Previous Predictions Page 22 Aug 2007 on..


10-28-07 am service

For yea, my promises are true unto you; they shall go forth and bring to pass those things that I, your Father God, have sent them forth to do. I am fulfilling my word, I am keeping my covenant, you are walking in the blessings, and at times know not that you are walking in the blessings, neither do you see the things that I, your Father God, have told you, for you understand them not, for you walk not in them as I have instructed you to walk. But fear not, for even though now the times that you see upon the face of the earth shall grow worse and worse and worse. The drought shall get greater and greater and greater; does not my word say that? The storms shall get larger and larger, more deaths will be lost, does not my word say that? There shall be shakings here, there shall be shakings there, government shall rise up against government, there shall be wars and rumors of wars. You shall see the antichrist as he begins to establish his position even more clearly now, even more clearly now. For many of you are already aware of who he is, you know the false prophet, you know the things that are ahead, for I have declared these things unto you, I have made them known unto you that you can walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. There shall be not only a famine, but there shall be great high cost of food. Gas will continue to rise higher, troubles shall be seen all over from Iraq all the way to Israel. You shall see Russia as she enters into this, you shall see China as she enters into this, for they will not sit idly by and allow you to stop the oil flow. They will not idly sit by and watch you control the area they desire to control, great troubles are ahead. The euro continues to grow strength over the dollar. The price of oil continues to go up. Food will be used for oil causing a famine, causing higher prices; these are the things that you shall see. But I have told you to fear not, for I shall supply for you, I shall take care of you, I shall lead you through this time victorious and you shall walk in the fullness of the blessings that I have given unto you. For I have called every single one of you, I have appointed you a position in the army that I, your Father God, have established. Even though you are tiny, even though you look very small, yet the work that you are doing is far greater than any other work going today. You do not know these things, saith your Father God, but I have shared them with you, I have told you these things that you can walk in the fullness of the promises that I have for you, that you can rise up and stop looking back and stop whining and go forward like I have told you to go forward. For a whining dog only covers and hides, he does not stand up, he does not guard his house, he does not go forth to battle, all he does is whine, he covers, he hides, he shakes in fear. Be not like that, saith your Father God, but rise up in the strength, rise up in the power, rise up in the ability that I have given unto you. And know this, you have food on your table, you will be warm, you will be clothed, the blessings shall come to you. People shall come from the north, they shall come from the south, they shall come from the east, they shall come from the west, even as I have told you. The north will be the slowest area coming, but others will come, for they are seeing now the drought all over, they are seeing the things you have spoken come to pass. They are watching as the ice melts because of the global warming and as the ocean levels rise higher and higher eating up seashore here and seashore there. The only body of water that is growing is the ocean, saith your Father God, for the lakes and the streams are drying up. I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me and upon my word, upon the things that I have shared with you, upon the things that I have told you. Build yourself strong, get into my word, watch your mouth, most of you are not watching your mouth and the things that are coming out of your mouth are not my words, they are not my promises, you are annulling the things that I am doing, your casting them down, you are voiding them, you are stopping the work that I am trying to do. Speak my word, saith your Father God, speak my word, declare it to the four winds, speak my word, speak my word, stand tall, for truly you are in a time of warfare that you know not yet. But you are the victors, you are the overcomers, you are the head and you shall go forth to do the things that I have told you to do. You shall be a light to the whole world and they shall come even as I have told you before, presidents, kings, queens, they shall come to get a word from you, they shall come to hear and already many have come by way of the internet and they have spoken unto you and you have given them words that have come to pass. Oh, I say unto you, rise up, shake off the dust, shake off the dirt, shake off the doubt, shake off the disappointment and go forth, begin to run, run, run, run with the word that I have given to you. Run with the things that I have said unto you, for truly I am fulfilling my word to you.

Do not walk in fear, for what can the enemy do unto you, nothing, cause I have already given unto you the victory. Therefore, fear ye not the things that shall take place in the world. Know ye not they must come because of the time you are living in. Therefore, I say unto you, put your trust in me like never before. Truly know that I am your Father and I am your God and I will deliver you even as I delivered the Hebrew children out of that fiery furnace, so shall I deliver you and I shall provide for you. Therefore, do not fear or allow the enemy to bring fear upon you, wondering what you shall do or how shall you take care of yourself or what will happen tomorrow. But I say unto you, trust me, for I have said I will give you all that you have need of. Walk with me like never before, for if you walk in your own wisdom and your own strength you shall fall and you shall fall greatly, but if you walk in my wisdom, if you walk in my strength you shall walk in the abundance of the victory that I have provided for you. Therefore, know my word and know my voice and walk ye therein.

Know this, mark it down, says your Father God, for you are on the edge of the second plateau, you shall reach the top and then you shall go down, it shall be like I have already told you. For as you go down it will be like you’re out of control, you will running so fast you will not know what to do. But things shall come to pass so quickly that you will sit back in amazement, at times you will feel like you are out of control. But fear not, saith your Father God, for I have told you these things.

10-28-07 pm service

Let your hearts be open, let your ears be open, listen carefully to the things that the Spirit shall share unto you this night. Let your mind be open, for many have forgotten, it is not time to forget, but it is time to go forward, it is time to move in assurance, it is time to do the things that I have spoken to you to do. Be not fearful of the things that are coming upon the face of the earth at this moment, saith your Father God. Know not that the foolishness of the government of this country has spoken things that have angered others that shall cause great disaster in the days that are ahead. Oh, the trouble, the trouble, the trouble, the trouble on the north, the trouble on the south, the trouble on the east, the trouble on the west, through the whole world trouble all going after the things that they desire to have themselves, not caring who they take them from nor what they do to get them. But let your eyes be upon me, upon my work, fear not these things, but press into the fullness of the things that I have for you. For I have made you victors, I have made you overcomers, you are the head and not the tail, you are above and not beneath and you shall go forth like a great army and you shall take the land and shall do the things that I, your Father God, have spoken unto you. There shall be food on your table and meat in your house, you will not lack in any area. So fear not, fear not when you hear of the drought, of the disaster, of the famine, fear not those things, let them not trouble your heart, but walk with me, walk with me and I will show you exactly what to do.

It is an hour when my true glory is displayed; it is a glorious time my children for those who are truly walking with me, for those who know my word and are looking and watching as my word says. Oh, they shall be blessed, for my blessings shall flood into their lives, as they see the lateness of the hour their heart greatly rejoices, because they know what is in store. They know what I have spoken unto them; they know the great things that I shall do for my people. It is an hour of great excitement because I am doing all that I have said that I will do, and oh, so much more. For you have not even begun to even taste or see what I have in store, it shall truly be my finest hour like I have said and great, great shall be the things that I shall do on behalf of my children. Prepare your hearts, make yourself ready, for even in times past when I have said to prepare many go unprepared, and yet it is not an hour to be fooling around, to be doing your own thing, but it is an hour to be studying, to show yourself approved, studying my word knowing what is going to take place, knowing what I have in store, knowing what I have called you to do. Do not slack off, but I say unto you, press in even more so knowing the lateness of the hour and knowing the things that I shall do. For it shall be even far beyond some peoples wildest dreams, but my word has declared it and it shall be so.

Man is shaking a cradle filled with great disaster and heartache. Greed, pride and lack of wisdom says shake it, shake it, pray concerning this.

