Delete Confirmation

January 25, 2012 - 08:23 AM

Greetings in Jesus' Nmae!
We have been following your website for 6 months now that it was brought to our attention. We have grown to love your video church, the worship, the prophetic word and the preaching. We know this is a real move of God and not one like Canada, twice in Florida, and Mo. We know this is the revival, the Last Revival God told us about in His Word. It is awesome!! From the true worship to the prophetic word, to the preaching with signs, healings, miracles and wonders following. We know we are to come and receive what God has for us and our church, we also know He will eqipt us for this great revival and that it will also come to our church and fill our area with the Holy Ghost and His power. We are earestly praying concerning this! It is winter there and that is not the best time. Please keep us in prayer as we follow God and do as He has told us to do. God richly bless His Word there.
Love, Rev. BillyJoe from Fl.
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