is there is no darkness.  So, therefore, let my light be in you that there is no darkness there, for my light casts out the darkness, but you must allow me, you must allow me, saith the Lord, you must allow me, you must fully submit yourself to me taking out self and filling it with me.  Do not allow self to continue to rise up, do not allow the flesh to have dominion or control, but allow me to have dominion and control and I will cast out the darkness out of your lives, out of your households, if you allow me to.  For where the light is there is no darkness. 

8-27-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, I’ve come to purge out and to fill, says the Lord, for the last days are upon you, says the Lord, they’re here now, says the Lord, you must be overflowing, says the Lord, you must be emptied of yourself, says the Lord, and filled with me.  For you have what the people have need of, says the Lord, as I pour into you, says the Lord.  Therefore, go out, says the Lord, go out wherever you are and let my light be seen, says the Lord and be that which I’ve called you to be, says the Lord.   

For, yes, truly you need to be filled to overflowing in these days and these hours, that’s why I’ve called for a great outpouring of My Spirit for this time now and, remember I said, that it flows out of this altar, so it’s for you to receive of first before it’s poured out on the rest of the world.  Do you want to receive the fullness of the things that I have for you, will you open up and allow me to purge you this night, will you allow me to fill you to overflowing that’s your coming from all sides?  For that’s what overflowing is, it’s not just a drip or a dribble, but it’s overflowing on every side spilling out to everything around you, that’s truly what overflowing is.  And if you desire to be filled to overflowing allow me to do it, saith the Lord, allow me to do it.  

The more you empty yourself the more I can fill you up with me, the more you empty yourselves the more you can give out to others.  For I’ve called you for this time and this purpose and as you yield yourself to me you shall see the way I’m empowering, the way, you shall see, as I even take over your mouth and you share with others the things that you never ever thought you would share.  But it is that hour and it is that time when I am giving unto you boldness that you’ve never had before.  For there are hurting, there are very many hurting people that need to know my love, that need to know my peace and you need to know my desire.  As I have called you for this time and this purpose, and yes, as you empty yourself unto me, that you give unto me love, I shall give unto you love overflowing.  You shall never want or lack nor shall you walk in need, as you come before me I shall give unto you and fill you with everything that you have need of.  When you come to understand this there is an emptying that needs to take place, there is a holiness that needs to take place that you can truly be filled to overflowing.  My Spirit, My Spirit that breaks the yoke of bondage, do you not know that my children, come and empty yourself that I may overfill you with My Spirit etc etc.   

8-23-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, get my word before your eyes, says the Lord, even more so now than ever, says the Lord, for the things that are coming you are going to need my word for, says the Lord.  Keep yourself in my arms, keep yourself in my righteousness, says the Lord, keep yourself in the faith.  Therefore, I say, get before me, says the Lord, and find out where you are in my word each and every day, says the Lord.

8-20-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, the faith which I have placed within you sees, says the Lord, when it is released it knows exactly where to go, says the Lord, and it cuts through the darkness and it comes straight to me, says the Lord, and it begins to draw all those things that be not as though they are from me, says the Lord, and paves your ways with those things, says the Lord.  For my faith is a spirit that it is not bound by physical entities of this world, says the Lord, but it is spiritual and it brings those things that are parked in the Spirit into the natural, says the Lord.  Therefore, believe what I’ve said unto you and speak those things, says the Lord, and watch as they come to pass, says the Lord. 

For I am not moved by circumstances, I am not moved by the things that you are moved by, for I am moved by my word, for my word goes forth and it does not return void but it goes forth to accomplish all that it was set out to do.  It doesn’t come back undone or unfinished, but it comes back totally and completely fulfilled.  Therefore you can stand upon it, therefore you can speak it, you can speak my word and watch as it comes to pass.  For I have given unto you that power, I have given unto you that authority, I’ve given unto you that ability, for you are my heirs and as my heirs you have all my power and all my authority and all my ability.  Use it like I have said; speak forth my word and watch, watch, watch as it comes to pass. 

Put your trust in me, says the Lord, does not my word say, do not become anxious, to put all of your trust and confidence in me, for I know what tomorrow holds, you may not, but I do and as you rest in me and as you rest in my word you have the confidence that I have had you think under control, and I will see through no matter what comes your way.  Therefore, I say unto you, rest in me like never before, place your trust in me, for I am the Almighty God, and yes, I shall carry you through these days ahead no matter how dark, no matter how evil they become I shall protect you, I shall be your guide, I shall give unto you everything that you have need of.  Therefore, rest in me, rest in me, rest in me.   

8-29-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, allow my word to dwell in you richly, says the Lord, get your stores stored up with my word, says the Lord, fill them up your grain silos, says the Lord.  For my word is going to be needed for those that come, says the Lord, that you have plenty to give, says the Lord, don’t run out, says the Lord, but store up for yourselves my word.

8-13-2023 am service

etc. follow me so I can work upon your behalf for something is going on, it is done, it is done, it is done.  Therefore, I say unto you, let your words say it is done, it is done, it is done, so I can do mighty works on your behalf, something is going on, it is done and as you speak forth my word you shall see change, you shall see victory, you shall see a newness of life.

For I say unto you, my children, my strength did not abide in the hair of Samson, says the Lord, my strength abided in him keeping covenant with me, says the Lord, it was a sign, says the Lord, between me and him of what we had together, says the Lord.  So too with my church, my word declares that if ye abide in me I will abide in you, you will bear much fruit, says the Lord, but if your fruit is not remaining, says the Lord, where am I?  Where are you, says the Lord, I’m waiting for you to return to me, says the Lord, to get back into me, says the Lord.  Get back into my word, says the Lord, let my strength come once again upon you, says the Lord, that my true church shall arise, says the Lord, as I have declared in my word without spot without wrinkle, says the Lord, that I can catch you away I say.  I say today get back to me, says the Lord, and let my strength come again upon my church, says the Lord.     

For is it really power when you are disconnected from the source, for how can you stand on your own, but it is through my power, it is through my ability, it is through me and when you disconnected yourself or separated yourself from me even the slightest bit, it is taking a plug partially out of the outlet, it is still connected but there is no power because it has been pulled far enough to be disconnected from the source.  Even though it looks like it is still connected it is not and when you’re not walking with me you break that connection.  Therefore, it is important to walk with me and abide with me, that’s what my word says, abide with me, stay with me, walk hand in hand with me that I can do everything that I desire to do through you.  For it’s you that I desire to use, it’s you that I have anointed, it’s you I have called, but you must remain connected to me, saith the Lord, for I am the source, I am your supply, I am your power, I am your ability, everything that you need is me, so, therefore, stay connected to me, saith the Lord. 

8-13-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, in my word you’ll find everything that you have need of, says the Lord.  Friendships, says the Lord, my word is key on friendships, my word is key on worry, my word is key on doubt, fear, whatever it is, says the Lord, my word has what you need.  Therefore, if you don’t know my word how can you partake of what I have for you, says the Lord?   Get ahold of it and run in it, says the Lord. 

8-6-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, when things don’t seem to be going right maybe you’re doing something wrong, says the Lord.  For what does my word say in the beginning, God, I said in the beginning God, in the beginning was the word, says the Lord, my word establishes what you shall see here, says the Lord, when you drop my word you drop my promises, says the Lord.  Get back to me, get back to the beginning, where did things go wrong, says the Lord, trace your steps back and see.  What have you let in, says the Lord, have you let in darkness, any darkness at all can destroy the promise, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, allow me to reveal things to you that you can be set free, says the Lord. 

For didn’t I come that you can have life and that more abundantly that you know when you see darkness enter into your life that is the enemy, it is the evil one, kick him out, don’t allow him in but allow my word to fill your life, allow my word to give you hope, allow my word to give you peace, allow my word to give you joy, allow my word to give you rest.  For it is the enemy who seeks to kill and destroy, but I have come that I might give you life and that more abundantly.  Know what my word has said, know the difference between good and evil, know the difference, says the Lord, for I only do good things and I only bring good things unto my children.  Walk in my word, walk in my word, walk in my ways and when you follow me you shall have everything that you need, everything that you need.  You will not walk in lack or want, but you will walk in the fullness of what I’ve already given unto you, that’s already in my word.  Therefore, I say unto you, get into my word like never before, allow my word, my word to fill your mouth, allow my word to be deep within your heart that when the enemy comes you speak my word and he leaves. 

For it is my desire that you walk very closely to me that you are under the shelter of my covering, that I can watch over you, that I can protect you, for there is much darkness and you see as the hour is getting later and later and later.  But remember I watch over my word to perform it and if you’re walking according to my word then you should be walking in abundance, you should be walking in provision, you should be walking in health, you should be walking in abundance, you should be walking in everything that I have for you.  For that is my desire that you are the overcomer, that you are the victor, that you are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath.  And if you’re not walking in that in every single area of your life then where is the door open, close it that you can have life and that more abundantly.  For I have promised you many things and I stand behind my word to perform it, but you take yourself away from me at times and then I cannot do the things that I desire to do.  But walk closely with me, closer than ever before on a daily basis that you are underneath my shelter, for I will watch over my word to perform it and I will watch over you and give you all the things that I have promised, if you’re walking according to my word and doing what I have said and that really is the key.  Are you following after what I have said or are you doing your own thing?  Realize the importance of this now more than ever, because as you near the very end the light is very narrow, the way is narrow, I have said, but broad is the way to destruction and it’s very easy to get onto that road.  But stay on the narrow road for there is light there, saith the Lord.

8-6-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, in me there is peace, in my word there is peace, says the Lord, in my word there is peace, says the Lord, in my faith that I’ve planted in you there is peace, says the Lord.  Therefore, draw close to me, says the Lord, and let that peace surround you, says the Lord.

For there is nothing you need to fear if you’re walking with me, there is nothing that you need to worry or be concerned about.  Even though many things are going to take place, many things are going to come very quickly now; you do not need to fear those things for, remember, you go through victoriously.  All I have said is walk according to my word, walk closely by my side and you do not have to fear those things, for they are not for my church they’re to wake up the world, to wake up those who are sleeping, those who are not following after me like they should be.  For there is nothing you need to worry or fear when you are with me, saith the Lord.

8-2-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, my peace will forever be with you, says the Lord, as long as you stay by my side, says the Lord.  For I will not leave you, says the Lord, if you don’t leave me, says the Lord, my peace will be with you.  Get into my word; know my word, establish that peace, says the Lord. 

For no man separates you from me, but self can, and as long as you’re walking by my side doing the things that I have said, then all of the promises are yours, all the promises are for you and you can be walking and living in the fullness of those things.  Regardless of what is taking place in the word, regardless of the hour you are in those promises are for you, if you’re walking with me.  So don’t take yourself away from me, but walk closely by my side, for this is an hour when that is far more important than ever before.  For the enemy fights even harder to distract you and draw your attention away from what I am doing, to draw your attention away from me that you take your eyes off of me and put it on other things.  But continue to keep your eyes focused upon me, remember that we win regardless of what man says, regardless of what the enemy says, victory is in store for you.  Continue to press forward, press forward to achieve the goals that I have given unto you, for yes, you will achieve them if you are walking with me, you will reach that destination if you’re walking with me.  Regardless of what it looks like, regardless of what is seems like you will make it, for that is my promise unto you.  Therefore, walk closely by my side keeping your eyes upon me, your focus upon me and do not be distracted by the enemy, saith the Lord. 

7-30-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, the battles are won when you remember that I’m the one that fights your battles, says the Lord, when you die to yourself and trust one hundred percent on me, says the Lord.  For it’s not what you can do but what I can do, says the Lord, and I’ve already gone before you and made a way where there was no way, says the Lord, I’ve gone before you, now you die and quit trying and rely on me, says the Lord. 

Doesn’t my word say cast your cares upon me for I careth for you and I have said I care for even the smallest things and yet my children try to carry the load, for they need to give it to me and allow me to do it and allow me to do it in their life in a powerful and mighty way.  Learn my children, learn, for the hour is come, the hour is hard    and you need to know about me and my word in this time.  For there is nothing that I will not do for you, do you understand that, there is nothing too great or a need to great that I cannot meet, but yes it takes surrendering on your part, it takes crucifying the flesh and walking in the Spirit even as my word says.  It is coming to me in thee hour of need and surrendering to me that I can take over, that I can perform the miracle, that I can give unto you the victory that you have need of.  Look to me like never before, for the world does not have the answers that you have need of, but I have the answers that you have need of, says the Lord, and as you draw close to me, as you get into my word you will find, yes, you will find the key to live in success and happiness as my word has laid them out.  Oh, I say unto you, learn of me, learn of my word, walk in my word that you can walk in the fullness of what I have in store for you for this hour and time.  

For, yes, it’s time to receive the fullness of the things I have for you and when you put all of your trust in me and you look to me one hundred percent then I can give you those things that you have need of, I can take you through the days ahead victoriously, I can fulfill my promises unto you.  But most are not looking to me one hundred percent; they’re still looking at other things, get you focus and attention upon me.  Do you not see the lateness of the hour and man can do nothing for you, but I can and I will take you through the days ahead victoriously, I will cause you to prosper even in the midst of famine and pestilence and disease and death and destruction.  For truly I have called for a great and glorious time for my church, regardless of what is taking place in the world I have called for a time of prosperity for my people regardless of what the economy says.  But you must look to me, you must have your trust and your confidence in me, you must be tuned into My Spirit listening to what I am telling you to do, not what man is telling you to do, but what I am telling you to do.  Because then you can be successful, then you can have the fullness of all of the promises of everything that I desire to give unto you.  For it is that time and it is my desire that you receive those things, but you must trust me one hundred percent.

7-30-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, there are two sides to everything, says the Lord, there is a good and an evil, a dark and a light, says the Lord. Look to the light, look to the good, says the Lord, that’s found in my word.  For my word glorifies me, says the Lord, it does not glorify man, it does not glorify evil, but it glorifies me, look to see if you’re glorifying me or evil, says the Lord. 

7-26-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, know that everything that I have you do is in the Spirit, says the Lord, nothing according to the flesh, for my word declares that the flesh profits nothing, but My Spirit, says the Lord, with My Spirit it profits and quickens everything, says the Lord.  Therefore, don’t try to do things on your own, says the Lord, don’t try to go into bondage with things that I’ve told you not to do, says the Lord, but remain free in My Spirit, allow My Spirit to lead and guide in power in the things that I would have you do, says the Lord. 

For in My Spirit there is freedom, there is liberty, but not so when you enter into bondage, when you enter into a yoke that is about you and it holds you back from being fully free, man does this, Satan does this.  Therefore, do not do things man’s way, do things according to my word, what has my word told you, follow after those things and if you don’t know ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you into all truth.  For that is what the Spirit will do and all of you should be filled with My Spirit and if you’re not, get it, because you need it for this time and this hour.  For there is great deception going all through the land at the moment, how do you know the different between the truth and the false?  Well you can measure it against my word or you can allow the Spirit to bear witness, for truly that is what I have given unto you, not just the one but two ways, saith the Father to discern what is true from what is false.  Do not get caught up in the lies of the enemy, but remember what happens when the antichrist comes to power, many are deceived.  So, therefore, watch out for that deception, saith the Lord. 

7-23-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, now is the time to sow, says the Lord, because the time of sowing is the time or reaping, now is the time to sow, says the Lord.  Never stop sowing my word, for my word when it is first sown the earth shakes and the earth trembles, says the Lord.  Though you may not see it, it does, says the Lord, for the power of my seed in the ground shall shake the earth, says the Lord, just as my Son when he was sown, the earth shook, three days later the results of them being sown was seen, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, when you sow my word believe and receive that harvest, says the Lord, in your heart knowing that it will not go out and return to you void, says the Lord.  But I have given you my word and exalted over my name, says the Lord, and my word says that shall come forth, says the Lord.  Therefore, don’t stop believing, but believe what my word has spoken unto you, continue to sow my word, says the Lord.  Don’t stop sowing my word and don’t stop believing my word, says the Lord.

You may not see it, but the mirror of this world does not see below the surface, says the Lord, but my word begins to work the moment it’s sown, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, wait and watch, says the Lord. 

For have not I said, says the Lord, etc for I the Lord your God am patient waiting for the time of the harvest, says the Lord, so everything is ready, so you must wait patiently too, for when the time is ready it shall come forth, says the Lord.

7-23-2023 pm servic

For I say unto you, my children, my greatest treasure is you, says the Lord, and it has always been you, says the Lord, and those that are yet coming unto me, says the Lord.  For where my treasure is there my heart is, says the Lord, and my heart is in you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, don’t look to the physical building, for I don’t need a physical building, I need you, says the Lord, you’re my hands, you’re my feet, you’re my mouth, says the Lord, you are who I have anointed, says the Lord.  Don’t be concerned about physical things, says the Lord, for everything will fall into its place, says the Lord. 

Remember I am the one that sets the time, I am the one that changes things, I am the one that makes all things come into order and alignment.  Therefore, don’t worry about the circumstances, but continue to trust in me, know what my word has said, know what I have said, who you are in this time and this hour.  For I truly will fulfill everything that I have promised, it will all come into place at my time, saith your Father.  So do not be concerned about those things rather stay focused upon me doing things that I have called you to do, being prepared for the time and the hour that I need you, saith the Lord, for truly you are drawing very close to that now. 

7-18-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, it’s not a time to fear, but it’s a time to be excited, says the Lord, for as you look you see the soon return, says the Lord, my soon return, says the Lord.  There are signs everywhere, says the Lord, they’re banging on the door, they’re knocking the door down, says the Lord, look, look and know that I’m coming soon, says the Lord.  

Do not be caught off guard with what man is saying nor follow after him, for you should only be following me and My Spirit and, yes, many claim that they hear from me, but does what they are saying line up with my word?  For if it sounds different maybe that’s because it not completely of me, for remember, there is a great falling away that takes place in this time and this hour.  Many are drawn away from me and drawn into the system of the anti-Christ, remember my word says if I did not shorten the time even the very elect would be deceived.  So do not allow yourself to be deceived by the things that are coming out that are not of me, that did not line up with my word, that make no sense, saith your Father.  But realize that I’ve given you everything that you have need of to be successful, realize that I’ve given you the Holy Spirit to be your teacher and your guide and to follow after him and my word.  For you can measure everything that he shows you with my word and it will line up, line in line, dot in dot, verse in verse, for if it does not line up with my word then it might not be of me, saith the Father, but remember that I have given you those things that you could be successful that you can make it through victoriously and not be caught off guard, saith the Lord. 

7-16-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, I have not come to weigh you down, says the Lord, but to lift you up, says the Lord.  Many in my body are filled with weight, says the Lord, that I’ve not intended for them to carry, but with their religious traditions they believe they have to carry them, says the Lord.  For I have not come to weigh you down but to lift you up, says the Lord, if you feel weighted down come to me and let me release those weights from off of you, says the Lord. 

For I do not desire for you to be weighed down with the cares of this world, but I desire for you to be lifted up by My Spirit.  For it is a time an hour of great turmoil, of great disaster, of great destruction, but it is a time of a great and glorious hour for my church.  But you can choose what side you want to partake in, do you want to partake in the disasters of the world or do you want to partake in the blessings of the church.  For truly I’ve called for a great hour for my people, for those who are walking with me, for those who are walking according to my word and I desire for you to have the fullness of everything that I have for you.  So do you want me to take the weights and the pressures of the world from you and be filled with My Spirit to overflowing or the desire for them to tear you down and destroy you and keep you from becoming all that I have called you to be?  For there is a great battle going on, my word tells you that, the enemy knows he has very little time left and he fights harder than ever before.  That’s why the battles at times seem greater, but you’re still the victor, for the greater the battle the greater the victory and truly I have great victory for you.  So receive the things that I have for you, allow me to do the things that I desire to do and watch as I move upon your behalf, saith the Lord. 

For do you not know the love that I have for you, says the Lord, do you not know that I care about everything that concerns you?  For my word says that in my presence there is joy, in my presence there is peace, in my presence you have everything that you have need of.  Walk with me like never before, I have given unto you all things, all things, all things that bring life and godliness, anything else is not from me, it is from the enemy and you must reject it, you must say no and you must walk in the life that I have given unto you, the life that is filled with peace that is filled with joy and that is filled with my love.  For do you not know the love that I gave for you that you can walk in the abundance, thee abundance, my children, thee abundance that I have for you, that is my desire that I have for you that you walk in my abundance, my perfect abundance that I have provided for you.  Lay aside everything that is weighing you down and dragging you and be free in my presence, allow my peace to fill your heart and life that you can walk, yes, that you can walk where I need you to be walking for this hour and this time.  For truly I have called you for such a time as this, I am preparing you for what is ahead, walk with me like never before, says the Lord, walk with me, walk with me, walk with me.     

7-16-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, you are my light vessels, says the Lord, you shall bring peace to wherever you go, says the Lord.  Those who see you shall sense my presence within you without you speaking a word, says the Lord, for my glory dwells within you, says the Lord.  Therefore, let my light shine that those that need me come to me, says the Lord, and then I shall give you what to say.   

For that really is the key, you need to speak out of the Spirit and not out of self, for you know not what the needs are but the Spirit does and I can show you those things if you allow the Spirit to work through you, you can do the work that needs to be done.  So don’t feel like, oh it’s me, no it’s not, it’s the Spirit within you being allowed to work through you, for that is what my desire is that you are open to me and allow me to work through you.  Yes, I desire to use you in a mighty way, but remember it’s not your way it’s mine.  Remember this, for this will be important, saith the Lord.

7-12-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, beware of the things that are not only going on in the world but within my church, says the Lord, for there has been a loss of morals within my body, says the Lord, those that don’t know me truly, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, watch out and keep yourselves covered, says the Lord.  

For many try to take what is unholy and call it holy, they forget that my word does not change and has never changed it always remained the same and what worked before still works today.  But they have fallen away from that and that is part of the falling away that I said would come, very soon you will see the revival that I have talked about come to its fullest.  But there are many other things that must take place, do not be moved by them, for remember I have warned you long ago about this time and about this hour that you would be ready and you would be prepared, saith the Lord.  

7-9-2023 am service

etc in the world, says the Lord, for I’ve not called you to the world, says the Lord, for you are to not be under the weather you are to be over and reigning above the storms, says the Lord.  For I’ve brought you with me, says the Lord, set yourself where you belong, says the Lord, stop looking to the storms and look to me, says the Lord, for that’s where you help is, that’s were the victory is, it’s in me, says the Lord.  So ride with me upon the storms, says the Lord, and bring those that are under above where I sit, says the Lord.

For yes, truly, I reign above it all and there is nothing higher than me, therefore I overcame that you also could overcome.  Regardless of what takes place in the days ahead I have called you to be overcomers, I have given you the victory already, all you have to do is walk in it.  For, yes, there will be many things that take place, and if you look in the natural eye it would be very devastating, but realize that my return is very close, and if I didn’t shake the world, then those who are asleep would not awake and they would not come into the safety of the fold, for they do not see the things that are going on all around them.  They do not know the lateness of the hour, they do not know what my book has said and what has already been told to them, they do not know it because their eyes have been blinded to it because they’re so busy with their own lives and their own things, but I will soon send a shaking that will awake even those who are sleeping.  And it is not for those who are walking with me, but it is for those who are not walking with me that they can see that they have an opportunity to come into the safety of the fold before it is too late.  Because, remember, when the door is shut the door is shut and then my wrath is poured out and that is not my desire, but it has to come because my word has foretold it that these things have to come, therefore my word will be fulfilled.  But before then, you will have a great and glorious time, saith the Lord.

For I am the author and the finisher of your faith, is there anything that I will withhold from you my children?  For even though the darkness shall get darker in the world yet I am your light, and as you walk, as you follow with me you shall ride underneath the shadow of my wing, the shadow of my protection that I have already placed before you.  So fear not, fear not what is ahead but, I say unto you, walk with great assurance knowing that I am your Father, I will see you through and I will give you everything that you have need of as long as you are walking with me.  Look to me, for I am all that you have need of.

For I have not left you without hope and man leaves you without hope all the time, because he can never fulfill his promises, but I always fulfill my promises to you and I promised that I would take you through these days victoriously. Are you trusting in me to do that, do you have all of your confidence in me?  For many are receiving blessings in a time when there shouldn’t be blessings, but I have said that I would bless in this time and in this hour, that I would abundantly multiply in this time and in this hour, that I would bring increase and I am doing that for those who are standing upon my word and upon my promises.  But everybody can have that if they do what my word has said, if they’re following after me, if they’re walking with me and they have their eyes on me and not on the circumstances.  For circumstances do not affect me, for I own the cattle on a thousand hills, isn’t that what my word says?  Therefore, I can do all, I can make a way where there isn’t a way, I can bring provision, for I can even give water out of a stone, because I did that before and my word says I am no respecter of persons.  I can bring manna from heaven, because I did that before and I can do it again, but do you trust me like that, do you look to me as your source and your supply, do you look to me as your everything, because you need to in these days and these hours, saith the Lord.  

7-9-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, have you checked your oil pressure gauge, says the Lord, for burnout happens quickly when you don’t have my oil, says the Lord, flowing within you, says the Lord.  Stay tapped into my supply, says the Lord, that my oil, my anointing is upon you, says the Lord, and you will not ware out or break down, says the Lord.  If you’re feeling worn out or broken down it’s because you don’t have my oil, says the Lord, therefore get that oil pressure up, says the Lord.

For it’s a day and an hour like you have never seen before, therefore it’s important to stay connected to the source that you have a constant flow of me and the Holy Spirit.  It’s very important to keep your lamps full that they don’t run out, that they don’t run low, that you’re not looking for more of me, but that you have more of me.  For it is my desire that you’re filled to overflowing, that you’re not running low or running dry, that you always have more than enough, it’s a daily thing that you need to do.  For truly I have called you to be the victors, I’ve called to be the overcomers in this day and in this hour and I’ve give you the keys to do that, saith the Lord.  So use the things I have given unto to use, because it is my desire that you succeed, saith the Lord. 

7-2-2023 Evening Campmeeting Service

For I say unto you, my children, respond to me, says the Lord, etc to press in and to see the things that I have for you, says the Lord.  Don’t leave here without receiving those things, says the Lord, for I am here to meet with all of you.

Don’t let other things going on hinder you from receiving what I have for you.  For, yes, I desire for you to receive the fullness of everything that I have, that is always my desire that you go away filled to overflowing, that you’re not empty, that you’re not lacking, that you have everything that you have need of.  For, truly, I love you my children and I desire to bless you, so allow me to do that, saith the Lord.  

Like the rain is raining down so is the rain of My Spirit raining upon you even right now this very moment and as you reach out to me you shall receive the things that you have need of.  Allow the rain of My Spirit to not just come down in a trickle, but let it come as a flood overtaking every single part of you.  For it is that hour that you need to be full of me, says the Lord, you don’t need to be just half full but you need to be overflowing with My Spirit.  Do you hear me, overflowing with My Spirit that you can reach out to others around you?  It is that hour that you have been praying for, for the rain of My Spirit comes upon you as you surrender yourself to me and allow me to fill you.  You shall not go from this place the same person, but you shall go changed, changed, changed.  Allow My Spirit to change you, allow My Spirit to overflow, overflow within you like never before, for truly I am raining down upon you this night, says the Lord.  

7-2-2023 Afternoon Campmeeting Service

For I say unto you, my children, what have you come here for today, says the Lord, get your eyes on me, says the Lord, for it’s me that shall pour out the things that you have need of, says the Lord, not your neighbors.  What did you come for today, says the Lord, for me, I’m here for you, says the Lord, receive the things I have for you, says the Lord, for it is my desire to give them to you, says the Lord, you must receive them through me.  

For I say unto you, my children, you are my altar and I have prepared you, says the Lord, I’ve placed the wood, says the Lord, and I’ve watered you, says the Lord.  I’m ready to pour my fire out upon my church, says the Lord, are you ready for that, says the Lord?  For it is that hour that I shall pour out upon all flesh of My Spirit, says the Lord, but you must be ready.

For this is your hour, this is your time to receive the fullness of the things that I have for you, for truly I desire to pour it out, but are you ready to receive it?  Do you desire to receive the fullness of the things that I have for you, are you ready to be all in and full steam ahead going forth doing what I have prepared you to do for this time and for this hour?  For it is my desire to fill you to overflowing, it is my desire to heal and deliver and set you free, it is my desire to set you on fire, a fire that will last until I come for my church, saith the Lord.  It is that time and it is that hour, do you want to receive the fullness that I have for you, open up to me and allow me to fill you, saith the Lord.  

