Delete Confirmation

January 08, 2013 - 09:02 AM

I was watching your video "The Sent of Water. First time I've ever wathed your video church on UStream. That was this morning! The anointing was so very very powerful. I could smell the sent of a lake filling my mind and heart. I remembered swiming and diving. I remembered when I broke my back and ended up almost drowning and in a wheelchair for 42 years, and you said, "Get out of that wheelchair and walk!" I found myself walk, crying, praising God. It was like old revivl days when we were kids, hiding outside the big tent listening to the Man of God call out our miracles! I received my miracle that moment!! It was awesome!! My kids had never seen me walk and now, even my grndchildren are seeing me walk. 18 new members came into the kingdom of God, all because I heard you call it out. I had a word! I smelt the water and I had a Word! Thank you!! I lso notice a beautiful young lady just standing there after everything was over. And God said, "She is one of My end Time Prophets! Her worship leading will prepare people for thye miracles, the healings, the move that is going to come because of Her and My prophet who called you out of that chair this day. Tell every one concerning this video, this church and the move of God. I am doing that right now! Tell them the true revival fires are falling and they need to come and received their's! Tell them to come!!
Love, Bilolyjoe for Ten
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