10-24-07 pm service

Let your hearts be filled with praise, let your voice be heard loud and clear, let the enemy know that you are a victor, you are not defeated, you are the overcomers. Let your voice be heard, lift up your voices; let your voice be heard, for truly the enemy is fearful, he is on the run. Let your voice be heard, lift up your voices; proclaim the promises that I have given unto you. Stand on my word; stand on my promises, for truly you shall see great, wonderful, mightily things done on your behalf. I say unto you, lift up your voices, lift up your voices, let your voices be heard, lift up your voices I say.

When the worshipers went before my army victory always came, victory was always there, the enemy would flee, the enemy would be destroyed, they would walk in the victory that I have given unto them. Let it be known unto you this night, saith your Father God, you have your victory. Not only do you have your victory, you have the open doors that you have been waiting for. So let your mouth be filled with joy, let your hearts be filled with joy, let my name be lifted up on high, for truly, truly I, your Father God, have already moved.

10-21-07 am service

Let your hearts be filled with expectation, let my joy fill you to overflowing, let my words be in your mouth that you may speak them forth with truth and with power that my anointing may go to work on your behalf. Be not fearful of those things that the world is seeing, the things that are taking place, but realize that they are just end time signs. For truly the whole world is seeing end time signs, from the very skies to the depths of the oceans. They are seeing the global warming, they are seeing the drought, they are seeing the loss of water all over and they recognize that truly it is taking place and they do not know which way to turn. They see the wars, the rumors of wars; they see Iraq and Iran as they continue to go their evil ways. They see Russia as she joins with Iran speaking out boldly against the United States; they see all the signs that are there. They are seeing even the EU as it now meets with Iran and talks with them. When will they wake up, when will they recognize that truly it is the last days, that people dare to come against me and my church, that there is no fear, no respect, only mockery, how long do they think I will wait? Will I not shorten the very days so that even the very elect will not be deceived; have I not said these things? Let not your hearts be troubled, but rejoice, for you are the victors, for the victory truly is yours.

Even as the sun rises in the morning, so should your mouth be filled with my praises. The moment that you get out of bed, from the time you go to sleep, your mouth should be filled with my praises. For do you not know that, as you praise me and as you thank me for all that I am doing and yet going to do, that the enemy quickly flees because he cannot stand to hear my people praise me? For when you are down and distraught and speaking forth negatively, the enemy thinks he has made grounds, but not when you have my word in your heart and you are speaking forth my word and continually allowing my praise to flow from your mouth, victory upon victory upon victory will you walk in because the enemy quickly flees. Know my children this very important key and you will walk in total and complete victory as you walk with me. Do not allow the enemy to come in to cause you to doubt or to disbelieve what I have spoke unto you and what I have said I will do. But I say unto you, allow my word to well up within you like never before that you are rejoicing in the fact that I am doing great and mighty things. And even though the enemy may fight at times, you already know that you are the victorious one and you shall walk as that victorious one. Therefore, I say unto you, when you wake up in the morning have those praises flowing out of your mouth and speak forth my word and watch as I, your Father God, do all I have promised that I have said that I will do.

For my peace is like a river flowing gently in the warm sunlight as it carries you into the depths of my heart, in the depths of my presence that I can bless you, that I can exalt, that I can lift you up, that I can cause you to run, to run, to run, knowing, knowing that you are the victor, knowing that we have the victory, and knowing that the days are short, knowing that I come soon and yet there is a work to be done, running, running, running to fulfill all that I have sent you to do.

Fear not, for you do have a word from me, saith your Father God, for you are not like the children of old that cried out that I have no word from God. For I have given unto you my word, I have given unto you my promise, I have laid upon you my anointing, my plans, my purpose and I have blessed you, saith your Father God. So fear not, but walk, walk in the power that I have given unto you.

10-21-07 pm service

For truly my love for you is far greater than you see or understand or even know. It is an everlasting love, a love filled with promises, a love filled with assurances, a love filled with peace, a love filled with healing, that you may walk in a very high realm that I have for you, the highest realm, the realm where you walk side by side with me, where you can come into my throne room and make your request known unto me that I can move mightily on your behalf, that I can bring those things that you desire into being. So fear not, fear not the trouble on the right hand and on the left hand, fear not the things that you see and hear in the world, for I have warned you about all these things. Nothing that is going on is new that I have not already told you. Put your trust, your faith, your hope in me, for you are going to go through this time victoriously. You will walk in a way that you have never walked before and you will see and know and understand the things that are going to take place and you will be able to share them with others that they may walk in a higher realm than they are walking in now. So fear not the changes that are here, fear not the storms, the drought, the high cost of living, fear not those things, for I shall take you through this time victoriously.

Recall the promises that I have given unto you, not only as individuals, but as a church, as a body. Recall things that I have spoken unto you that you can truly walk in victory that I have given unto you in every single area. Do not allow the enemy to steal from you, for as you recall my promises and bring to remembrance the things that I have said, there is no way the enemy can steal from you the things that I have promised you. When you keep them in front of you, when you always keep them on your mind you will be dwelling on them and that will cause you to speak forth my word concerning that situation. Know the promises I have given unto you through my word, for I have laid nuggets, upon nuggets, upon nuggets in my word that you can walk victoriously. Therefore, I say, study my word like never before that you may be found approved unto me and you shall be greatly rewarded even as my word declares. Know that I remind you my children because I desire that you walk in the fullness of all that is yours. Do not fall short, but truly walk in the abundance that I, your Father God, have already provided for you.

Remember the word that I gave unto you concerning the blessings that shall yet come this year. Stand on my word, stand on my promises, claim those things that I, your Father God, have for you.


Let your hearts be comforted. Let my peace fill you to overflowing. Let my wisdom and my knowledge flow through you in a way it has never flowed before. Draw closer to me.  Do not doubt, for doubt is of the enemy.  But walk in the faith that I have given unto you.  Walk in the understanding that I have taught you.  Listen carefully to my word, meditate upon them, ponder on them.  Know the truth of them.  For truly in the world there’s much chaos,  there’s much trouble.  Trouble here, trouble there.  Wars here, wars there.  Pray for my people in the Congo. Lift them up that I your Father God might move mightily on their behalf; that I may destroy the enemy and drive it far from there.  Walk close, walk close.  Fear not the cost of oil, fear not the cost of food.  Fear not all these high costs that shall come.  For I have promised that I shall take you through this time victoriously.   Fear not Russia and Iran working together as one.  For in my Word  it declares  that they shall march on down into Israel.  Know ye not my Word?  Study my Word and show yourself approved. Know the things that I have said that you can stand in the fullness of the promises that I have for you.  That you can walk in the victory that I have given unto you.  That you can be the overcomer.  That you can be the head and not the tail.  That you can be all that I said you can be.


Be sensitive in your spirit says the Lord.  For even as you drive a car, you must always  be sensitive to that which is around you, to that which surrounds you. You must be ready to excel.  You must be ready to brake at a moments notice.  So I say unto you, always be sensitive in the same way to my voice, says the Lord.  For it is a time to move quickly with my Word, to speak my Word and to make my word known and yet there’s a time to stop only to listen.  And to be sensitive that you might see more clearly the things that I want to reveal to you in these days that you live.   And in deed I will show and tell many things that you must understand.  For I will not leave you comfortless in the days ahead.  I will bring you into all the knowledge and understanding and wisdom that I want to show you and reveal unto you.