7-2-2023 Morning Campmeeting Service

Yes, whether you know it or not, I am all that you have need of, for I can meet every single one of your needs from the least to the greatest, for I care about them all and for those who come I will meet with them.  For, truly, there are great things ahead that are coming, for I have spoke about this over and over and it’s recorded in my word about what must take place in the world, for remember you are not of the world if you are walking with me.  Therefore, those things that take place do not need to trouble you, for they will not come nigh your dwelling, if your standing upon my word, if you are walking where I have told you to walk.  Yes, there will be those areas where I will call for my people to leave, for many have left those areas already, but there will be a final calling that I will send out.  So if I have not called to you yet, don’t worry, your time is coming.  But realize the lateness of the hour; realize what is taking place everywhere you look, for even the weather tells you you’re in the last days.  For man cannot predict it because it has changed so much, it has gotten so rare that they cannot ever predict it anymore, the weather patterns are like they’ve never seen before and even though they do their best they can’t predict it like they once could.  For it used to be much easier, but then there again it’s a sign of the time of the end and you will see these even more clearly from now through the end of the year.  Beware, beware, beware of September, beware of September, have your spiritual ears and eyes open, make sure you’ve heard from me if your traveling, for that will be a very dangerous month and it is my desire to watch over and protect you and keep you under the safety of my wing.  So make sure you’re walking in the Spirit realm at all times, for it is very important now more then ever before that you are walking in the Spirit realm, for then I can tell you all of these things that are taking place, I can show you of what is coming.  But if you do not have your eyes and ears on me then you cannot hear me when I speak unto you, for it’s the still small voice that I come to you in.  Yes, I have other ways but it’s the still small voice and you need to be tuned into that still small voice.  For it is my desire that you are the overcomer, it is my desire that you are the victor, it is my desire that you walk in all of the great things that I have for this time and this hour.  For I have called for a great hour for my church, a time of revival, a time of prosperity like never before that my work can go forth and be accomplished.  For the money that I will bring in will be to fund my work, it will not be to heap up for yourselves, so don’t think that you will be able to heap up, for if you try to heap it up I’ll remove it from your hands, but it’ll be for my kingdom that the work can be accomplished.  For my word said it will be done, therefore it shall be done and you can bank on that, for many things will place, but remember the promises that I have given unto you, remember what I have said and you will go through the days ahead victoriously, saith the Lord.     

What is your heart cry today, says the Lord, my word says those that hunger and thirst after me they shall be filled.  What is your heart cry today, what is it that you desire, for yes, I am here to meet your need, I am here to give unto you everything that you have need of.  Oh, when you seek me you shall find, when you draw near to me I shall draw near to you, I shall give unto you all things that you have need of for this hour and this time.  As you come to me and surrender to me I shall fill you to overflowing and give unto you those things that you have need of that you can walk victoriously in this hour and this time.  For I have called you for such a time as this, do you not know that, says the Lord, that I’ve called you here for a special time and a special purpose.  Do not think that you are here by chance, says the Lord, for I’ve called you here, I’ve called you here and I have chosen you, I have chosen you and as you come unto me, as you come unto me and as you press in unto me, oh I shall give unto you and impart unto you everything that you shall need.  Yes, you shall not go away disappointed, for as you enter yourself unto me I shall fill you over and over and over that when you leave you can go and minister to those around you and make a difference to those who need my help.  Oh, I say unto you my children, what do you have need of today, where is your cup, is it half full, is it only a little bit or is it running over?  For I desire that you be running over, running over with My Spirit that you, yes, that you can touch others around you.  For you can’t touch other if you are just half full, you cannot touch others if you’re just a quarter full, you can only touch others if you are overflowing with My Spirit.  So, I say unto you, where are you today my children, where is that cup today, is it overflowing?

Haven’t I asked you twice through the voice of my servant where is your heart, is it with me, for those are not his words but those were mine, examine yourselves, where is your heart.  For if I do not have a hundred percent then I cannot do what I desire to do, for there is something else holding you back from giving it all to me and it is my desire that you fully submit yourself to My Spirit that I can do what needs to be done, that I can use you the way that I desire to use you that I can move through you to touch others.  So I’ll ask you again, where is your heart, but the answer lies in yourself, it’s one that’s made.  For a decision has to be made to leave everything else behind and follow me.  Don’t you remember that I gave that decision to my disciples, will you leave your own wants and desires behind and follow after me, saith the Lord.  

7-1-2023 Evening Campmeeting Service

For who do you see me as, says the Lord, etc I am here and as my word says, I will be with you until the very end, but I ask you again, who do you see me as, says the Lord, who am I to you?  For I am the promise keeper, I never break my promise, my word never fails, for does not my word say that all of my promises are yes and amen, does not that mean so be it Lord?  So, I say unto you, who am I to you, where do I stand in your heart, where do I stand in your life, do you see me as your promise keeper, do you see me as the miracle worker, for there is nothing too hard for me to do, there is no such thing as impossible when it comes to me and my word.  Draw close to me like never before, for the darkness of the world shall only continue to get greater and you need to be guided by my word, you need to have the light of my word within your heart.  Therefore, I say unto you, draw close to me like never before, draw close and truly know who I am.

For I say unto you, my children, you are my light, says the Lord, and I’ve placed you just like the stars in the sky in my body, says the Lord, I have a place for each and every one of you specifically in my body, says the Lord, and when you are not there that’s a void, says the Lord, and I need you there.  Therefore, come unto me, says the Lord, and fill that place that I’ve got for you, says the Lord, that my body can be complete and fulfill my calling for your lives, says the Lord.

For, yes, where My Spirit is allowed to move I can do many things that can’t be done elsewhere.  For it’s not by power nor by might but it’s by My Spirit, saith the Lord, that’s what my word says and yet many people quench the Spirit and do not allow it to flow and they wonder why there are problems, they wonder why change doesn’t come and, yes, they do see a small amount, but it is very superficial.  But when the Spirit is allowed to move things can be done that even at times you don’t even know about.  For how many times have people gotten home and found out that they didn’t have those aches and pains that they once had.  For that is how I work, for My Spirit does the work even when you don’t know that it is working, even when you don’t think I am working, I am working upon your behalf, I am working to make you into who I have called you to be.  So realize how important the day and the hour you are living in and how closely you need to walk by my side, how open you need to be to me that I can do the changes that need to be done.  For I know what you have need of, saith the Lord, I know what needs to be done in your heart and in your life to make you into what I’ve called you to be.  Therefore, don’t try to do it in your own might and in your own power and in your strength, but look to me, for truly I am working even when you don’t think I am working, saith the Lord.

7-1-2023 Afternoon Campmeeting Service

For I say unto you, my children, don’t lose hope, says the Lord, for I am your hope, I am your salvation, says the Lord, and what I have given you to do, do it, says the Lord.  For I will not leave you or forsake you, says the Lord, but we will go to the other side, says the Lord, and when we get to the other side you’re going to rejoice, says the Lord, for the things that you shall see over there.  Therefore, I say unto you, keep pushing; keep pressing in, says the Lord, for you have mighty warriors on the other side, says the Lord.  

7-1-2023 Morning Campmeeting Service

For yes, truly, there is no greater name than my name, saith the Lord, and when you use my name the enemy must flee, when you use my name circumstances change, when you use my name great things happen and I have given you great power and authority through my name.  Therefore, use it, for you will need it, don’t forget the power and authority that I have given to you, don’t forget who I have created you to be, don’t forget that you go through these times and hours victoriously, don’t forget those things, my children.  For darkness, darkness, darkness is spreading quickly and it will become more and more and more than even you see now.  But, remember, I am the light shining through you, through you into the darkness, do what I have called you to do, be the ones that I have called you to be, the ones that I have called you to be.  Spread my love that the harvest can come in, for truly it is harvest time, saith the Lord, it is harvest time, but the laborers are few.  Are you one of my faithful that I can count on to be the ones that I have created you to be, the ones that I have called you to be doing the things that I need you to do?  For truly that is my desire, children, that you are one of those that I can use that, that you are one of those that is not too busy with the cares of this world to be doing my work.  For truly it is needed, it is needed, for I need you, it is my desire to work through you, saith the Lord, but you must be open for me to do that, you must be open.

6-30-2023 Evening Campmeeting Service

For those who come ready to receive will leave having received the fullness of the things that I have for them, but those who come just to watch will leave the same way with nothing.  So, I say unto you, come expecting to receive of me, and not just a little, but come expecting to receive the fullness of things that I have for you, for truly, I have great things in store for you my people.  For it is that time and it is that hour and very soon now you will see the fullness of my revival as it sweeps across the land and I desire to pour it out starting here, saith the Lord.  For I need you to be ready, I need you to be open to receive the things that I have for you, so come expecting, come expecting, saith the Lord.   

For I say unto you, my children, allow me to blow upon you, says the Lord, receive those things that you have need of, says the Lord, for I am here for you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, receive that fresh filling of the Spirit, says the Lord, and receive that fresh manna that I have for you, says the Lord, receive that revelation I have for you, says the Lord. 

For doesn’t my word say for those who hunger and thirst after me they shall be filled?  Oh, the things that I have in store for you, my children, as you press into me you shall see the fullness on my word.  Although the world shall continue to grow darker and darker you’re not of this world, I need to remind you that you are not of this world that you are mine.  Walk in my light, walk in my word be the overcomers that I have called you to be for this hour and this time, be the light that those need around you that they know who to come to in the time of trouble, that they know who to come to in the time of need.  Show my light, show my love, for now is the hour, now is the time where many thing shall be changing and they need to know who they can come to in the time of need.  For you shall see great need, great need, great need come upon the face of this earth and many shall need to come into my house to receive, to receive what I have in store for this hour and this time.  Fear not what shall take place but, I say unto you, put your trust in me like never before, for I am the God of all god’s and there is nothing too hard for me, there is nothing impossible for me to do, I am the God of the impossible.  So remember that, my children, in the days ahead of you, no matter how dark it becomes, no matter the circumstances that surround you on every side, remember that I am the God who delivers, I am the God who sets free and as you surrender yourself to me there in nothing, there is nothing, there is nothing that I will not do for you.  

6-25-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, get on solid ground, don’t be a cliffhanger, says the Lord, for the hour is coming when the shaking shall shake those off the edge, says the Lord.  I am warning you now, says the Lord, to get back to me, get back to my word, live the holy life that I’ve called you to, says the Lord.  For my people need to know that the shaking is coming, says the Lord, and I’m coming, says the Lord, and I am coming for you, says the Lord, that are on solid ground, those that don’t have spots and wrinkles, says the Lord.  Therefore, get ready now, says the Lord.  

For do you not realize how late the hour is, for the signs are very clear and evident, darkness seems to be growing more and more each day as my word says and you are seeing those things that my word talks about.  Therefore, you should not be caught off guard, for it is my desire that you go through these days victoriously, for I have made a way for you where there wasn’t another way or where there seemed to be no other way.  But I have made a way of victory, I have made a way for you to overcome, I have made a way of safety and it is walking with me by my side.  And for those who are walking with me you will walk in the fullness of the things that I have with you.  But beware, beware, beware to those who walk not according my word but do their own thing, for disaster is coming quickly, says the Lord.  

What kind of foundation have you built upon, says the Lord?  Are you built upon my word, for when the hard times come, and they will come, where will you stand?  Will you be like the one who built his house upon the sand and quickly falls or will you stand strong, for my word says, when you’ve done all to stand, stand therefore?  Are you armed with my word, do you have the armor on, are you equipped the way you need to be equipped for this hour and this time?  For I have given unto you all the things that you have need of that you can rise up and become victorious as I have called you to be, but where are you today, says the Lord?  For great things are coming and you need to be prepared, you need to be prepared, are you prepared for what is ahead, are you prepared?  For those who are prepared they will not be caught off guard, but those who have not taken heed and listened unto my word they will surely fall.  They will have troubles on the right hand and on the left hand and they will not know how to overcome, because they have not prepared themselves with my word.  But, I say unto you, those who are faithful, those who have heard my call, those who are coming, those who are preparing, they shall go through this hour and time victorious.  So, I say unto you again, my children, where is your foundation, what have you built it upon?

For it is not an hour to be fearful, but it is an hour to walk according to my word.  It is an hour to walk in the power and authority and ability that I have given unto you operating within what my word has said, not outside of it.  For there is a line that you cannot cross and you must be on the side that brings you in safely, that protects you, that brings you under my covering.  You cannot do it in your own might and in your own strength, but it is through my power and my might and my ability.  So continue to walk closely with me, do not fear the things that are ahead, for you go victoriously, if you’re walking with me, saith the Lord. 

6-17-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, it’s not an hour to be saddened, says the Lord, but it’s an hour to rejoice and celebrate, says the Lord.  For if you look at the things with your spiritual eyes and hear with your spiritual ears, says the Lord, you shall be rejoicing, says the Lord.  For the things that are coming upon the face of the earth are not for you, but they are for those who need to know who I am, says the Lord, that they come to me, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, rejoice, for my lighting shall be seen, says the Lord, my power shall be seen as never before, says the Lord, as my people rise up, says the Lord, in my authority, in my name and bring deliverance, says the Lord, to those that are held captive, says the Lord.  For I’ve told you that I would have revival, says the Lord, and men would try to stop it, but they can’t stop it, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, watch, watch, for very soon now, says the Lord, I shall peel back my heavens, says the Lord, and pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, I said all flesh, says the Lord.  Therefore, get ready and rejoice and do it now, says the Lord.   

For, yes, I desire to move in all of my might and all my power and even the very earth will be shaken by it, but my church will not be moved, the church that has been founded on the rock, it shall not be moved but is shall come out in all of it’s splendor and all of the glory that I have for this time and this hour.  And, yes, there will be miracles, there will be deliverance, there will be mighty signs and wonders following, but for only those who are believing, only for those who are watching, only for those who are doing what I have said.  For, truly, it is that time and it is that hour and many will come to find the true move of My Spirit, for they will not be able to find it everywhere, but only in my house, saith the Lord, only in my house will they find My Spirit.

For what is the cry of your heart, saith the Lord, what is the cry of your heart, for your heart should cry for more of me, for when I am filling you more there is less of you and when there is less of you there is more of my anointing, more of my power, more of my strength.  What is the cry of your heart, my children, what is the cry of your heart?  For your cry should be, Lord, I want more of you, Lord, I want all that you have, Lord, I want everything.  If that is your cry you shall receive everything that I have.  But, I say unto you, if you’re not in that place, get in that place today, for the hour is late and the time is short and you need to be pressing into all the fullness of things that I have in store for you.  So, therefore, I ask you to today, where is your heart, where is your heart, where is your heart today, says the Lord?    

6-17-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, allow my blood to cover you and cleanse you, says the Lord, and stay in my blood, says the Lord, don’t step out from under my protection, says the Lord.  For the days that you are in are terrible days, says the Lord, if you’re not abiding in me, says the Lord.  Therefore, if you that know to do good and do it not you are stepping out from my protection, says the Lord, stay in my house, stay in my protection and be victorious, says the Lord.    

For, yes, these are very dark times and the demons from the bottomless pit have been released and you’ve seen what they have been doing as you look and see all the signs that are taking place all over the world.  But you do not need to fear them, but you need to walk according to my word, you need to stand under the shadow of my protection and not step out of that protection, keeping yourself covered in the blood each and every day.  Remember, I told you these things long, long ago and some of these habits have fallen off and need to be restarted again.  For it is the darkest hour you have ever seen in the world and yet a glorious hour it shall be for my church.  Do not fear those things, but walk according to my word and you will be victorious, saith the Lord. 

For it is an hour of full surrender, says the Lord, full surrender, it is an hour of full surrender.  What is it that you’re trying to hang onto that you need to get rid of in your life, for it is an hour of full surrender, says the Lord?  For when you are full with me you do not have anything left of yourself, yet you are full of my strength, you are full of my anointing, you are full of my power.  It is an hour to fully surrender to me that you lay down yourself and you allow me to fill you to overflowing, for it is my desire that you walk in the fullness of what I have for you for this hour.  But when you do things on your own and you do things in your own strength you do not receive the fullness of what is in store for you.  But when you do it in my strength, when you do it in my anointing, when you do it in my power, when you are so full of me you receive all that I have said that you can receive in this hour.  Therefore, I say unto you, it is an hour of full surrender, are you willing to fully surrender to me, are you willing to let go of the things that are holding you back? Let go of the bitterness, let go of the unforgiveness, let go of the strife, let go of those things that are holding you back and allow me to fill you with my love like never before, for it is my love that will cover the multitude of sins. Don’t you know that those around you need to see my love, they don’t need to see your love, your love is not sufficient, but it is my love, it is my love, it is my love that will draw even the coldest heart to me.  Therefore, I say unto you, are you ready to fully surrender to me, are you ready to get rid of the junk that’s holding you back and allow my love to fill your life like never before that you can reach out to the hurting around you, that you’re able to reach out to those who need me, those who need to see my love, not your love, for your love is not sufficient?  I said, says the Lord, that they need to see my love.  Are you ready to fully surrender, are you ready to fully surrender that I might fill you completely to overflowing with my love that they might see me, that they might see me through you, says the Lord?

6-14-23 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, keep my word near to your heart, says the Lord, for these last days you need my word, says the Lord, my word goes out and does not return void, says the Lord, you can bank on it, says the Lord.   Therefore, it’s more valuable than anything that this world can offer; says the Lord, get that investment inside you, says the Lord.

For there is much ahead in the days coming, for many things shall take place both on your behalf and for the world.  But remember the things that take place in world are not for you, but I have promised to take you through this time victoriously, I have promised to bless you, I have promised to make you have life and that more abundantly and all you need to do is walk according my word and my promises and take hold of the things that already belong to you.  For it will be easy if you’re walking with me, it will not be so for those who are walking in the world, for those who are not under the shadow of my covering, for those who are trying to have one foot in the world and one foot in the church.  For many disasters are ahead for those, but not for my people, not for those who are walking with me.  Do not fear the days that are ahead, but remember you win, remember you win and look for the victories.  For, truly, I have great things in store for you in the days ahead, saith the Lord, but not so for the world.   

6-11-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, there is an attack on the light, says the Lord, but the light will not be put out, for it’s my light, says the Lord, and darkness cannot overcome it, says the Lord.  For they tried to put out the light that I set in the sky even, says the lord, they tried to blot out the sun, says the Lord, but they cannot blot it out until it’s the time, says the Lord, and my light shall remain until I take my light out of here.  He who now restrains, says the Lord, will be removed, says the Lord, then they shall have what they desire, but they will not desire what shall come from it, says the Lord.  For my wrath shall overcome them, says the Lord, and I will pour out my fire upon them, says the Lord, and they shall be consumed, says the Lord.  For the war that the devil fought back in the beginning will be finished, says the Lord.   

For yes truly, I am God and my word stands, my word shall not go out and return void but it shall go forth and do all that I’ve called for it to do and it is now that time and it is now hour, therefore these things must now come to pass.  They must now come quickly, come quickly, come quickly, for in a day and in a month and in a year, an hour, saith your Father, for I have called for it, I have spoken it and it must come forth.  For man has turned their back upon me, they have denied me, they have gone their own way and they have not followed after me like I have said.  But, truly, a remnant, a remnant shall arise and a great and glorious revival shall come forth and those that will come in will come in and then I will remove them before my wrath is poured out, saith your Father.  For, truly, it is an hour like you have never seen before, it is a time like you have never walked in before, and yet you can be victorious, you can be the overcomer, you can be all that I’ve called you to be because my word says so.  And if you get ahold of my word, if you follow after what I have said, you will be one of those, saith the Lord.

Do not fear the hour you that you are living in, but I say rather unto you, with great joy and excitement knowing that I am coming soon.  Know the promises that I have given unto you in my word that you might stand and be the glorious ones in these days ahead.  For, yea, they will be dark, they will be hard, but not for my children who are walking with me and following with me they will find them easy times.  For I will give to you everything that you have need of, says the Lord.  But do not fear nor walk in doubt, but I say unto you, walk in the faith that I have given unto you, for even the faith as small as a mustard seed can move a mighty mountain.  Remember my word, my children, remember the things I have promised unto you, remember the things that I have spoken, for surely they will come to pass. 

6-11-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, that these days that are ahead, there are not many, says the Lord, My Spirit is key to walking in victory, says the Lord, My Spirit is key into knowing truth, says the Lord.  For this is the hour of great deception, says the Lord, for on the right-hand and on the left, says the Lord, lies, deception, says the Lord, with artificial intelligence faking the real thing, says the Lord, how can you know?  But My Spirit shall reveal to you the truth, says the Lord, for many are coming in my name, says the Lord, and they’re not from me, says the Lord, but you shall know them, My Spirit shall reveal them to you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, don’t be tricked or deceived, for My Spirit is within you and shall show you all things, says the Lord.

For remember I said you would know them by their fruit and at times they will make it look like they’re producing fruit, but it won’t last and will disappear quickly.  So watch very closely and listen to My Spirit, for I will show you all things.  For remember the enemy twists my word so he makes it sound very close, but then he twists it to mean something different than what it does, to mean what he wants for it to mean.  So remember you can measure everything against my word whether it be true or whether it be false that you are not deceived, for I have given you that key also.  So there you have two keys by my word and by My Spirit, therefore you should be able to walk in victory in the days ahead.  Do not get caught up in bondage, for I do not wish you to be in bondage for I have made you free, I have made you the victor, I have made you the overcomer and walk in that.  Use the tools that I have given you to be successful, for if you do not use it what good are they, but I have given them to you to use, so use them so that you are not deceived, saith the Lord. 

6-7-2023 pm service

I love you my children, I love you, that’s why I send the signs that I do, says the Lord, to open up your eyes that you see the things written in my word that I promised shall come, says the Lord, to warn you, to warn, says the Lord, not to harm you, not to bring fear, but to get you to wake up, says the Lord.  For though there are greater things than what you see today coming, says the Lord, wake up now, for the time is now, says the Lord.  

For, yes truly, great are the plans that I have for you, great are the plans that I have for you, for, yes, there are many great things in store for you yet.  Do not look to what is going on in the left or on right but stay focused upon me.  For remember I said these things would come because of the day and the hour that you are living in, but that they would not come nigh your dwelling if you were standing on my word and on my promises.  And for those who are walking with me and are under the shelter of my wing I can protect them, I can keep them safe through anything.  For truly the days ahead will be much, much darker for the world, but not for the church, for remember this is the time of revival, this it the time of the greatest outpouring ever seen and you will see it, saith the Lord.   

6-4-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, know that the hour is short, you are on borrowed time, says the Lord, for I know the hour that I have promised, says the Lord, but my promise to you is you would not know the day or the hour, says the Lord, but you would know the season.  Therefore, know that you are in the season of revival, says the Lord, know that you are in the season that I’ve spoken unto you and you will see them, says the Lord.  Know that in one hour, says the Lord, you will see the destruction, says the Lord, but yet my people shall ascend with me, says the Lord, my people shall ascend with me, says the Lord.  For revival shall overtake them, says the Lord and, therefore, the promises that I’ve promised you will not fall to the ground, says the Lord.  But watch, watch as I move, says the Lord, for I am the timekeeper, says the Lord, for I am not bound by time, says the Lord, for I’m in the future and I’m in the present and I’m in the history, says the Lord.  I’m in the future, says the Lord, I know what’s going on and I know what’s going to happen, says the Lord, because I am there.  Therefore, I say unto you, know, know the time, for the time is now, says the Lord. 

For it’s important to know what my word has said and my word has not said, for man tries to twist my word at times and add things to it or take away from it, but part of that also is the time you are living in.  For I have warned you about these things, I have said that the time would be different in the end and you are living in those days now, saith your Father.  Therefore, do not be caught off-guard, but know my word like never before, know the things that I have in store for you.  For, truly, there are great things in store for you, there are great blessings in store for you and I desire to pour them out upon you, I desire to pour My Spirit out upon you without measure, for it is that time and it is that hour.  Make yourself ready, get your house in order that you can receive the fullness of the things that I have for you, saith the Lord. 

6-4-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, continue in my word, for my word is established forever, says the Lord, there is nothing that you can’t do in my word, says the Lord, that is going to bring you harm.  For my word is light to you, it is good to you, says the Lord, and it is what you need to follow in these days ahead, says the Lord, for then you will have success, so do this word, says the Lord. 

For my word is power, my word is mighty, my word sets the captives free, for it was my word spoken that created the universe and, yes, my word has power and that power I have given over to you that when you speak forth my word things change, miracles take place, walls fall down.  And I have given unto you my word that you can walk in victory, that you can walk in freedom that you can walk in all the blessings that I have for you.  Know what my word has to say, know how to speak forth my word now more than ever before, for you see how dark it is getting and, yes, it shall grow even darker.  But remember that I have given you my light to shine through the darkness to go forth and get the victory.  For, truly, I have called you to be victors, I have called you to be overcomers and I have given you my word to follow, saith the Lord.   

Be not etc etc etc strength comes from me, your strength comes from me, and as you call upon me I will answer you; I will be with you even in times of trouble.  Have not I said I will never leave you nor or forsake you, but I will be with you even unto the very end.  As you call upon me and my name I will answer, I will provide, I will give unto you all that you have need of.  Therefore, I say unto you, walk not in lack or want, but I say walk in the fullness of what I have already provided for you.  For it is yours for the taking, yet many times my children try to do it on their own and they don’t ask, therefore they don’t receive.  But I am saying unto you, my children, ask in all things that you can walk in the fullness of what I have in store for you.  For I have given unto you all things that you might enjoy that you might walk in the fullness of what I have provided.  Therefore, I say unto you, know my word and know the promises that I have given unto you, for the promises are yours, they are yes and amen and the enemy he cannot steal from you, no he cannot steal from you.  So, I say unto you, walk in the fullness, the fullness, my children, did you hear that, the fullness of my word for it is yours.  

5-28-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, allow My Spirit of thanksgiving to well up inside your heart, says the Lord, and everything I’ve promised you, says the Lord, is already come to pass.  Be thankful in that, rejoice in that, says the Lord, whatever it is that you are waiting for, says the Lord, believe you have it, says the Lord, and thank me, says the Lord.  For that spirit will well up inside you, says the Lord, and it will move me, says the Lord, it’ll move me to fulfill everything I’ve promised unto you, says the Lord, it will draw to you, says the Lord.  Therefore, be thankful, says the Lord. 

For, yes, it is the hour of fulfillment, it is the hour to receive the fullness of the things that I have in store for you, it is for this time and for this hour, it is for you now to receive.  So don’t let go of those things, but call them in, call them in, call them in, for truly they are for this time now, saith the Lord.   

5-28-2023 pm service

For do I not watch over my word to perform it, every jot every tittle everything that is spoken comes to pass over and over and over and over it always comes to pass.  Therefore, why do you worry or fret about the things that you have no control over, but trust in my word, rely upon my word, stand upon my word.  For my word is sure, my word will come to pass at the appointed time, it always does. Therefore, there is nothing that you need to fear, there is nothing that you need to worry about, only stand upon my word and be not moved and watch, watch, watch as it comes to pass.  Speak forth my word, call it into being, for those are the things that you need to speak forth, those are the things that you need to call, not as if they were and they shall be, call them into being, saith the Lord, call them into being.  For it’s my word that will come to pass, saith the Lord. 

For I say unto you, I am, says the Lord, I am whatever you need me to be, says the Lord.  I am, says the Lord, there is nothing that you shall not have that you cannot have through me, says the Lord.  For I am, I am, says the Lord.   

You do not need to fear or fret the hour that you are living in, but does not my word say that I will be with you to the very end?  Are you standing upon my promises, are you speaking forth my word, for I will fulfill unto you the things that I have spoken unto you.  Therefore, I say unto you, walk in my faith that I have given unto you, do not walk in fear, do not walk in lack, do not walk in doubt, but I say walk in faith that I have given unto you, a faith that can move the mountains, a faith that can speak into a situation and bring life, says the Lord.  Oh, I say unto you, walk with me like before, know my promises, know them in your heart, know that I have given them unto you for this hour and this time, that you, that you can truly walk in that victorious way of living that I have made a way for you.  I have overcome that you might overcome my children, do you understand that I overcame that you can overcome yourself.  Therefore, I say unto you, rise up and know my word, know that I have spoken unto you, know it in your heart, have it within your mouth, speak it forth and watch as the mountains if front of you move, watch as I move in all power and might.  For now is the hour, now is the time that I have spoken unto you about.  So, therefore, rise up and become those bold, those bold children that I have called you to be, speak forth my word and watch the mountains move, speak forth my word and watch those walls crumble down, let freedom come like never before, says the Lord.

For what does my word say about what you need now, for if you can find it in my word then you can stand upon it and watch as it comes to pass.  But you need to know my word, know what my word has to say about every situation in your life, for you can stand upon it and watch and watch and watch as it works every single time.  But beware not to allow the negative things to come out, for you might also reap those things, for remember I said you would reap the words that you spoke.  Therefore, only speak forth my word and stand upon it, be not moved to the left, be not moved to the right and watch as it comes to pass, saith the Lord.  

5-21-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, I’ve placed within you my soil, says the Lord, for the day you called on my Son I’ve placed my soil within you that you could receive the promises, says the Lord.  As you plant my word deep inside you, says the Lord, the promises would grow, says the Lord, would sprout out, says the Lord.  For you are my tree, says the Lord, as you grow, your branches spread forth and produce those promises, that fruit, says the Lord, that others can partake of, says the Lord, that I can partake of, says the Lord.  For you are my heavenly calling fruit, says the Lord, I’ve called you by name, I’ve called you, says the Lord, and I’ve given you my word, says the Lord, that you plant it that others eat of it, says the Lord, for through you, says the Lord, through me, says the Lord, you shall live. 

