Delete Confirmation

January 26, 2012 - 10:15 AM

Years ago, when Bro, William Branham was holding miracles, healing and salvation services uder his huge tent, other who flowed in miracle, healing and signs and wonders; noticed the full anointing was on him. When ever he had a service near them, they put away their services and went to be where God was moving is such great power. Accrost the world the power of God flowed like never seen before. They knew He was God's Prophet and they needed what he had. He had a open pulpit and one never knew for sure who would preach, but they knew God was going to be there. We see this in Bro. Don Evans, prophet and servant of Almighty God. We understanfd that when we come and the unity is once more restored, then that great Last Revival shall be seem all over the world. Will we come? I will, how about you?
Love Bro. Jack Cole Jr from In
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