Delete Confirmation

September 18, 2013 - 08:51 AM

My mother was told she was going to die and there was no help whatsoever. Cancer in the vast stage! We did not believe that as God had not said that; so we came for prayer last Sunday. I took my lap top to the hospital and together we watched the service. All at once the power of od fell on her, blowing all the monitors they had on her and a code blue was sounded. By the time they got there she was sitting up and wanting a drink and she was Hungary. They have not figured out just what happened, but the cancer is all gone and she wants to go home. Praise God! Thank you Jesus! We also thank you and what God is doing through you. We also want to thank you for the prophetic word as it is always right. We love and thank you!
Your friends from Old Miss.
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