For I say unto you, my children, did I not say you feed them, says the Lord, you feed them by planting my word in you, says the Lord, that the fruit produces fruit for them, says the Lord, that my people have food, says the Lord, that my people see the works that I do, says the Lord, that they come unto me and they become fruitful as well, says the Lord.

For does not my word say that every seed planted produces after its own kind, and so when you sow my seeds of love in others it produces love, when you sow my seeds of blessings it produces but blessings, when you sow my seeds of joy, it produces joy.  But you need to be sowing those things, don’t hold them back for yourself, but sow, sow, sow, for I have given unto you many great and precious promises, I have given unto you my word that you should share with others.  For keeping it to yourself does nothing, but sharing it allows it to spread further and further and further and that is my desire, that is my desire for this time and this hour that you are sharing with others the things that I have given you, saith the Lord.  For, truly, the harvest is ripe, but where are the laborers? 

For as you are faithful and you sow the seeds of love you will reap the harvest that you desire.  Be careful of your words, my children; be careful of the things that you say, for my word does say that what you sow you shall reap.  Be careful of the things that you are sowing that you reap the desired harvest that you desire.  Oh, it is the time when my church needs to be sharing my love with those around them that they can truly see who I am.  For it is love that will cover those multitudes of sins and bring them in for these last days.  Oh, I say unto you, my children, know my word like never before, know me like never before that you may give out to those around you my love.  For if you are not walking in my love how can you give to others the things that they have need of?  Walk with me, walk with me, walk with me and give out to those around you the things that they have need of, for they need, they need me, says the Lord, and as they see me through you, change will take place, change will come.  Sow the seeds that I have spoken unto you, sow the seeds of love, sow the seeds of faith and watch as they come, watch as they come in, says the Lord.  For now is the time for my harvest to come in.  Oh it’s ripe and it’s ready, but I do need you, I need you, I need you being my hands and my feet, I need you reaching out to those around you and sharing me with them that they can have life and that more abundantly that I have given unto you, says the Lord.   

5-21-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, I have a message, says the Lord, the message is my word, says the Lord.  For my word is the sprocket and you are the chain that it travels on, says the Lord, and when you have faith in my word it moves it, energizes it, that sprocket, you are moved, propelled forward, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, continue with my word and have faith in my word, and as you speak and believe in my word, you shall move, says the Lord, from one point to another point to another point, says the Lord, until my perfect will is completed in your life, says the Lord.  Continue to live, says the Lord, in my word. 

For my word always works, my word is always true; my word has stood the test of time and always comes to pass.  For I have given unto you my word that you would be prosperous that you would be successful, that you would be the overcomers.  But I have warned you about the things that you would see in these days in my word and I also told you how to overcome them, I also told you how to be the head and not the tail above and not beneath.  Yes, it is my word that is truth, it’s my word that sets the captive free, it’s my word.  Realize and understand how important my word is for this time and for this hour more than ever before and hold it very closely to your heart, get it deep within you, for truly that is what you need to do, saith the Lord. 

5-17-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, just as my Son was in the garden, says the Lord and the armies came, says the Lord, so shall my people be sleeping when the army comes upon your land, says the Lord, for most will not be awake, says the Lord.  For, I say, it is the hour to be awake and to put away that snooze button, says the Lord.  For now is the time and now is the hour to wake up out of your slumber for it is etc, says the Lord, for the time is at hand to rise up, says the Lord and do the things that I have called you to do, says the Lord.  Put away the slothfulness, says the Lord, put away the grogginess and put on the armor I have given unto you, says the Lord, and get ready, says the Lord.   

5-14-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, I’ve placed in you the gift of life in every mother, says the Lord, not only in the natural to bear fruit, says the Lord, but spiritual fruit, says the Lord.  For when a mother’s love goes throughout the world and brings my fold in, says the Lord, there is the love that I have, says the Lord, for I have placed my love in every mother, says the Lord, if you’re of me, you have that love, says the Lord.  Therefore, continue to go forth to be those mothers to those that are coming in, says the Lord, for I’ve got those that are coming in that need mothers, says the Lord, so be ready to love and nurture them, says the Lord.   

For my love extends further than what you can see, my love gave all for you that you can walk in victory that I have given unto you.  But yet many times my children reject my love, they walk in defeat, yet that is not my will, my will is that they see that love that I have given unto them, that they walk in it, that they live in it, that they share it with others around them.  For it is love, it is my love that covers even a multitude if sins, it is my love that can cause even the coldest heart to turn to me, know my love like never before, says the Lord.  For I have given it unto you in great abundance that you might give it to others that can cause them to know me.  Now is the hour and now is the time for you to be sharing my love with others, put down the things of the past, put down the things that block you from giving my love out, says the Lord, for that is not my desire that there is a blockage but, I say, that my desire is to be free, free, free to give out, that they might know who I am that they might come to know me.  For it is an hour of great harvest, but where are my laborers, where are the laborers, says the Lord, how are others going to see me if they can’t see my love through you?  Oh, I say unto you my children, know my love like never before that you can become all that I have called you to be for this hour and this time. 

For doesn’t my word say as you have freely received also freely give?  For I do not hold back from you, therefore you should not hold back either.  But when you allow my love to work through you it covers a multitude of sins, it reaches the broken hearted, it reaches those that cannot be reached, because it goes into the innermost parts that nothing else can reach.  For remember my word says, love is the key, love is the key, love is the key, be focused on love, be focused on love, remember I told you, catch them I’ll clean them, just love them, show them my love, show them what it means to be loved, because the world doesn’t know what it means to be loved truly.  And many are seeking, many are searching and they’re not finding it because they don’t know to come to me, but it is through you that I work through to reach them and it is through love that they will come in, saith the Lord. 

5-14-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, my judgment shall fall with deep impact upon those that are not waiting for me, says the Lord.  For I have called you, says the Lord, and those that are waiting know the hour that we are in, says the Lord, they’re waiting for that time, says the Lord, and the time is now, says the Lord, to wake up and to be ready, says the Lord, for when the dust settles you shall be with me, says the Lord. 

Know the plans that I have for you, for they are plans for you to prosper, they are plans for you to be in health, they are plans for you to walk with all of the blessings that I have for you for this time and for this hour.  Not so for the world, for they will face many calamities, many disasters, many other things will come upon them, but not for my church.  For my church will not see those things come nigh their dwelling, if they’re believing me, if they’re standing upon my word, if they’re doing everything I have called for them to do.  For I’ve said it’s a time and an hour to come closer, it’s a time and an hour to draw closer to me than ever before that you’re walking in step, in step with me, that you’re not ahead, that you’re not behind but you’re right with me.  For truly it is a great and glorious hour for my people, for my church, for I’ve called for this time, I’ve called for this hour and do not be moved by the things that you see, do not be moved by the things that you hear, for remember I have already made a way for you to prosper, saith the Lord.  

5-10-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, fear not in all thy ways; acknowledge me and I will direct your path, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, just trust me and follow me, says the Lord, for these days are dark yet I am light and so are you, says the Lord, so light it up, says the Lord. 

For if you follow me I will lead you in the way you should go and in those ways are blessings, in those ways are goodness, in those ways are all of the many promises that I have for you.  For, truly, it is my desire to bless you like never before, even in the time when in reality you say, Lord, how can you do that in this time?  I can bless you in the famine, I’ve done that before, I can cause you to have a harvest when others have none, I’ve done that many times and I am no respecter of persons and what I have done before I will do again.  But remember you’re in a different time, you’re in a time where, I have called, would be good for those who are walking with me that there are many promises that you can receive in this time and this hour.  So look forward to those things, don’t get caught up in the things that are going on in the world, but continue to follow me and I will take care of you, saith the Lord.  

5-7-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, stop chasing rabbits, says the Lord, for the devil supplies rabbits to you to chase, says the Lord, but know my word and what my word says, says the Lord.  For I don’t send rabbits, says the Lord, I send my word, says the Lord, you follow my word and quit following rabbits, says the Lord, for you go down that hole you won’t come back, says the Lord.  For a hole is dark, says the Lord, and my light is not in that hole, says the Lord.  Get in my word where my light is and follow my word, says the Lord, quit chasing rabbits, quit chasing rabbits and get into my word and know what I’ve had for you since the beginning of this world, says the Lord.  For you have my word and my word has the promises, says the Lord, and if the promises are not in that rabbit, it’s not of me, says the Lord. 

For it is my word that brings change, it is my word that brings life, it is my word that gives you everything that you have need of, it is my word that causes you to walk in all of the abundance that I have given unto you.  It is important, my children, that you live and breathe and speak forth my word that you can become the followers that I have called you to be for this hour and this time.  Know ye not the importance of living and walking in my word and having my word even in your very being as my word says.  It is an hour not to walk in darkness, but it is an hour to walk in the light, the light that I have given unto you through my word, let it be the lamp upon your path to guide you and to lead you into all truth.  For it is the hour when you need to take the shades off of your eyes and you need to see the light and walk in the light as I am in the light.  For as you walk in me you will not fulfill the lust of your flesh, but you shall walk in the Spirit as I have called you to walk in, in this hour and this time.  Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, walk in my word, get into my word, have it be in your very own being that out of it comes the issues of life as I have said.  Therefore, I say unto you, take the shades off, take the shades off and walk in the fullness of all that I have for you, says the Lord. 

For remember the enemies key tool is deception, he takes my word and twists it a little bit and makes it something that it’s not, but at times it can be very catchy and attractive, but when you know my word you can clearly see the true from the false.  For many, many, many are spreading false lies today, but my word tells you this, that’s why I have told you measure everything against my word, what is your Spirit telling you?  For many don’t even listen to the Spirit that I have given unto them, for he can tell you the truth from the false also, but if you can’t find it in my word, then it isn’t for you.  For truly everything that I have spoken has been recorded in my word, all the things that shall take place, all the things that must come to pass, all the promises that are yours for this time now are in my word.  And as you get into my word and you get my word within you, then you know that you know that you know that you know that you know and you are not deceived.  For I do not want you to be deceived, I do not want you to be taken off course, I want you to reach the goal, it want you to reach the finish line.  So don’t water down my word, but realize that I gave it to you that you would be successful, that you would be the overcomer, that you would be the victor.  For you didn’t know the days would be this dark, but I did, you don’t know how much darker they shall get, but I do, but I have made a way for you, saith the Lord, and all you need to do is walk according to my word, walk according to my promises and do the things that I have said to do, saith the Lord.     

5-7-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, it’s time for tunnel vision faith, says the Lord, the faith that sees only the things that I desire you to see and you shall not see the things that I don’t want you to see, says the Lord.  For the things that I don’t want you to see are not yours, says the Lord, for what I show unto you is yours.  Therefore, get your eyes off the things that are not yours and get your eyes on me, says the Lord.  For only through me and seeing me in my full manifestation of my glory, says the Lord and my word, can you receive the things that I have for you.  Therefore, I say unto you, get your eyes on me, says the Lord. 

For great things are in store for my church, great things are in store for my people, great things are in store for those who are walking according to my word and following after my promises.  Not so for the world, but yes, it is that way for the church, for those who are mine.  Remember I called this time to be a great and glorious hour, a time of prospering, a time of the wealth of the heathen coming in, a time to be blessed and walk in the fullness of the blessings that I have for you.  Yes, it is that time and it is that hour regardless of what it is taking place in the world, if you are mine, you will be blessed if you’re trusting in me and walking according to my word and according to my promises.  So do not fear the things that are ahead, but remember that I have made a way through, I have made a way where you can be an overcomer, I have made a way where you can be the victor and I will back up my word, says the Lord. 

For I say unto you, my children, I don’t see mountains, I see through mountains, says the Lord, for I am the mountain leveler, says the Lord, there is no mountain that can stand in my way, says the Lord, for I have declared that to you.  Therefore, I say unto you, what are you believing for, says the Lord, because I can remove your mountain, that’s not my mountain it’s your mountain and I am telling you tonight it’s gone, says the Lord. 

For it is my desire to make your way as a plain that you go straight through without any problems.  Yes, there will be battles, I’m not saying that, but it is my desire that you are the overcomer in every single area of your life.  Don’t look in the natural realm, don’t look at the circumstances, but realize what I have already done for you and walk in the fullness of it, says the Lord.

5-3-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, now is not the time to stand aloof and not know what to do, says the Lord, for I have given you what to do in my word, says the Lord.  Pray, understand my word, says the Lord, for the time that we’re living in is not a time for you to be standing around, but to be doers of my word, says the Lord.

For does not my word say as you see day approaching, and you are seeing that now, therefore you should be looking, expecting the things that I have promised.  For those too must come for this time now as I have told you before.  Are you ready for what I am about to do, are you ready for me to move mightily upon your behalf, are you ready for me to do everything that I’ve promised?  You should be waiting and expecting those things, not wondering when they might happen, but expecting them to happen always.  For you are living in that time and in that hour and suddenly in a moment in the twinkling of an eye things can change even as I have promised and you shall see.  But look forward to those things, expect them, for it is that time and it is that hour and they could take place at any moment, saith the Lord.  

4-30-23 am service

For I say unto you, my children, for you are my temple, says the Lord, for I fashioned you out of my own hands, says the Lord, for you are my temple, not made with flesh and blood, but by My Spirit, says the Lord.  Therefore, because I’ve called on you, you have honor, riches and glory, says the Lord, my honor, my riches, my glory, dwells in you, says the Lord.  There is nothing that you don’t have, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, what did you come for, says the Lord, did you come just to have church or did you come for me, says the Lord, for I’ve come for you, says the Lord?  For therefore, I say unto you, what do you have need of, says the Lord?

For it is my desire to heal, it is my desire to set free, it is my desire to renew and restore, it is my desire to bring you to the place that I have called for you to be.  So what do you come for, when you come to my house what are you coming for, are you coming expecting me to move upon your behalf or are you coming just to have church?  And, yes, I desire to hear your worship and your praise, but it’s more than that, because I am here to meet with you and you need to come here to meet with me that way, that you’re open to receive the things that I have for you.  For you do not know what tomorrow holds and you don’t always know what you need today, but I do.  Even though there are many that have needs, and I know those needs and I desire to meet those needs, I also know the things that you have need of for what tomorrow holds and I desire to prepare you for the days ahead.  I desire to make you ready, I desire to bring you to new levels, new heights where you can be all that I have called you to be.  Therefore, I say unto you, come expecting me to move, come expecting to see great power and anointing, for truly that is what I desire to do, saith the Lord. 

How can you receive what you have need of if you’re not in my presence, if you don’t come unto me, if you don’t seek me, how can you receive what you have need of, how can I warn you with the wisdom and knowledge that you have need of for this hour and this day?  It is an hour not to back off, but it is hour to press in like never before to receive the things that I have in store for you.  For I have given unto you the keys, the keys in my word, if you live and walk in my word you have my very being, do you understand that, you have my very being.  Walk in my word that you may walk and fulfill the things that I called you to fulfill for this hour and this time.  It is an hour of greatness; it is an hour of greatness, even though it is an hour of darkness for the world and troubles, tribulation. But, I say unto you, it is an hour of greatness for my church, it is an hour of greatness that they must seek me, they must call upon my name, they must come unto me, they must spend time in my presence, that they can be renewed, that they can be rejuvenated, that they can receive all that they have need of, that they can walk, yes, that they can walk in the abundance that I have given unto them for this day and this hour.

For you don’t have to go away the same way that you came, for you’re coming to the Father’s House to meet with the Father.  Therefore, you can have the things that you have need of, you can receive them and leave the way that I desire for you to leave which is healed and delivered and set free, set afire that you can go forth and bring in the harvest, for it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord.  

4-30-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, I’ve come tonight to finish what I began this morning, says the Lord, to finish you up, says the Lord, that you’re ready, says the Lord, that you’re a vessel, says the Father God, that can meet every need that someone has, says the Lord.  To meet the needs of the people around you, says the Lord, ministers of me, says the Lord, flames of fire, says the Lord, receive the things that I have for you tonight, says the Lord. 

For I’m always looking to complete the work in you and I will continue to do that because my word says that I look to do that until Jesus returns.  So be open to receive the things that I have for you, for I am not finished with you yet, saith the Lord, but I am preparing you for what is ahead.  Receive the things that I have for you this night, saith the Lord, for truly whether you know it now you will need them.

4-26-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, don’t be concerned or worried about the time, says the Lord, but I say unto you, be ready, says the Lord, to be ready, says the Lord, for my fig tree is budded, says the Lord.  Are you aware of what is going on over in Israel, says the Lord?  Therefore, I say unto you, look, look and see what I have said unto you, says the Lord, my fig tree has budded.  Are you ready, says the Lord, for I am soon coming, says the Lord? 

For did not I tell you as you would see these things come to pass, look, for your redemption draweth nigh?  For truly it is that time and it is that hour and I have prepared you for this time and for this hour to do the things that I have called for you to do.  Do not run ahead or lag behind, but run right with me, step in step, fulfilling everything that I have called for you to fulfill.  For it is that time and it is that hour for those things to come to pass now, believe it, saith the Lord, believe it, for truly you will see those things now.

4-23-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, am I not able to take that which you give unto me, says the Lord, and break it and you have baskets left over, says the Lord?  Don’t limit me, says the Lord, for I am able to take little and produce overflow, says the Lord.  Whatever you have, says the Lord, don’t look at it as small but look at it as a sacrifice that you’ve blessed me with, says the Lord, that I bless you, multiplied back, says the Lord, abundantly above and beyond anything that you can ever possibly ask or think, says the Lord, for I am God. 

For there is nothing too big or too hard or too impossible for me, for I can make nothing into something, for truly I have that power and I have that ability.  But when you place what you have into my hands according to my word I can multiply it and return it back to you, for truly it is my desire to bless you abundantly above anything that you ask or think.  But it all starts with a seed that is sowed expecting to reap a harvest, for that law has always been in affect and still remains to this day.  But it is that time and it is that hour that I have spoken to you about and I do have great things in store for you in the days ahead, but I also have everything that you have need of.  Do any of you lack, have you asked of me that I can do those things that you need?  For, truly, it is my desire that you are living abundantly, that you are the overcomer, that you are the head and not the tail.  And so there are things that you have need of, bring them before me and I will give you the things that you have need of, says the Lord.  

For I say unto you, my children, in these days you need to learn the art of receiving, says the Lord, and the art of giving, says the Lord.  For it is that way that I am going to able to supply all your needs, says the Lord, over that, says the Lord.  For I’ll take what you have and you’ll have more in abundance, says the Lord, that there will be no lack in my body, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, trust in me, says the Lord.

4-23-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, there is nothing too big for me, says the Lord, when you put your faith and hope in me, says the Lord, I produce results, says the Lord, for that is who I am, I am the God of overflow, the God of more than enough, says the Lord, there is nothing too big for me, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, put your confidence and trust in me, don’t limit me, says the Lord for I am God. 

And I stand behind my word to make sure that it is performed and my word always goes out and returns having done what it was sent out to do.  So don’t look at things in the natural, don’t focus on the circumstances, but remember what my word has said, remember what I have promised, remember that you win in the end.  Regardless of what the enemy throws at you, you always win, for you are an overcomer, you are the victor, and I have given you that promise that you can stand upon, saith the Lord.  

4-19-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, there are two sides to my windows, says the Lord, there is the receiving end and there is the delivering end, says the Lord.  For on my end I deliver and your job is to receive, says the Lord, so be sure that windows are open in your life, says the Lord. Your doing it tonight, your giving me your sacrifice of praise, says the Lord, your giving me what I require, says the Lord, your praise, your worship, says the Lord, for I have your heart you have mine, says the Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, continue, continue to saturate yourself in me, says the Lord, and my window shall continually be open upon you, says the Lord. 

For, truly, when you are filled with My Spirit then out of your spirit comes living water, for you’ve been filled by me and when you open your hearts to me and begin to pour it out, oh what a joy it is for my ears to hear your praise coming from deep within.  For it is a joy for a father to hear his children and even the youngest praising me, for that is very, very, very important.  Don’t ever lose that, but continue to draw closer to me, allow me to light a fire within you like never before that burns so brightly that you can do all the things that I have called for you to do.  For even the youth are called, even the children are called, there is none too young that do not have a calling upon their life, for it is a very special calling for this day and for this hour.  You’re never too young to be used by me, you’re never too young to hear my voice, you’re never too young to do the things that I have said.  For, truly, I desire to use the children, I desire to use the young people, I desire to use those who are open, and if you are open to me, I will fill you even this night with fire like you’ve never seen before, with power like you’ve never seen before.  For begin to come to my house expecting great things, expecting me to move upon your behalf, for when you come you will see those things if you expect it and watch what I shall do, watch what I shall do even from the youngest on up, watch what I shall do, saith the Lord.   

4-16-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, though things might look dark according to the flesh, I have not called you to be in the flesh but to be in the Spirit, says the Lord.  For where My Spirit is there is victory, there is not one giant left standing, says the Lord, for I’ve decapitated all the giants, says the Lord, but it’s a faith fight, it’s a fight of faith, says the Lord.  For I declare unto you that I’ve spoke those things that be not as if they were and they were, says the Lord, you must be the same way as I am, says the Lord, that speak those things, believe those things.  Be in My Spirit, says the Lord, for no battle is won in the flesh, but by My Spirit, says the Lord, get in My Spirit, live in My Spirit and receive those things that I’ve purchased for you, says the Lord.  For I felt, I felt everything that you say you have, says the Lord, but I declare unto you that I’ve taken them, says the Lord, get in My Spirit and believe it, says the Lord, and you shall receive it, says the Lord. 

For I am not a God that is moved by circumstances, for I overcame all of the circumstances, there is nothing that is higher or greater than my word, there is nothing that I do not have power to overcome.  And yet you are my heirs, you are my children, and therefore you have all of my power and all of my authority, you have all of my ability, but most times you don’t know how to use what I have given unto you.  For I said if you have faith the size of a mustard seed you could speak unto that mountain and it would be moved.  So you see it doesn’t take much, but it takes stepping out and doing what my word has told you to do, it takes an action, it doesn’t take sitting back and allowing the devil to have a hay-day, but it takes action, standing up against the enemy, standing up against him and defeating him, because he has already been defeated, he has already been defeated. You’ve already been made victor, you’ve already been made the overcomer, all you need to do is walk in it, saith the Lord, all you need to do is accept it, all you need to do is allow my word to become real in your life and to stop looking at the circumstances.  For the circumstances mean nothing to my word, saith the Lord.

For I say unto you, my children, unbelief and faithlessness symptoms are like a speck in your eye, says the Lord, that causes you to not see clearly, that causes your vision to be blurred, says the Lord.  Therefore, that’s why you need to get your eyes on my word and see clearly the things that I have given unto you, says the Lord, and don’t be moved by what the devil tries to put on you, says the Lord, but be moved by what I’ve taken away from you, says the Lord.

Do not let the enemy steal from you, but even though he seeks those whom he can devour, I’ve already overcome him.  Allow him not to steal from you but, I say unto you, rise up and stand upon my word like never before, speak my word, speak my word in every situation, speak the desired outcome, speak to the problems and they shall change.  Speak my word, speak my word, rise up, rise up, rise up and become bold, become bold as I have called you to become bold and, I say unto you, watch as the enemy flees, watch as he flees. 

If you only knew what I knew, if you only saw what I see, for you know in part that’s what my word says, you know in part, you don’t know all.  But stay focused upon me, stay focused upon what I have said, stay focused upon the calling I have given you, stay focused on the vision that is before you, stay focused on the work that I have given you to carry out.  For, yes, it is that time now, it is that hour now, many things have been prophesied about this time, many things have been spoken about this hour and you are seeing things as they are taking place.  Therefore, you should know also that there are things that have to come to pass in your life, there are things that have to come to pass in your ministry, those things are for this time now as well, therefore they must come to pass.  Therefore, do not look in the natural, do not look at the circumstances, begin to see what I see, begin to know what I know, begin to expect me to move in a even greater way, saith the Father.  For truly I’ve asked you what are you expecting, I’ve told you to come into my house expecting, for you see and know the time and the hour and yet many are running here and running there looking for answers, but yet they don’t come to me, but I have them all.  For truly there are many things that are taking place, there are many things that are coming to pass and I know them all.  So follow after me, do the things that I have said, focus on the things that I have said to focus on and receive the things that I Have for this time and for this hour, for have not I promised a greater outpouring of My Spirit and that you could receive it?  But who is open, who is ready, who is willing, who really wants it, who is expecting to get it?  For it is that time and it is hour, did not I tell you that, are you not seeing it, are you not seeing my word come to pass in the world?  But it is a sign unto you that you would know the day, that you would know hour, but don’t forget what I have said is coming to pass and begin to expect those things, saith the Lord.    

For I say unto you, my children, don’t forget the help the ministers that I have sent unto you, says the Lord, for my holy angels were sent for you, says the Lord, to do the bidding, says the Lord.  Therefore, send them forth, says the Lord, to bring those things to pass that I’ve told you about, says the Lord, for they are yours to command, says the Lord, to work in this last time, says the Lord. 

4-16-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, when you walk in obedience my windows are always open to you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, lack nothing, says the Lord, you lack nothing in me, says the Lord, for my windows are always open as you study and do the word that I have given unto you to do, says the Lord, but follow my plan and you’ll succeed, says the Lord.

Don’t think that things are going to be put off for long, long periods of time, but realize that you have entered into that time when I told you about when things will begin to progress even faster now than they did before.  Do not be concerned with the things that are ahead, for remember I have given unto you my word that I would take you through the days ahead victoriously.  But don’t get caught up in the lies of the enemy that it isn’t for this time and it isn’t for this hour and yet it could be for another generation.  For that is not what my word says, but my word has told you that you would see these things happen, look nigh, for here I am coming quickly. 

4-12-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, there are many voices in the world, says the Lord, yet there is only one that you truly need to know and that’s my voice, says the Lord.  Do you know my voice, my word says you do, but do you know it, for if I was to say something to you would you know it was me, says the Lord?  My word lines up with what I say, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, know my voice in this hour; you need to know my voice, says the Lord.

4-9-2023 am service

Oh, that my people would see and know what I have purchased for them, for I gave my life for them on the cross that they could walk and experience the freedom that I have given unto them.  For many times they allow the enemy to hold them back, but it is an hour of freedom, says the Lord, it is a day of freedom.  Therefore, I say unto you, those who come unto me they shall be free and free indeed.  Oh, I say unto you, look to the cross and see all the things that I have done for you, for it is a great, it is a great and mighty accomplishment, I’ve made a way where you can walk in the light and that more abundantly.  Come to me, says the Lord, you’ll never thirst again, you will never have a want, you’ll never have a need when you totally surrender yourself and your life to me. I shall fill you to overflowing and you will not lack, you will have everything that you need.  As you put your trust in me you shall not be disappointed, for I am here, says the Lord, and I will meet your each and every single need.  Know, know what I have done for you, says the Lord, for I have given all that you might have all and that more abundantly, says the Lord.  Do you understand what more abundantly means?  Oh, I say unto you, that is my desire that you walk in the abundance of what I have already provided for you.

For I say unto you, my children, I have redeemed you from death, hell and the grave, I have those keys, says the Lord.  Therefore, you have the authority in my name to lock up, bind up anything that would come from hell into your life, say the Lord.  Knock it out in my name, says the Lord, for I have given you that ability, don’t accept it, don’t take the doctors word for it, for it’s yours, says the Lord, to bind in the name of Jesus.  For I have given you those keys, I’ve given you those keys to profit with, says the Lord.  Therefore, did not my word say that the gates of hell shall not prosper against my church and are you not part of my body the church?  Therefore, hell cannot come against you, says the Lord.  

For yes, truly, the work on the cross was finished, there was no more to do after that than accept what was freely given to you, was to accept your sonship, your heir-ship, as heirs and joint heirs of the throne of Almighty God, that’s all that there is needed left to do, is just for you to accept what I have done for you.  For it was finished, the greatest thing ever given, the greatest thing any man could ever give is to lay down his life for somebody else and yet Jesus did that for you and it was finished, it was finished, it was finished. 

Therefore, I say unto you, let those things that were already finished be completed in you, allow it to be completed in you, brought to full completion, full completion, full completion.  Do not hold yourselves back, but allow me to have full control, allow my Spirit to totally take over and put the flesh to death.  For truly this is a day and an hour like never seen before, for remember when I told you, you would be blessed if you saw another Easter and how many more shall pass yet, but not many.  For truly it is that time and it is that hour, the signs are very clear and very evident; the signs that I said would come in this time and in this hour.  And it is a time not to be dilly-dallying here or there, but it is time to get serious with me, it is time to come closer than ever before to me.  For truly the darkness is in the world, but I am the light and if I am in you then my light is in you and my light can shine through the darkness.  But remember you cannot mix light and darkness; it doesn’t work, for no man can serve two masters, you can’t live for the world during the week and for me on Sunday, it doesn’t work.  For I need one hundred percent commitment to me so that I can do the things that I desire to do and make you into everything that I have called for you to be, saith the Lord. 

4-9-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, it is the hour not to be moved by your feelings, says the Lord, but moved by faith, moved by my word.  For in this hour, says the Lord, you need to be clothed with armor that I’ve given unto you, says the Lord, not one moment spent without it, says the Lord.  For the hour you are living in is dark and those around you will take advantage of it when they see your armor off, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, stay clothed, stay humble and stay in my word, says the Lord. 

