Delete Confirmation

January 16, 2012 - 11:22 AM

I worked nights so I had to wait until morning to tell you what God did for my son. His name is Allen and he was cripples and could not walk without braces and a walker. It was about 10 minutes into your sermon that he jumped off the bed, ran into the kitchen and got a drink of water and made himself a sandwich like he use ti before he became sick like this. He could not have done this before. He was no pain whatsoever and he slep all night like a baby. We ate breakfast with me this morning and was running all over the house shouting, dancing and praising God for his miracle. It was awesome! We watched the Evening service this morning after breakfast and it was awesome. My wife's eyes were healed in that service and she no longer needs glasses to read or do hand work. I am sorry for any inconvenience. We love your video church and website. A friend called us concering your message to us, or we may not have seen it. God bless you! Still rejoicing in what the Lord did!
Love, the Stillmans from Ga.
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