Be alert, be watchful know that the enemy goes about seeking whom he may devour.  Know his tactics, know his traps.  Know that I your Father God have already given you victory over everything he may try to bring in your path.  Do not fear, but know that you are the overcomer.  Even though he roars loudly, he does not have any teeth.  Remember that I have given unto you all power, all authority over the enemy and you are the victorious one.  Therefore I say, Be alert, Be watchful, knowing the enemy seeks whom he may devour.


Search the scriptures and know my Word.  Study that you may be one that I can use in a mighty way in these days ahead.  Walk in the spirit realm that you can hear me and follow me.  That you can obey the things that I speak unto you.  Prepare yourself now that you can walk in victory when the time comes.


10-14-07 am service

Oh, the things I have in store for those who press in, for those who study to show themselves approved as my word declares, oh, the rewards that they shall have in this hour and this time. It is an hour to draw close unto me like never before, for the darkness of the world is only continuing to get darker and darker, but as you spend time in my word, as you spend time quietly before me where I can speak to you, you shall be renewed with my strength and you shall have all that you have need of to truly do what I have called you to do for this hour and this time. Know the seriousness of the hour you are living in, know that I am coming soon. Do not play church, but I say unto you, be serious, get into my word, know me like never before, that when the winds come from the storms, that you are able to stand and stand victoriously, that you are not like the foolish one who built upon the sand and quickly falls, but you have built upon me and my foundation, the foundation of my word and you shall stand when those storms come. Therefore, I say unto you, be diligent to seek me now, seek me now my children, for the hour is drawing late and you do not have much time, no, but you do have time to do all that I have called you to do. Therefore, draw close to me like never before, draw close, draw close, for I have great things in store for you.

10-14-07 pm service

Know ye not that I am your God? Know ye not the love that I have for you? Oh, my children, it is my desire that you walk in my path filled with great blessings, my path filled with joy and peace and an abundance of love. Know me like never before, it is an hour to cast down the things of the world and to truly follow me, that I am your Lord, that I am your Savior, that I am your God, that there is nothing that comes before me. For I have made the way, a way, my children, that is straight and narrow yet a way that is filled with such blessings, a way that will cause you to walk in prosperity like never before, a way that is filled with many, many things that I have given unto you as my children, as my sons and my daughters. It is not a hard walk; it is a walk that requires walking in holiness. A walk that requires letting go of yourself and giving all to me. A walk that requires knowing and walking and living in my word. Know ye not the love that I have for you, know ye not all that I have said is yours, the promises that I have given unto you? Know my word like never before, for in this hour, in this time that you are living in, the enemy would desire to take away the things that I have promised yet he cannot if you do not allow him to. For I have given them unto you, and as you stand upon me and trust me, stand upon my word, you shall see my word fulfilled even as my word declares, that I send my word forth and it does not return void. Do not be deceived by the evil one, but I say unto you, know my word and press in unto me like never before. For truly I have made a way, a way that is straight, it does not turn to the right or to the left, a way that sees the goal in sight. Walk with me, walk with me, walk with me, know me like you have never known me before, draw ever so close to me, for it is my desire that you walk in the abundance of my blessings, it is my desire that you truly know my voice, that you know me and that you walk in the fullness of all that I have given unto you. Therefore, I say, draw close, draw close, draw close.

Let your spiritual eyes be open, let your spiritual ears be open that you hear clearly, that you listen carefully, that you understand the things that I, your Father God, speak unto your heart, that I share with you, that you may know and understand the many crisises that are ahead, the trouble that is already at the door, the things that are going to take place. For you shall continue to see great disasters, disasters here, disasters there. Iraq will continue to be a bloody place till all the troops are pulled out. Iran will continue to build her nuclear missiles and Russia will continue to give her aid and America will plot against those two countries and it shall backfire on them, for their plot is an evil plot, it is not my desire and it is not my plan. Watch the global warming, watch the drought as it continues to worsen, for winter months shall not bring a relief to it, and as you enter into next summer, quickly the heat shall take place again and the drying shall continue and the global warming will continue, for man cannot stop this, for it is an end time sign. But I say unto you, draw closer to me, come much closer to me, don’t think that you are close enough yet, come closer to me, more closer than you have ever been. Let your ears be open that I can speak to you, know my voice, walk according to my word, for truly as you do that, I shall bless you as I have said, I shall prosper you as I have said, I shall take you through this time victoriously.

Let not your hearts be troubled, but put your total trust in me, listen carefully, know my voice. Fear not the high cost of living that shall come upon you. Fear not the gas prices as they continue to rise. Fear not these things, saith your Father God, for I have promised to take you through this time safely. I shall provide for you, I shall protect you, I shall strengthen you, I shall lift you up unto a higher plain that others shall look upon you and come to you and ask for your help that they may walk in the protection that you walk in. Draw closer, draw closer.

10-10-07 pm service

Be not one that is confused, be not one with no understanding, but know, know the things that I have said unto you. Let your spiritual eyes and ears be open that you can see and understand that you may help others, for truly the hour is very late, much later than many feel, than many think. Keep your eyes upon the troubles throughout the world, for this is an hour of great trouble. Watch as the people search for the man of peace, their hearts are rejoicing thinking that this one will bring peace and that one will bring peace. But I say, watch out, for the antichrist is on the scene and he is moving rapidly to fulfill his position. Iraq will continue to be a bloody place, very bloody, many deaths, Afghanistan shall be the same. There will be troubles in other areas; great troubles, and you will begin to see unrest in its fullness throughout the whole world as things begin to fall apart. Watch as other countries go past America with their dollar, beware, know the things that are taking place, understand these things. Be not fearful concerning these things, for I shall take you through these things victoriously. For there shall yet be flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, great disaster here and great disaster there, but be not fearful, for these are only the signs of the time that you are living in.

For have I not called you into a life of purity, saith the Lord? Have I not called you unto my house that you might come in and go out, come in, go out and remain pure in a spotted world that is all around? Has not my blood cleansed you of every sin, past, present and even the future, saith the Lord? Therefore, I say unto you, press in like you have never pressed in before, to know me like you have never known me before, that you might hear my voice and know my heart, saith God. Oh, for I have loved you for so long and still continue to love you and desire to ever draw closer and closer to you, be a child who is pure.

Beware of the deception in the world; do not allow yourself to fall into the many traps that the enemy has laid out there. But I say unto you, know my word and walk in the light of my word that you be not deceived, but that you walk in the pureness of my word and the truth knowing that truth shall cause you to walk in great victory, it shall cause you to walk as I have said that you can walk in this hour and in this time. Be not deceived by the things of the world, but I say to you, keep your eyes upon me, know what I have spoken unto you and know my word, for therein you shall walk in the light and that light shall cause you to walk in the victory that I have said is yours for this hour.

For all who would cry out to me, saith the Lord, in these days, I have a rescue ship from heaven that will come quickly and there shall be as it were a life preserver for each and everyone to come safely ashore. Continue to intercede my children that each and every soul that would call out to me would be saved.

