Delete Confirmation

July 09, 2013 - 11:04 AM

I was lame and concined to a wheelchair or bed for the last 14 years. I fell from a 3 story roof when I was roofing and they said I would never walk again. I did not believe that as I knew God was my healer. A friend asked me to watch the camp meeting with him. I love the Lord and looked forward to the fellowship and a good camp meeting. I did not know this ministry or any in it. This young manh said he asked God to let it rain to confirm the message he. As he was preaching a powerful, very powerful message he yelled out for people to come out of their wheelchairs and have life not death. I came out of my chair like a shoot out of a gun and I've been walk, jogging, climing, jumping, and everything else since then. I was set free by a shout from God and Jesus touched me. Thank you and God bless you and your wonderful ministry!
Love, Frank from S. Cal
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