For if you look at the greatest ones in history they never look at the circumstances, but they stayed focused on my word.  Even though the signs all around them were not good in the natural, I made supernatural provision, you see it over and over and over and over again.  Therefore, I say unto you, trust in me, look to me for your source and your supply, look to me for your health, look to me for you wisdom and knowledge.  For I have all the things that you have need of, for I know what tomorrow holds and man does not, therefore he cannot help you, but I can help you, I can even tell you what to do to be successful.  Yes, the economy is going to crash, I’ve told you that, you’re watching as it is taking place, but it is only another sign of the time that you’re living in and yet I’ve told my people, many years ago, to get their money out of the stock market and to get their money out of other things and they were spared of many things because of that.  Even though some went back into some of those things later, but I know what is best and when you seek me I give you the answers that you have need of, I tell you what to do.  Therefore, look to me and I will see to it that you go through the days ahead victoriously, that you are blessed coming in and blessed going out that wherever you go you’re walking in my blessings.  For truly that is what I have for you, what I have for you in this time and this hour regardless of what is taking place in the world, saith the Lord. 

Remember my promises unto you for they are sure, they do not change, for I do not change, I’m the same yesterday today and forever.  Therefore, I say unto you, whatever you have need of look to me and will I not answer you, will I not give unto you the things that you have need of.  Oh, I say unto you, know my word for this hour and this time, for my word is the key to you walking in victory and to receiving the fullness of all that I have said is yours.  Now is your hour and your time, even I have called you for such a time, I am equipping you and I giving unto you all that you have need of.  Trust me like never before, for I will see you through, says the Lord. 

4-5-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, I am always with you, says the Lord, draw close to me, says the Lord, and you will see and hear my presence, says the Lord.  If you don’t hear or see me it’s because you don’t honor me, says the Lord, you don’t seek me, says the Lord, but I am there.  Therefore, I say unto you, follow me; seek me, says the Lord.

For those who seek me find me, those who knock I open for them.  For, truly, I desire to have that relationship with you, that close intimate relationship with you, I desire to be able to speak with you each and every day and to give you the direction that you have need of, to give you the encouragement that you have need of.  For if you give me time and listen for my voice I will speak to you, for that is my desire and I love it when you speak to me.  For, truly, that is how a close relationship with a loved one should be and that is what I desire to have with you especially now more than ever before as the darkness is getting darker and more widespread.  You need to be closer to the light source, for truly I am the light and my light is in you, but be close to the source.  For, truly, that is where you get your power from, saith the Lord, and when you get too far away from the source, the power gets weaker.  Stay close; stay close, stay close, saith the Lord. 

4-2-2023 am service

For it is an hour of holiness, says the Lord, for I am calling you to be holy just as I am holy, for I have called you to draw near, close unto me, for it is that hour and is that time, my children, when you need to walking very close with me, so that when I whisper you hear my voice, says the Lord.  Oh, walk with me like you have never walked before, draw close like you have never drawn close before.  For the hour is late, the hour is late and I have need of you, I have need of you to press into me like never before that you can see all the things that I have spoken to you, says the Lord.  For it is that hour and it is that time when I’m pouring out My Spirit without measure and those who are drawing close to me they shall see it, they shall know it and shall live and walk in it, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, walk close to me, be holy as I am holy, for now is the hour and time to draw close unto me and to do all that I have called you to be.  For I have called you for this time, says the Lord, I have called you for this hour.  Therefore, I say unto you, come nigh to me; come near to me, says the Lord.   

For I say unto you, my children, because of man’s foolishness, because of man’s desire for darkness, says the Lord, things shall be quickly sped up, says the Lord, and sudden destruction shall fall upon them, says the Lord.  But unto you, says the Lord, my light shall grow bright for you, says the Lord, as you press into me, says the Lord, I shall increase your knowledge, increase all that I have for you, says the Lord.  But the world shall become dark, says the Lord, so dark says the Lord, that they won’t be able to see their finger upon their face, says the Lord, so dark they won’t be able hear themselves crying out, for their darkness shall overcome them.

But I have made a way where there seems to be no way and yet it is a good way, it is a prosperous way, it is a safe way.  But few desire to take that way because it means separating from the world, it means following after the things that I have said, following after my wants and my desires and not your own wants and your own desires.  But there are great things in store for you, saith the Lord, there are great things in store for you, but you need to walk according to my word, you need to walk according to my promises.  You need to be in my house when it’s open, you need to be about the Father’s business, saith the Lord, for then I can give you the things that you have need of that you can be victorious in this time and in this hour.  For it will not be a great time for the world, it will not be a great time for the lukewarm, it will not be a great time for those with one foot in the church and one foot in the world, but it will be a great time for those who are walking closely by my side and that there is the key to walk closely by my side.  Find out what that means that you can become all that I have called you to become, saith the Lord.  

For I say unto you, my children, even as quick as the plague came upon this world and spread through the four corners, says the Lord, so shall the things that I have said unto you shall come forth across this world, says the Lord.  For man cannot stop it, they can’t slow it down, for they opened that box, says the Lord, when man ate of that fruit, they opened that box.  Therefore, I say unto you, the only way out is through my Son, Jesus Christ.  Therefore, I say unto you, eat the heavenly fruit that I’ve provided for you, says the Lord. 

4-2-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, if you abide in me you cannot get lost, says the Lord, for I am with you.  Therefore, I say unto you, don’t be fearful, says the Lord, to act on the things I’ve given you, says the Lord, for you’re abiding in me and therefore they will produce much fruit, says the Lord.  Nothing you do can come against you, says the Lord, as long as you are with me, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, stretch out, says the Lord, and be everything that I have said that you can be.  

For I can meet every single one of your needs, everything that you need I can take care of, but you must put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me, you must look to me as your source and supply.  For I will give you wisdom, I will give you knowledge, I will give you direction, I will give you the things that you have need of.  For all you need to do is put your trust and confidence in me and ask me for those things, for I will meet your needs, saith the Lord. 

For my promise is to be there with you until the very end and that is my promise that I have given unto you, for I shall never leave you nor will I forsake you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me and my promises that I have given unto you in my word for they do not go out and return void but they go and do that which I have sent them forth to do.  Walk in my word, read my word, have my word coming out of your mouth daily, know my word, act upon my word, for it is my word that shall carry you through these days ahead, it is my word that shall give you the strength that you have need of.  Therefore, I say unto you, let your focus be my word, says the Lord, for it is my word that will give you all the victories that you have need of in the hour and the day that you’re living in.    

3-29-2023 pm service

Know this, my children, in this hour my name that is above every name, says the Lord, is what needs to be spoken from your mouth, says the Lord, for nothing else can save you but my name, says the Lord.  Therefore, my name and my word are what you need for this hour, says the Lord, for my name puts the word into action, says the Lord, for my name, my name will save, my name will set free, my name will deliver, says the Lord, know my name and watch the enemy flee, says the Lord. 

For it is an hour of great things, not only will it be great things for the church, wonderful, amazing things, but there will also be great darkness, great disaster, great calamity for the world and yet you have begun to see some of this here and there, but it is that time and it is that hour.  Therefore, know where you stand, know how to speak my word, know how to use my name, for you need it for this time and for this hour, saith the Lord.  It is my desire that you are successful and I have given you everything you have need of; it’s all found in my book, your directions to make it through victoriously, they’re there.  The directions to be the head and not the tail above and not beneath, they’re there.  Get into my word and study like never before and really find out what it has to say, for you need to know for the time and the hour you are living in now, saith the Lord.

3-22-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, this is the hour that you need to be walking in the Spirit as I have said, says the Lord, for as you walk in the Spirit the enemy cannot slow down or hinder you or snuff you out, says the Lord.  For you’ll pass through all the things that he would try to send your way, says the Lord, for there are more for you than against you, says the Lord.  For where I am there is victory, says the Lord, you need to be walking with me, says the Lord, in the Spirit, says the Lord.  Don’t look at the things in this world as impossible, says the Lord, but look at my word and see that you’re a spirit, says the Lord, and pass right through those things on faith, says the Lord.

For the promises that I have given, they are there for you to receive them and not just part of the whole thing.  For yes, it’s true, goodness and mercy shall follow you if you’re walking according to my word and doing what I have called you to do, then you shall be seeing those things.  Claim them, for they are yours, don’t miss out on the things that I have for you, for I have made them openly available for you because I love you and every one can receive those things regardless of how old or young.  They’re for my children and if you’re mine then they are for you and it is my desire that you receive them, saith the Lord.  

3-19-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, how thirsty are you, says the Lord?  Expect more, says the Lord; for I can overflow a small cup or I can overflow the biggest cup, says the Lord.  For I will overflow whatever it is you’re expecting, says the Lord, but the bigger your cup the more you’ll have, says the Lord, of me in this last day.  Therefore, I say unto you, am I not the God that overflowed the earth with water, says the Lord, cannot not I do more than that, says the Lord?  Expect greater, says the Lord, expect greater, yes, greater than that, says the Lord. 

For I desire to pour out upon you a blessing that you cannot contain, I desire to pour My Spirit upon you without measure, but are you ready to receive the fullness of the things that I have for you, are you ready to receive it?  For if your vessel is not prepared, if it is not ready to receive, then you can only take in a little of what I have for you.  But I desire for you to have the fullness of everything that I have for you, the fullness, the fullness, the fullness. 

Etc even so of all the things that I have in store for you, says the Lord, for if you are empty how can you give out to others around you?  It is only when you are full that you are able to spill out unto others and give unto others the things that they have need of.  Oh, I say unto you, be like a sponge, be like sponge and soak up all you can get of me, says the Lord.  Be diligent, be diligent, for those who are diligent they shall receive the rewards, they shall receive all that I have promised unto them, for it is the diligent ones that receive the bronze.   Therefore, be diligent, be diligent, study, study to show yourself approved unto me, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, you shall walk in the truth that I have given unto you, says the Lord.  Get into my word like never before that you can give out to others the things that they have need of, for the harvest is ripe, the harvest is ripe, the harvest is ripe, but the laborers are few, says the Lord.  

3-19-2023 pm service

For it is an hour to be filled with My Spirit, says the Lord, for it is not thee hour for you to lay dormant, but it is the hour for you to be filled to overflowing.  For have not I given unto you gifts, then I say unto you, where are they, where are they, for I need them for this hour and this time and as you open your mouth and allow me to fill it, yes, I shall fill it, says the Lord.  I say unto you, be not afraid, be not afraid, but I say unto you, it is a new hour to step out into the new things that I have in store for you.  Therefore, I say unto you, be not one who is dormant, for I have not called you to dormancy, but I have called you unto life, I have called you unto freedom.  So, I say unto you, even from this night forward allow the freedom that I have given unto you through My Spirit completely overtake your life and free you in every, I say unto you, everything in your life, allow freedom to take place and allow me to open you up in the newness of My Spirit.  For I have need of you, yes, each and every single one of you for this hour and this time.  Do not think you are too young to be used by me, says the Lord, for as you ask I shall fill you and you shall open your mouth and it shall come, says the Lord.  Oh, therefore I say unto you, walk ye in the newness of the anointing that I have for you, walk in the newness of the Spirit that I have for you.  I say unto you, as you open yourself unto me you shall be changed, you shall not be the same as you allow My Spirit to come alive in you and flow out of you, says the Lord.  For there shall be newness even this moment, even this night as you open yourself to me you shall experience my newness of the Spirit, my newness of the anointing, my newness of ability that I have given to you.  Therefore, I say unto you, yield unto me and surrender to me and watch me as I transform you into who you are and who I desire you to be, for it is that hour and it is that time. 

For I say unto you, my children, this is my last hour, says the Lord, and the hour is almost up.  Therefore, I say unto you, arise, says the Lord, arise for my church shall be seen in all of its splendor and glory, says the Lord.  For I am coming for a church, says the Lord, without spot or wrinkle and my church is going to shine like the Son, says the Lord.  For I am the Son, says the Lord, therefore they will see me in you, says the Lord, and there will be no darkness in me, says the Lord. 

For it is not an hour to be comfortable, for comfortable does not move, comfortable stays still, but it’s time to step out, it’s time to become all that I have called you to become, it is time to be the ones that I have called, it is time to be the ones I have chosen for this time and for this hour, not another time, not another hour, but this time now.  Forget what lies behind and focus on what lies ahead, focus on the task that I have for you, focus on the goals that I have given unto you to complete, saith your Father.  For truly it is that time and it is that hour and those who keep their focus upon me shall do all that I have said to do.  Do not allow yourselves to be strayed to the right or to the left, but keep your focus upon me, keep your attention upon me, for truly I am doing what I have said that I would do. 

For I say unto you, my children, spread your wings like that bird, says the Lord, trust me, says the Lord, trust me, says the Lord, for I will not fail you, says the Lord.  Open up those wings, say the Lord and soar upon My Spirit, says the Lord, soar with me, says the Lord, soar with me high above the snakes, says the Lord, soar with me and be victorious, says the Lord.  

For it’s a time for you to fly, it’s time for you to fly, saith the Lord, it’s time for you to ascend into the glory that I have for you.  For that time is now, the hour is now. Therefore, you will see it from this moment forward, saith the Lord. 

3-15-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, open yourselves up more to me each and every day, says the Lord, that I move mightier in your life, says the Lord.  For this day, this day, it is a day of great trouble, says the Lord, you need to open yourselves up to me, says the Lord, that I can move, that I can arrange and place you where you need to be, says the Lord.  Therefore, continue to press into me and open up to me, says the Lord. 

For you do not always know the things that I know, you do not always see the things that I see, but remember that I’m giving you the guidance that you have need of.  Realize exactly where you are, are you ready for things to take off, are you ready for suddenly to take place, are you ready for those things.  It is that time and it is that hour and you can see those things at any moment, but remember that I have a perfect plan in place for you, all you have to do is trust me.  Therefore, I am calling you to draw closer to me, draw closer, draw closer so you can be where I want you to be, saith the Lord.  

3-12-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, I am the restorer of the breach, says the Lord, for I was broken for you, says the Lord, I’ve come to restore, says the Lord, I’ve come to restore the broken relationships, broken hearts, broken dreams, says the Lord.  I’m here for you, says the Lord, get into my word and eat my word, says the Lord, that you can be whole, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, be ready for restoration, says the Lord.  

For what is my promise that I have given unto you, is it not to restore, renew, refresh, rejuvenate, and the list goes on and on and on and the promises are yes and amen that means they are yours, that means they are for you and you can have those things.  But most of the time my people don’t ever get themselves into that place they can receive the fullness of the things that I have and it is that time now and it is that hour to receive the fullness of the things that I have.  For the end of the age is at hand and surely my word shall come to pass, therefore everything that is written has to be fulfilled.  So, I say unto you, get yourself into the place where you can receive the fullness of what I have for you, for truly fullness is coming, saith the Lord.  

3-12-2023 pm service

For there is no prophet greater than my name, there is no name greater than my name, says the Lord.  It is my name that should be lifted up above all other names.  Oh, I say unto you, take heed, be careful, beware of those who exalt themselves above my name, who call themselves higher than me, be careful, says the Lord, and mark them.  Listen unto My Spirit and be guided by me, says the Lord, for I have said that in these end days there will be many that shall be brought about to try to deceive you.  Be ye not deceived, but I say unto you, be wise and walk in the knowledge and wisdom of the word that I have already given unto you.  Allow My Spirit to be the Spirit that warns you and that you heed those warnings, for it is an hour where you must be careful my children that you listen not unto the false things that are coming about and that you hear My Spirit that you are aware of what I am speaking to you.  Therefore, I say unto you, oh I say my name is the only name that is greater than any other name and it is my name that will be exalted above all other, says the Lord. 

For I say unto you, my children, the lateness of this hour is getting dark, says the Lord, but what have I told you, you are not the children of the night but of the day, says the Lord.  For I have placed my light, my candle within you, says the Lord, I’ve filled you with My Spirit, says the Lord, that you would see and know all these things, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, if you do not see clearly get your lamps filled, I said get your lamps filled, says the Lord, because you need that oil, you need My Spirit within you, says the Lord.  Therefore, fill it up, says the Lord, for the days are evil.  

For I say unto you, do not be caught off guard like the five unwise virgins who did not have their lamps full of oil and when the bridegroom came they were looking to buy oil because they had none.  But be filled, be filled, be filled to overflowing that you can give unto others.  For truly it is that time and it is that hour, the hour is far later than most realize, but you watch very closely, but most believe it’s far longer than you.  But many things, many things, many things will take place in the days ahead, do not fear them but remember what I have already told you.  Be prepared, my children, be prepared, for truly the hour is late. 

3-9-2023 pm service

For, I say unto you, my children, the days are numbered, says the Lord, for the writing is upon the wall, says the Lord, for your nation has been found wanting, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, be ready, be ready, be ready, says the Lord, for the things that I have for you are about ready to go, says the Lord. 

Yes, for it’s time to move into a deeper realm than you were before, because of the darkness in the world you need to be closer to the light now than ever before.  It’s very important that you walk closely by my side that you spend time in my presence.  Even this night as I have called you to a higher place of worship than what you normally go to, but it is needed for this time and for this hour, and oh, I love to hear the praises of my people, I love to see them entering in and getting into my presence.  For truly that it is my desire to draw you closer now, closer, closer, closer, for the signs are very evident, they should be very clear and yet I have warned you about all these things before now.  But realize how important it is to walk closely with me, for that is my desire.  For when you are walking closely by my side I can watch over you, I can protect you, I can speak to you and you hear me and show you things that are going to take place and that are coming, that is my desire to have that close relationship with you, closer, closer, closer than ever before.  Therefore, I am drawing you in, drawing you in, drawing you in, saith the Lord.   

For it is my desire that you etc and that you know me, says the Lord, for I want you to draw close unto me, I want you to know my very heartbeat, the things that I desire for you.  For great and mighty are the things that I have for you my children, do not think you are too young, do not belittle yourself, for I have called each and every single one of you and I have called you to draw close unto me and to have that fellowship, the fellowship of me.  Therefore, I say, draw close, draw close, draw close, for it is my desire that you know me and I know you, says the Lord. 

3-5-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, pray for your children, says the Lord, go to your children, says the Lord, for the devil is working overtime in this hour, says the Lord, when you’re not with them he tries to get in, says the Lord.  Therefore, open up that door that you can speak to them while you can, to minister to them while you can, says the Lord, go to them on a individual basis, says the Lord and sit down with them and pray with them, says the Lord.  Let them know that you are there for them, says the Lord, shut that door, says the Lord, on the devil today and spend time with time with your children, with me, says the Lord. 

For when you are unprepared the thief can easily get in and steal and kill and destroy and yet that is not my desire, because that is not the life of an overcomer, that is not the life of a victor.  Therefore, I show unto you the things that you need to know of that you can stop what the enemy is trying to do, that you can be the victor, that you can be the overcomer.  And yet it is not to fear, for I do not tell you things for you to fear, but I tell you things so that you can overcome what is ahead.  For you do not want what is ahead, but I, your Father God, know what is ahead and I am always watching over you to prepare you for what is ahead, to show you the things that you need to know of, but are you open for me to do those things?  Are you spending time with me hearing what I have for you, for truly I will speak to you if you will set aside time and to seek me, I will show you the things that you need to know and for your own personal self and I will reveal myself to you in a mighty and powerful way, if you would spend time with me, if you would seek me, saith the Lord.  For it is my desire for this time and this hour for you to be the overcomer and the signs are very clear, they are very evident and yet where are my people, are they in my house, are they about my business, are they seeking to bring in the harvest, are they seeking me for the things that I have for them to do?  You should be because it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord. 

For doesn’t my word say, that those that seek me shall find me, do you not know that my word is true, that those who hunger and thirst after me they shall be filled?  I have given unto you my promise, that takes work on your behalf my children, it takes effort on your behalf, the more you seek the more you find, the more you give the more it shall be given unto you, is that not what my word says?  Know my word and walk in my word, it is important, it is important that you press in with everything that you have that you can see the fullness of what I have promised unto you.  So, I say unto you, press in, press in, press in like never before, for my promises are still there, they have not failed.  But, I say unto you, I need effort from my people, effort from my people doing as my word says that they might see, that they might see everything that I have promised fulfilled.  For now is the hour that I have spoken unto you about, even about revival that you’ve seen spring up in other areas, for that revival comes from a heart that is seeking me.  What can you change, what can you change in your life that will place your direction following with me, with me one hundred percent in fullness, says the Lord.  I give unto you a challenge, I give unto you a challenge that you look, that you look and see what can I change, what can I do in me, where is my heart, where am I at, for that is where your focus should be and where you are and what you are doing.  So, therefore, I say unto you, get into my word like never before, teach my word to your children that they can be victorious in everything that they do.  Teach them how to pray that they know how to pray for these are the things that they need to know in the day and the hour that they are living that they will experience and walk in, says the Lord.   

3-5-2023 pm service

For, I say unto you, my children, no matter how dark it gets in the world, says the Lord, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.  I’ve given you my light, says the Lord, and you being my light bearer shall shine the light that others can see it and come to me, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, don’t allow the world to shake you, don’t allow the world to rob you of your peace, for it’s all found in me, says the Lord.  Keep your light bright and shine it, says the Lord.  

For, remember, I have many great things in store for you for the days that are ahead, do not be down, do not be dismayed, but realize that many things must now take place, realize exactly where you are at.  But remember the promises that I have given unto you, for many, many, many promises have been given; my word always comes to pass.  Don’t look to man for man cannot do it, but look to me for I will do all that I have said that I will do.  Regardless of what is taking place, regardless of what the world does I will do what I have said that I will do and that is one thing that you can look forward to, that is one thing that you can expect, for truly, I am still God, I am still moving upon your behalf, that will never change.  All that I ask is that you do what I have said and walk with me, for truly there are much greater things in store for you yet, saith the Lord. 

3-1-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, the enemy would try to blow smoke all around you, says the Lord, but keep your eyes on me, your ears on me and your heart on me, says the Lord, for my word is truth, a serpent lies, says the Lord.  Therefore, know what my word says, keep your eyes on me, says the Lord, know my voice, says the Lord, this time and hour you need to know my voice, says the Lord, that I can guide and direct you in all truth, says the Lord, therefore keep your eyes on me.

And remember what my word has said, for you can find many of your answers in my word, for I have not set you here to fail, but I have set you here to succeed and I have given you everything that you have need of to do just that.  But sometimes it takes getting in and seeking and finding what my word has to say, but I have given an answer in my word and you can find the answer to the thing that you have need of.  Oh, it is a very, very, very dark hour and the enemy is trying to cloud your judgment, he is trying to bring confusion because he is the author of confusion.  But I, your Father God, am the light and I am the revelation, I am the wisdom and the knowledge and understanding and I have everything that you have need of, I know all, I see all, saith your Father.  Therefore, ask of me and I will give it unto you what you have need of, saith the Lord.  

2-26-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, if you progress through these days, my word unto you that you shall know them by their fruits shall be more pertinent today than it was yesterday.  For they bear my marks, says the Lord or do they bear the marks of a false gospel or a false teaching, says the Lord?  Is there true repentance, says the Lord, for everything that I do is true, says the Lord, there is truth repentance, there is true revival, there is my word preached without compromise, says the Lord, totally unwatered-down, says the Lord, my word is spoken with great authority and my power is there, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, know this day that I’ve given the keys to seeing, says the Lord and knowing when I am in the midst, says the Lord. 

For man always thinks he has to be in control of what I am doing and yet if he would seek after me and follow after my plan then everything would work out perfectly.  So don’t get in the way when I am moving, don’t think you are bigger than me and smarter than me.  But allow me to have full control then you will see, then you will see, then you will see the fullness of it.  Do not try to control what I am doing, but allow me to move freely, allow me to do the things that need to be done, allow me to do the work, that’s how it really works when you render yourself to me and allow me to have total control.  Allow me to do the things that need to be done.  For truly I desire to move, that is my desire and yet many are calling upon me, Lord move, but yet their hearts are not really open for me to move upon them, for they have their perceived notions and ideas about how I can do it or how I should do it and that is not my desire.  But open up your hearts and allow me to do what I want to do then you shall see it, saith the Lord.  

2-26-2023 pm service

etc when I a exalted there am I in the midst of you, says the Lord, for where I am you can be also, says the Lord, when you worship and exalt and praise my name, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, walk in the Spirit and you’ll be with me. 

For who is man but a vapor but a dust, for from dust he was born and from dust he shall return, but with me you have life everlasting, with me you have all knowledge and wisdom, with me you have everything that you have need of.  So don’t look to man but look to me, look to me, look to me. 

2-19-2023 am service

What do you need today church, do you need a newness of My Spirit, do you need healing, do you need deliverance, what is it that you need today, says the Lord?  For my word says you come and ask of me I shall give it unto you, I will not withhold from my children, I will not withhold from those who ask, for those who hunger and thirst after me they shall be filled, does not my word say that?  As you ask you shall receive, for do not allow the enemy to get you to doubting that you have received.  But, I say unto you, receive what you have need of today that you may walk out of here that glorious church that I have called you to be.  For it is that hour and it is that time for I’m pouring out My Spirit without measure and I am here, yes, I am here my children, I am here to use you, I am here to move in a mighty and powerful way.  Do you desire it, do you long after it, do you want it, is there nothing more than you want than me today, says the Lord?  Oh, your hunger should be there at the top, that you’re ready, that you’re ready to run with me, that you’re ready to go, yes, that you’re ready to go and do all that I have called you to do.  It’s time for you to rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up in the name of Jesus.  Do you not know that the enemy is r  --  -- he is literally  --- my child have a hard time breaking loose.  Therefore, I say unto you, learn to praise, lean to worship, learn, learn to speak my word that you can truly walk in the victory, the victory that I have given unto you, says the Lord.  

For I say unto you, my children, when you sow, sow believing, says the Lord, and expect the greatest that I have for you, says the Lord.  When you sow my word expect my word to come forth in power, says the Lord.  Don’t be looking natural for it, says the Lord, but by faith know that it’s coming forth as I said it, says the Lord.  For I first spoke my word and I performed it, says the Lord, and I have given you that power in the name of Jesus to speak and sow my word, says the Lord. 

For every seed produces after its own kind, therefore what are you sowing, what are the words that you’re sowing, are you sowing my word?  For this is not just a financial sowing, it is a sowing of my word into the hearts of others, it is a sowing of my love, it is a sowing of My Spirit, it is a sowing of many different things.  And what is it that you’re sowing, is it sowing negative thoughts, are you sowing negative words, are you sowing negative actions, for that will only bring a harvest that you do not want and every seed, every seed produces after its own kind.  Therefore, if you sow a negative seed you’re going to get a negative harvest, if you sow something that is not my word you’re going to receive it.  Therefore, you need to sow according to my word, you need to sow according to my word, then you shall reap according to my word and a plentiful, bountiful harvest.  For this is the time of exceeding, this is the time of a bountiful harvest, you have heard people talking about it, you have heard the teaching on it, but it is for this time and for this hour.  And what are you sowing, are you sowing doubt, are you sowing unbelief, what are you believing for; you cannot sow seeds of doubt and believe for belief.  You must, you must sow according to my word and you will reap according to what you have sown. 

I am the true vine and you are the branches, it says that if a man abides not in me he is cast forth as a branch and he is withered and then gathered and then cast into the fire and there burned.  But if you abide in me and my word abides in you, you shall ask what you will and it shall done unto you, therein is my Father glorified that you bear much fruit so you can be my disciple for the – above me s – I love you continue, continue in my word.  Therefore I say unto you, keep yourself alive, are you alive in the vine, are you guaranteed to be the teachers today?  Because the hour is getting late and if you are not where you need to be with Jesus you need to come to the altar, and you need to turn your life around, maybe you have etc, maybe you don’t have the fire that you had, as you call upon me he will renew them, he will change you, he will make you whole. 

2-19-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, rest under the shadow of my wings, says the Lord, cast your cares upon me for I care for you, says the Lord.  Don’t allow the things of the world to destroy your thoughts, says the Lord, for your thoughts should be on me, says the Lord.  My plans have not changed, your thoughts may have changed, but my plans have not, get your eyes on me, says the Lord, and don’t look around because I’m here, says the Lord. 

My promises are sure, they have not changed neither has my word changed.  Therefore, you should know, you should know, you should know and expect to see it come to pass, for even though it has not happened like you though it would, remember my ways are not your ways, but my ways, they’re sure, they’re steadfast, they work every single time.  I do not need to try many times to achieve success, for my word is always successful, it always comes to pass right on time, it always does what it was sent forth to do.  Do not get mixed up with things that do not come to pass the way you think they should.  Does it line up with my word or does it not, for if it does not line up with my word then it is not truth, for all truth shall line up with my word and it will always come to pass.  Even though it doesn’t always happen the way man thinks, my word always comes to pass, my word is always fulfilled, my word is always truth.

2-15-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, I have anointed you, says the Lord, find out what that anointing is that I have given unto you, says the Lord.  For you only know by seeking me, says the Lord, some I have anointed to heal, some I have anointed to deliver, says the Lord, some I have anointed to preach.  What have I anointed you to do, says the Lord?  I’ve called you all to preach my word therefore, I say unto you, press in and find out, says the Lord.

