Delete Confirmation

January 12, 2012 - 09:01 AM

Dear Pastor Don Evans
My name is Harold Kirk Richardson. I live in Irvington, New Jersey. I am 37 years old. Please intercede for my quick miraculous move to the Appalachian Mountains of south-central Pennsylvania around the town of Bald Eagle, Pennsylvania in this year of 2012. I've been wanting to move from Irvington, New Jersey to Pennsylvania for years but there seems to be a thick spiritual wall prohibiting my movement from this region. I know of the 30-year prophecies of national economic collapse, rioting & looting, gang wars in the major cities, massive aftershocks of unprecedented earthquakes in the New Madrid fault line, east coast Tsunami from the Atlantic Ocean, and the immediate Thermonuclear foreign invasion of this country by Russia on the east coast of the USA; China on the west coast of the USA (masked as UN Peacekeepers). I am too close to New York City! Please intercede for my protection, arch-angelic covering, preservation (Psalm 118:17), and survival through World War Three in the coming months-years! Thank you, great man of God for your strong intercession on my behalf. Have a blessed day!
Harold Kirk Richardson
14 Marshall Street, Apt 10-U
Irvington, New Jersey 07111
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