Delete Confirmation

April 22, 2013 - 09:01 AM

Greeting to all our friends. Both video's were outstanding! The worship was awesome and the prophetic word very, very powerful. We saw many miracles and healings. People renewed their lives and asked for generational curses to be broken off their lives. It was a long bust day but in the end, God received all the glory and our people are free running with God like never before. Thank you and God bless you. We started another new bush church this Sunday also. There we 62 who came and received Jesus as their Lord and were filled with the Spirit. We will start a new church this week and put a strawmud roof on. We will dedicate it and call it Reigning Church after you. It will seat 150 with the space to add on. Please keep us in your prayers.
Love, Mary from Kenya
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