For great things are in store for you, great things are in store for those who are doing what I have called them to do, for those who are walking according to my word and taking full hold of the promises.  For there are many that are coming in for this time now, that are for this hour now and you should be grabbing ahold of those things and receiving the fullness of those, but if you’re not walking with me you cannot receive the fullness of those things. For the hour is late and yet it is an hour of abundance for my church, for my people, for those who are walking according to my word.  Follow after what my word has said, do what I have commanded you and see the goodness of all that I have, saith the Lord. 

2-12-2023 am service

Do you not know all my love for you, says the Lord, for I gave all that you could have that and that more abundantly. I’ve given unto you everything that you have need of and it is my, it is my desire that you truly know my love and experience that love that I have given unto you, says the Lord.  For I have given unto you all things that you might enjoy, that you might walk in prosperity, that you might walk in victory that I have said I’ve provided for you, I have already made a way where there is no way.  I say unto you, know my word and know what I have done, know what I accomplished on the cross; know what I did for you that you can have that life and that more abundantly.  I did not just come to give you life, I came and I gave life and that more abundant, but are you living in that more abundance, says the Lord?  For it is my desire that you live in the more abundance that you walk, yes that you walk in the abundance that I have already provided for you.  Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, speak my word and walk in my abundance, walk in my abundance, live in my abundance, know what my abundance is, says the Lord.  Allow not the enemy to bring distraction unto your life but, I say unto you, walk, walk with me like never before, for the hour is serious, the hour is late.  Get into my word and know who I am and know me as your Father, know me as your God, know me as your provider, know me as your all in all, know me as your everything, says the Lord.  

For I say unto you, my children, grab ahold tightly of me and my word, says the Lord, for in this day and hour you are living in things are going to drastically speed up, says the Lord, for the things in the world are going to prove the things I have spoken unto you, says the Lord.  For my church, my church, my church must grab ahold of me, for I am about ready to move with all my might and all my power, says the Lord, you must have ahold of my word, you must have ahold of my word.  Therefore, I say unto you, get ready for it’s about ready to come, says the Lord.   

Don’t miss out on the things that I have in store for you, don’t miss out because you are distracted by things going on in the world.  Remember the signs in the world are only for signs and for seasons, my word has declared that to you so you would know, it would be abundantly clear to you exactly what I was doing.  So do not be concerned with what is going on round about you, but be focused upon me, be focused upon me, for when I am moving you want to be moving with me, for if I move and you’re not moving with me then you’re quickly behind and you must hurry to catch up, which is very hard to do.  So be moving with me, be moving with me, for truly I am about to move, saith the Lord.  

For I say unto you, my children, my worship, my worship, it begins with my worship, says the Lord and my worship brings me in, says they Lord, my worship opens me up, says the Lord.  Therefore, if you worship me and praise me, says the Lord, watch, watch, watch, as things greatly accelerate on your behalf, says the Lord. 

2-12-2023 pm service

For yes, truly, am I not always faithful to those who are mine and even those who aren’t always walking with me, am I not always faithful?  Have I not always been faithful and yet are my people as faithful to me as I am to them or are worldly things more important than me?  Oh how it should be so much different, for you cannot live the abundant life if you are not faithful all of the time, you cannot be faithful ninety nine percent of the time and live the fully abundant life.  For I have far greater things in store for you than anything the world has to offer and all I ask is that you’re faithful and in return I am always faithful to you.  For who has tested my faithfulness and seen that I have always come through every single time, for that’s who I am, I am faithful.  So, therefore, be faithful to me so that I can bless you, that I can move upon your behalf that I can do the things that I desire, for that is my desire, saith the Lord. 

For I say unto you, my children, keep your eyes on me, do not be distracted, says the Lord, for the enemy would like to slip in a lie to get you to believe it, says the Lord, but I, your Father God, am the truth.  Therefore, you know the truth because I gave you my word, says the Lord, therefore don’t allow the devil to put something on your hook that is not yours, says the Lord. 

For remember even the devil quoted the word to Jesus, but he left part of it out and changed part of it to make it his own, but Jesus knew the word and quoted him with the word.  You need to know what the word has to say, therefore you can rightly divide the word of truth.  You know the truth from the false and you will not be deceived, know my word. 

Be fully armed, does not my word say put on the full armor of God, but yet many times my children they don’t do this, they don’t follow these things.  Therefore, I say unto you, be careful to put on the whole armor that you are able to fight the enemies fiery darts, that you are ready, that you are armed, for when you are armed you are not caught off guard but you remain the victor.  Therefore, arm yourself with my word and put on the full, the full armor of my word, says the Lord. 

2-8-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, allow My Spirit to burn up those things that try to hold you back and hold you down, says the Lord, for I’m here to set free, says the Lord, not to bind.  Therefore, I say unto you, be free tonight, says the Lord, press into me and receive what I have for you, says the Lord.

For I have an abundance for you, saith the Lord, I have an abundance of things for you, it is my desire that you receive of them freely.  Do not be entangled by the yokes of the enemy, but realize that I have a much better plan for you, all you need to do is trust in me and walk with me, walk according to my word and realize that I can do anything regardless of what the circumstances are.  For truly things may seem hard now in the natural, but yet worse things are coming, but I’ve already made a way for you to walk through those times victoriously and live abundantly.  For truly I have called for you to have life and that more abundantly, learn how to step into that abundant life, saith the Lord. 

2-5-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, when the hope that the world has vanishes away, says the Lord, they’ll have no choice but to come unto me, says the Lord, for I am the true and only hope, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, stay in my hope, my word, my faith, says the Lord, for that’s where you shall be and that’s where you shall stand, says the Lord.  Therefore, when they come, be ready. 

For how can you feed others if you are not fed yourself, for what do you have to give if there is nothing within you but void and emptiness?  But it must be filled with My Spirit, it must be filled with my oil, it must be filled with me to overflowing, then you are able to give out freely, freely, freely and it does not leave an emptiness because you are filled to overflow, overflow, overflow.  Meaning there is room to take some off and give to somebody else and you still have plenty for yourself.  You see you need to know and understand the truths in my word, holds that you do not totally hold a grasp on yet.  For many times the things taking place around you distract you from what I have said or what my desire is for you to do and that is not my desire.  For it is my desire that you are overflowing all the time, but where can you get it but coming to me, where can you get it but coming to my house, where can you get it but coming to my word.  For man can search and search and search and not find it in himself, but he can find it in me.  For I am the source of all things, I have created all things and I have created you to prosper, I have created you to draw of me and then give unto others.  I have not created you to draw from another source, for I am the only source, I am the vine and you are the branches and the branches draw from the vine.  Therefore, you should be drawing from me, drawing from me, but realize that if you’re not drawing from me then you’re like a dead twig that falls to the ground.  So you need to be connected at all times and drawing from me, for I am the source, I am the supply and I am the light, saith the Lord.

2-5-2023 pm service

Is anything too hard for me to do, says the Lord, anything, doesn’t my word say that when you ask you shall have the things that you are believing for?  As you put your faith out there, says the Lord, I will not disappoint you.  But, I say unto you, keep listing to my voice, be careful, be careful that you are walking and following in my footsteps for, yes, I will speak unto you and I will lead you and I will guide you if your spirit is open unto me.  For I have said I will do this for my children and I will be faithful unto you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, come into my presence, come into my presence, into my sanctuary into that special place that I have called you into, says the Lord, that you walk closely before me.  For this is a great and mighty time for my children but, yes, they need to set aside that time to keep listening, hear my voice.  For it says that my children hear my voice, they do not follow after another one, if you do not hear my voice draw closer to me, break down the barriers that are keeping you from hearing my voice and following after me.  For it is important that you know, that you know my voice and you walk in my ways.  For I will give unto you directions, I will give unto you wisdom, I will give unto you knowledge, as you seek my face you shall not be disappointed, says the Lord.  For those who seek me they shall find me even as my word declares, those who walk and thirst after me they shall be filled, I shall fill you to overflowing even as my word declares.  For this is the hour and this is the time, for I need you walking with me, that at a very whisper you know my voice.  Press in like never before for great is the fullness of all the things that I have in store for you, says the Lord. 

For I say unto you, my children, do not allow the enemy to distort and cloud your vision, says the Lord, that I have placed within your hearts.  For it is day by day, says the Lord, that my word is established and therefore, I say unto you, day by day I’ve already prepared a way for you, says the Lord.  Therefore, don’t worry about the things you think are coming, but know the things that I have for you that are coming, says the Lord.  For your ways are not higher than my ways, but my ways are higher than your ways, therefore, I say unto you, look to me.

For do you really believe that my word says it, then you believe it, do you really believe what my word says that you stand upon it and are immoveable?  For my word is not moved, my word is not shaken and those who stand upon it will not be moved or will not be shaken regardless of what is taking place around them. Regardless of disaster, regardless of destruction, regardless of war, regardless of whatever is going on you can stand upon my word as a sure foundation and be not moved, saith the Lord.  For many things must take place in this time and this hour like I have spoken to you about, but remember they are not for you, they are to wake those that are asleep that they might come into the safety of the fold before it is too late.  For truly the hour is late, but be not moved by what you see, be not moved by what you hear, if it is not in my word.  For that is the true test of all time, that you can measure it to my word and, remember, if it doesn’t line up and you can’t find it put it on the shelf.  Does it come to pass, for if it doesn’t come to pass then it is not of me, saith your Father.  I have give unto you these things that you weigh, that measure and you can see what is truth and you can see what is false.  Do not run with every whim of doctrine, Paul instructed you of that and yet many run when they hear something that sounds good, but it’s not even in my word.  But, therefore, you must study to really find out what is in there that you’re not deceived, that you’re not lead astray.  But remember what I have told you, remember the vision that I have given unto you and run with that.  For I will give you direction and unless that direction has come me, saith your Father, realize that the enemy is trying to distract and stray you from the vision that I have given unto you.  Do not fall into his traps, but rest on me, for I will give you the direction that you need.   

2-1-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, your life is contained in my word, without my word you don’t have life, says the Lord. My word gives you life, my word gives you understanding, gives you wisdom, knowledge, says the Lord.  Therefore, if there is anything that you need it’s in my word, it’s there for you to take advantage of, says the Lord, get into my word.

For, yes, even the answers you have need of are in my word, for I knew what would take place before the world was ever created and, therefore, I covered all of my bases and you can find everything that you need in my word.  Ask me for the wisdom and the knowledge and the understanding if need be, but it is there for you if you will get in and find it.

1-29-2023 am service

etc the fullness of all that I have in store for you.  Do not keep your eyes upon the circumstances or walk in the ways of the world but, I say unto you, walk in my way and walk in my word, for therein shall you walk in the victory that I have already given to you.  The path that I have made is already straight, it is not crooked, it does not run back and forth, but it is a straight path, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me that you can walk in the fullness of all that I have already provided for you, I have already made a way where there is no way.  Do you hear me, my children; I have already made a way where there is no way.  Therefore, I say unto you, look unto me, for am I not the author and finisher of your faith, do you not know what the mustard seed of that faith can do even to the giants that can move mountains?  Therefore, I say unto you, look unto me, look unto me, for I am all that you have need of, even though the darkness of the world keeps creeping in, I have given unto you the light of my word that you can walk, yes, that you can walk in that unity of success in everything that you do, says the Lord.   

Therefore, I say unto you, my children, lift up your hands and receive healing if you need healing, says the Lord, for whatever it is that you have need of today, says the Lord, I am hear for you, I am here for you, says the Lord.  For did I not send my Son for you, says the Lord, I am come for you, says the Lord.  Therefore, receive all the promises that I have for you today. 

For my ways are always sure, they’re always sure, they’re always steady, they’re never shaky, they’re never soft and squishy, for my path is paved with success, it’s paved with all the things that you have need of in this time and this hour to keep you where I have called you to be.  It does not cause you to drift off to the right, it does not cause you to drift off to the left, those are your wants and desires that cause you to do those things.  But my way is sure, you always have sure footing when you’re standing in my way, not so when you get off, but when you’re on you do.  Realize how important it is to walk with me now more than ever before, for realize how much darker has the world gotten than it was even twenty years ago, even ten years ago, even five years ago and yet you are seeing this just as my word has said that you would see it in this time and in this hour.  But I have not changed, my ways have not changed, my promises have not changed and they are sure, they are sure, they are sure, you can depend upon them when you can’t depend upon anything else.  So, I say unto you, put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me.  What is it that you lack, what is it that you need, will I not give it to those freely who ask of me for those things?  For do I not know what you have need of, but I have said that you have not because you ask not or you ask amiss, not according to my will.  But, I say unto you, ask, ask, ask, for truly I will move the mountain if asked.  For I have said, speak unto the mountain, speak, speak, speak, open your mouth and call those things that be not as if they were and they shall be.  

1-29-2023 pm service

etc is what you need to draw nigh to me, but yet many are running farther and farther away from me, but when a time comes and great disaster takes place they will find themselves with strong needs praying to me and I will answer.  Oh, but it is an hour to draw close to me that you are ready my children, that you are ready for the things that are ahead.  The hour is dark, the hour is late, but yes, there shall be things that’ll take place in the world and when you are grounded in my word and grounded in me it will not shake you nor will it shake your household.  But there are shakings that are coming, yes, there are shakings that are coming, for my church needs to be woke up, my church needs to be set on fire for me like never before.  My church needs to get upon their knees and seek my face like never before, for it is the hour, this is the time that I have prophesied of, it is the hour and the time that I have spoken to you about.  Therefore, I say unto you, be not surprised, for you have been warned, you have already been warned even years and years ago, now is the time and now is the hour.  Oh, I say unto you, prepare your hearts like never before, make sure you’re in my word, prepare yourself, for my church shall stand, those who have been prepared it shall not shake them, but those who are not prepared shall be greatly shaken.

For I say unto you, my children, when you open your hearts to me will I not fill it to overflowing, says the Lord?  Open yourselves up to me tonight, says the Lord, that I can fill you to overflowing, there are not cares, there is no things that can tempt you, says the Lord, for I shall have your heart.

For if the cry of your heart is, Father, have your will and way, then open up to me and allow me to do the work in you.  For even this very night I desire to do a work in you like no other time before.  For I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to hear your praises, I desire to hear you calling out to me, saying, Father, have your will and have your way in my life, Father do the things that need to be done, give me the things that need to be done, I love to hear those things.  For then it removes all the stops and all the hindrances and I can do the things that need to be done, for I desire to pour out My Spirit in this time and this hour.  I desire that my church is on fire, I desire that my church is living a holy consecrated life before me and that I am first place in their lives, not second, not third, not forth, not something to do on the weekends, but I am first every single day.  For truly I love you like that and I am looking for that love in return.  So if that is your heart’s cry, let your heart cry out to me and I will move upon you, saith the Lord.  

1-22-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, I love you, do you know that, I love you, says the Lord, for the enemy would like you to pervert that I love you into something that is not of me, says the Lord.  But I love you and because the Bible says and my word, says the Lord, that the love of many shall grow cold in the Last days.  Therefore, I say unto you, you must grow in that love, says the Lord, so you can love those that are growing cold, says the Lord, and stoke   their love for me, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, don’t fall for that trick that the devil would say that I love you is not of me, says the Lord, I love you is the key, says the Lord, for love is me.  Therefore, I say unto you, speak I love you, speak I love you, speak I love you, says the Lord and watch the love grow, says the Lord.

For many things are taking place that you know not of, things that are going on all over the world that most don’t see or realize.  But yet it is that time and it is that hour and yet great things are moving in heaven also, for it is that time and it is that hour, they’re moving to the beat of the Holy Spirit.  Is your Spirit moving with the beat of the Holy Spirit, is it moving with my beat, is it moving with my march, are you moving with me or are you standing silent?  Move with me as I move, for it is that time and it is that hour.  For many things shall quickly take place both in the world and also for my church.  For it is that time now and it is that hour and I am pouring out My Spirit upon you, I am pouring out my love upon those who will receive it.  Will you be one of those that shows my love to others, will you be one of those that I can use now, saith the Lord, for it is that time and it is that hour now, saith the Lord.

For I say also, says the Lord, as your love grows so does your faith, says the Lord.  For love works, says the Lord and faith follows.  Therefore, I say unto you, don’t take it lightly, says the Lord, for I love you and you need to sow those seeds, Amen says the Lord.  

For when you look at me and not the circumstances you see what I have already given unto you, you see what I have already done, therefore praise flows from your mouth and victory comes.  It is an hour to walk in my word and to walk in my ways and for you to put that guard upon your mouth and to speak forth only my word that victory comes and in every situation.  For I have already made the way, I have paid the price, there is nothing too difficult for me to do, says the Lord.  For I am Almighty God and I will provide you every single thing that you have.  Therefore, I say unto you, know who I am and look to me, for I am your God and I will carry you through, for my promise is to be with you even to the very end and the end is not yet.  Therefore, I will walk with you, I will hold you, I will carry you when you need to be carried, I will be your strength and, yes, I will be your song.  I will give you songs in the night, I will give you songs in the day, your heart shall be filled with my praise and the enemy shall flee far from you as you lift my name, as you declare who I am you shall continue to see me move mightily upon your behalf.  Therefore, I say, know who I am, know, know who I am, don’t just know about but, I say unto you, know who I am, know that I am not only your Father that I am the Almighty God and that there is nothing, nothing that I cannot do on your behalf, says the Lord.

1-22-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, if you trust me and continue to speak forth my word and do the things I’ve sent you forth to do, says the Lord, I place my hedge of protection around you, I place my dome around you, says the Lord, my impregnable dome, says the Lord, that only you can remove by not doing the things I’ve sent you to do, by speaking against what I am doing, says the Lord.  Keep that impregnable dome over your lives, says the Lord. 

For I have given unto you my word, I have given unto you my promise, all I have asked of you is to walk with me, to do what I have said, to stay closely by my side under my shelter of protection that I have made for you.  For you have seen how you’ve always been safe here and it will always continue to be so, as long as you do what I have said you stay in that safety corridor that I have said.  Regardless of what is taking place in the world you will be safe, for that is my promise to you, remember I have said I would take you through the days ahead victoriously regardless of what came and I know what is ahead even though you don’t.  But I have delivered you from all of it, I have delivered you from the hand of the enemy, I have set you free from the hand of the enemy all you have to do is walk with me, walk with me, walk with me and do what I have said.  For truly, there is a great work that is yet to be done and I need my church, my victorious church to be thriving, I need my people to be thriving, and the only way you can do that is walking by my side, not worried about the cares of the world, but focusing your attention upon what I am doing, upon my work, upon what I have called you for.  For it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord, and it is time now, it is time now.  

Make a daily sanctuary, says the Lord, come into my presence on a daily basis, talk with me, for it is my desire that you not only respond to me, that you talk to me and allow me to talk to you.  Yet so many times my children are in such a hurry that they don’t give time for me just to talk to them and to tell them the things that are coming ahead the things that I desire, the things that are going to take place.  Therefore, I say unto you, make a sanctuary before me, says the Lord, spend time with me, allow me to saturate you like never before, to become a sponge that soaks it all up.  For, oh, the great and mighty things that are ahead for my children, for my church, those who are on fire, those who are hungering and thirsting after me they shall be filled to overflowing.  So, I say unto you, set up a daily sanctuary, says the Lord, where you come before me, where you allow me to not only speak to you but where you speak to me and you hear my voice.  For you need to know my voice in the days ahead my children that I can give unto you warnings, that I can give unto you directions that you have need of.   

1-18-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, my word is everything you need, says the Lord, without my word you can’t do anything, says the Lord, but with my word you can do all things, for my word backs me up, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, whatever it is that you have need of my word is there for you, says the Lord. 

For it is there for every time there is a need, it is there for everything that you have need of, it is there for everything you need to get you through the days ahead, it is there, everything that you have need of.  So don’t worry about lack, don’t worry about want, for I have already taken care of those things.  Rest assured that I have a great plan in store for you in the days ahead, look forward to the things that I am about to do, for truly they are great.    

1-15-2023 am service

Where would you be without me, says the Lord, for without me, all these times that you reached out to me and I answered, what would you do without me, says the Lord?  For I have always been there when you are not, I have always been more than you have ever needed and my people sometimes don’t always see me as that, they don’t call upon me in the time of need, they don’t call upon me that I can answer and bring deliverance to their situation.  For my word says that I can, I can hear and I will never leave you, not even to the very end, I will be with you even to the very end.  Therefore, I say unto you, in times of trouble call upon my name, call upon me and I will answer you and I will give unto you the answer that you need.  For I will bring peace in every situation, says the Lord, I will give to you strength in your time of weakness, I will give you joy in your time of mourning, I will give you everything that you have need of, for I am more than enough.  I have said that I will never leave you or forsake you, for I am not the one that needs, says the Lord, sometimes my children, sometimes my children turn away and I never, I never turn away, I am always here.  Therefore, I say, call upon me, call upon me, put me in remembrance of my word as I have said, for my word is faithful, my word is true, it does not change, I am the same yesterday and forever.  Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, call upon me and I will answer.      

For I say unto you, my children, I have given you my mind, therefore, says the Lord, you know the way, you know the truth, says the Lord.  It’s up to you to press into it, says the Lord, and get to know everything I have for you, says the Lord, to walk in the things that I have for you, says the Lord.  For if there was not a separation between this world and my kingdom you would not know the greatness of my kingdom, says the Lord, you would not see the glory of my kingdom, says the Lord.  But because I have called you separate, says the Lord, you shall see all the good that I have and all the wicked that this world has.  Therefore, I say unto you, know the truth for that sets you free, says the Lord.

For here is a truth, when you call I answer, when you knock I open, how many can you say that about, that you can guarantee every time that they will answer or every time they will be there when you need them to be and yet I am always there, I am waiting for you to call upon me.  For many times my people are waiting for me to move upon their behalf and yet I have given them the power and the authority to call upon me and watch as I move.  For I did not send the fire down on Mt Carmel until Elijah called upon me for it.  Realize this, you have to call upon me, call upon me, call upon me, call upon me and I will answer greatly, saith your Father, for I am waiting for you at times to call, I am waiting for you to call my word into being, saith your Father.  For I have given you many great and precious promises here, call them into being, doesn’t my word say to hold me in remembrance of my word?  Why is that, is it for my benefit, no, it’s for yours, for I have given you the power and authority to call those things that be not as if they were and they shall be.  So, I say unto you, call upon me my children. 

1-15-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, know that my word is life and you should be filled with that life, says the Lord, as you speak forth my word and bring that life and produce that life, says the Lord.  Not only to yourselves but those around you, says the Lord, for as my word goes forth it does not return void, it won’t, says the Lord, but it does my work, it does my work, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, spread it, sow it and reap it, says the Lord. 

For a seed sown always produces a harvest and it is time to sow and reap like never before.  For truly it is that hour and it is that time of the great harvest, not only for the harvest of souls, but the wealth of the heathen to come into the righteous to be used to fund my work, to do the things that I need done in this time and this hour.  Oh what a great and mighty hour you’re living in, my children, what a great opportunity for you to take part in.  But I need you to be all that I have called you to be, I need you to be who I have called you to be.  For truly it is that time and it is that hour and I desire to see you thrive in this time and in this hour and I’ve made it possible for you to do so, all you have to do is walk in the way I have made for you to do.

4-11-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, etc etc listen to the things that you hear that don’t sound good, says the Lord, cause I am always good, my word is good, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, get into my word and see what I have to say about the things that they’re saying is going on, says the Lord.  For you will see that my word gives you the answers, my word gives you the victory, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, look into my good news.

And fear not the things that you are seeing take place in the world, for remember I said they would come in this time and this season and you will see more than you have seen before.  For there are many things that have to come to pass, but realize that those are not for you, realize you do not have to be affected by those things.  For remember this is a great and glorious hour for my church, this the time of the wealth, great wealth being transferred from the heathens to the righteous to those who will use it for the purpose that I have appointed.  For it is now that time and it is now that hour, so receive the fullness of the things that I have and don’t miss out because truly the hour is great.

1-8-2023 am service

For it is an hour for my children etc  sounds like never before that complaints should not come out of the mouths of my children, for praises should be the first thing that come out of your mouth, for in the battle, the praisers went first and the victory came.  Yet many times my children only look at the circumstances and they speak forth those circumstances, they don’t speak forth the victory, they don’t allow my praises to well up within their heart and come out of their mouth.  But, I say unto you, it is an hour to change, says the Lord, it is an hour to look at what is coming out and to speak forth only my word.  For have not I said that the words that come out of your mouth come to pass even more quickly than they have in the past.  Therefore, I say unto you, walk in my way, walk in my word, know that I have given unto you the keys to walk in the victory.  But yet many times my children don’t grasp ahold of those keys nor do they walk in those ways but, I say unto you, no longer do that, but I say, walk in the ways that I have given unto you, walk in my word allow my word to come out of your mouth, put a guard upon your mouth that you are careful to speak only my word, for when you speak my word change takes place, says the Lord, victory comes.  So, therefore I say unto you, put a guard upon your mouth and walk in the glory that I have given unto you, for the way that I have given unto you that makes you the way of the overcomer, the more than conquerors, even as my word declares.  Oh, I say unto you, that you’re walking in new times, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, be careful, be careful, watch, watch your steps that you’re speaking and make sure that you’re walking in my steps, says the Lord.           

For I say unto you, my children, let your words be few, says the Lord, place me before everything that you do, says the Lord, that I can prepare my table before you, says the Lord, that your cup is always running over, says the Lord, that you always have sufficiency for all things, says the Lord.  For I am the one that prepared the way for you, says the Lord, if you go before me how can you follow me, says the Lord.  Therefore, put me first, says the Lord and watch everything fall into place. 

For it’s like a puzzle, every piece placed intricately with another and it must come in an order, there has to be an order, it’s not just a free for all.  So as you align your spirit with me, and allow only my words to proceed forth out of your mouth, then it all comes into perfect alignment, you’re in alignment with me and the things that come out of your mouth are in alignment with my word and they go forth to do what I have called for them to do.  They don’t go forth to teardown, but they go forth to build up, they go forth to conquer, they go forth destroying the enemy.  For that is my desire for you to do, to be more than conquerors, to be more than conquerors, and that is what I have in store for you, saith the Lord.    

1-8-2023 pm service

From the moment I speak a word it is finished in the Spirit realm, says the Lord, when I give you a promise it’s already done, says the Lord, it’s up to you to latch ahold of it and bring it to pass, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, when I speak I don’t fail, says the Lord, it’s a failure on your part.  Believe what I speak to you and do it, says the Lord.

For my word does not go unfinished even though it doesn’t always happen in your timing, remember everything happens in my perfect timing, that’s why I said to occupy until I would come again and even the disciples believed I could return in their time, but now you are living in that time.  Think about how many generations have passed and yet that word is still standing and will come to pass, that is how all of my words are.  Know how to stand upon my words now more than ever before, for you are living in the time of fulfillment when many of the promises that I have given that have stood for ages will now be fulfilled, be ready for those things, saith the Lord.   

For I am faithful, for my word goes out and it does not return void, do you know that means, my children, it does not return void, but my word goes forth, goes forth and does that which it has been sent forth to do.  What are you sending my word forth to do, what are you sending my word forth to do?  Oh, I say unto you, speak my word, speak the desires of your heart that you desire to see, not only in this ministry, but in your life and in the lives of others, speak my word over them and watch as I, as I do a mighty work.  For it is the hour and it is the time when even your closest relatives and friends need to know me and know who I am and come into my fold and walk with me.  For it is not an hour to stand on the wayside, but it is an hour to truly believe in me and know who I am that they can walk in this hour and this day that is victorious, a victorious walk which is with me.  For there shall be great trials, there shall be great trials even this coming year, says the Lord, but when you are walking with me you have nothing to fear, you do not need to fear anything, but you will have my peace as my word brings you peace and it brings you everything that you have need of.  I say unto you, get to share my love, get to share my word with those around you and watch the openings that are there, says the Lord, for times have changed, the hour is changed and it is now time to do those things that I have told.  Therefore, I say, be bold, speak forth my words. 

1-4-2023 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, just as my word is, so am I, I do not depart from you, says the Lord, for my word stands forever, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, do you know my word, get my word in your heart, says the Lord, for if you know my word you know who I am, I am always there for you, says the Lord and speak it out, says the Lord and watch the victories come. 

For you can always stand upon my word, for my word always triumphs, it always prevails; it never fails what it was meant to do.  Only men fail, but I have made a way where you can prosper, a way where you can be victorious, you just have to walk according to my word.    

1-1-2023 am service

For I say unto you, my children, allow my words to fill your mouth, says the Lord, words of faith, not doubt, fear and unbelief, says the Lord, but my word.  For my word is what is going to carry you through, says the Lord, my word is what gets the results that you desire, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, put a guard upon your mouth and cancel out those things that you speak that aren’t of me, says the Lord.

For remember there is great power in your words and I have told you before that as the end grew near that the time would come when those words would come to pass even faster than ever before, whether they were good or whether they were bad.  So realize how important it is that you only speak forth my words, so that only those things come to pass, for many would not want some of those things that would come to pass that they allow out of their mouth, for you have now entered that time, so be very careful.  Realize who you are in me and what I have created you to do, for you have great power, authority, even though at times you do not realize it.  Use it for how I have meant for you to use it and watch as my word comes to pass.   

