Delete Confirmation

January 29, 2012 - 08:30 PM

MMy name is Connie and I watch your video church every week. My husband and I got save in the early 70 just before we got married and "Left Behind was shown at the church near my Mom's and we went. We loved the Lord. When had a baby die 3 years later. My husband took it real hard and gave up on God. He and his brrother became real heavy drinkers and fighters. This has gone on for 35 years now. All weekend they drink and fight. I was home alone and I watched your video church. I was excited you were going to sing our old favorite song, "I wish we all been ready." But it did not work and the video was over. Being my husband was not home yet, I was looking at other video but none spoke to mY heart. When I returned to your church videos, I say the Song was on by itself. So I tuened it on and it did not come on. I sat waiting when my husband and his brother came home. They were as drunk as could be. As they walked in to front room, the song started. He froze where he was and his borther was askinh what was the matter. He was down on his face weepiung and saying we got to get ready, Jesus is coming and he just told me its my last chance. Both him and his brother received Jesus as Lord and werte filled with the Spirit and were stone sober. It was truly a miracle and I just had to tell you. It was awesome. God answers prayers!
Love, Connie from Washington, DC
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