10-7-07 am service

Let your eyes and your ears continually be open that you may see and understand and know the things that I have spoken unto you. That they might not catch you by surprise or cause you wonderment, but they should bring forth understanding that you can share with others, that you can talk logically, that you can make known the things that are taking place. For truly throughout all the world many things are happening now. As I have said unto you, keep your eyes upon the stock market, watch it very close, listen very carefully to my voice. Understand the global warming and the things that are taking place and why I have told people to move from places where they are to places where they shall be safe. Understand the things that I am saying, for as you understand them, then you put yourself in a position where you walk in the victories that I have for you. But if you don’t understand them, you leave a door open that the enemy can come against you. Great world trouble is taking place, many countries are preparing for war, your President has not guarded his mouth and the things that he says causes his enemies to rise up in great power and wait for the opportunity that they may attack. Be wise, listen to my counsel, do not wander from where I have placed you, but if you are not where I have placed you or called you to be, I speak unto you, come quickly, for there is more disaster coming that you know not yet. For when the water dries up and the oceans come in then the time to move is going to be late, be prepared now.

It is an hour where you need to be underneath my safety, and in order for you to do that, you need to know my voice so I can speak to you, that I can clearly give you the directions, the wisdom and knowledge that you have need of for the days to truly walk in my safety. I have provided you with everything that you need, yet at times my children do not look to me, they have not seen me as all of their source, for I am everything that you need to get through these days ahead in great victory. Therefore, be not foolish and think that you can do it in your own wisdom and your own strength, for you cannot, you need me. You need my wisdom, you need my guidance, you need my strength, you need my ability. Therefore, I say unto you, trust me with your whole heart; is not my word true, am not I fulfilling my promises unto you? For I have continued to walk by your side and to lead you and guide you in the way that you need to walk. Therefore, I say unto you, trust me like never before and know without any shadow or doubt that I will see you through these days ahead. But you also must know that you must walk with me, you must know my word and you need to know my voice that I can guide you and that I can lead you in the path that you need to walk upon. A path that is filled with great love, great peace, peace that the world does not understand nor can they even comprehend, it is a peace that only I give. Do not be troubled when you see the great disasters in the world, but know that these things must come because you are in the last days. Therefore, I say, walk very close with me, walk very close with me.

What good does it do someone to walk in blindness or someone to stop up their ears that they do not hear nor look around about them to see if there be trouble on the right hand or the left hand, behind them or even before them? What good does it do them? They fall into a pit, they become trapped, they become snared that they cannot escape. Be not foolish, be not unwise, be not ignorant concerning the devil nor his devices, but know my word, ponder on my word, know my voice, follow the things that I say.

For I shall bless my people in a new and mighty way, for I shall bless them before the year ends and they shall walk in the newness of the blessings that I have for them. Keep your hearts open, believe, expect, receive.

10-7-07 pm service

Let not your hearts be troubled concerning the things of tomorrow, but keep your mind and your thoughts upon me. For the things of tomorrow you have no control over, but I have control over those things, trust me. I love you with an everlasting love and I shall take you through this time victoriously. Regardless of the things that you see taking place in the world, regardless of the things that you hear, the high cost of living, the global warming, the droughts, let not those things trouble your heart, but do the work that I have called you to do. Let your heart be filled with the joy of this day, and as you enter into tomorrow, let your heart be filled with the joy of that day also. But be not concerned over the things that are down the road, I know those things, I know the way through them and you shall walk in victory as long as you walk with me.

Be an instrument, saith the Lord, an instrument that I might breath into and breath forth a sound and a noise, an alarm. Yea, I say unto you, be an instrument that I might be able to speak through you and use you to announce, to reveal, to show forth. Be an instrument, saith God, be an instrument, gird yourselves, prepare yourself to be an instrument that I might use you.

Have the excitement even as a little child, for they are not burdened down with the cares of the world and neither should you be, but if you watch a child as it walks around they are so carefree enjoying the life. So shall it be for you my children in these last days when you truly learn how to trust me with your whole heart, the cares of the world will not be burdened down upon you, but that burden shall be lifted. For you shall be underneath my peace like never before, you shall know my love and the things of the world will not be burdensome at all, but you shall walk in the perfect peace, the peace that only I can give. Know me like never before, for it is my desire that you walk carefree even as a little child, for it does not have any burdens, no, it walks carefree. Therefore, I say, walk so close to me and allow my peace to flood into you like never before. Do not be concerned with what shall take place in the world in these last days, know they must come, know things are going to take place because my word declares it. But do not walk in fear, no, do not walk, do not walk in the ways of the enemy, but I say unto you, walk in my way and in my way is peace, in my way is joy and in my way there is great love. Therefore, do not be burdened down with the cares of the world, but be like a little child and run carefree, as I desire you to be carefree my children.

Prepare yourselves for a great shaking, a shaking so great that many eyes shall be opened to where we are. Many shall call out to me and cry out to me. Be in prayer for lives, seek my face diligently.

10-3-07 pm service

Oh, the troubles that the world is seeing, the disasters here and the disasters there, great calamities. Oh, the problems that are now coming forth because of the hour, because of the time, because of where we are, but fear not these things, for you are the victors, you shall walk in victory, you shall be the overcomer, you shall be the head and not the tail. For I shall go before you and I shall make a way where there is no way, I will open doors that have never been opened before, I will close doors behind you, I will build a wall round about you that the enemy cannot penetrate, but walk closely by my side, listen to my voice, know my voice, follow the things that I have told you. Be not caught in the traps, look not at the things like the world is trying to tell you, but look at the things the way that I, your Father God, have explained them to you that you can walk in that victory, that you can be that overcomer.

For, oh, what cleansing I bring unto you my children by my Spirit, cleansing from every impurity and deception of sin that you might be pure and holy before me, saith the Lord. Oh, the outpouring of my Spirit in these last days to renew you and to reshape you, to remold you and to prepare you as a bride for myself, saith the Lord. For you shall be without spot and you shall be without wrinkle, saith Lord and you shall be my beautiful bride presented before me, saith the Lord. Oh, how I have longed for this time and for this hour that I might come unto you and you would come unto me. Allow my Spirit to have absolute sway over your life, saith the Lord, for even as you submit yourself unto me this night where a cleansing takes place, that you might know my beauty, saith the Lord, in a new and refreshing way. For I am pouring out my glory from heaven above upon you, saith the Lord, ministering to your every need that you have in the depth of your soul, in the depth of your heart, for I love you so much, says your Father in heaven.

The more you know my love, the more you are free, free to become all that I have called you to be, free to be all that I have said you can be. For my love, yes, it causes you heart to get to the place where it needs to be that I can truly mold you and shape you into what I desire for you to be. And as you allow my love to flow through you, as you allow my Spirit to abide within you, change takes place. For where my Spirit is there is great liberty, there is great freedom, there is great joy and I am able to do mighty things. Oh, I say unto you, it is an hour to know my love like never before that you can truly see yourselves as all I have said that you are. That you can walk in the freedom that I have provided through my son Jesus Christ who sacrificed and gave his life that you can have that life and that more abundantly. Know my love, for I have given unto you everything, there is not one thing that I withhold from you, do you understand that, do you really know that, do you know my love, for when you know my love, you shall walk in the freedom that I have given to you.

