Delete Confirmation

April 12, 2013 - 10:01 AM

Billy from GA was on. His dad was repairing their roof from the tornado and fell off. He had broken ribs, wrist, shoulder, and they weren't sure about his back. We prayed and know God is giving his dad a miracle. He said a cross was seen in the sky and the tornado turned and went another direction.
Billy was on the computer at school and his teacher came on. She had a lump in her left breast the size of a large egg that was cancer. She was scheduled to have it removed on Mon. After prayer she felt warmth going through her body and couldn't feel the lump anymore. Nor could she feel the smaller lumps. She will have the doctors check her again on Mon and will be back with her praise report. It was her first time to the web site. Billy's family watches our services and now she will also.
Blessings to all!
Carol RMMI
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