Delete Confirmation

March 07, 2013 - 06:36 AM

Greetings my Brother in the Lord!,
I have been studying your ministry, website and church for seven months now. Church growth is not a true picture of spiritual growth as the devil caused the church to believe that lie; but if we are not growing, we are dying is also a truth. I believe you should and could be 1000 times larger than you are. There ususally are just a very few reason a church as great as your's is not seeing more numbers. Numbers do not mean we are Spiritual either. Spiritually, I do not believe there is a better, more spiritual church out there. So it has to be you have those who do not believe, or are not as on fire as they should be. They doubt the prophetic, maybe even your guestbook, and even the prophetic word given in your church even though the fulfillment pages clearly shows it is all coming to pass. They do not received from God like those who do believe. They may even be sick in body, therefore upset with God and you. They believe they are more educated than you and therefore know more. I am praying concerning this and hope it can go away or be changed so that your church becomes more than it is; and God can use it as He desires. I say this in Love! You are a giant in God's eyes!
Dr. Michael L Brown, the Fire School of Ministry
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