Delete Confirmation

January 25, 2012 - 10:02 AM

It looks like other which have just found your remarkable, anointed website, realize what we do. This is truly of God. The wprship is not found in many churches today, where the Spirit of God is allowed to flow and the gifts are in operation. Where the prophetic word seems to be 100% correct without any misses. When the preaching is the Old Fashion Gospel once heard in the churches of America during the early 1900 to the mid 80's. Then the false was welcomed in, sad to say. We love your websie, the worship, the prophetic word, and the preaching of the Word with sigs and wonders following. Thank you and we believe as the others, we must come and receive what God has for us. To be part of this Last Great Revial which is truly going on in your church right now. We believe this and we will be in prayer concerning this and what God wants us to do.
Love Rev, John and his flock from Miss
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