For a word meditated upon can become a word of life, a word of healing, a word of deliverance, a word of protection, a word of blessing. My words are words that you should meditate upon, dwell upon, let come alive in your heart. For as they come alive in your heart, they come out of your mouth, and as they come out of your mouth, they return to me and I send them back to fulfill those things that you sent them forth to do.


8-29-07 pm service

Oh what a time of trouble for the world, oh the evilness that lurks in the shadows waiting to strike, ready to deceive, to lead away, to take captive those that know not the word. Oh the troubles, the troubles, the troubles, troubles on the right hand, troubles on the left hand, troubles before, trouble behind, surrounded by troubles and the world knows not which way to turn. They know not what to do, but they follow after the plan of their father the devil, they press towards the goals that they feel within themselves are the goals to reach and deeper and deeper and deeper into trouble they go. But I say unto you, fear not, be not fearful, for I am your Father and you are my children and I shall take you through this time victoriously, you shall be the overcomers. The pestilence that comes shall not hurt you, the shortages of food and other things that shall now come, shall not hurt you; the higher cost of oil shall not hurt you. The earthquakes, the tornadoes, the hurricanes, the flooding shall not hurt you, for I shall take you through this time victoriously. Even though these troubles that I have spoken of this night, saith your Father God, are all around about, they shall not come nigh your dwelling, you are protected, for I have told you these things. So fear not, fear not, look not for peace, for when peace comes it shall be brought by the antichrist. Look for the mark of the beast though; look for the global warming, look for the oceans to eat up the seashore, these things you shall see. But fear not again, for they are not for you, for I have a road for you, a superhighway that carries you to total safety and total peace and total comfort. Trust me, trust me, know my word.

Do I not know the number of hairs on your head? Will I not take care of you, will I not see you through even the most difficult times, yes, I will. For I am your Father and I love you with an everlasting love, yet at times my children do not know what that love really means. It is an hour where they need to know my word and what I have said and to know that the promises I have given unto them in my word are for them to stand upon and to live victoriously in. It is not an hour to walk in fear, but it is an hour to walk in my faith, the faith that I have given unto you to trample upon the head of the enemy and to march victoriously. For I have given unto you that power, I have given unto you that ability, I have given you all that you need to truly succeed in this life. Therefore, know my word, do not listen to the lies of the enemy nor fall in his traps, but walk in my word and listen to me, for I have given you everything that you can walk in life and godliness, walk therein, walk therein.

Evan as the enemy is crushed under foot, even your feet, saith the Lord, as you move forward he is defeated and destroyed as you follow me and as you hear my voice so it is done. So let your faith rise even to a higher level, saith the Lord. Let your trust and your hope be in me wholly that I might direct you even through the most difficult of times and you shall know my peace there.

Oh what great joy stands right before you, oh the pleasures that I have created just for you. Truly, you shall walk in these days that are ahead like King’s kids and you shall know the peace of your Father God and I will bless you, I will bless you, I will bless you.

8-26-07 am service

Let your hearts rejoice, let them be filled with my praise, let my joy overwhelm you, comfort you, strengthen you. Let your mind be stayed upon my words, upon my promises that even though the world becomes more wicked, even though times get darker you will know that I, your Father God, am always with you, that I strengthen you, I supply for you, I protect you. Let your hearts rejoice, for you know the things that are ahead, for I reveal them unto you. You know that the time is short; the world does not know these things. They are confused over the weather, they are confused over the fighting, they are confused over the drought and the global warming, they are confused over the lack of this and the lack of that, they have no understanding as you do. Let your heart be filled with my word, let the joy of my word lift you up, strengthen you. Let your eyes be continually upon me and upon my word that you may walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. Fear not the things that shall come, for I have promised that I shall take care of you, I shall provide for you, I shall take you through this time victoriously. So look unto me, trust me.

Listen not to the lies of the enemy, but listen to my word, for my word is truth, it is everlasting, it does not change and it will do that which I have sent it forth to do. Know my children my word and allow not the enemy to bring discouragement, allow not the enemy to cause your attention to be diverted unto other things than what my word declares and what I am doing. For this is a great hour for my church, yet the enemy will fight at times, but have not I already said, I have given unto you the victory? Therefore, I say unto you, stand therefore fast even as my word declares, for when you have done all to stand, stand, for that victory has already been yours, I have already purchased it for you my children. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in my ways and know, yes, know my word and know that there is nothing impossible for me to do. Trust me, trust me, trust me and I will take care of it, I will see you through. For I have given unto you my promise, stand upon my promise, stand upon my word, for I do not change.

For my ways are far higher than man’s ways, my way is the right way, my way is the only way and as you walk in my way you walk in the victories that I have already provided for you, the victories that I have already given unto you and the enemy cannot touch you. So fear not, but continue to walk in my ways.

8-26-07 pm service

How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news, saith the Lord and you are those that bring that good news, saith God. For I have washed you clean and made you clean, saith the Lord, that you might bring forth good news unto this world, saith God, that those who would believe the words that you speak might enter in that, where you are, that I might clean them up as well, saith God. So I say unto you, how beautiful are your feet as you bring good news.

Continue to cause yourself to be joyful, sing psalms and sing praise, make melody in your heart that you may be on top, for the enemy desires to get you down, he desires to trouble you, to steal your rest, because when you are tired physically he knows that you are not alert spiritually. Be alert spiritually, know the things that are going on in the world, don’t be one who slumbers, don’t be a sleeper, but shake yourself awake, for truly the days are evil, the time is evil, many things are going on right now. With your spiritual eyes you should be able to see them, know them, understand them, for I have told you many things that shall take place. Iraq shall be very, very bad this week, more bloodshed, more lives lost. The tornadoes shall continue to roll and you shall hear of these things. The heat waves and the drought and the high cost of living that is coming, you have not seen anything yet, let not these things trouble you. Remember I said I would take you through this time victoriously, that I would even provide for you, strengthen you, comfort you, protect you, that you could walk in the victory that I have for you, do not allow these things to trouble you. Be prepared for the winter, make yourself ready.

Know my strength, for I shall carry you through, but you must know my strength, you must know that you cannot do it on your own and that you need me, for you draw strength from me and my word. My word says the joy of the Lord is your strength, allow my joy to well up within you like never before to laugh at the enemy and his tactics. Remember he is a lion who has a great roar, but yet has no teeth. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, oh, know my word and know what I have said, that he is not a threat unto you because I have given you the victory in all things. Know that in all things I have already given unto you the victory. Therefore, walk in my way like never before, for I have given unto you all that you have need of to walk victoriously in these last days. I have not left anything out, know I have given you all things, all things that you have need of. Therefore, I say unto you, press into me like never before. Know ye not that I have great things in store for you for this hour and this time? Do not allow the enemy to take away the things that I have in store for you, but rather press in even more so and receive all that I have for you. For this is a great hour, it is a great time for my church and I am pouring out my blessings without measure, oh yes, I am pouring them out and great, great; great are the things that I am doing. Yes, my Spirit is flooding my true churches and the anointing that is going forth is like none that has ever been seen before. Therefore, I say unto you, press in unto me like never before, knowing that this is a special time, a special hour set aside for my church and great things are in store.

The fire will continue to burn, more flooding in different places, tornadoes continue to strike.

