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March 13, 2014 - 11:56 AM

Praise God I found one!!
Dr. Donald D. Evans, 2009
People are wondering what in the world is going on! The stock market fell and many lost their savings. The government is buying up everything they can. Fascism government control is here! We have lost our freedom and more is coming. Jobs have gone, Global warming is here. We have the greatest drought ever seen. Our leaders want total control, but to us, that change is not good. We see flooding, earthquakes, high cost of living, famine, volcanoes, and our enemies rising up ready to strike. This Book tells you why and just what Hour it is.
1.God Speaks To Me
2.The Curtain Is Removed
3.From The Beginning to The End
4.The Third Key
5.The Five Horsemen
6.Babylon Then and Now
7.Two End Time Prophesies Being Heard Today
8.From Under the Sands
9.Who Is the Antichrist?
10.A Great Spiritual Truth
11.The Stage Has Been Set
12.What Does Revelation Teach?
13.The End Time Babylonian Systems
14.What Is Next and What will We Now See?
15.Things That Will Help You Understand
16.What About Israel?
17.The End Time Armies
Brother Don Evans has a proven ministry in miracles, healing, faith, word of knowledge, discerning of spirits and in the office of a prophet. He has pioneered seven churches, established two Bible colleges, and held Miracle Crusades in 24 countries overseas, plus 48 different States, as well as Mexico and Canada. His College texts are being used in eight different colleges at this writing. Rev. Bonifacio Simbran of the Philippines tells us that 3,500 were saved in one service and over 65 totally blind people recieved their sight, plus many other healings. Brother Evans flows from the office of a Prophet and his words all came to pass.
Love Kip from Poland
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