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May 27, 2016 - 06:52 AM

Many prophets are now saying we go all the way through the whole last 7 years. Why? Is it easier to say their interpretation of Revelation was wrong than call God a liar? We know above any doubt that God cannot lie and He said He would not pour His wrath out on His children. That starts in chapter 15 of the Book of Revelation. Therefore anything after that the children have gone to heaven and will come back 3 1/2 years after that when every eye shall see him coming with His saints riding on white horses to stop the wars and set up His 1000 year reign. Do not believe the lies now going around that we go after this time, or that we will be here during that time for that is not what the Bible, God, Jesus nor the Holy Spirit teaches. We go out right on time just like the Bible says and not before that time or after that time as man teaches. People with reprobate minds, people demon posse and novices are teaching this. Please be careful!
Love, Bro Don
RMMI Staff
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