Delete Confirmation

January 30, 2012 - 05:49 AM

Hi, we are John and Carol Smitts from Con. I have to be at work at 9 but I had to tell you what happened last night. Our friends have been trying to get us saved and telling us Jesus was coming soon and we needed to be ready or we would be left behind. We did not know it this was true or not, but we did not want to be pushed or pressured into do something that was not real. So about 9pm last night we decided to watch this video church they had been telling us about. We even prayed, "God, if you are real, then show us above and beyond any doubt that it is real." As we clicked on the sermon "I Wish We'd All Been Ready" it sure was strange. 2 men up front and people talking and not really paying attention. Then one left waiting because some did not know how to run a sound room and the o0ne up frot saying just play the tape and we were still waiting. The the music started, and all of a sudden he had a super great voice, and something hit us and words were saying it is to late we've been left behind. We knew this was God and we asked Jesus into our hearts and called our friends and to told them and found out that was not your sermon, but a special that did not get recorded. We now knew it was all real. Thank you and God bless you. We will now start going to church with them, but we know God heard us and He personally answered us with that song.
Love, the Smitts from Conn.
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