For how many have gotten saved for just one mention of my name, when you cry out Jesus I answer and I appear to you, it doesn’t have to be an elaborate prayer or it doesn’t have to be an elaborate thing.  For when they call upon my name I am there to answer and I am there to hear.  It is an hour when my children need to realize the importance of my name and what I have given unto them and what I did for them on the cross and everything that is theirs.  But many times my children, they don’t call upon me, they just try to do it on their own.  I say unto you, try not to do it on your own, but call upon me, for I am all that you have need of and I will carry you through these days ahead victoriously even as my word says.  I am there even unto the very end, my children; I will never leave you nor forsake you.  So no matter what takes place in this new year call upon my name and I will come unto you and I will hear from heaven and, yes, I will heal you, my children.  Therefore, I say unto you, call upon my name, know the importance of the name that I have given unto you, the name above all other names that everything must bow to, does not my word say that?  Therefore, I say unto you, grab ahold, grab ahold of what my name is and what it means and what it will do for you, says the Lord. 

12-31-20222/1-1-23 New Year’s Eve Service

For did not I say a change etc etc would be like this before, do you not feel it, do you not sense it?  I say unto you, it’s time for you to get excited as you come into my house and come into my presence, get excited for what I am going to do.  No longer sit back, for I say unto you, enter in with all of your heart, when you enter in I show up on the scene and do great and mighty things.  You’re not small, says the Lord, you are not small, no longer say you are small, for I say to you, you are great, for I have made you a great, yes, a great nation, and even though you do not see it in the natural, I say unto you, you shall.  For my word has gone forth and there has been a change, there has been a change, there has been a change, will you make the changes in your own heart, says the Lord, will you make the declaration and make a change to become all that I desire for you to be?  For it is time for you to run, to put your running shoes on and to run, it is not a hour for you to lag behind, but it is time for you to run with me like never before, to get into my word like never before, to become those giants that I have called you to be, to become my hands and my feet that you may reach out to others and that you may do my work and do the things that I have called you to do.  For it is your last hour that I have spoken to you about and, yes, my revival is taking place and it is going to do a work in my people who desire it and want it and are ready for it.  Are you ready for it my children, do you desire it, is that the only thing that you desire, for my word says those that hunger and thirst after me they shall be filled.  Do you want to be filled to overflowing, do you want to receive of me, do you want more and more of all the things that I have said unto you?  For it is that hour and it is that time, lay down the weights that upset you my children, and walk in the freedom that I have given unto you, for that freedom is for you, it is for you now, it is for you now if you choose to want it this new freedom.  As you enter into the new year are you going to walk like one I have called you to be or are you going to walk in this new freedom I have called you for or are you going to be the one that you have always been?  For I say unto you, make the choice that you’re going to make, make that choice tonight, says the Lord and as you make that choice and enter into the new year you shall experience a change that I said you were going to experience as you come into my presence, as you come into my presence with great expectation you will see, you will see, you will recognize and you will feel the change, that different that I have made a change.  

For I say unto you, my children, mightier, mightier, mightier this new year, says the Lord, this twenty-twenty three will be year my people stay free, says the Lord, while the world around you gets held up in bondage, says the Lord, you’re sent here to set them free, says the Lord.  For if you’re free you can set free, says the Lord. 

For it’s no longer time to sit back and watch, it is no longer time to stand on the sideline, but it’s time to enter into the fullness of the things that I have, it’s time to become what I have called you to become.  It’s not time to become what I haven’t called you for, it’s not time to step into the shoes that are not yours, it’s time to step into your own shoes, and if you don’t know what that is, seek me, for I will reveal it unto those who will seek me.  For does not my word say to him that needs wisdom let him ask of me and I shall give it unto him and yet man doesn’t ask me because they think that they have it all figured out.  But do you know what is ahead, for I know what is ahead for you, I know what is in store for you and the hours and the minutes and the days ahead, saith your Father.  For, truly, I have great things in store for those who will receive it, listen to that again, I have great things in store for those who will receive it, for those who will walk according to my word, for those who will be the ones that I have called, who will step up to the plate even though the hour is late.  For, truly, it is now that time and it is now that hour, I have spoken unto you that before and you have been preparing for this time and for this hour and now it is here.  For how many New Year’s are left remaining, for man cannot tell you that, for if you ask man they might tell you twenty thirty, but how many is it really?  What are the signs pointing to and yet the true prophets are seeing it much closer now than ever before, now they’re starting to lineup with the vision that I gave you, why, because it is now that time and it is now that hour and as you enter into the new year you need to be ready to do what I have called for you to do.  Leave the past behind, leave the failure behind and step into the future that I have, step into the provision that I have, step into the blessings that I have, the miracles that I have, the signs and wonder that shall follow those who are doing what I have said.  For did not I tell you that I would make it very clear who was of me and who was not, who has the power and authority of me, those are of me, saith your Father.  For you cannot make that up, they cannot fabricate that and, yes, there will be false power out there, but it will be nothing like the real, for it will fizzle out very quickly, but the real will go and go and go.  For truly it is that time and it is that hour I have called for revival, revival, revival, let it birth within your spirits this night, be excited about what is now going to take place and realize that I have chosen you for a greater work, a greater work, a greater work.  Who will answer the call, who will step forward, who will come out of the darkness and into the light?  Will you be one of those this night, saith your Father, this night, this night, for tomorrow is a new day, a new day, a new day, make that choice tonight that you’re going forward with me, full steam ahead, petal to the metal, not looking back, not focusing on things behind, but focusing on what lies ahead fulfilling the call that I have given that I have placed upon you.  But, remember, fulfill your call not somebody else’s, fulfill your call, don’t try to be something that you’re not, for I have made you into who I need you to be and you are very important from the least to the greatest even to the youngest child you’re all important and you all play a part, your own part.  It is my desire that you walk forward with boldness doing what I have called for you to do, for truly great things are ahead.   

12-25-2022 am service

For, yes, truly I am faithful to those who are faithful to me and even at times when they are not faithful I am still faithful, for that is what my word says, I am faithful.  But, oh, for those who have set aside time for me even on this day how much more will I do for you.  For you have set aside time for me first, you have remembered the true meaning of what this day is and I love you with an everlasting love, and as I hear you pour out your love to me, oh it just brings joy and gladness to my heart.  Therefore, I desire to pour out upon you without measure those blessings, I desire to pour out upon you without measure My Spirit, I desire to pour out my gifts without measure upon you that you can receive of my joy and my blessings and my faithfulness, for you have shown your faithfulness to me, says the Lord. 

For I say unto you, my children, I gave unto you, says the Lord, and you give yourself to me, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, all is yours and all is mine, for my kingdom is yours, my kingdom is yours, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, press in.

12-17-2022 am service

For I am all that you need, says the Lord, so what do you need today, what is it that you have need of that I can give unto you?  For I am here, I do not change, my word remains the same, as you come unto me I will answer, I will hear and I will give unto you the things that you have need of.  Boldly come before me, says the Lord, boldly come before me, see if I am not God, for I am God and I will prove to you that I am thee, I am, I am the everlasting God, I do not change, I am the prince of peace, I am the wonderful counselor, I am everything that you have need of.  So, I say unto you, as you come unto me, call upon my name and I shall answer you.  Know my word, know the authority I’ve given unto you, as my word has said, that you come boldly before the throne of grace, for when you come boldly do you not come with expectation, says the Lord, do you not come knowing that it is already taken care of, it is already finished?  Yet many times when my children talk to me they don’t know with all expectation that I have already provided and made a way for them.  Oh, I say unto you my children, learn, learn, learn them, that you might walk in the fullness of all that I have in store for you.  For, yes, the times in the world they’re going to get darker and darker and darker and they’re going to get more evil and more hard and you need to follow me and walk in my ways and walk in my word.  For my word is the light along your path, but if you are not living and walking in my word how can I light your way, says the Lord?  Therefore, I say unto you, call upon my name and I shall answer you.  

For I say unto you, my children, I am all powerful and I’m in control, says the Lord, for these days are like a zoo, says the Lord, but yet if you keep in my word and stay on my path the exhibits can’t hurt you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, stay out of the bears den, says the Lord, and stay on my word, for my bear that I sent forth shall not hurt you, says the Lord, for it’s only contained to it’s area that I have given unto it, says the Lord.  Therefore, know that, when she moves I am here with you, says the Lord.  

For many things have to take place, yes, but I have given you everything that you need to do all I’ve called for you to do.  There is nothing that you need to fear; there is nothing that you need to worry about if you’re walking with me.  For I have already made a way for you, I have given you power and authority to go forth and do what I have called for you to do and I will fill you with My Spirit to overflowing, I will give you the power that you have need of.  For if you’re lacking I said ask of me and will I not give it unto you, will I not open the windows heavens for you?  For truly I love you with an everlasting love and it is my desire that you are the overcomers, it is my desire that you are the head and not the tail, it is my desire that you are conquerors.  Therefore, I have given you everything that you have need of and all you have to do is receive the fullness of it, saith the Lord. 

12-17-2022 pm Victory Christian Academy Christmas Program

12-14-2022 pm service

Yes, for truly this is not an hour or a time to fear, but it is a time to go forth conquering, to go forth boldly, to go forth and take what is yours for this time and for this hour.  Do not allow the things that are going on in the world stop you from reaching your highest peeks, saith your Father.  For truly many things are going to take place in the world, but remember they are not for you, they are not for those who are walking according to my word, according to my promises.  Yes, you need to be under my hedge of protection, but remember I have called for a glorious time and a glorious hour for my church.  Even amongst everything going on in the world, even amongst the disasters, even amongst the turmoil, I have called for a glorious hour for my church.  So do now worry about those things, do not let them trouble your hearts, but remember the time and the hour you are living in, for you’re going to see more of the things that you are seeing now, much, much, much more, for it shall become far darker for the pen has inked the paper of the last straw.  I warned you about this when you first started this ministry, for you’re scribe can tell you exactly when the word was given and now the pen has inked the paper and that has drawn the last straw and destruction now will come to America, saith your Father.  

12-11-2022 am service

For I say unto you, my children, I’ve not forsaken you, I’ve not left you, says the Lord, for I’ve declared unto you I would never leave you or forsake you, says the Lord.  For have not I declared unto you the things that are going to come to pass in this last hour, says the Lord.  I’ve spoke of the volcanoes, I’ve spoke of the fires, I’ve spoke of the wild weather patterns, says the Lord, and yet you think I’ve left you, says the Lord.  I’ve not left you, says the Lord, for these are the things that I’ve warned you now about for many years, says the Lord.  Has your house burned down yet, says the Lord?  I’ve not forsaken you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, stay in the area I’ve given unto you, says the Lord, for there is safety there, says the Lord. 

For yes, truly, many are the promises that I have given and I watch over them to fulfill every single one and I have not forgotten those things.  But, remember, I said now is the time of fulfillment, now is that time and the hour to see those things coming to pass. So be looking for them, don’t forget about what I have told you, but realize that there is a timetable and you see it all throughout my word, I speak and then it takes place.  Even though it doesn’t happen in your timing, it always happens in perfect timing, it always happens according to the timing laid out in my word; therefore, it always comes to pass.  Therefore, do not be concerned with the circumstances, for those are only natural and I’ve created you to be supernatural, I work in higher ways than you even know or realize.  Get yourself into the spirit realm and see and know and understand what is taking place, for truly you shall see the fullness now, saith the Lord.  

12-11-2022 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, I am your provider therefore, I say unto you, anything you have need of, says the Lord, whatever you’re going through, says the Lord, I have already provided it for you, says the Lord.  If you need healing I’ve have given you your healing, says the Lord, if you need finances I’ve given you finances, says the Lord, I have already provide for you everything, says the Lord.  Therefore, partake upon my rock, says the Lord, and drink from it, says the Lord, I’ve given it to you to drink from to get the things you have need of, says the Lord, drink says the Lord. 

For many things I’ve laid aside in my storehouse for you and they are waiting for you to receive them, saith the Lord.  So do not hesitate to ask for things that you have need of, for remember you have not because you ask not and yet I have everything that you have need of and it is my desire to pour out those things upon you when you ask of me.  But many don’t, but it is that time now and it is that hour now for those blessings to be poured out like never before and it is my desire that you receive the fullness of the things that I have for you.  For I love you with an everlasting love and it is not my desire that you struggle, it is not my desire that you go through hardship, it is not my desire that you are defeated, but it is my desire that you walk as the overcomer in every area of your life.  It is my desire that you are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, rest assured I have it all in my storehouse for you and you can have those things, says the Lord. 

12-4-2022 am service

For I say unto you, my children, there shall not be a dry one among you, says the Lord and neither shall you be dry now, says the Lord, for My Spirit has been poured out now for months, say the Lord.  For years, says the Lord, from the day you were born it has been available for you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, drink, drink, for it’s ready, says the Lord, it is ready for you to be filled, says the Lord and my new, my new has come, says the Lord, where have you been to receive it, come and get it for it’s been ready, says the Lord.

For there is not another hour for you to receive, for that day and that hour is here now, so receive the fullness of the things that I have for you, for you will quickly see the changes coming, changes coming.  But remember what I have already told you; there were things that had to take place because of the day and the hour you are now living in.  But yet I have called for a time of great things for my people, a time of an outpouring for those who are following after me.  Not for the world, but those, my church, those without spot or wrinkle, those who would set aside everything to follow after me, those who have answered my call, for those who will do what I have said, for those I have called for a great day and a great hour, saith the Lord.

For as you read my words more shall be revealed unto you, you shall look at the scripture in a different light than you have ever seen it before, for that is what is opened for this hour and this time.  For I shall give new revelation unto my children that they can walk in the fullness of what I have done for them.  Oh, I say unto you, my children, press in like never before, for now is the hour and now is the time for, I am, yes, I am building my church.  I am doing great and mighty things for you when you walk with me, says the Lord, when you walk with me you receive the fullness of what I have in store for you, for it is my desire that you walk in the fullness of everything that I have.  Therefore, I say unto you, do not lag behind, but press into all I have for you.  

12-4-2022 pm service

Enter into my presence on a daily basis, says the Lord, for it’s not just for Sundays, for it’s for everyday, for in my presence there you will find peace, there you will find joy, there you will find contentment, there you will find everything that you have need of.  For it’s not just for Sundays, says the Lord, but I say, it is for every day, for a daily basis.  How many times are you in my presence, says the Lord, for I long that you are in my presence on a daily basis, I long that you have communion with me, that you have fellowship with me.  Oh I say unto you, that is my desire; oh I say it is an hour to press in like never before, to draw into me.  For does not my word say when you draw into me I shall draw into you and that if you are hungering after me you shall be filled, does not my word say that?  Oh I say unto you, my children, you need to get so hungry and thirsty for me that you can get into my presence all the time that you can be filled with me, that you what to share me with others around you that they might know that I am here for them in this hour and this time, for the harvest is ripe and it needs to come in.  Therefore, I say unto you, get into my presence on a daily basis that you can spill out to others the things that they have need of for this hour and this time, says the Lord.

For I say unto you, my children, I have not just given you my book, but I have given you my word that is right within that book, for that book can’t profit you, says the Lord, unless you speak it, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, get into my word that you can speak forth my word, that you can see those things that be not as though they are, says the Lord. 

For, yes, I have greater things in store for you now, greater things are ahead for you, but only if you’re doing what I have said, only if you call them into being.  For I have given you the power and authority to do those things and it is my desire for you to reach the peek that I have for you, call it into being, call it into being, expect to see it, saith the Lord, for that time is now.

11-30-2022 pm service

For remember that now is a new hour, now is a new time, now is time to receive the fullness of the things that I have.  For it is the hour of fullness, it is the hour of fulfillment, and as you begin to get into this hour you will see it all as it all comes into place, everything that I spoke to you, just like I said it would be.  Do not fear the things that you see take place in the world, but remember that I have said that they had to come in this time and this hour, but that they were not for the church, but they were to wake up those who were asleep.  Do not fear those things when you hear them on the news or when you see them happening all around you. For remember my promise to you is that it shall not come nigh your doorstep if you’re walking according to my word, if you are doing what I have said, if you’re follow after my ways, saith the Lord.  For truly this is a great and glorious time for my church and for my people, for those who are walking with me.  For truly it is a giving hour and I desire to pour out my gifts upon you, saith the Lord. 

11-27-2022 am service

For I say unto you, my children, continue to be grounded in my word, says the Lord, that your roots get established down deep, says the Lord, for the one thing that my people lack it’s my word, says the Lord, for they don’t get into it like they should.  Therefore, I say unto you, grow thirsty, grow hungry for my word for you’re going to need it, says the Lord, more than yesterday you need it today, says the Lord, for the days coming ahead are so dark you wouldn’t even be able to see your fingers on your face without knowledge of my word, says the Lord.  Therefore, everything you’ve got to see is going to be in my word.  Therefore, I say unto you, press into me and grow deep, says the Lord.  

For my word is your light and it guides you and gives you all the wisdom and knowledge that you have need of.  How can you walk in wisdom and knowledge if you’re not in my word?  Therefore, I say unto you, get in my word daily that you can walk in the fullness of wisdom and knowledge that I have given unto you, for you need that wisdom and knowledge for the day and the hour that you’re living in.  Therefore, I say unto you, press into me like never before, press in unto me, know who I am, know that I am your Father that I am your God, and I will bring you through these days ahead no matter what is thrown at you, I am the same, I do not change.  And if your trust is in me, it doesn’t matter what things take place in the world, if you’re trust is in me you will not be shaken, you will not be moved because you’re steadfast in my word.  Therefore, I say unto you, know the importance of my word, get into my word daily, get into my word daily, that you might be fed, that you might receive all that I have for you, says the Lord. 

11-27-2022 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, etc etc be my light, my witness, says the Lord, for you’re greater than that, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, I sent my son Jesus for you, says the Lord, he changed you, he changed you to the thing that I have called you to be, says the Lord.  For the things Adam changed have been renewed, says the Lord, in my Son Jesus.  Therefore, I say unto you, grab ahold of me, says the Lord. 

11-20-2022 am service

Do I not care for you, says the Lord, do I not know every little thing about you, even the hairs numbered on your head, do I not know them?  For I say unto you, I am here for you as you reach out to me, yes, I am there, but many times my children try to take things on their own, try to do them in their own way and yet not look to me.  For I am here and I am here to meet everything that you have need of.  Does not my word say that when you call upon me I am here and I answer you?  Therefore, I say unto you, draw close unto me; know the importance of living and having your being in my word.  For it is my word that brings life, it is my word that shall sustain you in the days ahead, it is my word that shall cause victory to come into your life, it is my word that will cause you to be the overcomer that I have called you to be.  Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, call upon me, do not be afraid to call upon me, for am I not your Father, will I not hear you, will I not do what I have promised I will do?  Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, be steadfast, unmoveable, call upon my name and I shall answer you, says the Lord.  For I am here for you and I desire, I desire that you draw closer unto me, I desire that you come unto me, that you come unto me because it is I that am here for you my children.

For I say unto you, my children, the things I have for you are greater than the things that are behind you, says the Lord.  For if you look at the things that I have delivered you from, you take your eyes off of the things that I have for you to come, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say, keep looking at me, keep your eyes on me and keep walking forward, says the Lord, for soon you shall see the fullness of things that I have for you, says the Lord. 

For you should always be looking ahead expecting for me to move upon your behalf, for I look to be able to move upon your behalf, every day I look to be able to move upon your behalf.  Expect greater things, greater things, greater things, for it is that time and hour now for greater and I love you my children with an everlasting love, I have made a way for you where there wasn’t a way before and I have great things laid up for you yet, things that you know of, things that you not know of.  For truly it is that time now and it is that hour now, expect great things from me expect great things from me, saith the Lord.

11-29-2022 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, stay thirsty, stay hungry, says the Lord, for the minute you become to be content you dry up, you dry up quickly, says the Lord, without even noticing it, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, stay thirsty, get in my word, drink my word, drink My Spirit, says the Lord, for when you are flowing you’re flowing through me, says the Lord and not in the flesh.

For yes, truly, this is a great time and a great hour, but there is no drought in the Spirit realm.  Get into my word, continue to drink deeply, let it fill you to overflowing that it is bursting out of you.  For truly it is that time now, it is that hour now to draw closer than ever before, to get into my word like never before, to spend time with me like never before.  Now is the time, now is the hour, not later, don’t put it off, don’t keep putting it off, for as you continue to put it off it just pulls you farther away from me and yet it is time to draw closer, it is time to draw closer than ever before, for truly the time is now, saith the Lord.

For do not allow any to bring distraction unto you, but I say, keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes focused on that finish line, the goal that is set before you, for great and mighty are the things I have in store for you.  So therefore, I say unto you, press in like never before, allow not the enemy to sway your attention on something else other than pressing into me and receiving all the fullness of the things that I have in store for you.  For I say unto you, great are the rewards that I have for you, so continue to walk with me like never before, continue to have my word, my word planted within your heart that you continue to grow stronger and stronger and stronger and become the giants that I have called you to be for this hour and this time, says the Lord.   

11-16-2022 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, it is not the hour to be down and out, but to be filled with joy with My Spirit, says the Lord.  For at no other time can you rejoice as you can now, says the Lord, for the things that are coming, for your soon redemption draws nigh, says the Lord.

For, yes, truly it’s a new day and a new hour and many things are coming in, for you know they’re very close now more than ever before.  In fact you can almost see them if you look close enough in the Spirit realm where you could not see them before, but it is now that time, it is now that hour.  Do not fear the things that are taking place in the world, do not fear the disaster that is soon coming, for I have said that is not for you, but it is for those who are not following after me.  But be ready, be ready, be ready for when it comes the church will be filled to overflowing. 

11-13-2022 am service

For I say unto you, my children, am I not a God of miracles, says the Lord, have I not called my house the house of miracles, says the Lord?  Therefore, I say unto you, get your eyes on me, says the Lord and watch as my miracles shall flow, says the Lord, watch as your problems disappear when you get your eyes on me, says the Lord.  For I have called my house the house of miracles, this is my house, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, rise up, rise up, says the Lord and get your eyes on me, says the Lord.  Where is my motivator that I have chosen for this hour, says the Lord, where is my motivator, for I have called you, says the Lord, where are you, where are you, I say?  Come says the Lord, come and fulfill the call I have placed upon you today, says the Lord. 

For yes, truly, many I have called and now is the hour of fulfillment, for there is not time for another day or another hour, but that time and that hour is now and if there is a calling on your life know that now is the hour of fulfillment.  For I am calling out to you my children, I am calling out to you that now is the hour of fulfillment.  Hear it again, now is the hour of fulfillment; it rings throughout the heavens that now is the hour of fulfillment.   The angels are aware and they know that now is the hour of fulfillment, but do my people know that now is the hour of fulfillment?  You should know because of the signs of the times and the day and the hour you are now living in that now is the sign of fulfillment, for that hour is now, that time is now.  Don’t look for another day, don’t look for another hour, don’t look for another generation, but look now, saith the Lord, look now and see what is happening.  Open up your ears and hear into the Spirit realm and hear what is going on, hear what is taking place and you will know, you will know, you will know.  

11-13-2022 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, I have placed you as stars in the darkness, says the Lord, for all to see that they come to you, says the Lord.  Therefore, speak those things to them that I have shown you, says the Lord, that they can understand the time that they’re living in, says the Lord and that they have a hope and their hope is in me, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, don’t be bashful, but shine, says the Lord.

For, yes, many things are coming in the days ahead, many things that I have warned you about and said that would take place.  So now is your time to shine like never before, now is your time to walk closer with me than ever before, now is the time to tell others about me.  For truly the harvest is ripe and it is time for it now to come in and people will come, they will come, they will come, and my miracles they will flow, they will flow, they will flow.  But many other things will also be taking place at that time, but do not fear them.  For remember that you go through this time victoriously, be excited about what is ahead, for truly it is at hand.

11-9-2022 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, out of all the things I’ve created I’ve created you the most beautiful, says the Lord.  When you take a look around and see the things around the world, I’ve created you greater than that, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, be all that I have said and created you to be, says the Lord.  

Do not fear or become or be concerned about what man says or does, but remember that my ways are far above man’s ways.  Learn to trust me more than ever before and not let the circumstances around you affect you.  For remember I have said I would take you through the days ahead victoriously, I knew what they had laid ahead for you even when you did not.  So realize that I have already made a way through them, trust me like never before and see how I will do everything I have said that I would do, even in the days you are living in now, saith the Lord. 

11-6-2022 am service

What do you need from me, says the Lord, what do you need today, says the Lord?  Do you not know I have everything that you have need of that I never leave you wanting, I never leave you, I never leave you, for I am always here.  As you reach out unto me I will give unto you everything that you have need of, says the Lord.  For I have said I would be your abba Father, I am you abba Father, says the Lord.  Come unto me, come unto me, come unto me, give it unto me today, says the Lord, do not carry it any longer, but I say unto you, give it unto me, whatever you have need of I will be there for you.  If you need rest I will give you rest, if it is peace I will give you peace, if it’s joy I will give you joy, if it is love I have all the love you need, if you need answers I will give you answers.  For I have all the wisdom, I have all the knowledge, as you come unto me, the Lord says, I will give unto you everything that you have need of, just come to me, come to me.

For yes, truly, my children, I am all that you have need of, you need not to look elsewhere, but to look to me first, for I can move upon your behalf when man cannot, I can supply when man cannot, I can move the mountains when man cannot, I can make a way through the wilderness when man cannot, I can make rivers run through the valleys when man cannot, I can move and hold the waters back and man cannot, I can do all things and man cannot claim that, but yet I can.  So why trust in something else, why not trust in me first?  For truly you are in a day and an hour when you need to know how to trust me more than ever before that you can walk hand in hand with me and do all that I have called you to do.  For truly this is a great day and this is a great hour and I am pouring out My Spirit upon those who will receive, upon those who are faithful, upon those who will do what I called.  For today is that day, receive the fullness of what I have for you, my children, for truly you need it for the days ahead. 

For I say unto you, my children, it’s the hour of My Spirit, therefore it puts down the sounds of the shovels of the flesh, says the Lord.  For fleshly works cannot save you, fleshly are now not needed, says the Lord, for I’ve poured out My Spirit, says the Lord, this is the hour of My Spirit, says the Lord, all things must be done by My Spirit, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, drop the works of the flesh, drop that fleshly shovel and take up My Spirit, says the Lord.     

11-6-2022 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, continue to meditate upon me and upon my word, says the Lord, continue to walk in the things and the ways I have given unto you, the promises I’ve given unto you, says the Father God.  Therefore, I say unto you, don’t let go; don’t look to the left or to the right, but stay fast on me, says the Lord.  

Stand fast in my word for my word will carry you through the days ahead.  Remember I have given you power when you speak forth my word, but you must speak forth my word not some other word but my word.  For I have said you can call those things that be not as if they were and they shall be, that is the power of my word.   I have given unto you that power and I have given unto you that authority, and if you’ll use it the way I have said and not for your own benefit but to do the work and carry out the work that I have laid before you, then it shall come to pass at its fullest, then it shall come to pass, for it is that time and it is that hour.

11-2-2022 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, know that I am God and I am here, says the Lord, and I will never depart from you, says the Lord, for I charge my angels round about you and keep you safe, says the Lord.  Therefore, adhere to me, cling to me, says the Lord, stand on my word, know my word and watch, says the Lord, as you go through this time victoriously, says the Lord.

Great, great, great are the things in store for you, great, great, great, I say.  Get ready for the things I am going to do, for if you have been walking with me and doing what I have said then you are in the place to receive great, saith the Lord.  For truly these days were set aside that I could pour out My Spirit upon all flesh and that my blessings would be poured upon the faithful.  Are you one of the faithful, then be prepared to see my blessings come like never before.  For, yes, it is that time and it is that hour and my word is being fulfilled just like I said, continue to be faithful and do what I have said and watch as I begin to move upon your behalf, says the Lord. 

Etc etc etc be in, all you have to do is reach out to me, says the Lord, for my word says I will hear, I will never leave you nor forsake you and I will be here to the very end.  So reach out to me for I am here, says the Lord. 

10-10-2022 am service

Arise and shine for my light has come, for the glory has risen upon you.  Do you not understand what I have done for you, do you not see, do you not hear, for I have given unto you everything, I’ve made a covenant with my people.  But I said unto you, I have given unto you power to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy.  But too many look at what they see instead of what the say.  For I have told you to walk by faith and not by sight, I have told you to speak my word with confidence and boldness, but will I only manifest myself through you and in you to the amount of confidence and faith that you have in my word.  You need not consult prophets and priests anymore, for I’ve raised a generation of priests and prophets that will glorify me in these last days.  You will walk and you will raise the dead, cleanse the lepers and heal the sick.  For I have told you I will speak to you, and did not my Son say that all that the Father has made known unto me, I will make known unto you?  Children, I say unto you, the harvest is ripe, but the laborers are few, therefore go into all the world and preach the gospel, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers and raise the dead.  Stretch forth your hands and see that I am with you, but speak with a boldness, do not be polluted with the things of this earth, but know that I have given unto you power and the time is great, the time is great for the harvest, for I am coming soon children, so work quickly while there is time.   