For a wise man would listen carefully to the words that I speak. For as you listen carefully you prepare yourself and make yourself ready that there are no storms in your life, that there are no hard times in your life that you go through these times these days that are ahead just as if nothing was happening.

8-22-07 YOUTH CAMP 2007

For I say unto you, let my Spirit saturate your soul, even as you are in my presence you are drinking of my Spirit even right now, saith the Lord and let my Spirit fill you up to overflowing that you might speak the miracles and signs and wonders of God in your life. For I have filled you with a mighty filling, saith the Lord and you are my children to bring that forth. You are my army, saith God, go forth with confidence and boldness, be afraid of nothing. Trust me in every word you would say, for I will be with you, saith the Lord.

Be not fearful of the things that shall come upon the face of the earth, for you are mine and I shall take care of you and I shall protect you. I shall give you strength; I shall cause you to walk above all the circumstances, so fear not those things. For this shall go down as the year of the floods, the year of the heat, earthquakes shall continue, tidal waves shall grow stronger, hurricanes even larger, tornadoes shall continue, the drought shall widen even further and the global warming shall continue to take place. Shortages here, shortages there, trouble on the right hand, trouble on the left hand, countries that know not which way to go or what to do. Many promises of peace and yet true peace will not come until my son Jesus returns. But keep your eyes upon me, be not fearful, remember that I, your Father, have promised to take you through this time safely.

Know the power of my word and know my little children that as you speak forth my word, the enemy flees before you. As you have studied my word this week, continue to study my word that you can be my light to those around you. Know me like never before, and know that even you my young children have the authority, the power within you to trample upon the head of the enemy. Therefore, go forth in my might, go forth in my power and go forth in the anointing that you have received this week.

Oh, what a shaking shall go on, shaking from the very top on down, shaking throughout the whole universe, shakings like you have never seen. For the Democrats believe not in prayer, for they think they do not work and many of the Republicans are not worthy to be called my children. Throughout the world you see this, it is not just a trend for this country, saith your Father God, for the spiritualness of the leaders is very, very shallow. They know not my voice, they seek not my counsel, but they go forth and they do their own work. Fear not, for I am with you.

8-19-07 am service

Do not think for one moment that I have forgotten you, don’t allow the enemy to flood your mind with thoughts that would cause you to wonder, that would cause you to think, will God, for truly I have told you I will. Therefore, do not listen to the lies and the accusations of the Devil, for he is trying one last great push, his days are numbered and he knows it. Fear him not; fear not the things that he shall do. You shall continue to see many disasters throughout the world. You will continue to see flooding in many areas where the typhoons, the hurricanes, and the tornadoes go, even the cyclones you shall hear more of, the straight winds, fear not these things. Fear not the next earthquake, nor the hurricane, but watch the next one, saith your Father God, let there be prayer over that one. Watch as the EU makes new plans and new preparations; watch as your President goes into alignment with them. Watch the controversy between the Republicans and the Democrats, watch and you shall see the evil, know and understand the new bill. Walk close by my side, I am here for you, I will protect you, I will keep you safe, I will put food on your table, heat in your homes and cause you to be victorious. So fear not, fear not the things that shall come.

It is an hour where my children need to rest in me; the problem is my children do not know how to rest in me at times. For they try to do things in their own might and their own strength and they do not draw from my strength, my power. It is an hour where you need to rest in me and place your trust in me like never before, for my word is sure, it is everlasting, it does not change. I am with you always even to the very end. The world is going to continue to get darker, but I have said that I have given unto you the keys to walk in this hour in great victory. Know my word, walk in my ways, rest in me and know that I, Almighty God, have all things under control. Put your trust in me like never before and know that I will do all that I have promised that I would do. Therefore, learn my children to rest in me.

Prepare, prepare, prepare, get yourself ready, know my word, pray often in the Holy Spirit, build yourself up, become strong in me, become wise in my word. Let there be understanding, for you shall need these things in the days that are just ahead.

8-19-07 pm YOUTH CAMP 2007

Be a good watchman, a watchman that watches very carefully, very closely, for the enemy would love to devour your children, he would love to destroy their lives, and if you are not watchful, if you are not wise in the things that you do, then you open doors, and once a door is open it is extremely hard to close that door, to shore it up. Therefore, I say unto you, be wise, one only needs to look at the things that are taking place in the world to realize that truly, these are the last days. You can see it on the right hand and on the left hand, you can see it before you, you have heard the words that I have spoken to you, you have seen them come to pass, therefore, you know in your heart. So when I give you a warning, take heed, take heed to the things that I say, for now there is a great, great, trap for your children, for your sons, for your daughters. But if you are a wise servant, if you draw into my word, if you walk in the spirit realm, then they can walk in the safety that I have provided for them.

Did I not use young Josiah; will I not even use you? For I am raising up a youth of great power, of great anointing, I have chosen you for such a time as this. It is an hour where you need to seek my face like never before and to truly know me as your Father and as your God. For I am raising you up to be giants in the land, to proclaim my word and to bring a newness to my people, a new fire. It is that hour my children, know my word and know that what I have done in the past is nothing to what I am doing now. For I am raising up a mighty army and my mighty army shall be filled with many youth, youth such as you who desire to serve me with their whole heart and who will leave behind a work to follow me. Draw close to me this week, allow my Spirit, allow my Spirit to penetrate you and allow me to fill you to overflowing that when you leave you are filled with everything you need to walk victoriously in the days ahead. Even though the time is short have not I said there is time enough for me to do the work that I have said I shall do in this hour and in this time? Do not think of yourself as too young, for I use even the youngest to the oldest to move through. You are my hands, you are my feet, your are my mouthpiece, therefore, receive from me this week of all that I have in store for you.

I have not forgotten you, neither have I overlooked you, so keep your hearts, keep your ears open, listen carefully to the things that I teach you this week, saith your Father. For the effort you put into it shall be the reward that you shall reap.

Pray for a mighty outpouring of my Spirit, pray, pray that I may touch my youth, that I may speak to them, that I may empower them, that I may lift them up.

For they shall be as the children in the time of Gideon, the children of Israel, saith the Lord, for I have raised them up for this time and this hour with the sound of the trumpet and with the light of a torch, saith the Lord and that they might shout praises unto the Lord their God. For the enemy shall be defeated on all sides and great victory will come upon the land, saith the Lord.

8-15-07 pm service

Fear not the terrors nor the things that the enemy throws at you or at your children, for my word declares unto you that they are safe. Trust my word, stand on my word, be not moved, for you shall hear and see many things now taking place that at one time you did not see, but because of the evilness of man’s heart, many new things shall take place now. But put your total trust in me, put your total trust in my word, fear not anything that the enemy may try to do, quickly call upon my name and stand on my word, and I, your Father God, shall cause you to be the overcomer. I shall give unto you the victory, I shall answer your prayers quickly and you will not see defeat in any area of your life. Fear not the drought, fear not the famine, fear not the global warming, fear not the hurricanes and the tornadoes, fear not the flooding, for it shall not come nigh your dwelling. It may come to others, but it shall not come nigh your dwelling, for you are mine, saith your Father God, my hand is upon you, my call is upon you and I have given unto you my word and signed with you my covenant. Therefore, you walk in the safety of my word, you walk in the safety of my provisions, you walk in the safety of my care.