For I say unto you, my children, if I be for you who can be against you, says the Lord, for you stand with me, says the Lord.  Therefore, I also say unto you, when I speak those things that be not as though they are.  Therefore, I say unto you, everything that I have promised you has been done, says the Lord, it’s up to you to stand on those promises and consider them as done, says the Lord, believe them as being done and watch, watch, says the Lord.  

Yes truly for you shall see these things come to pass that I have spoken and many will watch in amazement because they did not believe.  But for those who have stood upon my word, for those who have expected to see, you shall see those things, saith the Lord, and I will be able to use you abundantly and I will be able to move upon your behalf abundantly and I will be able to bring in those blessings, I will be able to fulfill those promises that I have given unto you because you were faithful.  For it is the faithful that I look for, it is the faithful that I need, for I can work through them when I cannot work through others, because they have set aside their own agenda’s and said here I am Lord use me and that is what I desire and that is what I am looking for.  For truly I desire to move upon you in a mighty and powerful way, I desire for you to do great things for me, but you can only do those things if you get self out of the way first and that is my desire, saith the Lord, that is my desire, that is my desire.     

10-10-2022 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, my love is everywhere, you can’t escape my love, says the Lord, for I am love, everything you see is because I love you, says the Lord.  Do you love me, get into my word, says the Lord and see how much I do love you.   

For I watch over my word to perform it, that is done because I love you, therefore when I speak I watch over my word and make sure that I carry it out and bring it to pass according to my word as it was written.  For truly it is a great day and a great hour that you are now walking in, far greater than you can understand or realize at this moment, but you shall surely see it come quickly.  For truly remember what I told you would take place and suddenly things would begin to change, suddenly things would begin to take off, suddenly people would begin flood in and that suddenly is almost here.  Be ready for the things that are ahead, for truly they are great, but I have told you about them already.  So do not be caught off guard, but prepare your hearts now for what I am about to do, saith the Lord.  

10-23-2022 am service

For I say unto you, my children, the things in which you praise are the things that are high in your life, says the Lord, so when you praise and worship me I am your life, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, draw from me, for my strength is yours to draw from, says the Lord.  Therefore, do the things that I have sent you forth to do and praise me in all things, says the Lord.

For do you not know when you speak forth my praise, when you sing forth my praise that the enemy flees, the enemy flees, it’s the key, my children, that you need to know and you need to run with every single day.  For when you praise me the enemy is nowhere near you, but when you speak the words of doubt, when you speak the words of unbelief I am not there.  For I am only there in the praises of my people, I am there when you are lifting me up and giving me glory, for I am your Father, I am your God, for I have given unto you my promises, I’ve given unto you my word and you must know my word so you can truly walk, yes, that you can truly walk in the freedom that I have given unto you.  For as you know my word and as you live in my word it will fill your whole entire being, does not my word say that?  Oh, I say unto you, know my word and speak forth my word, for when you praise me, when you praise me, when you praise me the enemy has no room in your life nor does he have any space.  Know my word and know what I have said and as you come into my presence will I not fill you with all that I have given unto you, have not I said that there is joy in my presence and there is peace in my presence, there is healing in my presence, there is everything you need in my presence?  Oh, I say unto you, my children, do not come into my presence just on Sundays or Wednesdays or whenever you feel like it, but I say unto you, come into my presence on a daily basis that I can give unto you what you need today and every day, says the Lord.

For I desire for you to be closer now than ever before because of the time and the hour you are now in, but realize I have great things in store for you and I desire to pour those out upon you, but you must be walking with me, you must be doing what I have said and not what you want.  For it is that time and it is that hour and great things are in store for my people, great things are is store for my church, great things are in store for those who have put all of their trust and all their confidence in me and many are seeing these things coming to pass.  But are all seeing it, for all should be seeing it, for it is that time now and it is that hour, but most have not done what I have said.  But, I say unto you, draw closer, draw closer, draw closer, for truly it is that time now and it is that hour now.  Therefore, you must walk closely with me, you must be in my house when the doors are open, you must be in my presence on a daily basis.  For, truly, I can fill you when you’re in my presence, I can fill you to overflowing, but when you’re not in my presence I cannot do those things.  And may need to be filled on a daily basis, for once a week in not enough, twice a week is not enough, but you must be filled daily.  Allow me to do those things for you that you can walk through this time victoriously, for you truly are the overcomers, I have called you to be the head and not the tail, I have called you to be above and not beneath and yet many are satisfied with walking the lower walk that I have said they don’t need to.  But, truly, I desire to change all that around and if you’ll come closer to me I will do those things for you, saith the Lord.  

10-23-2022 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, let go of those things that you trust in over me, says the Lord and watch as I move, says the Lord, watch as I supply, says the Lord, watch as I supply all the things that you have ever had need of, says the Lord.  You will have no cares for I shall take care of you, says the Lord, you shall not want for I shall take care of you, says the Lord, but make me your all in all, says the Lord. 

For yes, truly, as the praises go up the walls come down, as the praises go up circumstances change, as the praises go up the gates of heaven are opened wide.  So allow the praises to go up, allow the praises to go up, let yourself be loosed of those things that are holding you back, let yourself be loosed of those things and receive the freedom that I have for you this night.  Receive the freedom, receive the abundance, receive the outpouring, receive the fullness of what I have for you, saith the Lord.  For, truly, it is that time and it is that hour and I desire to pour My Spirit upon you and you are there right at that point where you can receive.  So let go, let go, let go and receive the fullness, saith the Lord. 

For the act of surrendering of the past, surrendering, a surrendering of everything unto me that when you do that you become free, you become free like you have never become free before, and when you do that you become free like you have never become free before.  As you surrender yourself to me you take that new step, says the Lord, a new step, a new step, for it’s all I have for you for this hour and time. Rid yourself of the things that you don’t need, shake off the weights that hold you down, release yourself unto me, says the Lord, release yourself unto me.  For I have great and mighty things in store for you, for it is not by chance that you’re hear, it’s not by chance that you’re here, says the Lord, for I’ve called you for such a time as this.  Do you not know that I have acquitted you, I’ve given parts of you everything that you have need of that you can walk, that you can walk, yes, that you can walk as I’ve called you to walk for this hour and this time.  So when you give unto me your hallelujah that’s a surrender, says the Lord.  You realize who I am, for all I have done on your behalf and what I am expected to do.  Oh, I say unto you, give unto me your all; for I desire all of you, says the Lord, I desire all of you.  And as you open up yourself I shall fill you, it shall not be something that man does nor will it be something that you do, but it is something that I, Almighty God, shall impart to you even this night.  So as you continue to take a step of obedience expect a great touch from me, expect a newness of life, says the Lord.  For from this moment on you shall be changed, you shall notice a greater anointing; you shall notice a change from this moment on.  For I have called you, says the Lord, and I have appointed you for this hour and this time, great, great is the work that I have called you to.  For I have said that you shall be joined together as one and mighty are the things that I am going to do for you.  For I have called each and every single one of you, so as you surrender unto me this night, says the Lord, you will see, you will see, you will see, as I perform what I have promised I will do for you. Etc,(transcribing recording: can’t make out some words much background noise) etc, says the Lord, when you have all that I have done this day from the youngest one to the oldest one, when you surrender unto me you give me your all and I give unto you my all, says the Lord.  So be there, be etc, surrender to me tonight, for I shall use you, even the youngest to the oldest, I will etc etc to you, says the Lord.  For I have anointed you, I have called you for such a time as this, says the Lord.           

For you see it is as simple as entering in and how a simple hallelujah got you to the place where the chains began to fall, but remember even Paul and Silas sat in jail and began to praise me and the chains fell off and the doors swung open wide.  So you see it is simply that easy, it’s not hard at all and that you can enter into that realm, even right now, just by entering in as some have already gotten into that place, but others still need to get there, but you can, you can, you can.  Don’t hold back, but allow your voice to be released, allow your spirit to be released, allow the chains to fall off, allow the gates to come open that you can come out of that dungeon into the place that I have called for you to be.  For you are a child of Almighty God and it is not my desire that you walk and live in bondage, but it is my desire that you are free and to be free indeed and now is the time, now is the hour.  See what I am doing, see what I am doing all around you, how I am setting the captives free, how I am moving you into a new realm now, into a new hour and a new time and then you can enter into the fullness of that, that is my desire for you, saith the Lord, to enter into the fullness of the things that I have.

10-19-2022 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, my joy is your strength and it’s important for you to retain that joy that I have given unto you, says the Lord, especially in the days and the hours ahead, says the Lord.  For as you smile and show your joy you shall show strength, says the Lord and give strength to those around you and they shall come to me for that strength, says the Lord. 

Allow me to fill you with the things that you have need of for this time and for this hour, allow yourselves to be filled to overflowing.  Remember the things that I have already given you, for all the fruit of the Spirit are already yours if you allow them to operate to there fullest extent in your life.  Remember I have made a way for you in this time and this hour, learn to trust me like never before, for I will never lead you astray, I will always lead you to victory.

10-16-2022 am service

Does not my word say all of you who are heavy-laden come unto me and I will give you rest? Oh, I say unto you, know my word, as you come unto me I will give unto you rest, I will give unto you anything that you have need of.  For I am, I am your Father and I am here for you and desire that you walk in the fullness of my word that I give unto you.  My word says I will never leave you, I will never forsake you, I will be with you to the very end.  Oh, I say unto you, know my word my children like never before, for I am here for you, I am your Father, I am your God, I will not ever forsake you, for as you come unto me find my love, find my joy, find my peace, for they are everlasting, they never leave, they never go.  But, I say unto you, come unto me, for I am all that you have need of, says the Lord.   

For I say unto you, my children, my presence is here and I am here to heal, says the Lord, whatever you have need of, says the Lord, come and receive what I have for you whether it be rest, peace, safety, I have it, says the Lord.  Come and receive the things that I have for you today.

For did you come here to meet with me, then I am here to meet with you, I have everything that you have need of.  For I know your needs even to the smallest or the least of them and yet I desire to move upon you and take care of even those minor things, for I also desire to do a work in you like never before to make you ready for the things that are coming, to prepare you to be the warrior for me that I have called for you to be.  For it is not by chance that you are here today, for truly I have called you to this place for this time and for this hour, allow me to move upon you that I can do the things that need to be done, saith the Lord.  

10-16-2022 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, open your hearts and keep them open, says the Lord, for me to enter in and give you the things that you have need of, says the Lord.  For these days ahead you’re going to need your eyes and your ears set upon me, says the Lord, your heart set upon me open to me, says the Lord.  For great things are about to take place, says the Lord, therefore be ready and have your heart ready, says the Lord.

For yes, truly, I am with you each and every step of the way; regardless of the things that you go through I am there with you.  For I will never leave you or forsake you, but at times you don’t look to me, but I am right there and you can call out to me at any moment and I can deliver you from that turmoil that you’re in.  But realize the things that are ahead are far worse than anything ever seen before, therefore you need to walk closer to my side than ever before that you can hear me, that you can call out to me, that you can be under the hedge of my protection.  For truly the days are very, very dark, but yet it has been recorded in my word and a great shaking is coming, a great shaking that shall wake the world up, but the church should be ready, the church should see it coming because they have been warned long ago, they have been shown very clearly.  But where is the church, saith the Lord, but it is asleep and I have called for it to awaken and for those that have not awakened they too shall be shaken.  For it is that time now and it is that hour now for My Spirit to be poured out on the land, but before that can happen a shaking must come first.

Draw into my word like never before, for the days shall become dark, they will become dark and doctrines of demons shall have crossed the land.  But, I say, those that know my word shall be strong and do exploits, those that know me shall walk with me and I with them, but I say, seek me, seek me now for the hour is at hand, for soon the clock shall strike midnight and I tell you even now prepare yourself my bride, prepare for the bridegroom cometh. 

10-12-2022 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, remember who I am and I am always here for you, says the Lord, no matter what you’re going through I’m here for you, says the Lord.  Let your request be known unto me, says the Lord, talk to me, speak to me and I’ll carry you through, says the Lord. 

For yes, truly, I love you with an everlasting love and it is my desire that you are victorious, it is my desire that you are the overcomer and I have done everything on my part to make that so, all you have to do is put all of your trust, all of your confidence in me.  Don’t focus on the circumstances, don’t look at things in the natural, but realize I have things taken care of.  For, yes, I have already made a way for you, I already have a plan in place that you can be victorious, that you can be blessed, that you can be the overcomer.  Walk in that way I have already made for you, walk closely by my side, for I desire to speak unto you, I desire to hear you talk to me and have that conversation.  Call upon me and let me know what things you have need of and I will move upon your behalf, saith the Lord.  For truly I love you with an everlasting love. 

10-9-2022 am service

Recharge yourself etc so full of me that all that you can do is spill out to others, for it is that time for you to go out and share my love with others.  For I have called you for a special time and a special purpose, for it is not time for you to lag, it is not time for you to lag, but it is time for you to run forward, run forward, for the things that I have for you are great.  For you may think, oh you’re done with me, for I am not done with you, says the Lord, for I have great and mighty things in store for you yet.  Oh, I say unto you, follow me like never before, recharge yourself with my word, with My Spirit that you might go forward with might and power.  For yes, I have called you for such a time as this, share my love with those around you, for do you not know that it is my love that covers a multitude of sins, it is my love that will even cause the hardest heart to turn unto me?  Oh, I say unto you, my children, know who I am, flow in My Spirit, for I have given unto you My Spirit for this hour and this time.  Know that I am sending you forth, I am sending you forth, for it is not time for you to just sit back and do nothing, says the Lord, but it is time for you to continue, to continue to work with me, to continue, continue, continue, for I am not done, says the Lord, I am not done.


For I say unto you, my children, how much of yourselves will you offer me, says the Lord, a quarter, a half, three quarters, all of yourself, says the Lord?  I desire all of you, says the Lord, your whole heart, because I gave you all of mine, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, let me fill you to overflowing, says the Lord.     


This just confirms what, this word confirms what has already been prophesied that it may be establish among two or three witnesses.  Do you want it to be on earth as it is in heaven, do you want to fulfilled that which is written upon your scroll, do you want to complete the vision that I gave your servant, my servant, your pastor Don Evans, then a greater sacrifice will be asked of you both individually and in the cooperate body of Christ, even those who are receiving from afar.  For as I called the twelve I am calling you and inviting you into a baptism of fire and of my glory and it is costly, the halfhearted need not apply.  For to accomplish what is on your scroll I require of you an undivided heart, for it is a bridal call, I am fulfilling what is written even now in your midst, for it is written, I indeed baptize you with water, but there is one who is one mightier than I whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose and he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire, his winnowing fan is in his hand and he will thoroughly clean out his threshing floor and gather the wheat into his barn, the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire and only then that which can endure the fire will remain.  As Peter and John went up into the temple in Jerusalem at the hour of prayer, so I am calling you to an hour of prayer.  Seek me on this and I will reveal the time that you might bring to me a complete sacrifice.  For my whaling fan is in my hand and my church I will sift, seek me and allow me to search out the hidden things that you would come before me without spot or wrinkle.  I’m establishing my kingdom and my servants will inherit it, do not fear those that can kill the body, but fear him who has power to cast into hell and power to save.      


For my word has gone out and it always does what it is called forth to do.  Even as I have released the judgment to now come and some have begun to see those things and you will see it.  But remember that it is for those who are not walking with me, that is for those who have not done what I have said, that is for the lukewarm, that is for the unsaved, that is for those who have a form of Godliness but deny the very power, for truly I will have nothing to do with that.  For my power will flow through my called and anointed in a mighty and powerful way, for I have told you, you would know, you would know, you would know, because those that I have called and I have anointed would have the power, those who are working of themselves would not.  Even though they sounded good, they would have no works, they would be fruitless and even my word tells you, you can tell the difference between those that bear fruit and those that do not bear fruit.  But it is a time and an hour now to get refocused upon the call and the vision, for is will be carried out, and yes, the choice is yours whether you want to answer the call and come along with me or you want to do something else.  For I have not called you to sit on sidelines, I have not called you to watch from afar, I have called you to be in the midst, I have called you to a great calling, a great calling, a great calling, one not to be take lightly.  For it was set aside since the foundation of the earth and even though things have changed I knew all along what would happen and what would take place and I made an appointment before then, saith the Lord, because I already knew.  Will you answer the call that I have given, will you go as I have said go, will you lay aside those things that are taking your attention away from what I am trying to do?  Will you come closer to me, will you receive the fullness of the things that I have for you, for truly that is for now that you can go forth and do all that I have called for you to do.  For it wasn’t until the disciples received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that they went forth and really did produce the fruit.  Yes, I sent them forth before that, but didn’t produce the fruit like they did after, even their testimonies changed after and look at all the people that came in because of the few that I was allowed to use.  Will you allow me to use you like that, will you put all other things aside and give me the time now, for truly it is that hour, saith the Lord. 

10-9-2022 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, keep your eyes on me and what I a doing, says the Lord, for I’m doing great things, says the Lord, if you’re watching and looking, and waiting, says the Lord.  In the meantime do what I have called you to do, says the Lord, for we shall all come together, says the Lord, at the appointed time. 


Remember I have called you for a glorious time, for a glorious hour and that you shall see.  Do not fear the things that are coming for the world, for yes, they will be great and much disaster, but it will not affect you.  For I have already made a way where you can be the overcomer, where you can be the victor.  For truly it is my desire to take you through the days ahead victoriously and all you have to do is walk by my side and do what I have said.

10-5-2022 pm service

For my children, I say unto you, you’re always in my safety, but when you are with me there is nothing that can touch you, says the Lord.  For, I say unto you, the things that are coming upon this world are not for you, for I’m going to take you out of here, says the Lord, not too long from now.  For, I say unto you, look and rejoice for you’re going to have a victorious time, says the Lord. 

Look forward to the victory that I have in store for you, for there are many great things that are in store for you. Not so for the world, but I have warned you about those things and now they are drawing much closer than ever before and you are beginning to see some of those things, but you are not seeing the fullness of them yet.  But do not fear those things, but remember, remember I have great things in store for you my people, for those who are walking by my side, for those who are doing what I have said.  For it is that time, saith the Lord, it is that time, be excited, saith the Lord. 

10-2-2022 am service

For I say unto you, my children, draw close to me so that I can draw close to you, says the Lord, for the days that you are living in are the days you need to know who I am, says the Lord, and who you are.  Therefore, I say unto you, let my Son direct you, says the Lord. 

Don’t wait for Sunday to come into my presence, says the Lord, for I say unto you, get quiet times that you can hear from me that you can know that I am near by.  For you need to be in my presence on a daily basis, you need to know that I am carrying you through these days ahead, for yes, you walk in dark times, but does not my word say that I am with you even until the very end?  You need to know my love, you need to know my provisions, you need to know my presence that you can receive what I have for you on a daily basis.   Get into my word like never before, do not allow your oil to run dry, says the Lord, but I say unto you, get into my word and keep your oil flowing, for it is not an hour to slack off, but it is an hour to press in like never before.  For I have great and mighty things for you my children, great and mighty things.  Therefore, I say unto you, look into me, I am your source, I am all that you have need of and I will be true to my word, for I do not fail, says the Lord.   

Hold fast to the vision that I have given to you, for yes, I will lead you, I guide you, I will direct you every step of the way.  There is nothing that you need to fear, for I am there with you, I have already made a way where there wasn’t a way before or there seemed to be no way.  For my way always works when you do what I have said and you follow after me.  Fear not the days you are living in, fear not what is ahead, but remember what I have already promised you and I look over those promises to make sure they come to complete fulfillment.  So do not forget them, but remember what I have already said, for truly, truly, the hour is now at hand.   

10-2-2022 pm service

For when you worship me the enemy has to leave, do you not know that my children, for the enemy cannot stand in my presence.  Therefore, I say unto you, learn to worship me even sooner than what you are already, for when the enemy comes against you get my worship within your heart and speak forth my words out of your mouth that he might flee from you that very moment.  For my word is sure, it’s everlasting, it does not change, do you know this my children?  Therefore, I say unto you, get into my word like never before, for I have made you the overcomers already, you don’t need to become them, I already made you them.  Therefore, I say unto you, rise up and walk, walk, walk as I have called you to walk, for this is the hour, for I need you walking as my giants, knowing my word, marching forward, for I have great things in store for you.  Do not fear, do not fear, for when the enemy throws things at you do not walk in fear but, I say unto you, allow your faith, my faith to rise within you for it is not your faith it is my faith.  For I am the one, I am the one that shall carry you through, my etc, says the Lord.  For you cannot do anything without me.  Therefore, I say unto you, look to me for I am your source of strength, I am everything that you have need of.  Worship me; worship me, for as you come to worship me the enemy has to flee, says the Lord.  

For I say unto you, my children, is not my word filled with those who worship me and how the victories came, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, be like that, says the Lord, don’t look at the enemy, don’t look at the circumstances, but look to me and praise me for who I am, says the Lord.  For your enemy is a defeated foe, but I am the God of all Gods, says the Lord, and I defeated him.  Therefore, I say unto you, did I not create him, therefore I am over him and I defeated him, says the Lord.  

Whether you realize it or not I have it all under control, wait patiently for me, for I will speak to you at the moment when it is time to move forward into the realm of all that I have called you into.  For you will see the fullness of the things that I have said, you will see the miracles, you will see the healings, you will see the deliverance.  For all the promises that have been given must be fulfilled, otherwise I am not God.  For I spoke those promises, I set them for an appointed time and a appointed hour and you are in the midst of that time now, therefore you must see those things come to pass.  For very quickly you will see things take place in the world that will be unbearable for many, but yet I have warned you that they would come.  For they are appointed for a day and for an hour and that day is soon approaching.  Do not fear the things that shall come, but remember I have already made a way where you could be victorious, I have made a way where you can be the overcomer, I have already taken care of those things because I love you with an everlasting love.   All you have to do is trust me, walk according to my word, walk according to my promises, for truly I shall carry you through the days ahead, saith the Lord.  

9-25-2022 am service

For I say unto you, my children, I have fresh oil for you every day, says the Lord, every day is a new day, says the Lord, and I have new for you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, come and receive the things I have for you, says the Lord.

For yes, truly, it is a new time and a new hour and the old won’t work, the old is running out, it’s time for the new, it’s time for the fresh, it’s time for the things that I have for you, saith the Lord.  Do not reject them, but receive them, for they are needed for this time and for this hour, for this time and for this hour, saith the Lord. 

9-25-2022 pm service 

For I say unto you, my children, I love you, I love you with an everlasting love, says the Lord, and I desire is for you to go through this time victoriously, says the Lord, the world will not know what’s going on, but I’ll tell you what’s going on.  My Spirit is going to be poured out without measure, says the Lord, and they’re going to get caught up in it, says the Lord and they’re going to come and they’re going to come and they’re going come because it’s this time, it’s this hour, says the Lord.  Therefore, make yourselves ready in your hearts and know that this is my greatest hour and it shall be your greatest hour. 

Remember the song that I gave you, how the revival would start here like a whirlwind it would go around the world, but from this place, from this altar.  For I have placed a mighty anointing upon this place, a mighty calling, a calling like no others and it is now that time and it is that hour so expect to see these things take place, be ready to receive when you come into my house.  For truly that is my desire to meet with you every time you come, but sadly some come and are not ready to meet with me, they don’t have their expectations set and I say, set your expectations high.  For truly I desire to meet with you in a mighty and powerful way, far greater than ever before, for truly I have called this time to be far greater than anything ever seen before.  So if you come with that expectation that you’re going to see and experience things far greater than ever before then I can move upon your behalf like I haven’t been able to.  For truly that is my desire, for it is now that time and it is now that hour and it is my desire for you to walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you, saith the Lord.      

9-21-2022 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, I’ve not forgotten my promises, have you forgotten the promises that I have for you, says the Lord?  Remember those things that I have promised you and you shall have them, says the Lord.

Doesn’t my word say forget not my benefits, are not my promises part of the benefits and yet those are only part of what you are entitled to and there is so much more you can receive and it is my desire that you walk in the fullness of those things.  Do what I have said, stand upon my word, expect to see those things come to pass, expect them, expect them, expect them and you shall see them, saith the Lord. 

9-18-2022 am service

For anything that you have need of, etc etc, for I am all that you have need of, do you not know that, do you not realize that?  Do you not know the power that I have given unto you in my name, my mighty name, that is able to deliver, that is able to set free, that is able to break the chains of the enemy, that is able to bring peace, that is able to give love, do you not know my name?  Oh, I say unto you, it is an hour to draw close unto me like never before, draw close, for many of you say, Lord, I’m drawing close, but yet are you drawing close, are you spending the time with me that I desire, that I deserve?  Therefore, I say unto you, look unto me, says the Lord, for I truly am all that you have need of, when you realize that you will not lack nor will you walk in need but you will have more than enough, more than enough, says the Lord.  

For I say unto you, my children, my name is power to those who believe, says the Lord, but to those that don’t believe they don’t believe, they won’t see the things that I have given unto them, says the Lord.  But the believer shall receive those things, for they believe.  Therefore, I say, keep believing and keep pressing into me, says the Lord.  

For what has my word said, what have I showed you and spoken unto you, yet many have their own ideas and their own agendas and they forget that I placed my leadership over them to show them my plan that you should follow after it.  Pray that it becomes your vision, pray that it becomes your plan that you can carry out the work that I desire for you to do.  For even though my servant has gone home I will raise up my team to go forward and fulfill the calling that I have placed upon this ministry.  But you cannot move forward in your own agenda, you cannot move forward with your own ideas, your own goals and you own visions.  But you can only move forward if you align yourself with me, if you align yourself with my vision, if you align yourself with my goal.  You must do that to move forward, for I will not be able to use you if you do not align yourself with me.  For I will give you the revelation that you have need of, I will speak unto you, I will lead you, I will guide you, I will direct you like I always have.  For some, yes, it will seem much different than it was before, for you always looked unto your leader, but I am your leader and you should look unto me, for I will show you everything that you need to know, saith the Lord.      

9-18-2022 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, you are not ignorant of the hour, says the Lord, for I have given you the hour that you are in, says the Lord, you remember what I said to you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, get ready for the time is about to come where you need to know who you are, says the Lord, no more dilly dallying back and forth of who I am and who you are, you are who I said you are.  You need to know who you are, says the Lord, be ready, be ready, for the time is at hand, says the Lord.  

Do not allow the enemy to sway you to the right or the left or get you off the track that I have placed you on, but remember to trust my leading and guiding and direction.  For truly if the Spirit is within you, then the Spirit should be leading you if you allow it.  Seek my face like never before in this time and this hour now, for it is time that you draw closer than ever before, that you can hear my very whisper unto you that when I speak you hear and there is no doubt, there is no question.  For truly I desire that close walk with you, I desire that closeness even as husband and wife desire the closeness of each other.  So I desire a closeness with my people and it is that time and that hour that I have told you about would come when you needed to walk closely by my side, when you needed to be in the Spirit realm at all times and not be following after the flesh or the things of the flesh.  For it is time now to be about the Father’s business, it is time now to see the plan through, it is time now to come closer to me, saith the Lord.   

9-14-2022 pm service

For yes, truly, I am faithful to you, but are you always faithful to me, where is your heart, does it follow after me?  For truly that is my desire, for if you love me you will follow after me, you’ll do what I have called you to do, but often times many other loves come before me, but that is not my desire.  For I first loved you and, therefore, I gave my only Son for you that you could have life and that more abundantly, that you could walk as the overcomer, that you could walk as the victor, that you could be all that I have called you to be.  And that is my desire for you to walk in that way that I have already prepared for you.  So you see you don’t have to do it on your own, because I have already done it for you, all you have to do is follow after me, for that is my desire.  For truly I love you with an everlasting love and I’ve made that way for you and I am faithful to you, will you not also be faithful to me, saith the Lord? 

9-11-2022 am service

For I say unto you, my children, your heart is all that I desire, says the Lord, for when your heart is in me, says the Lord, my word is in your heart, says the Lord, and you are my desire, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, press into me, says the Lord. 

For, yes, it is truly time to draw closer than ever before, for darkness is sweeping across the face of the earth and if you’re not walking closely by my side will you not be caught up in some of those things?  But it is my desire to watch over you and protect you and see to it that you fulfill everything that I have called for you to do.  So, my children, walk closely by my side, do not be swayed to the right or swayed to the left, but stay the course, stay the course, stay the course.  For truly the end is closely approaching, and for some, you can even see it beyond the horizon, but yet there is work left to be done, there is work left to be done and I have placed a great calling upon you, I have placed that calling upon you and you can fulfill that.  But you must walk closely by my side, you must follow after my directions and not man’s, you must do what I have said, but, yes, you can do those.  For I have given you everything that you have need of to be victorious, I have made it so you can prosper, I have made it so you can become the overcomer, but walk closely by my side, saith the Lord. 

9-11-2022 pm service

For my word does not ever change, do not waver in your faith, says the Lord, but I say keep going strong with me, keep running ahead, keep going forward, do not stop, do not lag, do not go to the right or the left.  But, I say unto you, run with me, for I have a great and mighty work for you to do, says the Lord. Press in unto me like never before, know that I am faithful, I do not change, I am the same yesterday today and forever, was I God yesterday, then I am still God today and I will continue to be your God.  Do you trust me, do you, do you put your trust in me, do you know me to the fullest extent, if you don’t, I say unto you, it is time to know me, says the Lord.