Because of the increase of my Spirit poured out upon you my children, so the increase of your capacity to receive, saith the Lord. And in the days ahead you shall see the changes with those that you talk to, for you shall be filled more and more and more of what I have given unto you. You shall pour out more and more and more unto those who will listen, so be ready at all times to give a reason, to give a answer, seasoned with grace of why you follow me, saith the Lord, of why the word is so important to you. For even the stranger shall be drawn near to you that you might whisper and speak into their ear the truth of Almighty God. For many hearts are being prepared in these last days and indeed the harvest is white. Be ready now, saith the Lord, to give unto others, to let go what I have given unto you that I might fill you again and again and again.

Do not say how can you use me Lord, for have not I given unto you the boldness, have I not prepared you for this time and this hour? I have given you all that you have need of my children to walk in the fullness of what I have said that you are. Therefore, as you open your mouth you will find me fill it and give you the words to say that will touch the hearts of those around you. Therefore, do not fear, but I say, walk in the boldness that I have already given unto you.

I have given my angels charge over your children, you cannot watch them every moment, you do not understand exactly what they are doing or what they are playing with. But I, your Father God, watch over them with a careful eye, I love them with an everlasting love, yea and I shall protect them and I keep them safe. Walk therefore in my love, walk in my promise.

8-12-07 am service

Many changes stand before you, many changes you shall see, you shall read about, you shall hear, changes that point to the end times, changes that let you know exactly where we are and what is going on in the world. You will see the United Council of Churches accepting the Muslims as an equal faith. You will see the Presbyterians and the Lutherans opening their pulpits to the Muslims. You will see the EU as it sets a new stage, a new plan, a new strategy that will cause world peace to come. You will see the friction between Israel and Syria as Syria mounts up her new missiles causing great concern. You will see the global warming as it continues to increase. You will continue to hear the effects that the global warming shall do, they are not fiction, they are truth. You will see flooding again, another earthquake, tornadoes, a hurricane. Keep your eyes upon the things that are going on, look at the high cost of food, the high cost of living and know that truly these are the last days. But I say unto you, fear not, for I shall take you through this time victoriously, I shall put food on your table, I shall cause you to walk in victory, I shall protect you and keep you safe. Therefore, there is nothing, nothing to fear, fret not, I have said over and over, fear not, but walk closer to me, walk closer to me, realize that money will soon be no more. Walk closer to me.

You are about to be blessed in this area here far more than you realize. The blessings shall splash over upon you and to you. Many things, many things shall change, but truly the blessings, the blessings from them shall be for your benefit.

8-12-07 pm service

Speak, saith the Lord, even as I would speak unto you, sound the alarm, saith the Lord, even as I tell you to sound the alarm. For I have called you, my children, to be spokespeople even unto the nations. Do not be concerned about where I would send you and where I would have you go, for many of the nations are already near you and they will come to you. Be ready to have a word, be ready to speak as I would fill you, be open, be open, saith the Lord, be a vessel, for I will move mightily on your behalf, saith the Lord.

Let not your intellect, your own wisdom, your own knowledge get in my way, but be emptied out, an emptied out vessel in the sense that my Spirit can speak through you. For you shall speak languages that you have never learned, you shall do things that you have never known that you could do. For this mighty move that I am about to do shall be so awesome that I need you walking in the spirit realm like you have never walked before. I need you controlled by the Spirit that you are open to the moving of my Spirit, not to the voice of the enemy, but to the voice of the Spirit, the Spirit of God that lives within you that your spiritman is lifted up on high through prayer and intercession, through studying my word, through drawing closer to me. For you shall be amazed as they come, like I have said, from other countries, they shall come unto you. Many shall not know your words, but you shall know their words and you shall give them a word and they shall go home rejoicing, they shall set their nations on fire for me and revival shall spring across the country, spring across the world, across the universe. For I shall pour out my Spirit without measure and truly you shall see, then you shall understand.

Fear not the leading of my Spirit, but trust the Holy Spirit, listen carefully to him as he leads you, as he guides you, as he directs you. Your ears need to be open in the spirit realm that you can hear and understand and know and walk according to my word. Not walking in fables, not walking in something that tickles your ear, but walking in my word. For many false prophets roam to and fro throughout the whole earth and many of my people follow them and know not that they are false. Even though the words that they speak forth come not to pass, they seem not to know this or understand this and yet they should and yet I have given unto them prophets that speak the word and the word comes to pass. Listen, wake up, hear the things that I tell you this night that you may walk in a realm that you have never walked in before, a realm that you have never seen, a realm far higher than the earth has experienced before. For when I pour out that Spirit, as I have said, without measure, it shall be three times greater than anything that you have seen or heard of. So look not at things of the past, for you will not find it in the past, but you will find it in the future, you will find it in the days that are ahead. Therefore, draw closer to me, draw closer to me, draw closer to me, come closer, I say, draw closer to me.

Am I not your God, am I not your Father, oh, foolish man that thinks he can do things without me, for without me it is impossible to do anything. Draw closer to me my children, draw closer to me than you ever have before, walk hand in hand, step in step, become all that you can be, receive all that I have for you. For have I ever mislead my children? Trust in me with your whole heart and I will take you through victoriously, says the Lord.

Do not worry concerning the troubled times that shall now come, be not concerned over that, but be about your ministry, be about your work, for the harvest is white. Be not fearful of the things that you shall hear, for I, your Father God, shall speak unto you, and I shall make known unto you the truth. There shall be a great division, saith your Father, between the false prophets and the true prophets even as it was in my word. You shall see it and you shall know it, for many flock after them and follow them and they lead many astray. Oh, I say unto you, press into what I have given unto you, press into the things that I have said unto you, listen not to the fables, listen not to the false teaching, the false teachers, but press into the fullness of my word. Draw very closely to me, become like a shadow unto me, that when I run you shall run, when I jump you shall jump, when I lay down you shall lay down, when I stop you shall stop. Walk that close to me, saith your Father God and my Spirit can operate in you in a great and mighty and powerful way. Listen with your ears carefully to the things that I say and you will walk in great victory, you will be the overcomer.

For it is a platform of responsibility that I have called you unto and it is not a platform that shall sink when you stand upon it, but it is a platform that rises up that you might be heard, for you have my word in you. It is a platform that rises up because you have my power working in you. I have lifted you up for this time, saith the Lord, but you must step forward, you must walk when I say walk, you must talk when I say talk, you must speak when I say speak that you might be used of me. Fear nothing, saith the Lord, for you have nothing to fear, for as you reverence me, saith the Lord, you will understand how to reverence man. Put me first above all and you will be afraid of nothing that you face, nothing that you see, nothing that you hear. You shall be unmovable because of the faith that I have given you. For I have given you a firm steadfast faith, a stance, if you will, a strength amidst all shaking, all trouble, all tribulation, for you shall be fearless in the midst of all this.

Woe unto you, says the Lord, woe unto you, for you are nothing but copycats and you make mockery of my word and your fire is false. Repent and turn unto me this day or take your place in the lake of fire, says the Lord.

7-8-07 pm service

Listen attentively, listen carefully, hear what the Spirit is saying to you, pay close attention, do not allow your mind to wander here or wander there, but hear, saith your Father God. Russia and China are now doing military exercises together. Syria has invited Russia to bring her ships into her port, protect her water and protect her air; al-Qaida is bringing more cells into the United States. Know, know what the enemy is doing, be not asleep, but be awake, hear the things that I have said. China shall now flood America with new general dollar stores, five-dollar stores, ten-dollar stores and their products will kill you. Hear what I am saying, listen carefully, 2007 shall go down as the worse year ever in the history of the weather bureau, they know not what the weather is going to do. Global warming and flooding shall be the top of the list. Keep yourself open, draw closer to me, walk very closely by my side. Many things are changing, many things are taking place, and unless you are open to the moving of the Spirit, unless your ears are sensitive to my Spirit, these things shall come upon you. But you can walk in safety, saith your Father God, you can walk in the promises that I have for you, you can be the overcomer.

For I would say unto you, are you shapeable, and are you moldable, saith the Lord, for holiness is unto me? Walk in fear and trembling, saith the Lord, work out your salvation in fear of me and know that I am the Lord. Know that I am the Lord that saves you and keeps you, know that I am the Lord that understands all things and is concerned for my people. Know that I, the Lord, can be trusted with all things, for I have overcome and have conquered the world. Know that I have called you to be overcomers in this generation. I have called you to be victorious with the word that I have given unto you that you might obtain all that I have for you. Know that every day can be a day of victory as you allow my Spirit to move you, to form you, to shape you, to guide and to direct you. I will be with you with great strength in the days ahead and you shall know my comfort, as you stay open to me.

Know ye also that you are in a very tense time, a very serious time at this moment, saith your Father God, for America is doing war games off the coast of Iran. The whole Muslim world has their eyes upon the things that are going on. Pray, pray, pray!

8-5-07 am service

Oh, the troubles that lie ahead, the disasters, the calamities, the global warming, the flooding, the earthquakes, oh, the troubles that lie ahead. Even Iraq as it continues to grow worse and Iran as they continue to press forward along with North Korea and China, which I have told you before is not your friend, for the disaster that comes your way is not by accident, saith your Father, many of these things are deliberate. But fear not the things that are happening, for I can protect you, I can keep you safe; I can cause no harm to come nigh your dwelling. Even though there are new sicknesses that they have never heard of, that they have no remedy for, they are not for my children, they are not for those that are under the blood, for I shall watch over you and I shall protect you, but you must draw closer to me. You must spend more time in my word, you must spend more time meditating upon my word, you must spend more time walking with me. You cannot stand afar off and be in the protection, the care, the guidance that I have for you. Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer to me; be not fearful of these things. When they talk about the global warming realize that man does not even understand yet the depth of it nor do they understand how the plates have shifted and things are happening in places that they have never happened before, man does not yet understand these. But draw closer to me, draw closer to me, for as you draw closer to me there is your safety, there is your protection, there is your care. Walk by my side, walk by my side.

For the blessings that I have for you are fresh, they are not old, they are not stale, you have not walked in these blessings yet, but they are before you. But you only receive them as you walk with me, as you draw closer to me, as you press into the fullness of the things that I have for you, as you act upon the faith that I have given unto you, than you shall see the blessings. Oh, the blessings, the blessings, the blessings, for they shall overtake you, it shall be like a steamroller and they shall overtake you and you shall be blessed coming in and blessed going out.

8-5-07 pm service

For is it not like a dove, saith the Lord, that I would come to you by my Spirit, saith God, that you might be an example even unto others as you surrender your whole self unto me, saith the Lord, so others shall know the sweetness of my presence.

Be not one who drags behind, be not one that is slothful, be not one that is not committed, but be one who walks very closely to my side that I can lead you, that I can guide you, that I can take you through the days that are ahead. For they are wicked days, they are evil days, because it is the last days many things shall take place, but they are not for my people. So if you walk closely by my side, if you will press in for all the things that I have for you, then you will walk in the abundance that I have for you. You will walk in the blessings that I have for you, you will walk in the power that I have for you and it shall be an easy walk. Even though you shall see on the right hand and on the left hand, before you, behind you, the work of the enemy, it shall not come nigh your dwelling neither shall it affect your family, but you will walk in the victories that I have for you.

Be ye doers of the word and not only hearers. For if you only hear, and you do not do, what profit it you? Do you not become a vessel that is filled to the top and yet never pours out? Be a vessel that pours out, be a vessel that does the things that I ask it to do.

For as you worship me tonight my people, I am coming to fill your spirit with peace. As you desire to know me and draw closer to me, you will respond to my Spirit in the last days.

Does your heart truly burn for me or does it burn for something else? For soon all shall see whose hearts really are burning for me. Be one of those, my children, whose heart burns for me, says the Lord, be one of my chosen few who is so on fire and so full of my Spirit that nothing can stop you or slow you down, says the Lord. Be on of those chosen my people.

8-1-07 pm service

Oh, that man would listen and hear my voice and know the things that I, their Father God, am telling them. Oh, that unsaved man would listen and come safely into the fold while the time is yet open, oh, that the lukewarm and the backslider would wake up, for the time is short. The signs have been very clear, my word has gone out, yea, and it has come to pass, you have seen it and yet you remain on the sidelines not moving into the fullness of the things that I have for you. Oh, I say unto you, do you want to be lost forever, is it not time to wake up, is it not time to call upon my name, is it not time to come into the safety of the fold that you can go through the days that are ahead victoriously, that there is no fear in your heart that you walk by faith? For truly you shall see the prices going up yet, gas to go back up, the heat to come in, the drought to widen, the forest fire to continue, tornadoes, tornadoes, tornadoes, you shall see all the signs even the hurricanes as they come. I say unto you, wake up, the time is short. Iraq continues to be a bloodbath; Iran and North Korea continue to press forward. China is running and nobody is watching her, Russia is running and nobody seems to care. Wake up my children, wake up, the time the hour is short.

For is it not the hungry that press in to hear my voice, saith the Lord? Is it not the hungry that press in to hear my word? Is it not the hungry that press in to know my word? Is it not the hungry that press in to practice my word? I say unto you this day, to press in like never before, to know the fullness of my word and to know the life of my word and the satisfaction that it brings, to know the anointing and the strengthening and the providing in the hour of need, saith the Lord. For I have more for you, saith the Lord, press in you who are hungry.

My word is life and as you are more into my word you are going to get more of the life of my Spirit within you. The less of the world will appear when you are more in my word. It is an hour when you need to walk in my Spirit, to listen to my voice, to hear what I speak and then to walk as I have instructed you to walk. Know that my word is truth and it is that truth that sets you free and causes you to walk in the liberty that I have given unto you, the liberty given through my Son through his blood. Oh, the joy of walking in my word and walking in my Spirit. Know it is an hour where you need to be continually in my Spirit that I may speak to you that you may listen and that you may hear. It is an hour where you need not to walk according your own flesh, but that you need to walk according to my word, according to my Spirit. For the enemy is deceiving many, but those who know my word are not being deceived. Therefore, I urge you to know my word, that you can walk in the light of my word and that you can walk in the truth and that truth may make you free.

Great and powerful and wonderful things lie ahead for my true church. They stand before those that know my voice, that hear my voice, that follow my voice, the blessings will be poured upon them in great measure. And they shall walk in victories and all shall see and know that truly they serve me and that I, their Father God, bless them.



[Prophetic Word]