For I say unto you, my children, don’t let the burdens of the world to weight you down, says the Lord, for you’re children of the light.  Therefore, I say unto you, cast your burden upon me that you can be light, says the Lord, and soar like that eagle I have called you to be, says the Lord.  Don’t be weighted down, says the Lord, remember who you are in me, says the Lord.   

For time and hour has not changed, for remember I said your time is at hand, that time is now and it is my desire that you move forward and fulfill the calling that I gave.  For truly there is no one that has been here in this time before, therefore all direction must come from above.  For do not allow man to come in and tell you it needs to be done this way or that way, for receive your directions directly from me.  For remember I should be ordering your steps, I should be directing you and leading, guiding you. For you have My Spirit within you, allow him to lead and guide you.  And if you don’t have that Spirit, get it, because you need it for this time and for this hour, more than ever before you need it that you can be lead and guided by My Spirit, for truly the hour is at hand, saith the Lord.  

9-4-2022 am service

For my name is exalted above all others, says the Lord, there is no other God but me, I am the only one, for I am the Almighty God, I know all things.  Therefore, I say unto you my children, worship me like never before, know who I am, do not just think that you know who I am, but I say unto you, know me, know who I am, get into my word like never before, speak my word out of your mouth, do not let any negativity to come out of your mouth but only my word. Allow my praises to come to your soul, allow my praise to flood out of your mouth that the enemy has no victory that you walk in the complete victory that I have given unto you, says the Lord.    Therefore, I say unto you, know me, draw close unto me, draw close unto me, for the hour is now, the hour is now, it is not then, draw close unto like never before.  For I will take you through the days ahead, but you must know me, you must walk in my ways.

For I say unto you, my children, the signs are all over of my soon return, says the Lord.  Where are you at, says the Lord, you must be with me, hallelujah, says the Lord, come to me, come to me, come to me, now is the time, says the Lord, press in, press in, press in.  

For, yes, truly the hour is at hand, the hour is at hand, and great and mighty things are in store for my people, great and mighty things, great things, great things, great things, great things.  And oh how I love to hear your praises, when you praise me then I can unlock the heavens and release my blessings upon you, I can release my provision to you, I can release my healing, my miracles, I can release those things unto you, saith the Lord.  For I love to hear the praises of my people and it brings great joy to my heart.  So do not be down, but be lifted up, be lifted up, be lifted up, for soon your redemption draweth nigh, saith the Lord.

9-4-2022 pm service

I say unto you, my children, I am the rock on which you live on, says the Lord, without me you cannot stand.  Therefore, I say unto you, stand on me, live on me, breathe in me, says the Lord, do what I have told you to do, says the Lord.   

For am I not everything you have need of, have I not done everything already for you that you can walk victoriously and be overcomers?  But, yes, all it takes is walking the way that I have already prepared, the way that I have made for you.  For, truly, I have called you to be overcomers, I have called you to be victors, I have called you to walk as the head and not the tail above and not beneath, I have called you to greater things and greater things you shall now do, saith the Lord.  So be not afraid of the things that you see taking place in the world, do not fear those things, for remember I have told you there would be things that would come to pass and it is now that time and it is now that hour.  But continue to move forward and do what I have said, saith the Lord. 

Do not fear the hour that you are living in, but I say unto you, know that my peace passes all understanding, for as you speak forth my name fear has to leave at the name of Jesus, everything must bow at the name of Jesus, do you not know that my children?  Do not dwell on the things that are taking place in the world.  I say unto you, your eyes need to be on me, I am your source, am I not?  Therefore, I say unto you, trust me, for I am faithful and I will always be faithful unto you.  I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, do not look at the storms around you, but I say, keep your eyes upon me, be steadfast upon me, says the Lord, for I am all that you have need of.  Remember that I am all that you have need of, as you call upon me I will answer you, I will give unto you everything that you have need of, does not my word say that?  Therefore, I remind you of my promises that I have given unto you, for I am faithful and I always will be, says the Lord, call upon me and I will answer you.   

8-31-2022 pm service

etc not just when you come to church, but I desire that you hear and know my voice, for the days that you are living in you need to know and listen to my voice.  As you come unto me, my children, I will fill you, I will give unto you all that you have need of.  Therefore, I challenge you; I challenge you to press into me with everything that you have, for I will not leave you disappointed.  For I will give what you need, I will give you what you need for this time and year, I will equip you, I will give you boldness, I will give you strength, I will give you peace, you will find yourself speaking to others around you my words and you are going to look beck and you are etc.  So, I say unto you, draw close to me, draw close to me.

For yes, truly, I desire to hear your praises and as you praise me I move mightily on your behalf, mightily, mightily, mightily.  So praise me, praise me, praise me and watch what I shall do in your lives, saith the Lord.    

8-28-2022 am service

For it is time for my church to stand on the power and authority that I have given unto them, for I have given unto them the power to say to the mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and it must fall in front of them.   For many times my children do not speak forth my word nor do they call upon my name, for I have given unto you the promise that if you call upon me I will answer you.  Oh, I say unto you, it is time, it is time for you to reject the enemy, do not, for do not, do not accept the lies that he continues to tell you.  For does not my word say reject the devil and he will flee from you, yet too many times my children allow him to speak into their ears.  I say unto you, it is time to know my word and to stand firm in my word, for I have given unto you peace, I have given unto you joy, I have given unto love, and if the enemy is causing division, I say unto you, that is not walking in my word.  Therefore, I say unto you, run him off, allow him not to come in, but only allow me to fill your life to overflowing.  It is the hour, it is the time that I have spoken to you about to draw closer, to draw closer than you ever have before, remember the promises that I have given unto you, do not let them go, but keep them in front of you daily, daily, says the Lord.  Do I not move in front of them, I have not forgotten you nor will I deceive you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, know my word, put my promises in front of you that you can see, that you can see and know that I am going to come out on top, says the Lord.        

For I say unto you, my children, as I call you to assemble yourselves unto me, says the Lord, come in unity as one man to Jerusalem my holy city, says the Lord, for where my city is my people are and where my people are my power is, says the Lord, my light is.  Therefore, I say unto you, my gates are open continually for you to come into, says the Lord, therefore come, come, come, says the Lord.  

For it’s not by pure chance that I called you together today, but it is my desire that my body is unified with me leaving your own agendas, your own ideas aside, leaving them aside to follow after me and everything that I have, to follow after my plan, to follow after my vision, to reach the goal that I have set.  So do not follow after your own things, but follow after me, for your own things will never lead you where I will lead you to.  For, truly, I have great things in store for you, greater things yet than you have seen or that you know about, but you will see them, you will see the fullness of those things as they all come to pass.  For my word always comes to pass, it never returns void, don’t ever forget that, but yet man’s word will leave you empty, man’s word will leave you needing help.  So don’t follow after man, but follow after me, for truly I have great things in store for you, saith the Lord.

Etc etc. the spirit of prophecy is in the house, the spirit of prophecy is the spirit of Jesus Christ.  I just hear the Lord say and confirm the ones that have been released here including by the worship leader, the Lord says behold I am doing a new thing here on earth and you and I have moved into it, we have crossed the Jordan.  You can receive it, allow me to search your hearts, all me to examine your wine skins that if you possess old wine skins ask for the grace to leave them even before you depart this place.  For what I am pouring out the eye has not seen the ear heard nor has it entered into the imagination of man, it is a measure of my glory that will cover the earth and those who know me will walk in it.  Many words I am releasing through my true prophets in this hour are eternal works, they will not pass away, heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.   

8-28-2022 pm service

For do not be discouraged, do not be dismayed, for am I not the Lord thy God, am I not the one who brought you unto the promised land, will I not fulfill the promises that I have given unto you?  So, I say unto you, fear not nor be dismayed, for am I not your God, is that who I am, am I your God, and if I am your God you do not need to walk in fear, you do not need to walk in worry, you do not have anything to be concerned about.  For I say unto you, I shall carry you through the days that are coming ahead, for I will give unto you everything that you have need of, I’ve already said I will breathe the anointing upon you, I have breathed the anointing upon this place.  Have not I been faithful, so will I continue to be faithful, for I do not change nor does my word even though sometimes people change, I never change, says the Lord, I never change.  Therefore, I say unto you, do not be discouraged, do not be dismayed for am I not your God?

For I say unto you, my children, do you not see the changes that I have brought forth, says the Lord, since these things began, says the Lord.  For the things that are happening are my time, my season, says the Lord, they’re always to be and nothing you could have done to prevent, says the Lord.  For I’ve called this time and I have sent this time and I shall fulfill this time and great victory for you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, for the victory is yours. 

Do not be moved, do not be shaken, make sure your foundation is sure, make sure you are ready for what is ahead.  For, yes, my judgment has been released upon the earth and judgment must first come to my house.  Therefore, I sent my servant and released it that you would hear and know and understand the things that shall come to pass now.  Do not fear them, but remember to do what I said, pray for those whom I shall have mercy upon that I will show mercy.  For no one should desire to see my judgment, for my judgment is righteous and true.  So do not allow those things to come up, but remember that my word has to be fulfilled and some of these things you have to see before that time and that hour has run out.  So do not fear what is ahead, but go forth boldly, go forth boldly, continuing to do what I have called for you to do, do not slow down, do not lag behind, do not turn to the right, do not turn to the left, but go forward with me, go forward with me, go forward with me, for truly there is much yet to be done and my word shall be fulfilled, saith the Lord.   

8-21-2022 am service

For truly all praises and honor are yours, they’re available to you, to strengthen you, to uplift you, to bless you coming in, to bless you going out, to cause you to be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath.  So, therefore, why would you treat me like you treat me, I don’t treat you like that.  It’s time to wake up and enter into the fullness of all the worship that is going on, for that worship is going to grow and grow and grow and it shall get bigger and bigger and bigger and the people shall flood in from the north and they shall come in from the south, they shall come in from the east and shall come in from the west and they shall know the mysteries of God and they shall reveal unto you the mysteries that you can walk in the fullness of all that I have for you.  So be not fearful, hear me, be not fearful, but enter in, enter in with all your fullness. 

For I say unto you, my children, as your faith continues to grow, says the Lord, it shall reach the peek, says the Lord, for you’ve reached the full stature of Jesus Christ my Son.  Therefore, I say unto you my church, strive for that goal, says the Lord, for surely it shall come.  

For I am a God of honor, as you honor me and lift my name above all other names, as you lift them above all other names and as you shout the joy that I give unto you, you’ll see one miracle after another miracle, the house shall be filled to overflowing with miracles.  You’ll see the lame walking, the blind seeing, you’ll see me in my very best and you shall be at your very best.  So it’s time, saith your Father God, it’s time to rise up.

For those that know any name are calling out your name to all my churches all over the world, it’s a wake up call to them, they’re allowing them to know and entering into praise and worship along with you that’ll manifest the revival that you’re expecting and man cannot stop it.  For I am at the point of ready to remove those that stand in the way, I mean permanently remove them that they’ll no longer stand and resist but they’ll yield unto me and I’ll be able to move with all the fullness of My Spirit. 

For, yes, truly it is my desire that you enter into the fullness of the things that I have for you.  For it is now that time, it is now that hour, don’t look at the circumstances, don’t look at what you see in the natural, but realize what I have said and what I am doing now.  For there is not another time and not another generation for me to move, but the time is now, the time is now, the time is now, move with me, move with me, move with me, for truly that is my desire.  For I desire to use you, I do not desire to have to bring in others, I desire to use you, but I cannot use you if you do not move with me.  Move with me and allow me to do everything that I have said that I would do. 

8-21-2022 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, I am and none else is, says the Lord, I am all that you have need of, says the Lord, put your faith, you hope, your confidence and trust in me, says the Lord, for it is only by me that you’re going to see these things through victoriously, says the Lord.  Put off your bank account, put off the things that you put your trust in, says the Lord, for I am your trust. 

For I know the things that you need and I watch over that to make sure that I am doing everything that I have said that I would do.  Therefore, there is nothing that you need to be concerned about if your walking closely by my side.  But sadly many are not walking where I have said they should, but it is very easy, it just takes a small course correction to get back on track, but truly great things are in store for those who walking with me, saith the Lord. 

8-14-2022 am service

For I say unto you, my children, you’ve crossed over to the other side of the bridge, says the Lord, where is everyone else?  I say unto you, they’re coming, says the Lord, they’re coming, be ready, be ready, says the Lord.  For the things that are coming are going to be great, says the Lord.  Therefore, keep eyes awake and alert, says the Lord, and watch.  

For, yes, truly it is the time and the hour for fulfillment, so do not look at the circumstances, do not look in the natural realm but look at the spiritual realm and see all that I have done, see all that I am yet to do, for truly it is now that time and now that hour.  So, I say, don’t look at the circumstances but look to me, for truly I am doing all that I have said that I would do, saith the Lord.  

8-14-2022 pm service 

For I say unto you, my children, I am only beholding your face, says the Lord, that you behold mine, says the Lord, for my word is me, says the Lord.  Do you know what my word says, do you operate in my word, says the Lord?  For many do not, many do not know what my word says, many do not do my word, for I say unto you, the only way is my word.  Therefore, I say unto you, know what my word says, says the Lord. 

And walk in the way that I have called you to walk in by my side every step of the way allowing me to lead and guide and direct you.  For, truly, the world is very dark and it’s only getting darker and darker and darker and more evil and more evil and you need my light to find your way through.  But I have made a way for you, remember that there is a way that has already been made that you can be victorious, that you can be the overcomer that has everything that you have need of and it is my desire that you walk in that way and not your own.  For truly I have great plans in store for you, they’re plans to prosper, they’re plans for you to go forward and accomplish all the things that I have called for you to do.  For, yes, it is now that hour, yes it is that time, realize that and realize the importance of walking by my side, for truly the hour is late. 

8-7-2022 am service

For, truly, I am all that you need, for I am right there waiting, waiting, for many times my children don’t even call out to me, even cry out to me, and I am right there waiting, waiting for them to call upon me, for them to call upon my name.  They shall receive that which they have need of, for I am always ready, waiting to give them the answer and yet my people many times do not ask.  Oh, I say unto you, be not like that but, I say unto you, call upon me.  For do you not know that I care about you, do you not know that I even have the hairs of your head numbered that is how much I care for you, says your Father.  Therefore, I say unto you, know when you come to me as your Abba, as your daddy, for in these days ahead you need to know me as that, says the Lord, you need to know me in a broad personal way that you walk in the fullness of all that I have in store for you.  Therefore, I say unto you, draw close like never before and know who I am, know that I am with you to the very end and know that there is nothing, nothing that I cannot do for you.  So, therefore, I say unto you, walk with me like never before, draw close like never before and walk in the fullness, walk in the fullness, do you hear that my children, I said walk in the fullness of what I have already given unto you.     

For I say unto you, my children, allow my word to transform you, to mold you, says the Lord, to the end that I have created you to be, says the Lord.  Not in the world’s image, but in my image, says the Lord, for that’s why I have fashioned you after me, says the Lord.  Therefore, if the world doesn’t see me, but what are they seeing a mere reflection, says the Lord, of me, says the Lord, of me, not of the world.  Therefore, allow my word to transform you into what I’ve called you to be, says the Lord.    

For there is so much more in store for you than what you see on the surface and those who never dig in and really go deeper never realize the fullness of the things that I have for them.  Don’t be one of those who lives on the surface, but continue to dig deeper, continue to dig deeper, continue to dig deeper.  For, yes, I have much more in store for you than you realize and it is my desire for you to receive the fullness of all those things, not just part, but the fullness, the complete package.  So realize that it’s time to dig in deeper, it’s time to dig in deeper and receive everything that I have, saith the Lord. 

8-7-2022 pm service

For even though the world is changing, I do not change nor does my word change.  Therefore, I say unto you, you can rest assured that I am the same yesterday today and forever, it does not matter what is taking place in the world I am still your God, I am still your Father and I will see you through.  Therefore, I say unto you, walk in the faith that I have given unto you, do not waver, do not turn to the right or to the left but, I say, keep your eyes upon me, know, be steadfast, be unmoveable and you will see my hand move mightily upon you and those who know my name I shall answer.  Therefore, I say unto you, do not be shaken by the things you are going to see in the world but, I say unto you, rest assured that I am here and that I change not and I will carry you through, says the Lord.

For I say unto you, my children, I send my rain on the just and the unjust, yet for you, says the Lord, I send my spiritual rain that you can grow, grow and grow, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, receive that rain that I give every morning, says the Lord, throughout the day, says the Lord, receive it and grow, says the Lord, for grow you must do, says the Lord. 

For, yes, truly great are the things that I have in store for you, for it is far from over, for there is much yet to be done, there is yet much to be fulfilled and it is that time now, it is that hour now.  Don’t look at the circumstances, don’t look in the natural realm, but look in the spiritual realm, realize where you are, realize who you are in me and what I have called for you to do and I’ve called for you to fulfill it.  I haven’t called for you to leave it short; I haven’t called for you to leave it uncompleted, for I have called for you to fulfill it.  Therefore, do what I have said, go along with me, for I have given you the keys to be successful and if you have gotten those keys you’re able to walk where I have called you to walk.  Get into my word like never before, for yes, it is that time when you need to spend more time in my word, more time in the spirit realm like I have told you over and over and over.  For you are the overcomers, you are the victors, and great are the things that are yet in store for you. 

8-3-2022 pm service

The more you enter into the Spirit realm the more you shall enjoy my presence and I shall enjoy yours, for truly this is the time of the open hand and I shall open my hand to you with blessing after blessing after blessing that you can walk even as giants, the Christian giants.  And as the world looks upon you they’ll draw nigh unto you to find out how, how, how are you doing this and you shall tell them, for truly you are mine.

For I say unto you, my children, my open hand comes with your open heart, says the Lord, when you open your heart to me, says the Lord, my hand opens for you.  Open my word unto me that I can reveal it to you, says the Lord, for my word is what you have need of today. 

For, yes, it is my desire that you enter into that place where you can receive everything that I have for you.  For I desire to give it unto you, I’m ready to do it, but are you ready to receive it, are you in the place where you can receive it, have you done everything that I have said for you to do, are you walking with me.  For if you can say yes to all of those things then you are in that place, if not, get yourself into that place because it is that time, it is that hour and I desire to move, saith the Lord. 

For truly the promises are laid out unto the church and if you do not look at them religiously you will see promises that you have never seen before in all of your life.  For I don’t speak the religious words that people do, I speak in the Spirit realm and as you look in the Sprit realm you begin to see, yes, truly, truly, truly the miracles are mine.  

7-31-2022 am service

For, truly, you can rest in my faithfulness, for I will do those things that my word declares that I have said that I would do.  Man does not understand me nor does man walk with me, it’s your Spirit, you walk with me in the Spirit realm and the Spirit realm opens your understanding and leads you day by day, it guides you, it protects you, it talks to you.  If you don’t hear my voice and know my voice come into that Spirit realm, come into that place where I can take care of you and make you everything that I’ve promised you.  Just because you’ve received some of my promises, do not stop, but press in farther.  For you’re in the time right now, a new time, never been in before and in that new time shall come forth promises you’ve never known.  

Therefore, I say unto you, my children, jump into my word and discover those things I have for you, says the Lord, for many things you have never sought out nor found, says the Lord, but they’re there, they’re there, but you look other where, says the Lord.  Have faith in me, says the Lord, have faith in my word, for faith that I have given unto you shall call all things into being that you have need of, says the Lord, and what others have need of.  Get up, get up and jump in my word, says the Lord.   

For you’re in a new time and a new era and it’s never been here before, man has never seen it, so if they come and begin to tell you things that are not written in my word, that they cannot show you in my word, then it’s not of me. But the new things shall take you into the greater things and the greater things shall lead you into perfect peace and you shall live in my peace.  For greater is he that’s in you than he that’s in the world. 

For, I say unto you, you are the greatest team of all that I have, there is no other team as great as yours, and if you’ll function as I tell you to function, if you’ll do the things that I lay out before you and show you my word, regardless of who tells you it’s right or wrong, remember we’ve never been in this time before, and because you’ve never been in this time before, how do they know except I reveal it to them as I have already revealed it to you in one way, whatever they say to you another way is not of me. 

For you will witness my power in full operation, others will not be able to say that, for they will think they have power but when it comes right down to it they will be able to do nothing, nothing, nothing.  For they can do nothing without me, and if they’re not walking with me, if they’re not following me, if they’re not mine then they do not have my power, they do not have my authority, they do not have my ability.  Remember I said you would be able to tell the true from the false, because those who are true will have power, those who are false will not.  Beware of the things that are coming, but remember I have already given you victory; I have already made a way for you when there was no way before.  Walk closely by my side; be in the Spirit realm where you can hear me and I can direct you.  For many are not in that place even though they think they are, but they are not being directed by me, so remember to walk closely by my side, walk closely by my side. 

7-31-2022 pm service

Did you come here to worship me, was your mind even upon me before you came, do you know what day of the week it is, and yet my people at times say I love you, I serve you, I’m faithful to you and I wonder where my people are?  For in this last hour in order to receive the things that I have said and the things that I desire to do that faithfulness has to be there, it has to be there, it’s not an option.  And if you can’t do that then you need to step back, saith your Father God, for I need those that will do my will. 

For I say unto you, my children, when I pull up my net will you be in it, says the Lord, will you be in my net, says the Lord?  That’s the question you need to ask yourself, says the Lord, if you’re not in my net you’re going to be left behind, says the Lord, with no promise left to you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, get in my net if you’re not in it already, says the Lord.  

For my word is very clear if you read it and if you pray in the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit cannot dwell in you and be faithful to you if you’re not faithful to me.  That is why you don’t bring forth utterances and you don’t have interpretations and you do not move in the other gifts of the Spirit.  But I’m ready to pour out My Spirit upon all, all, all, and any that are not flowing in that do not walk after or follow, but follow those that are filled with My Spirit.   

If you’ll notice very, very carefully all these messages followed the same course, all of them, therefore you can see and know and understand it is definitely me speaking to you and not man.  Not one of them varied from what the first said, that’s how you tell what the moving of the Spirit is, it doesn’t divide itself, it moves in unity. 

For the Spirit is life like water is to your natural body, so is the Spirit to your Spiritual body, it brings life.  Therefore, understand how important it is and how important it is that you need to operate in the Spirit realm in this time and in this hour, for it is very, very important and I have told you again and again and again.  Therefore, receive it when I pour it out, saith the Lord. 

7-27-2022 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, for if you were colorblind you would argue what color a school bus was, says the Lord, yet I know the color because I’m the one that is not blind, says the Lord, yet you would argue.  But I say unto you my, children, know my word that it is truth and line your vision with mine, says the Lord. 

For many Christians fail for they know not the truth nor are they mine, for they walk their own way and not mine and yet many people are caught up in their lies because they do not follow the leading of the Spirit.  And yet I have said test the Spirits and see if they are truth, for even Elijah did that to the people on Mt. Carmel, remember that?  He asked them one question and I showed up and proved who I was, have I not proved myself to you over and over and over again?  There should be no doubt, there should be no fear, there should be no unbelief, for all I need you to do is trust in me, for I will lead you where you need to go, man will not but I will, follow me, saith the Lord. 

7-24-2022 am service

etc. for truly as a fact I will always be that shadow hidden in your love, there to carry you and strengthen you, there to make you the overcomers, there to heal the whole man, just not the spiritual, but the whole man that you can be everything that I designed and called you to be.  For our life and the things that come into our life have affected us, changed us, made us beings that we don’t even want to be.  But deep inside we know, we know your love and we’ve tasted your love and we’ve accepted your love and for one moment, one moment, I can touch your hearts, I can change the whole man, that’s my desire to change the whole man.  Not just the outer, but the inner that you can be all to all men.

For I say unto you, my children, did I not create everything, says the Lord, and that creation is still going forth today, it never stopped, says the Lord, from the day I spoke it it’s still expanding, says the Lord.  Yet I, your Father God, keep everything in its proper place and I know everything that is going on at every time and I control it all, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, what is your life that I cannot take your life, says the Lord, and do with it what I will do with it, says the Lord?  As you give me yourself watch what I can do with you, says the Lord, keep it and you will lose it, says the Lord, but I say allow me to do what I plan for you from the day that I have created you, says the Lord.   

Oh the beauty, the beauty that I have for you if you allow me, me, not man, me, me the master that I can create and form in you the spiritual things that you don’t even know.  For the songs you sang this morning, if you would have listened, every one of them should have spoken loud and clear to your hearts.  Do you get any of those songs or are they far above your head and you know the more doubts you have the greater the ambition killer you have within you and it kills your ambition to reach those greater things.  For in this last hour I have the greatest of all things for you, it is an hour that no man has seen so how can you plan?  How can you in your great wisdom and knowledge ever see or understand clearly all that I desire to do, but I will do it if you’ll allow me.  Because I love you so much I created everything for you, it’s all yours and I’ll give it all to you just walk with me, let me tell you, let me lead you, let me do the leading.  Oh the beauty, the beauty that I have for you, for up to this hour very few have ever seen what I have for the remainder of the short time that you have, the really the short time that you have is only introduction to the long time of eternity that you’ll always live, you’ll always walk in, you’ll always be there and you’ll know how it should have been in this life.  But you had other cares, you had other dreams, you had other desires and the more of them that’s piled up in your life the farther they drove you from me.  But now, but now you’re beginning to see, you’re beginning to understand, now, now is that hour.    

And you shall see the fullness of those things, for all things are possible even when man says it’s impossible, I have said all things are possible to those that believe, to those who stand upon my word, to those who trust me with their heart, to those who put all of their confidence in me.  For, yes, I have given unto you my word and my promise and I shall see it through.  Therefore be assured knowing that you are going to see the fullness of what I have for you yet, saith the Lord.

7-24-2022 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, all of the signs are pointing to the signs of my soon return, says the Lord. Therefore, I say unto you, Noah prepared an ark, says the Lord, when I told him I was going to flood the earth he was diligent and he built that ark, he prepared that ark, says the Lord.  Are you preparing for my return, says the Lord, for in so doing you will be ready, says the Lord, and not only that but the things between now and then, are you preparing for the things I have in store for you, says the Lord?  For if you haven’t been preparing you’re going to be lost, says the Lord, you’re not going to be able to be used, says the Lord, for you’re not going to be ready.

Let go of all of the things that are weighing you down, of all the things that are bogging your mind down and give them unto me this night, says the Lord.  For if you give them to me do not take them back, for I have brought freedom unto you that you can walk in the abundance of what I have given unto you.  I desire that you walk in my peace, I desire that you walk in my provision, I desire that you walk in my joy, I desire that you walk in my love, a love that never changes, it’s everlasting.  Therefore, I say unto you, let go, let go of the things that you do not need, says the Lord, fill yourself with only my things and do you not know that I am here, I’m here to meet your needs and as you reach out unto me even this night you will not be the same way you came.

For yes, truly, I desire to do many great things on your behalf, are you ready, have you prepared yourself for this time and for this hour, are you ready to do all that I have called you to do, are you ready to receive all the things that I have for you?  For you should be ready, you should be ready for those things, for you should have prepared for this time, for this hour, for I’ve told you it was coming and now it is here and you shall see the fullness of those things come to pass now, saith the Lord, so be ready, be ready, be ready. 

7-17-2022 am service

For I say unto you, my children, I am your all in all, says the Lord, put your trust and faith and hope in me, says the Lord, and I’ll see you through as a ship in the midst of a storm, says the Lord.  I am your guide give it to me, says the Lord, give it to me. 

For it is my word that is the anchor that will take you through in the days ahead.  Therefore, I say unto you, have my word not only within your heart but have my word within your mouth on a daily basis speaking forth the things that you desire.  It is that hour; it is that time that I told you to rise up like never before.  For I have given unto you all the armor that you have need of to walk victorious in these days.  Oh, I say unto you, learn how to rest in me, learn how to give unto me your burden that you do not get turned around, but that you walk in the freedom that I have already given unto you through my Son when he died upon that cross, to walk in the freedom that I’ve given unto you.  For I have, I have given to you all that you need, my children, that you could walk in the more abundant life.  Therefore, I say unto you, follow me and walk in the abundance.   

For I say unto you, don’t let anything stop you from receiving everything that I have for you.  Don’t let anything stop you from achieving the goals that I have given you.  For truly it is my desire that you run the race and fulfill the course that I have set out, do not be strayed to the right or to the left but stay focused upon me, stay focused upon what I am doing, stay focused upon what my word has said.  For truly it is that hour and it is that time and it is time for you to fulfill everything that I have called you to fulfill, saith the Lord.  

7-17-2022 pm service 

For I say unto you, my children, let my word come forth out of your mouth, says the Lord, not the word of doubt but my word, says the Lord.  For where my word is there are results, there is life in my word, says the Lord.  Therefore, know my word, speak my word and do my word, says the Lord. 

For, yes, truly the time is now and the hour is now and, yes, many great things are in store for my church, many great and wonderful things.  For I have many promises that are yet 


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